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Do the "Cheerleaders" help or harm NCL?


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I've been trying to keep up with the posts, even though I have been too sick to post much over the weeks since our last two NCL cruises. (The last one ended 1/24 and the next one is 2/26. We still can't get through a day without coughing, but the rib bruising has cleared.)


I have debated whether to even post of our experiences with smoking neighbors and black mold in our cabins, but why? There are so many "cheerleaders" who will attack any perceived slight of an NCL cruise that those who come to the site for information would probably not find what they need to know anyhow.


I normally try to post for the "readers" not the "writers", but perhaps because of the extended illness the megaposters have really got me down. I wish this site counted quality of posts rather than quantity.


To those of you who have only written one or two posts and been blasted, I sympathize and understand. If I had started my CC postings on the NCL board I would have quit before I got to #3. Even now I hesitate before posting here -- Kind of sad.


To those of you who have been trying to report dangerous problems on the Jade, I know you have received numerous insults from folks who haven't been on the ships recently and won't respect a less than glowing opinion. Let me say, based on my experiences in the past month on other NCL ships, I believe you fully and will be cancelling my 3 weeks coming up on the Jade. (I loved that ship last time aboard!) If I can get current information, I may book a different voyage, if not, I will be forced to look to a more informative board and cruiseline.


To the cheerleaders, yes, you overwhelm all other voices on this board by the sheer quantity of your posts - 5,8,10 a day - but are you good for the cruiseline you love, or do the silent observers quietly move on to other, more courteous, boards? (I know I don't need to identify a "cheerleader", they will quickly and loudly identify themselves.)

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I've been trying to keep up with the posts, even though I have been too sick to post much over the weeks since our last two NCL cruises. (The last one ended 1/24 and the next one is 2/26. We still can't get through a day without coughing, but the rib bruising has cleared.)


I have debated whether to even post of our experiences with smoking neighbors and black mold in our cabins, but why? There are so many "cheerleaders" who will attack any perceived slight of an NCL cruise that those who come to the site for information would probably not find what they need to know anyhow.


I normally try to post for the "readers" not the "writers", but perhaps because of the extended illness the megaposters have really got me down. I wish this site counted quality of posts rather than quantity.


To those of you who have only written one or two posts and been blasted, I sympathize and understand. If I had started my CC postings on the NCL board I would have quit before I got to #3. Even now I hesitate before posting here -- Kind of sad.


To those of you who have been trying to report dangerous problems on the Jade, I know you have received numerous insults from folks who haven't been on the ships recently and won't respect a less than glowing opinion. Let me say, based on my experiences in the past month on other NCL ships, I believe you fully and will be cancelling my 3 weeks coming up on the Jade. (I loved that ship last time aboard!) If I can get current information, I may book a different voyage, if not, I will be forced to look to a more informative board and cruiseline.


To the cheerleaders, yes, you overwhelm all other voices on this board by the sheer quantity of your posts - 5,8,10 a day - but are you good for the cruiseline you love, or do the silent observers quietly move on to other, more courteous, boards? (I know I don't need to identify a "cheerleader", they will quickly and loudly identify themselves.)



What a great thread, stand up and have your say otherwise these, I call them bullies, will have their own way and good people like yourself fall by the way side, you are entitled to your opinion.

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I agree with you 100% about the cheerleaders. I swear they stay up 24/7 on these boards just to attack anything negative being said about NCL. Not all of our experiences are pleasant and I think all comments should be able to be written, good or bad without the bashing. I like to read the members cruise reviews for this reason as they can't seem to attack these. I hope you will post your review in that forum so we can hear about your experience with out critisicm.

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I have debated whether to even post of our experiences with smoking neighbors and black mold in our cabins, but why? There are so many "cheerleaders" who will attack any perceived slight of an NCL cruise that those who come to the site for information would probably not find what they need to know anyhow........



To the cheerleaders, yes, you overwhelm all other voices on this board by the sheer quantity of your posts - 5,8,10 a day - but are you good for the cruiseline you love, or do the silent observers quietly move on to other, more courteous, boards? (I know I don't need to identify a "cheerleader", they will quickly and loudly identify themselves.)


Thanks cruznut for stating so clearly what many of us feel. They will come out and call people like you (and me) trolls! Obviously they do not know what a troll is:


A troll is a mythological creature that lives underneath a bridge and requires payment (allegiance to NCL??!!) before letting people pass. They are large and ugly creatures.


Apart from the large and ugly bit, I think this definition sums up an NCL cheerleader quite nicely! Do not let them have their way.


Incidentally we were on the Jade for the 5 February sailing, and the impact of norovirus was much less. You may want to consider opinions from those on the 14 Feb sailing before making a final decision. Whatever you decide, hope your future cruising plans work out, and I hope you feel much better soon.

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Good for you for speaking up!


I've been a member of Cruisecritic since my first cruise, back in 2000. I read a LOT, but post little. (It looks like I post even less than I do, since my counter got reset years back) I have also been on 13 cruises (leaving on my 14th tomorrow!) on 5 different lines, including 4 on Norwegian. I believe I have a pretty good idea of the similarities and differences between the different cruiselines, and what one can and should expect on a cruise.


Why don't I post much? Because whenever you have something to say that is not 100% positive, people jump all over you for it. Forget if it's true or not, that has absolutely nothing to do with it. It's as if they take it personally, and I just don't understand. You would think that NCL is seeding the board with employees, the way people seem to jump to the companies defense, like they have a vested interest in the company. I spend time elsewhere on these boards, and it's worst in the NCL forum.


In the same thread, we've got people commenting on less than stellar food, followed by people saying "They only eat in the best restaurants at home, and NCL food is comparable or better". Your cabin was dirty? People got sick? Staff was rude or inattentive? There will be people who will tell you that either it didn't happen as you state, or it was your own fault. I also think if you've only ever sailed on NCL, you shouldn't be commenting when someone compares NCL unfavorably with another cruiseline. HOW WOULD YOU EVEN KNOW? So many people here with one or two cruises under their belt profess to be experts.

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I have absolutely no problem admitting that I am an NCL cheerleader. No shame to me what-so-ever. However I will say that I don't think it is right how you lump everyone who is an NCL cheerleader together. MOST of the NCL cheerleaders care about NCL and the people who choose to cruise on NCL and are on here to give honest opinions and to share facts as we know or see it. For you to post such a blanket statement as you have posted to me makes you as bad as those that bash people for it being their first posting, bashing people for saying anything negative about NCL, etc.


I do agree that when something negative is said about NCL there are those on the boards that will bash you for saying it. You, as a poster, just have to look past those people or you should stop posting all together. Trust me when I say if you don't, your feelings will get hurt a lot on these boards. Those people that bash you or anyone else are not worth your time of day and they are nothing more than a name on the screen. Who cares what someone you don't even know says about you or something you have posted. That is how I have had to look at things when I have been personally bashed for posting something.


As far as how I precieved the intent of your thread, I would say this to you. I think that most of the people, those that post a lot or even those that don't post at all, know when they are reading a thread what to believe on it, and what not too. Most people can read a thread and tell the intention of whoever is posting.


Just like the bashing that happens to someone who posts something negative or to someone who it is their first posting, anytime someone corrects something that is reported on a thread as a "fact" then they in turn are called "cheerleaders" or they are bashed for saying anything that is different that what the OP stated. That is just as bad as any other bashing.


Bottom line is you will have those who hate NCL and for some reason come on this board and post anything negative they can and for some reason get a thrill doing it. For me, I just don't understand it.. If I hated NCL so bad the last thing I would do is spend one more moment of my day thinking about NCL or anyone else who liked them. There is no difference between those that your thread is intended to point out and those that try to make someones posting mean less by calling them a NCL cheerleader simply because they like NCL and are trying to correct "facts" posted.


Maybe a better thread would have been if bashers help NCL's rep. That would have included anyone who makes personal attacks towards any poster, both NCL Cheerleaders as well as NCL Haters.

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You would think that NCL is seeding the board with employees, the way people seem to jump to the companies defense, like they have a vested interest in the company..


It's funny that when people say this or feel this way that they never think or post that those that only have negative things to say about NCL aren't employees of rival cruiselines. Like they have a vested interest in tarnishing the rep of NCL or anyone who likes NCL.

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I have absolutely no problem admitting that I am an NCL cheerleader. No shame to me what-so-ever. However I will say that I don't think it is right how you lump everyone who is an NCL cheerleader together. MOST of the NCL cheerleaders care about NCL and the people who choose to cruise on NCL and are on here to give honest opinions and to share facts as we know or see it. For you to post such a blanket statement as you have posted to me makes you as bad as those that bash people for it being their first posting, bashing people for saying anything negative about NCL, etc.


I do agree that when something negative is said about NCL there are those on the boards that will bash you for saying it. You, as a poster, just have to look past those people or you should stop posting all together. Trust me when I say if you don't, your feelings will get hurt a lot on these boards. Those people that bash you or anyone else are not worth your time of day and they are nothing more than a name on the screen. Who cares what someone you don't even know says about you or something you have posted. That is how I have had to look at things when I have been personally bashed for posting something.


As far as how I precieved the intent of your thread, I would say this to you. I think that most of the people, those that post a lot or even those that don't post at all, know when they are reading a thread what to believe on it, and what not too. Most people can read a thread and tell the intention of whoever is posting.


Just like the bashing that happens to someone who posts something negative or to someone who it is their first posting, anytime someone corrects something that is reported on a thread as a "fact" then they in turn are called "cheerleaders" or they are bashed for saying anything that is different that what the OP stated. That is just as bad as any other bashing.


Bottom line is you will have those who hate NCL and for some reason come on this board and post anything negative they can and for some reason get a thrill doing it. For me, I just don't understand it.. If I hated NCL so bad the last thing I would do is spend one more moment of my day thinking about NCL or anyone else who liked them. There is no difference between those that your thread is intended to point out and those that try to make someones posting mean less by calling them a NCL cheerleader simply because they like NCL and are trying to correct "facts" posted.


Maybe a better thread would have been if bashers help NCL's rep. That would have included both NCL Cheerleaders as well as NCL Haters.


"MOST of the NCL cheerleaders care about NCL and the people who choose to cruise on NCL and are on here to give honest opinions and to share facts"


Why does a multibillion dollar multinational corporation need cheerleaders on a forum like this? A cheerleader by definition is "One who expresses or promotes thoughtless praise; an adulator" but I think in this example, a better definition is someone who has chosen sides, and strictly roots for the home team, as it were - so how can those opinions be honest, factual and truthful? Another big issue is too often, said opinions are presented as facts.


"Bottom line is you will have those who hate NCL and for some reason come on this board and post anything negative they can and for some reason get a thrill doing it."


So, if someone posts negative comments about NCL, they "hate" NCL?

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It's funny that when people say this or feel this way that they never think or post that those that only have negative things to say about NCL aren't employees of rival cruiselines. Like they have a vested interest in tarnishing the rep of NCL or anyone who likes NCL.


I was being sarcastic. Why would the cruiselines pay money for this? Plenty of people doing it for them, for free.

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I've been trying to keep up with the posts, even though I have been too sick to post much over the weeks since our last two NCL cruises. (The last one ended 1/24 and the next one is 2/26. We still can't get through a day without coughing, but the rib bruising has cleared.)


I have debated whether to even post of our experiences with smoking neighbors and black mold in our cabins, but why? There are so many "cheerleaders" who will attack any perceived slight of an NCL cruise that those who come to the site for information would probably not find what they need to know anyhow.


I normally try to post for the "readers" not the "writers", but perhaps because of the extended illness the megaposters have really got me down. I wish this site counted quality of posts rather than quantity.


To those of you who have only written one or two posts and been blasted, I sympathize and understand. If I had started my CC postings on the NCL board I would have quit before I got to #3. Even now I hesitate before posting here -- Kind of sad.


To those of you who have been trying to report dangerous problems on the Jade, I know you have received numerous insults from folks who haven't been on the ships recently and won't respect a less than glowing opinion. Let me say, based on my experiences in the past month on other NCL ships, I believe you fully and will be cancelling my 3 weeks coming up on the Jade. (I loved that ship last time aboard!) If I can get current information, I may book a different voyage, if not, I will be forced to look to a more informative board and cruiseline.


To the cheerleaders, yes, you overwhelm all other voices on this board by the sheer quantity of your posts - 5,8,10 a day - but are you good for the cruiseline you love, or do the silent observers quietly move on to other, more courteous, boards? (I know I don't need to identify a "cheerleader", they will quickly and loudly identify themselves.)


do you really think the NCL loyalist or call us cheerleaders are any different than those on other boards? of course not,except, beleive it or not they aren't as defensive as a few others I can think of.. As for the Jade, very few have defended NCL or the ship. Of course if one hasn't been on the ship one can not argue about the conditions or about the virus. The only legit argument I have seen and it is legit, many lines have had more problems with the virus than NCL. That is not defending anyone or anything.


The cheerleaders are going to defend their favorite lines, just like those who do not like a line come here and do nothing but blast away. Don't you think we have every right to voice our views. If you or someone gets blasted, think about how we get it from the other side.



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Just like the bashing that happens to someone who posts something negative or to someone who it is their first posting, anytime someone corrects something that is reported on a thread as a "fact" then they in turn are called "cheerleaders" or they are bashed for saying anything that is different that what the OP stated. That is just as bad as any other bashing.

No, much worse. See the first three or four postings in this thread for perfect examples, with Down-Unders as the quintessential exemplar. Here's someone who adds nothing but just seeks out threads to bash the inaccurately-termed cheerleaders. What it is that drives someone who has had a perceived (note the significance of that word) bad experience to write hate here for months--or even years--on end is beyond me.


"Dangerous" problems on Jade.:rolleyes: Give me a break. We had a great cruise on her little more than a year ago. Talk about overwrought nonsense.

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The cheerleaders are going to defend their favorite lines, just like those who do not like a line come here and do nothing but blast away. Don't you think we have every right to voice our views. If you or someone gets blasted, think about how we get it from the other side.




Of course you have that right, and no-one that I have read has suggested otherwise. The OP is simply asking do the cheerleaders help or harm NCL, that's all.;)

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I'm sure this thread will poof soon. I do agree with the OP there are some people on here and not all of them are cheerleaders of NCL either that come here to stir up trouble CONSTANTLY. The board moderators on here do a piss poor job of stopping them too. However, the fault really lies with you as the person who chooses to post or not. You can just read and sift through all the garbage these people say or you can just skip the threads when you see them post in them because you know it'll be uninformative and mostly slamming or off-topic banter anyway. I take this general NCL forum with a grain of salt and do help out cruisers when I definitely know the answer to their question. Otherwise I sit back and let those with nothing else better to do have a free for all (either negative or positive comments against NCL).


I personally like NCL a lot and have sailed on many different lines. I am not an NCL cheerleader though. :p

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To answer the question asked, they neither help nor harm NCL. They only harm themselves in terms of reputation on this board. When I see a so-called cheerleader post something "ra ra" I take it with a grain of salt, just as I do with people who are usually negative toward NCL. Both the cheerleaders and the booleaders are in the same category in my opinion. It is the middle of the road posters who can overcome their love and devotion for NCL (or their dislike) and see things how they actually are that are most valuable here, imho.

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isn't there a quote about how it ill suites someone who curses with equal vigor both sides of an issue?(actually the quote is something along the lines of that it ill suits someone who has supt with both parties to curse with equal vigor both sides when engaged in a struggle of mutual embrace-its about a coal strike)


I think that someone being labeled a cheerleader often depends on what side of an issue someone takes.


So that any one who disagrees with you is a cheerleader for something.


Its also not true that someone who has a lot of posts is an unthinking booster. So this thread too is a mindless prejudice in its own way.





BTW the article suggests aspirin which should not be given to people under 18....

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I've been trying to keep up with the posts, even though I have been too sick to post much over the weeks since our last two NCL cruises. (The last one ended 1/24 and the next one is 2/26. We still can't get through a day without coughing, but the rib bruising has cleared.)


I have debated whether to even post of our experiences with smoking neighbors and black mold in our cabins, but why? There are so many "cheerleaders" who will attack any perceived slight of an NCL cruise that those who come to the site for information would probably not find what they need to know anyhow.


I normally try to post for the "readers" not the "writers", but perhaps because of the extended illness the megaposters have really got me down. I wish this site counted quality of posts rather than quantity.


To those of you who have only written one or two posts and been blasted, I sympathize and understand. If I had started my CC postings on the NCL board I would have quit before I got to #3. Even now I hesitate before posting here -- Kind of sad.


To those of you who have been trying to report dangerous problems on the Jade, I know you have received numerous insults from folks who haven't been on the ships recently and won't respect a less than glowing opinion. Let me say, based on my experiences in the past month on other NCL ships, I believe you fully and will be cancelling my 3 weeks coming up on the Jade. (I loved that ship last time aboard!) If I can get current information, I may book a different voyage, if not, I will be forced to look to a more informative board and cruiseline.


To the cheerleaders, yes, you overwhelm all other voices on this board by the sheer quantity of your posts - 5,8,10 a day - but are you good for the cruiseline you love, or do the silent observers quietly move on to other, more courteous, boards? (I know I don't need to identify a "cheerleader", they will quickly and loudly identify themselves.)


The cheerleaders on this board, and the others too are laughable. These boards have a true goal of providing information about cruises. Fortunately for all of the cruise lines MOST cruisers don't even know of the existance of CC. If I had read CC before I booked a cruise I would have never set foot on any ship.


My experience having sailed on four different lines tells me that for the most part all of the mass market lines are pretty much the same. NCL has open dining, Carnival has bigger cabins, RCCL has fancier public areas on the ships. Other than that they are all pretty much the same. None of them have food to write home about, even in the specialty restaurants. Make these comments on any of the boards and you get blasted.


There are some boards on CC that are very civilized. People can say the good and the bad without being attacked. Why? Maybe because those lines monitor the boards and actually investigate the complaints and correct the legitimate ones.


Maybe the real problem is that people are intolerant. Everyone would like to have a great experience on vacation. Cruises are some of the most inexpensive vacations that exist but people expect them to be 5 star events. No cruise on a mass market line is a five star event.


I have no idea what is going on on the Jade. I do know that noro outbreaks can happen anywhere that people gather in groups and that the spread is usually caused by people, BUT if a venue continues to have outbreaks there is something in the venue itself causing the problem. If the ship is just dirty or run down, or infected, then it is the responsibility of the cruise line to locate and correct the problem. Sometimes that means taking a ship out of service for a week or even two to thoroughly sanitize and repair the issues. It might even mean that the crew has to be tested to make sure that one of them is not a carrier.


Now that I have ranted, to the OP I don't think that the cheerleaders either help or harm the cruise line itself. I think they make themselves look silly and I for one am very glad that the ignore poster option exists in CC.

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Interesting thread. I love cruising and am a big fan of NCL. I only post if I think I may add to a thread, but have been actively perusing for 5 years.


Yes it is obvious there are cheerleaders and naysayers of NCL. Both have a place in this forum, and many of both articulate fair and valid commentary. What is unfortunate is how some in both camps will reply to an OP's or poster's comment with a post that attacks the OP/poster.


If you are compelled to disagree with a post, why not say such and express why and leave it at that, rather than question the OP/poster's intent with an attacking reply. The thread then becomes a forum on how many different ways we can bash the OP/poster.


The vast majority of the cheerleaders posts are positive. However, in my opinion, the cheerleaders that feel compelled to turn on and attack an OP/poster because they didn't like the message in a post is too frequent and casts a poor shadow on the rest of us cheerleaders who are here for support, the sharing of information and some darn good fun.

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I have debated whether to even post of our experiences with smoking neighbors and black mold in our cabins, but why? There are so many "cheerleaders" who will attack any perceived slight of an NCL cruise that those who come to the site for information would probably not find what they need to know anyhow.


...the megaposters have really got me down. I wish this site counted quality of posts rather than quantity.


That's EXACTLY the effect they want to have. Get people so down they just go away so the true stories don't get told. Be a leader and not a follower. Post your experiences. It will encourage others to do the same. Many people will read them. The cheerleaders will degrade you, comment on one mispelled word (as if that discredits EVERYTHING about you and your post), blame the color of your hair etc etc etc. Doesn't bother me in the least.

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Interesting thread. I love cruising and am a big fan of NCL. I only post if I think I may add to a thread, but have been actively perusing for 5 years.


Yes it is obvious there are cheerleaders and naysayers of NCL. Both have a place in this forum, and many of both articulate fair and valid commentary. What is unfortunate is how some in both camps will reply to an OP's or poster's comment with a post that attacks the OP/poster.


If you are compelled to disagree with a post, why not say such and express why and leave it at that, rather than question the OP/poster's intent with an attacking reply. The thread then becomes a forum on how many different ways we can bash the OP/poster.


The vast majority of the cheerleaders posts are positive. However, in my opinion, the cheerleaders that feel compelled to turn on and attack an OP/poster because they didn't like the message in a post is too frequent and casts a poor shadow on the rest of us cheerleaders who are here for support, the sharing of information and some darn good fun.


Great post!


I cruise to have fun and part of that fun is coming on here to build excitement. Unfortunately the last couple of months I have been spending more time on other boards because of all the bickering that goes on here. It gets really old seeing the same people express the same opinions over and over again.

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In all seriousness I think the OP has a point, and if they're smart NCL and its agents will pay attention to it.


Many customers' feelings about the customer service they receive are based on their initial expectations, and their knowledge of the service they are buying. When expectations are met, they are happy, when they aren't they get upset. Sometimes all the cheerleading and the shouting down of people with negative experiences creates a situation where customers' expecations can get out of whack, and then NCL is bound to disappoint. I think you all should read Pinkbikini's review. I found it interesting, it was full of negatives, but her expecations were realisitic and so her overall review was positive. Had someone read this board and expected far too much...of course they would have come back with complaints and a negative view of NCL.


From a cruise critic point of view...is this not a site where information is shared? Good and bad, so that people can make informed choices and decisions?

I've been on 5 cruises on 4 different lines (RCL, X, Princess and NCL) so I've had 4 times where I've come to this site as a newbie to a particular line. In all honestly my NCL/Cruise critic experience was the worst in terms of gleaning accurate and informative information pre and post cruise. In fairness I was only in a BA category, so I may have been confused by reading all the Live froms a Garden/Owners suite, but to be 100% honest, real and accurate information and opinions is hard to find on this board as compared to others.


Finally, it is cruise "critic". I think some people need to grow up and understand that if someone doesn't share you opinions that doesn't mean you have throw a hissy fit and tell them they are "wrong".

There will never be a situation where something is reviewed (wine, theatre, restaurant, CRUISE) and it will get 100% positive reviews. Customers who are trying to make up their minds are searching for the whole picture. Believe it or not, most of us are smart enough to make up our own minds after reading good and bad reviews. When there are only good reviews and the people with negative things to say are bullied away, the site loses it's value.

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To turn it around, why do the people who've sworn off NCL forever because of a bad experience feel compelled to come to the NCL board?


I have read several reviews that were balanced and presented the good and the bad about a cruise that met with acceptance by the "cheerleaders".


And I have read threads on other boards that have their share of cheerleaders for that particular cruise line, so this isn't something that is unique to the NCL board. (And I have seen "cheerleaders" taken to task for pointing out that NCL isn't the only cruise line that does something.)


For what it's worth I am loyal to my wallet.

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To turn it around, why do the people who've sworn off NCL forever because of a bad experience feel compelled to come to the NCL board?


I have read several reviews that were balanced and presented the good and the bad about a cruise that met with acceptance by the "cheerleaders".


And I have read threads on other boards that have their share of cheerleaders for that particular cruise line, so this isn't something that is unique to the NCL board. (And I have seen "cheerleaders" taken to task for pointing out that NCL isn't the only cruise line that does something.)


For what it's worth I am loyal to my wallet.


excellent question!!!



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I have read several reviews that were balanced and presented the good and the bad about a cruise that met with acceptance by the "cheerleaders".


Bottom line is I think over-the-top haters or cheerleaders have minimal effect on the bottom line.


When we researched our first cruise (aboard the Majesty) we took the super-positive reviews and the super-negative reviews and dismissed them, feeling that the truth was better represented by those reviews that are well-balanced and have a bit of good and bad about them.


I found that to be true then and I find it to be true now.


I've also found that you have a small contigent of people on most boards that are there simply to stir up trouble (the trolls) and cheerleaders who will defend nearly anything. It's certainly not a phenomena isolated to the NCL board...:rolleyes:

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To turn it around, why do the people who've sworn off NCL forever because of a bad experience feel compelled to come to the NCL board?


I have read several reviews that were balanced and presented the good and the bad about a cruise that met with acceptance by the "cheerleaders".


And I have read threads on other boards that have their share of cheerleaders for that particular cruise line, so this isn't something that is unique to the NCL board. (And I have seen "cheerleaders" taken to task for pointing out that NCL isn't the only cruise line that does something.)


For what it's worth I am loyal to my wallet.


Since you asked....:D


I'm an info junkie and an over planner. I did find however that there were holes in the information that I collected pre-cruise on the Jade. Information that would be quite usefull I believe, or at the very least, information that should be put out there so that people can make their own opinion.

For example I've been vocal about the handling of the gastro outbreak on the Jan 24 Jade cruise.

Pre-cruise I read in rolls calls and reviews that there were some issues. Having never experienced a code red cruise I went digging for info.


I read a post on the celebrity board where the poster claimed that embarkation was delayed for 6 hours because the cruise line had hired a sanitation company to scour the boat...that made me feel better.


I read posts on this board that talked about the GEM and it's great scores when checked by the CDC. That made me feel better.


I did the math...5% sick, 2200 people so 1 in 20 or 110 people....and thought..you know what...we're healthy active CLEAN people in our 30s with health industry experience...we'll be fine.


I read over and over that passengers bring noro on the ship and it's not the cruise line's fault.


After my experience I realized that the information available and the inferences I made from that information was incorrect. I think it's important to clarify so that future cruisers will know. It's not a NCL vendetta...if it were I would discuss the dust mite bites that my wife got while stuck in bed (I won't post pictures you pervs!) I'd talk about the angry waiter in the Forward Starboard quadrant of the Grand Pacific dining room that threw our plates at us and made my wife cry. No, I'll leave that be and give NCL the benefit of the doubt, every cruise line has issues. Also, I do not post my opinions in threads that have nothing to do with me. That's not right.


What I do feel strongly about is helping people make informed decisions and spinning my negative experience into a positive by arming people with more accurate information. Learning from my mistakes.



1) The Jade did not have a private crew that specializes in sanitizing go through the ship...so you have to rely on the housekeeping staff to be cleaners. I've made this point quite frequently since I got back as it contradicts what I had previously gleaned. I've also tried to stay repsectful to the overworked housekeeping staff, but at the same time let people know that there's a GIANT difference between housekeeping and cleaning when your'e dealing with pathogens.


2) CDCs scores are n/a for European cruises, they have no jurisdiction. I did not know that. I had erronously believed that there were sanitizing standards I could rely on when embarkign on the Jade. I've repeated that here so that future cruises are made aware of this.


3) Playing the math game is a dangerous gamble. I found out the hard way. They do not diagnose anyone with Noro. So how they arrive at that % is a mystery. So saying...oh 12% had noro that means that 88% didn't get sick!! Which was pre-cruise, my line of thinking...is wrong. I came back here to let people know that fact.



So, the short answer to your question...I came back to the NCL board to help correct mis-information I had gathered before my cruise....so that people that are cruising in the future have the most accurate information possible.


Why is that acceptable when talking about bath robes and coffee makers, but not when talking about illness?

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Anything in extreme causes problems. I think the cheerleader label has been used too loosely as a derogatory term. Like Terry, I am proud of the label inasmuch as it means that I have been fortunate enough to enjoy quite a few NCL cruises and enjoy helping others get the most out of their cruise experience. But it has gotten to the point that I hesitate to say anything positive for fear I will be labeled a "cheerleader" - ooh what a terrible thing to be! :rolleyes::eek:


Some people are ridiculously negative. Others are mean to posters. I have no patience for either. As much as I love NCL, I have always reported any negative experience I have had in order to help future cruisers. So, again like Terry, I don't appreciate being lumped in with those that are mean on either side.


Sis Boom Bah!

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