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Isn't CCL so understanding


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I think its pretty obvious it shouldn't of been packed.....everyone keeps repeating that......I think you are missing the point.....saying that it shouldnt be packed is obvious now. What is crap is that Carnival could give a crap less about a crime being committed ! At what level does it really take for them to give a hoot? No one wants the money.....but for God's sake, thats a CUSTOMER! A LOYAL one !!! Don't just say thanks, and we want to see you again! Whatever......Put some pride into security and at least try to make improvements or some kinda effort! I'm sure if it was a possession of Carnival's the matter would of been addressed.

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That is so unfortunate that your son has to learn this lesson. Every time something like this happens, a child loses a bit of their innocence. Life is hard enough, let them be kids for longer.


Anyway, I agree, Carnival could have at least said, "we will look into it" and done some kind of investigation. You would think they would want to make sure their employees are honest so it doesn't happen again. If you believe that it may have been a porter at the dock, then maybe call the port authority and see if they will look into it. They are not employed by Carnival and I guarantee they have security cameras.

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I agree that Carnival's response seems a bit "off-putting"


...can you post a copy of your e-mail to Carnival?




A copy of the original email would be nice. If the OP just sent an email to let them know what happened, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with the response from Carnival. Carnival would not even come close to admitting fault. I am actually suprised that they said "sorry" in their email. Now if the OP asked Carnival to search for the item, then I would of handled it over the phone.

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I'm sorry that the system and accessories were lost.


But I'm really confused why it was such a problem for your son to carry it. A backpack would have been enough and if he brought too many games and movies then maybe you could have carried some of them.


I always take a camera, video camera, ipod, netbook (laptop) and an ipod docking station with me. And I would never dream of putting any of that in my checked bags. But then I'm not someone who would want the expense of replacing my stuff.


Now don't get me wrong, I have kids and understand the situation. It just seems it could have been avoided completely with a backpack and a limit on how many things he took. Again, I understand it's hard to convince a kid they won't need everything. Our 6 year old thinks she has to take a large suitcase for an overnight stay at grandmas. She takes her Wii, ALL of the games and even our Roku (Netflix instant viewing device). But we can't convince her it's too much lol.


That said, if you had travel insurance, they will most likely cover it. I've known a few friends who've lost cameras and other expensive items (usually due to their own negligence) and the travel insurance covered the cost to replace the stuff.


I really am sorry about the loss, and I can kind of understand your feeling toward the letter Carnival sent. I had a similar problem with another cruise line. Not about any items but a double charge to our credit card. It's been several years and nothing has happened with refunding us other than an offer for that much off our next cruise booked at BROCHURE RATE! (who pays that?)


Try your travel insurance and let us know if you're able to recover anything!


Yeah, I ramble. You should see emails I send! *blush*



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I have never had anything stolen from a room during a cruise or hotel stay.



My rule is to relentlessy check the cabin or hotel room before I leave.

Once you are gone all is fair game. In theory in a perfect world these items would find there way into a lost and found. But NOOO

everytime I have left something (or my kid) said item vaporizes into thin air like magic. Even things you think no one would want.

Also only check clothes in luggage.

Make your kid carry stuff. I know that kids are hard to watch.


that is a bad thing about all the gagets that keep our kids busy. They cost too much. When I was a kid all we had was stuff like slinkys and etch a skecth. My kid has lost gameboys and we thought he lost an ipod. all you can do is shake your head.


Tom In Long Beach

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. . .The best way to go and it's what I do is pack absolutely nothing of value in anything that goes to the porter. Besides a couple of porters, several other hands touch those bags and only some of them are Carnival eployees.

. . .


Do me a favor, make a list of everything you packed in your checked luggage on your last cruise. Beside each item write the cost of replacing it. Add it up. I think you'll be surprised just how much it adds up to. It will almost certainly be more than $1,000. I don't consider that "nothing of value".


The OP's experience is unfortunate and only highlights the need to lock luggage when it is not in one's possession. Carnival's response, while understandable, is unfortunate. Until cruise lines accept liability for luggage from the porters to the stateroom and from the hallway to pick-up area they have absolutely no motivation to prevent theft.

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Do me a favor, make a list of everything you packed in your checked luggage on your last cruise. Beside each item write the cost of replacing it. Add it up. I think you'll be surprised just how much it adds up to. It will almost certainly be more than $1,000. I don't consider that "nothing of value".


The OP's experience is unfortunate and only highlights the need to lock luggage when it is not in one's possession. Carnival's response, while understandable, is unfortunate. Until cruise lines accept liability for luggage from the porters to the stateroom and from the hallway to pick-up area they have absolutely no motivation to prevent theft.


Do you lock all of your personal items in your luggage when you leave your stateroom and go into port?

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sorry to hear you returned home without something you value. Unfortunately it seems to happen all too often & customer service doesn't even try to fake a concerned reply to ease the pain. i have "lost" some articles over the last few years & learned not to take anything that i would be sad to lose. the one exception is my camera & i always have it with me.

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Do you lock all of your personal items in your luggage when you leave your stateroom and go into port?


No, but I dont leave things I value in plain sight either where someone walking down the hallway and sticking their head in the open door might be able to quickly grab.


Its not the cabin steward I think will steal stuff, its the other pax given the opportunity ... that why out of sight.


I do lock things like medications in the safe I admit it. Call me paranoid, but I also carry all that on myself too.

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When did the item go missing?


OP says they had it when they left the hotel. The next time they looked for it was the day before they were to get OFF the ship. In the mean time the bag has been handled by cab drivers, hotel bellmen, porters, longshoremen, and Carnival employees, including the ones that haul bags around, and possibly the stewards. (It is also possible that the pouch wasn't zipped and the thing fell out, though with the missing videos that seems unlikely.)


While it is a shame to lose the stuff, who knows when it disappeared.


I am not a Carnival cheerleader, and I agree that there canned response seemed a bit terse (who knows how many letters like OPs each week trying to scam them) but unfortunately if they took responsibilty for these things you coudl expect the price of every crusie to go up by about $25 per day.


Lesson for all, never pack anything of value in checked luggage.

I have to agree with this highlighted portion along with the letter could have been a liitle more understanding. Also that what you have posted here gives many options to what could have happened at least to the player itself.....

Carnival could always in a letter say..."Prove you brought it onboard and then we'll be more than happy to compensate you".....I am sure that letter would not fly at all....;)

Again as most are saying here....Always carry things of value with you no matter how you are traveling....

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It's hard for Carnival to take responsibility because you can't prove that a Carnival employee took it. For all you know, it could have been another passanger walking down the hall who decided to take it when you left it out. Or maybe it went missing at some other point in the cruise. Maybe even your son decided to take it out during the cruise and left it on a bench somewhere but was scared to tell you. Maybe it got unzipped and fell out. Who know what could have happened to it. You say you're not happy with Carnival's response, but what would you have expected them to do? To say thanks for making them aware? I'm sure they're aware that things go missing every week. You're not the first and won't be the last person who loses something on a cruise.

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I'm guessing the item was a video-game machine? Wow. I'm trying to grasp the idea of that on a cruise, but that's beside the point.

Your homeowner's insurance policy might be a recourse for you.


we wrangled w/this when we had a bag go missing @ MCO (AirTran tried to deny responsibility & told us we had to fill out a police report, submit to our homeowner's policy yadda yadda...before said bag was found in Michigan on somebody's porch over a month later:rolleyes:); anyway...


found out unless i had purchased a specific rider for 'excluded items', my policy would cover missing luggage in this case, just no jewelry, electronics, collectibles, money, glasses, silverware or china:confused: as well as a whole other laundry list of stuff.

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I kinda feel like I am beating a dead horse here.........


~ I do claim partial responsiblity for my son's stolen PSP and games. We never should of left it with the porters. Granted we should not have to worry about our items being stolen. But in this day and age you have to be pro-active. Sad world we live in.


~ we did not check our bags to make sure everything was in place once we got them to the room


~ I do check rooms before we check out of them, same with cabins, airplane seats, cabs etc. I'm kinda a freak about it. And now will be a freak accounting for everything that is ever checked away from us.


~ If I knew my son was going to check his duffle I would of taken his electronics. This was not a large duffle its his gym bag size he used it as a carry on and held it in his lap on all cab rides. It was in his control at all times until the porter took it. His almost 15 and very responsible and take great pride in what he owns. Once his bag made it to the room he unpacked his shoes, hats, belts arranged them in his alloted space and the bag was stored w/ our other luggage.


~ we are not blaming the RS or the Porters or anyone directly. We know when it was last used. We also know it was not in the bag days later as we where packing to go. It's also very fishy that all plastic cases where emptied which leads more to believe it was theft vs a lost item. I know Karma will get back at those who are responsible.


~ everything else was in our bags. DVD player, movies, video cameras, cameras, my other sons psp and games, cell phones where all accounted for as we left the room. Yes I carried a lot of these on board some where in checked bags. A lot of them where put away in the room but not 100% of the time. Josh's items are the only ones missing.


~ we did not make a stink at the port or on the ship we are reasonable ppl and even second guessed ourselves thinking there could be the slim chance it was never packed. Both my kids have the same units and share games often. My hubby plays with it quite often as well. So we may of been mistaken thinking Josh had his out when it was really Ethan. Josh and Travis watched a movie on the longer portion of our flight so we knew it was not used then.


~ We did contact the cab companies, hotel, airports, airlines, and CCL to just cover all basses just in case. Everyone but CCL said they would look for our items and get back to us.


I'm dissapointed w/ CCL answer because


~ Granted there are lots of scams and I can not prove where my items where last accounted for I had hoped they would at least say they would look into it. Even if it was just words not actions.


~ I was not looking for a replacement. Though it would of been nice, but we are to blame for trusting CCL and those they employee, as well as the port employees. I dont know for a fact where it was taken so I was not going to push any issues. Plus it would of been a dead end.


~ I brought it to there attention hoping to maybe have them look into it. What is the point of a lost and found department if something is lost it wont be even looked for. As much as I am sure someone else is enjoying it on my sons dime. If it was accidently left or fell out there are some honest ppl in this world that just might of turned it in. I would of.


~ I have worked in retail and so does my hubby. I know how everyone is quick to blame and expect something for nothing. It's crazy what ppl get for free these days. All I was asking was for them to make a effort to ask around. Contact the ship, the port, ask who serviced our room. Or at least act like you care.


I also posted my experience here to maybe help someone else in the future, not to get backlash. Granted ppl have not been overly rude to me as I have seen in other places. I needed a place to vent I felt there form letter they sent was very unsincere and unwilling to help recover our items, but please come spend another $3,000 cruising with us again soon. Will this effect who we choose as our next cruiseline. At this point I dont know. I hope it does not but it is showing me they just dont care unless I am throwing cash at them. If I was booking another cruise they will bend over backwards to help but to look into a missing item we are told too bad.


All in all we learned a valueable lesson. It's a bit hard to swallow. I feel horrible for my son. I wish I could just go replace it and make it all better but I can't afford it. It took him 2 years to get the collection he had. I will just have to start watching for sales and criags list to hopefully replace it for him. I would of much rather it been my items then I could hold the whole burden and not feel bad for anyone but me. It's hard to see your kids hurt and disappointed.


Thanks for those who are understanding. I hope no one else is ever in my shoes.

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I get exactly what you are saying and I am sorry that your kid has to learn the brunt of the lesson. You don't want anything unreasonable, you just want someone at Carnival to pretend to care. Take a peek at lost and found and say, oops, sorry, not here. Even if they send you a form letter, leave it at "we're not responsible, it's not here, don't leave your important stuff unattended again". It's off to me that they say don't let this color your opinion of them, as if there is a legitimate reason you would.

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Do me a favor, make a list of everything you packed in your checked luggage on your last cruise. Beside each item write the cost of replacing it. Add it up. I think you'll be surprised just how much it adds up to. It will almost certainly be more than $1,000. I don't consider that "nothing of value".



So, what does that have to do with packing an expensive toy in a bag? The entire bag wasn't taken was it? So, your logic doesn't work or even apply in this situation.


We ALWAYS buys cruise insurance, but besides that, there is NO proof at all who, where, when the PSP was taken so why automatically blame Carnival for something that is the owner's responsibility? Carnival is not legally responsible and this isn't something that they tell you AFTER you cruise, it's in the documents you agree to. Not to mention the op "supposedly" only wanted to inform them, yet got upset when they didn't offer anything.


This is no different than the liability when you park your car in a parking garage, stay in a hotel, check your luggage on a flight. Why is it people expect a cruiseline to do more for them?


Would I be upset if something expensive was stolen? Probably, but I also wouldn't expect the cruiseline to replace it or give me anything as I understand MY liability and knew it was my fault for packing it in the luggage to begin with. But, since what I pack isn't valuable, I dont' see that I would be the least bit upset if someone stole a pair of shoes, or my hairdryer or my makeup, lol.


There was a post in the last 2 years from another mother of a child who packed their PSP in their luggage and lo and behold it disappeared. She wanted the cruiseline to replace it, but once again, it could have been a porter who took it. Moral of the story and the same lesson all over again, don't pack valuables in checked luggage.


A little common sense goes a long way.

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The OP's experience is unfortunate and only highlights the need to lock luggage when it is not in one's possession. Carnival's response, while understandable, is unfortunate. Until cruise lines accept liability for luggage from the porters to the stateroom and from the hallway to pick-up area they have absolutely no motivation to prevent theft.


Room stewarts and other crew members don't steal:confused: Like Lappy22 mentioned you better keep everything locked up in your cabin also:rolleyes:

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Ok some of you may of heard if you read other posts I have commented on. We just recently got back from our cruise on Liberty. We had our first bad experince. Well the cruise was great but my oldest son had his PSP and all of the games, movies and accessories that went with it stolen.


We had it on the plane, we had it in the hotel when we double checked all of your stuff. I am also a freak about checking room before we check out of a hotel. I have been stupid enough to leave stuff before. He did not want to carry his duffle on board so he checked it with the porters. In the main pocket of his duffle he had his extra shoes, some homework, a few other odds and ends. If the side pockets where his hats and belts. Yes he is a freak about this stuff. In the front pocket was his PSP a few games in cases. His PSP case hold his PSP and about 10 games.


Well we got all of out bag put away the clothes and things we needed and never even thought about the things the boys used to busy themselves on the plane. When it was time to pack to leave the kids where rearrnaging there bags and ready to recharge toys and we notice my sons PSP case was gone. The couple of movie cases still there. We researched the room. Then started doubting did we really pack it. So let it go hoping to get home and find it at home. We where not so lucky. This was also the first time we opened the cases to find they where empty.


We sent Carnival a email letting them know of our loss. This was our response.

Thank you for contacting us about your cruise aboard the CARNIVAL LIBERTY.


We are so sorry to hear you discovered items missing from your bag. You're right; once you place your bags outside your cabin for pickup, you should feel as though your bags are safe. Occurrences such as this are rare, but because they are outside of our control, Carnival does not assume liability for loss or theft of money, jewelry, and other valuables left in the stateroom, luggage or public areas onboard.


Nevertheless, we thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Please don't let this color your opinion of us. We'd love to welcome you back aboard another Carnival cruise.




Victoria Castro

Carnival Cruise Lines


Well gee that makes it all better right?


I do take some of the blame we should of checked out bags right away, and should of reported it missing right away. Better yet we should of never handed something like that over to the porters. Of couorse we dont know where it went missing. The luggage went through many hands before it reached our room. And matter of fact it could of been in our bag when it reached our room and a guest could of helped themselves.


moral of the story is we learned a hard yet valueable lesson. I can whine complain all I want it wont get my stuff back. We contacted CCL not expecting them to replace it but to let them know what happened. I personally am a little offended by the repsonse though. Oh well we had a great vacation all the same. Now to start saving to replace my sons investment. I feel extra bad seeing he saved his money to eran it all himslef. I dont have the money to replace it for him.



Homeowners insurance.


And these games have no place on a cruise. Your son learns NOTHING playing games in the cabin. Travel should always be a learning experience.

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And these games have no place on a cruise. Your son learns NOTHING playing games in the cabin. Travel should always be a learning experience.


Oh please, he's not going on a Grand Tour of the Continent. It's a bloody Carnival cruise! An hour of videogames isn't going to turn his mind to mush. Really, Dan, Fun Ship ... not Floating Classroom!

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Homeowners insurance.


And these games have no place on a cruise. Your son learns NOTHING playing games in the cabin. Travel should always be a learning experience.


Really ??????

Maybe that why it was stolen to save his brain. It was not used on the ship nor was it ever planned ot be used then. It was brough to keep them busy when we had to wait at the arirport for hours during layovers and while on the plane trip its self.

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Really ??????

Maybe that why it was stolen to save his brain. It was not used on the ship nor was it ever planned ot be used then. It was brough to keep them busy when we had to wait at the arirport for hours during layovers and while on the plane trip its self.


Don't mind Dan; he's a nice guy but he also has a habit of yelling at kids to get off his lawn, if you know what I mean.

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Homeowners insurance.


And these games have no place on a cruise. Your son learns NOTHING playing games in the cabin. Travel should always be a learning experience.


This is more than a little harsh. The OP said that the child used it for entertainment on the plane ride. They had it when they left the hotel to get on the ship. On the last night when they went to get it to recharge the battery it was gone.


Sounds to me like the young person did not use it at all on the ship and did not hide in the cabin. Travel was used as a learning experience, but let's not let facts get in the way of an expression of personal opinion.

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So, what does that have to do with packing an expensive toy in a bag? The entire bag wasn't taken was it? So, your logic doesn't work or even apply in this situation.


We ALWAYS buys cruise insurance, but besides that, there is NO proof at all who, where, when the PSP was taken so why automatically blame Carnival for something that is the owner's responsibility? Carnival is not legally responsible and this isn't something that they tell you AFTER you cruise, it's in the documents you agree to. Not to mention the op "supposedly" only wanted to inform them, yet got upset when they didn't offer anything.


This is no different than the liability when you park your car in a parking garage, stay in a hotel, check your luggage on a flight. Why is it people expect a cruiseline to do more for them?


Would I be upset if something expensive was stolen? Probably, but I also wouldn't expect the cruiseline to replace it or give me anything as I understand MY liability and knew it was my fault for packing it in the luggage to begin with. But, since what I pack isn't valuable, I dont' see that I would be the least bit upset if someone stole a pair of shoes, or my hairdryer or my makeup, lol.


There was a post in the last 2 years from another mother of a child who packed their PSP in their luggage and lo and behold it disappeared. She wanted the cruiseline to replace it, but once again, it could have been a porter who took it. Moral of the story and the same lesson all over again, don't pack valuables in checked luggage.


A little common sense goes a long way.


Guess you are totally missing my point. Am I mad it was stolen HECK yes. Am I mad that we did not keep it with us at all times. HECK yes. Did I ask for CCL to buy us a new one NO. I just would expect that they would be kind enough to even pretend to care and maybe check to see if it did show up. For the off chance it was misplaced and loacted.


Maybe on your thinking I should jump the gun and make a scene right away w/o going home to double check it was not left at home safe and sound.


Granted we where irresponsible leaving it in checked luggage. I though we where being responsible going home to double check that it was not in the trunk or house, we also contacted everywhere we where along the way just incase. CCL was the only one not willing to check to see if it was turned in.

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