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Might have to cancel cruise - what options do we have????

Aussie TJE

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Hi, I'm just after some suggestions please. There is a very small possibility that we might not be able to go on our cruise that leaves in under 2 weeks time. Will know more next week. My partner and my dad are sick (dad was admitted to hospital with a heart condition last week). Might be able to claim on our travel insurance for my dad - not too sure until I speak to his doctor next week. My partner is seeing his specialist on Tuesday (can't claim for him as it is a pre existing condition). Why do things happen at the same time - to say that I'm stressed is an understatement!!!


If we can't claim on insurance, do we have ANY other options? I know this cruise is very popular and sold out. Can we find someone else to take our place and pay for name changes etc?


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, so at least I can look into any options and this will help my stress levels greatly. If we have a plan, hopefully, we won't need to use it as we really, really want to go on our cruise.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

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Hi, I'm just after some suggestions please. There is a very small possibility that we might not be able to go on our cruise that leaves in under 2 weeks time. Will know more next week. My partner and my dad are sick (dad was admitted to hospital with a heart condition last week). Might be able to claim on our travel insurance for my dad - not too sure until I speak to his doctor next week. My partner is seeing his specialist on Tuesday (can't claim for him as it is a pre existing condition). Why do things happen at the same time - to say that I'm stressed is an understatement!!!


If we can't claim on insurance, do we have ANY other options? I know this cruise is very popular and sold out. Can we find someone else to take our place and pay for name changes etc?


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, so at least I can look into any options and this will help my stress levels greatly. If we have a plan, hopefully, we won't need to use it as we really, really want to go on our cruise.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions!



Sorry, just realised that I posted this in the wrong section. I have posted in the right section - Princess Cruises!

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You did post this in the correct section :), P&O - Australia forum covers both P&O - Australia & Princess Australia ;)


Thanks Kiwi_cruiser. I wasn't sure. I'll check both threads - just in case someone gives me the answer that I want LOL!!!

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Hi Tamarah,


The scenario you have painted sounds fairly rotten to me - I wish I had an answer for you.


I hope for your sake you can work something out from it, but from my readings of the Terms & conditions of both P&O and Princess they are quite adamant about where they stand on this issue.


Which brings me to the next point - you say your cruise is "sold out".


Our next cruise on the PD in March is similar - the whole cruise is showing as being "waitlisted" only.


I find myself wondering if something happened to us and we could not go on it, being that it is waitlisted and one would presume you could be replaced quickly from someone on the waitlist - would they then have the decency to refund your money [less some sort of admin fee] or would they simply just keep it all?


I believe this is a topic that is worthy of some discussion on this forum.


I hope it all works out in view of your partners pre-existing condition, and that someone here can come up with some workable suggestions.

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Hi Tamarah,


The scenario you have painted sounds fairly rotten to me - I wish I had an answer for you.


I hope for your sake you can work something out from it, but from my readings of the Terms & conditions of both P&O and Princess they are quite adamant about where they stand on this issue.


Which brings me to the next point - you say your cruise is "sold out".


Our next cruise on the PD in March is similar - the whole cruise is showing as being "waitlisted" only.


I find myself wondering if something happened to us and we could not go on it, being that it is waitlisted and one would presume you could be replaced quickly from someone on the waitlist - would they then have the decency to refund your money [less some sort of admin fee] or would they simply just keep it all?


I believe this is a topic that is worthy of some discussion on this forum.


I hope it all works out in view of your partners pre-existing condition, and that someone here can come up with some workable suggestions.


Hi - thanks so much for your kind thought and understanding. I haven't read the terms and conditions completely, but I agree with you - they are never in our favour. In regards to my partner, his pre exisiting condition was 95% ok, but in less than a week, they have significantly worsened and he is on morphine meds. And dad is in hospital with a heart condition that no one knew about until we took him to emergency last week! Things just happen and it's so hard to plan - you just have to take a chance sometimes!


I would hope that if we can't go, that Princess would allow us to get most of our money back, especially as I am sure it wouldn't be that difficult to find another couple to go. I'm sure if I posted on here, I'd find a taker fairly quickly!!!


I hope we don't have to go down the cancellation route, but I just want to see what other people think my options are - if any!!! We will know more by Tuesday afternoon!!!

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Fristly my hopes for your family to recover quickly.


As for options this is the point we keep making apart the differences in booking in Australia against booking through US, apart from the travel insurance that everyone should ALWAYS take out the minute they put on a deposit...we in Aus dont get a break..in the US...cancelling,..name changes or simply a credit against booking on another cruise would be no problem...here is big problem.:mad:


I would appeal directly to Princess to have a heart...you have nothing to lose.



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Fristly my hopes for your family to recover quickly.


As for options this is the point we keep making apart the differences in booking in Australia against booking through US, apart from the travel insurance that everyone should ALWAYS take out the minute they put on a deposit...we in Aus dont get a break..in the US...cancelling,..name changes or simply a credit against booking on another cruise would be no problem...here is big problem.:mad:


I would appeal directly to Princess to have a heart...you have nothing to lose.




Hi Rugbypopsie. I have been following the thread on the P&O forum - the differences are amazing - somehow it doesn't seem fair does it! I agree about taking out travel insurance as soon as you book, which is what we did, as you just never know (as I can vouch for LOL). You would think a name change at least should be a fairly simple, cheap and painless experience - and to be fair to Princess, I haven't contacted them or my TA yet, but I don't things will be easy if we do have to cancel.


If we can't go, I will be doing everything in my power to appear to Princess and my TA - as you say it doesn't hurt to ask and it is good publicity for them as well! Sometimes, you need to bend the rules if there is a genuine reason and medical proof is given.


Hopefully, there will be no need for any action (we really want to go), but not if my dad is not going to be ok without us to look after him.


I can't wait until Tuesday . . . it's the waiting that is the worst part!

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Hi Tamarah,


If the cruise line is not that interest in refunding, then a call to your local talkback radio host might just convince them to help.


Here in Melbourne Neil Mitchell on 3aw is always ready to take on a cause.


Just a thought.


Hope the families health picks up.




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Hi Tamarah,


If the cruise line is not that interest in refunding, then a call to your local talkback radio host might just convince them to help.


Here in Melbourne Neil Mitchell on 3aw is always ready to take on a cause.


Just a thought.


Hope the families health picks up.





Thanks for the suggestion Neicy and Ron. Normally I probably would, but with all these health issues, I just don't think I would have the energy. I will wait until Wednesday, when we will have results for my dad and partner. Then I will call my TA and see where we go from there. At the end of the day, it's not about the money (but I still think there should be a compromise, especially if we, Princess or or TA can find someone to take our place - doesn't seem fair really as they will most certainly re-sell our cabin if we cancell and make extra money. At the end of the day, the health and care of my dad and partner is the most important issue - cancelling the cruise is last resort and not what any of us wants to do. As they say, one day at a time!

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As for options this is the point we keep making apart the differences in booking in Australia against booking through US, apart from the travel insurance that everyone should ALWAYS take out the minute they put on a deposit...we in Aus dont get a break..in the US...cancelling,..name changes or simply a credit against booking on another cruise would be no problem...here is big problem.:mad:



You'll find that's not right.


While they do have more relaxed cancellation conditions early on, once final payment is required at 3 months out, their conditions are similar to here. With this cruise less than 2 weeks away, you would find the same difficulty in getting a refund as exists under Australian terms and conditions.


It'd be crazy for them to try to run a business if people could cancel 2 weeks out without penalty. This is no reflection on this specific situation, but it's not related to differences between US and AU booking conditions.

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I'd talk to your TA and your insurance company asap - why wait and stress. Ask your insurance company if you are covered too for Dad's condition if you cancel the cruise to look after him.


And please let us know the outcome.


good luck with it all

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I'd talk to your TA and your insurance company asap - why wait and stress. Ask your insurance company if you are covered too for Dad's condition if you cancel the cruise to look after him.


And please let us know the outcome.


good luck with it all


Hi dougo in oz - I'll call after we see the specialist in the morning. Dad's in the best place and being cared for in hosptial, but it's my partner that I am most concerned about at the moment. Wish us luck tomorrow - we certainly need it.


I'll let you know what happens.

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Hi dougo in oz - I'll call after we see the specialist in the morning. Dad's in the best place and being cared for in hosptial, but it's my partner that I am most concerned about at the moment. Wish us luck tomorrow - we certainly need it.


I'll let you know what happens.


Good Luck, I hope things come good for you.




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You might get some more specific answers if you can tell us who your insurance is with and a link to the PDS if you have it. It might offer more comfort as to whether they'll cover you.


I think insurance is your option :( Good luck.


PS. Do tell your dad's doctor of your situation. It may sway his decision on the paperwork needed for the travel insurance. I'm sure the doctor will offer compassion if he can. Unfortunately in some, it seems preexisting conditions also affects relatives!

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So sorry to hear about your situation and hope your fears turn out to be unfounded and you get to enjoy your cruise. But, if you have to cancel because neither your dad nor your partner is able to travel, I would only cite your dad as the reason for cancelling as it's obvious that his condition could not have been predicted and you would therefore have a perfectly valid insurance claim. Obviously if the reason for cancalling is your partner, sadly I feel you will be up against it trying to get money from an insurance company. Let's face it, these companies are more known for their efforts to avoid paying out than for showing compassion and understanding for their clients. But, like everyone else on this forum I'm sure, I'm hoping when we check it out later in the week there'll be a message saying everything's turned out fine and you're looking forward to your cruise. Good luck.

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Hi, I'm just after some suggestions please. There is a very small possibility that we might not be able to go on our cruise that leaves in under 2 weeks time. Will know more next week. My partner and my dad are sick (dad was admitted to hospital with a heart condition last week). Might be able to claim on our travel insurance for my dad - not too sure until I speak to his doctor next week. My partner is seeing his specialist on Tuesday (can't claim for him as it is a pre existing condition). Why do things happen at the same time - to say that I'm stressed is an understatement!!!


If we can't claim on insurance, do we have ANY other options? I know this cruise is very popular and sold out. Can we find someone else to take our place and pay for name changes etc?


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, so at least I can look into any options and this will help my stress levels greatly. If we have a plan, hopefully, we won't need to use it as we really, really want to go on our cruise.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

I gather your insurance didn't cover pre-existing conditions? We always make sure we have that covered. Maybe they will let you rebook for a later date. Good luck.

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My thoughts are with you.


I had a similar situation last July when my mother had a heart attack 10 days before sailing. Fortunately she was treated & released from hospital in a few days but was not allowed to go on the cruise. Princess was not at all interested in refunding us this one fare - we had booked 2 balcony rooms & an inner (5 people in total). Not even the OBC was allowed to be transferred to my father!! (However onboard, the Princess staff couldn't have been more helpful to my elderly-invalid father, he was treated absolutely first class).


Luckily, the Insurance Company came through - & and all bar a minor amount was paid back to my father.


I sincerely hope that your partner & father's conditon improves, I really do feel for you.



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I agree with everyones comments. It appears to be such a huge problem to the 'customer' when someone has to cancel. To me, when the cruise is fully booked, there should be some consideration, depending on circumstances.


Pre existing is a chance you take and a lot of pre existing conditions cannot be insured with anyone. However, with your Dad's sudden onset that should be covered by your insurance. You probably won't get it all back, but at least a percentage of the full payment. I personally think you should get it all back under the circumstances for your Dad, but I don't write the conditions......;)


A friend of ours had to cancel just 6 days before the cruise because he was suddenly rushed to hospital and needed a triple bypass. He only received a percentage back from the cruise company, but the Agent did allow a credit to be used at a later date.


That's the other issue, the Travel Agent and the Cruise Company all have their own 'conditions' and, once again it appears it's always the 'customer' who comes out worst off in this desperate situations.


Good luck Tamarah and we do hope everyones health returns to normal so you can enjoy a well deserved cruise together either now or in the near future.



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Just a brief update. I am pretty sure that we are going to have to cancel now - dad is still in hospital and they are doing more tests. My partner is still struggling with the pain and is having another CAT scan tomorrow, plus surgery has been booked for the 17th Feb.


I have sent an e-mail to our TA letting them know ALL the details and asking if they can assist us in any way. They are normally very good, and it doesn't hurt to ask them.


Also, I read in another thread, that someone on our cruise has been contacted about a move over offer - asked to go on another date and offered bonuses etc to do so - they said no. I mentioned this in the e-mail to our TA, so we'll see what happens.


I've also sent an e-mail to the hotel that I had booked to see if they will refund our payment. I'll also send an e-mail to Virgin Blue to see what they say. Doesn't hurt to ask - my favourite motto at the moment!


Thanks everyone for all your help and suggestions. It is greatly appreciated.


I'll let you know what happens.

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Oh Tamarah, I'm so sorry it doesn't seem to be working out for you. You don't need the extra stress about the cancellation right now. I do hope it all works out OK in the end and that your Dad and partner are soon returned to good health. Keep us posted - as another poster said, we are all feeling for you all. :)

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I just had a call from our travel agent in relation to the e-mail that I sent last night. They were very understanding and confirmed that they had received the notice from Princess about the moveover offer for our cruise. They couldn't believe the timing and said it must be mean to be!


I think they are offering people in a balcony to switch their cruise to the 21 night Sun Princess Asia cruise in May. Will be upgraded to a mini suite, get 50% of fare back as an on board credit and reasonable compensation for out of pocket expenses.


Does this sound like a good deal? To me it sounds very fair, as we probably would have been totally out of pocket anyway. I would have loved to cruise on the Diamond Princess, so will have to look at the Princess site and find out all about the Sun Princess and see what a mini suite looks like and includes. Never had a mini before - this could be dangerous.


Let me know what you guys think???

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Wow Tamarah, that sounds like an amazing deal !!!! congrats sounds like you will need the holiday more in a few months:)


We have been on both the Diamond and Sun and whilst we probably would prefer the Diamond would sail on either in a heartbeat and if were presented with your deal would not hesitate even for a nanosecond in grabbing your offer - the minisuites on the Sun are WAY bigger than the minis on the Diamond .... again congrats so pleased this has worked out so well!



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