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Isn't CCL so understanding


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This is more than a little harsh. The OP said that the child used it for entertainment on the plane ride. They had it when they left the hotel to get on the ship. On the last night when they went to get it to recharge the battery it was gone.


Sounds to me like the young person did not use it at all on the ship and did not hide in the cabin. Travel was used as a learning experience, but let's not let facts get in the way of an expression of personal opinion.





Life is harsh. You know it, I know it. You deal with it, I deal with it.



90 plus% of all posts are personal opinion. Nothing gets in the way of my personal opinion. What was your post? Fact or opinion, with nothing in its way?????

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Yelling could cause a sore throat. The power nozzle on the hose is much better.


The Classroom of Life is in session 24/7/365. They are either learning what you want them to learn. Or they're learning what someone else is teaching them.


What I learned here is that the child is in control. Which is so often the case today. Parents deathly afraid of being parents.



I have to agree with you. And I hate the truth of your signature! :-)

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Guess you are totally missing my point. Am I mad it was stolen HECK yes. Am I mad that we did not keep it with us at all times. HECK yes. Did I ask for CCL to buy us a new one NO. I just would expect that they would be kind enough to even pretend to care and maybe check to see if it did show up. For the off chance it was misplaced and loacted.


Maybe on your thinking I should jump the gun and make a scene right away w/o going home to double check it was not left at home safe and sound.


Granted we where irresponsible leaving it in checked luggage. I though we where being responsible going home to double check that it was not in the trunk or house, we also contacted everywhere we where along the way just incase. CCL was the only one not willing to check to see if it was turned in.



Maybe it was how you advised them of what happened. Not saying you did anything wrong. Just speaking from experience when DH lost a piece of his camera equipment we called and requested they contact the ship to have them check to see if it had been turned in. It took several days but the piece was found by someone on the ship and carnival actually shipped it to us USPS, UPS or one of those.


Maybe try contacting them and being specific what you want them to do rather than them thinking you are asking them to pay or state they were responsible. I think companies get defensive without thinking about how the customer feels. There are too many people out there that try to get over on them so they just take it out on us all.


Sorry for your son though I have a 15 year old son and completely understand the video games.

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It's unfortunate, but valuables, including anything that someone would want to steal, are NEVER supposed to be put in the checked bags.


Blame Carnival if you want, but it is a thief who is to blame. If you had left that PSP in the carry-on you would still have it today!

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[quote=hlb76;22999744 Better yet we should of never handed something like that over to the porters. Of couorse we dont know where it went missing. The luggage went through many hands before it reached our room. And matter of fact it could of been in our bag when it reached our room and a guest could of helped themselves.




That is the moral of your story, plain and simple. What is important/valuable, you keep with you. No matter how old you are.

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My point was that you do pack valuable items in your luggage. You may not place a great deal of value on them, but they can be expensive to replace. Have you ever packed a $250 pair of shoes? Did you even give a thought to the fact that they are valuable. How about a $300 suit? or $70 tie? $250 dress? $100 snorkel set. That you see no point to stealing any of these items does not diminish the fact that they do get stolen.




There is a big difference. Parking garages do not force you to give checked luggage to un-supervised third parties; and as we have observed just this week with Carnival, unlocked luggage. Hotels do act concerned when something is stolen out of a room. Airlines often assume a tiny amount of liability when items are stolen from your luggage.


In the case of cruise lines they assume no liability unless the luggage is actually in the hands of one of their employees. They specifically disclaim any liability for shore-side handling. And they abandon luggage in public hallways and disclaim liability for doing so. If a hotel bell boy left you luggage in the hallway and something was stolen from it the hotel would be liable.




Truly, I agree. So why don't you employ it more often?;) The fact is that what seems like common sense to you is not necessarily what I deem common sense and vice versa. Not only that but I'll bet there are literally dozens of opinions of what constitutes common sense to be found in the relatively small community of this thread.


Aren't you a sweetheart? I have never paid $250 for a pair of shoes. And I'm a woman, so no, no $300 suit for me and DH does have nice suits, but that is not the point. Electronics are stolen regularly. Bell Boys don't leave luggage sitting in the hallways out side of rooms. At least not in the nice hotels I stay in. Once again, common sense should prevail. You ought to try it sometime.


And I would think your CAR is worth more than a few hundred dollars, but my point wasn't about luggage in a car, but liability. Do you get that?


BTW, most posters do not agree with you. Just thought I'd let you know that. Here's a hint, don't pack anything in your luggage that would be a hardship for you if it was stolen. Clothing, hair dryers, make up, suits, shoes, etc aren't targeted, electronics are.

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Life is harsh. You know it, I know it. You deal with it, I deal with it.



90 plus% of all posts are personal opinion. Nothing gets in the way of my personal opinion. What was your post? Fact or opinion, with nothing in its way?????


Is life that bad that you think it is harsh? Sure there are better days than others, but overall I would have to say life is pretty good!

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I totally feel your pain on this one. My son's backpack with his school laptop and ipod touch were stolen a couple of months ago from his car in front of our house. Yep, he left the door unlocked. And the very last thing ANY of us wanted to hear was that it was our own fault that someone stole our things. Yes there are creepy people out there, but it's not your fault they did something bad to you, it's THEIR fault. I'm always amazed at what jerks people can be coming along with their self righteous attitudes telling you how you should have done this or shouldn't have done that.


And when it's your kid who has been victimized it REALLY makes you want to whack someone.


This board has really been a great resource for general information, but dang there are some mean, judgemental people hanging out here.

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I totally feel your pain on this one. My son's backpack with his school laptop and ipod touch were stolen a couple of months ago from his car in front of our house. Yep, he left the door unlocked. And the very last thing ANY of us wanted to hear was that it was our own fault that someone stole our things. Yes there are creepy people out there, but it's not your fault they did something bad to you, it's THEIR fault. I'm always amazed at what jerks people can be coming along with their self righteous attitudes telling you how you should have done this or shouldn't have done that.


And when it's your kid who has been victimized it REALLY makes you want to whack someone.


This board has really been a great resource for general information, but dang there are some mean, judgemental people hanging out here.


But your son left the door unlocked, why do you blame others :confused:



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I just had to laugh at that trusting MN comment. My husband is born and raised Apple Valley and does not even trust our married 35 year old babysitter at our house lol while I was born and raised in NYC and forget to lock my car all the time. That being said last year I got earrings in Cozemel. I left them out for formal night on the Imagination with them tucked in my shoes I bought in Key West. We left the room for a snack, came back and our ipod and those earrings were gone. I went right to guest relations and got a shoulder shrug. What was sad was I went up the chain at Carnival and did not want compensation but rather to report that we realized that you could easily open our cabin after that incident. Basically I got the same letter you did. Not that it spoils me from cruising but what if my children were in there sleeping and someone could easily get in?

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Aren't you a sweetheart? I have never paid $250 for a pair of shoes. And I'm a woman, so no, no $300 suit for me and DH does have nice suits, but that is not the point. Electronics are stolen regularly. Bell Boys don't leave luggage sitting in the hallways out side of rooms. At least not in the nice hotels I stay in. Once again, common sense should prevail. You ought to try it sometime.


And I would think your CAR is worth more than a few hundred dollars, but my point wasn't about luggage in a car, but liability. Do you get that?


BTW, most posters do not agree with you. Just thought I'd let you know that. Here's a hint, don't pack anything in your luggage that would be a hardship for you if it was stolen. Clothing, hair dryers, make up, suits, shoes, etc aren't targeted, electronics are.


I suggest that you might want to re-read my post. I did not say that bell boys left luggage in hallways. I was pointing out that hotels do not leave luggage in hallways but cruise lines do. I'm not going to repeat my point about common sense. But I do wish you would stop insulting my intelligence.


Funny, I do get that the issue is about liability. I also have never ever suggested that the cruise line had any liability in the situation described by the OP. In fact I think if you took the time to review this entire thread not a single post has suggested otherwise.


What I have said is the fact that the cruise line accepts liability in very restrictive circumstances means that they have absolutely no motivation to minimize or eliminate the problem of theft. The unsafe system that they currently have in place amply illustrates the point.


As to what most posters agree with or not, I think your perception is inaccurate.


Search this board. You will find a number of posts in which people report shoes and other personal items going missing from luggage. Given the severe luggage restrictions in place for air travel these days anything missing from my luggage is going to cause me some degree of inconvenience if not outright hardship. I'm glad that is apparently not the case for you.

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So if you leave a door unlocked it officially means here, please take these things for free?


That's not what I taught my kids.


Yes, I know common sense tells you not to make mistakes like that. We all know we need to lock our doors and that anything that isn't nailed down is subject to theft. The point I'm trying to make is that when you've had something rotten like this happen to you it's bad enough to be victimized without also being told it's YOUR FAULT someone stole your things. It's not. It's their fault for being a thief.


At any rate, my sympathy to you and your son..it's a hard thing to understand when someone does this to you but fortunately it's just material things and not something worse. Hopefully it's a good learning experience for them in having empathy for others who have rotten things like this happen.

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I agree with the poster that said call Carnival or send them another email specifically stating that you would like them to check with the lost and found on the ship. Perhaps by telling them what to do you may get more than a canned letter. Best of Luck and I hope that either it Carnival finds it, or it turns up someplace else.

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I honestly don't even understand why you "let Carnival know" what happened.


What happened was your responsibility, and your child's. Not Carnival's at all.


Anything, and I mean anything, of any value (monetary or sentimental) should be kept in your carry-on and carried onto the cruise by you. Never, ever, ever hand over a bag to the porters, or leave them outside your door the last night of the cruise that has anything of personal value in them.

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You can/should lock the bags you place in the hallway at nite. I personally would carry any valuables, electronics, cameras, etc., in my carry-on/carry-off bag. ken


What ever happened to reading, comprehending and answering the question?

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Their response is because too many people DO expect something that is really their own responsibility.

I'm just trying to figure out if you weren't looking for anything in return and just wanted to let them know, why you are so upset by their response? Your post is a little inconsistent.



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But your son left the door unlocked, why do you blame others :confused:




Maybe because it's against the law to take what doesn't belong to you?


Yes, her son left the door unlocked. Yes, the poster's son handed his bag over to porters and she didn't realize it until they got on ship. Yes, she didn't check for valuables at the time. And, yes, her son learned a valuable lesson in safeguarding his valuables--don't trust anyone and lock or zip tie your luggage no matter what they say.


Sorry your son lost his PSP and very few people care. More important for them to assert that they know best. I know he must be heartbroken. Everyone on this board has had a moment when they did something but knew better (that is what the *facepalm* is for).

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I just had to laugh at that trusting MN comment. My husband is born and raised Apple Valley and does not even trust our married 35 year old babysitter at our house lol while I was born and raised in NYC and forget to lock my car all the time. That being said last year I got earrings in Cozemel. I left them out for formal night on the Imagination with them tucked in my shoes I bought in Key West. We left the room for a snack, came back and our ipod and those earrings were gone. I went right to guest relations and got a shoulder shrug. What was sad was I went up the chain at Carnival and did not want compensation but rather to report that we realized that you could easily open our cabin after that incident. Basically I got the same letter you did. Not that it spoils me from cruising but what if my children were in there sleeping and someone could easily get in?


This just scares the heebie-jeebies out of me. I would venture a guess that we have all trusted that we could leave something of value in plain sight (camera, phone, earrings) for the time it took to go get a snack and come back, but apparently not. This could have happened to many of us on here, and I personally appreciate the warning!

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My point was that you do pack valuable items in your luggage. You may not place a great deal of value on them, but they can be expensive to replace. Have you ever packed a $250 pair of shoes? Did you even give a thought to the fact that they are valuable. How about a $300 suit? or $70 tie? $250 dress? $100 snorkel set. That you see no point to stealing any of these items does not diminish the fact that they do get stolen.


Wow. I've NEVER paid more than $100 for a pair of shoes (running) and don't buy or wear $250 dresses on a cruise. My bad.:D


Good on ya, that you can. You better self assist with that, then.:p

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Ok some of you may of heard if you read other posts I have commented on. We just recently got back from our cruise on Liberty. We had our first bad experince. Well the cruise was great but my oldest son had his PSP and all of the games, movies and accessories that went with it stolen.


We had it on the plane, we had it in the hotel when we double checked all of your stuff. I am also a freak about checking room before we check out of a hotel. I have been stupid enough to leave stuff before. He did not want to carry his duffle on board so he checked it with the porters. In the main pocket of his duffle he had his extra shoes, some homework, a few other odds and ends. If the side pockets where his hats and belts. Yes he is a freak about this stuff. In the front pocket was his PSP a few games in cases. His PSP case hold his PSP and about 10 games.


Well we got all of out bag put away the clothes and things we needed and never even thought about the things the boys used to busy themselves on the plane. When it was time to pack to leave the kids where rearrnaging there bags and ready to recharge toys and we notice my sons PSP case was gone. The couple of movie cases still there. We researched the room. Then started doubting did we really pack it. So let it go hoping to get home and find it at home. We where not so lucky. This was also the first time we opened the cases to find they where empty.


We sent Carnival a email letting them know of our loss. This was our response.

Thank you for contacting us about your cruise aboard the CARNIVAL LIBERTY.


We are so sorry to hear you discovered items missing from your bag. You're right; once you place your bags outside your cabin for pickup, you should feel as though your bags are safe. Occurrences such as this are rare, but because they are outside of our control, Carnival does not assume liability for loss or theft of money, jewelry, and other valuables left in the stateroom, luggage or public areas onboard.


Nevertheless, we thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Please don't let this color your opinion of us. We'd love to welcome you back aboard another Carnival cruise.




Victoria Castro

Carnival Cruise Lines


Well gee that makes it all better right?


I do take some of the blame we should of checked out bags right away, and should of reported it missing right away. Better yet we should of never handed something like that over to the porters. Of couorse we dont know where it went missing. The luggage went through many hands before it reached our room. And matter of fact it could of been in our bag when it reached our room and a guest could of helped themselves.


moral of the story is we learned a hard yet valueable lesson. I can whine complain all I want it wont get my stuff back. We contacted CCL not expecting them to replace it but to let them know what happened. I personally am a little offended by the repsonse though. Oh well we had a great vacation all the same. Now to start saving to replace my sons investment. I feel extra bad seeing he saved his money to eran it all himslef. I dont have the money to replace it for him.



Not a very good response... there is very little empathy in there.


At least your lesson is learned> I am in the mindset to take less and carry on and off.

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Is life that bad that you think it is harsh? Sure there are better days than others, but overall I would have to say life is pretty good!


Life is not one whole piece. It is composed off billions of little parts. Some are harsh, some downright brutal and one needs to always be aware they are there and deal with them. Other parts of life are so beautiful and fabulous that you can't hold all of it you'd like. We have to live all of it, not just the wonderful parts.

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Life is not one whole piece. It is composed off billions of little parts. Some are harsh, some downright brutal and one needs to always be aware they are there and deal with them. Other parts of life are so beautiful and fabulous that you can't hold all of it you'd like. We have to live all of it, not just the wonderful parts.


Now that sounds a heck of lot better then your earlier post!

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