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SD II: May 23 - June 5, 2010

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I will definitely pass your wishes to Peter this morning. Its unlikely that I will see Christophe as Peter said he will not disembark until about 11 and Christophe is expected to board about then. Peter, Clint and Ferenc have all been packed for about 3 days. ;)We have to be off no later than 10. While we were scheduled to arrive at 8, the Captain announced last night that we would be arriving early - around 7 to make sure we were on time. and sure enough, at 6:30 this morning - we are surrounded by enough other ships outside the harbor, it looks like a holding pattern above Atlanta on Friday evening at 6 p.m.:rolleyes:


no statistics were given at last evening's farewell party about the number of bottles of champagne or pounds of caviar consumed, but I think I probably set my own personal best on caviar yesterday afternoon poolside - it was so easy- much easier than at the splash. Its seems like every time my plate was empty, here came Jamie or Jasper with a refill and you just had to walk past the table with an empty plate for Chef Josselin or Peter to snatch it away and replace it with another. I'm so glad I ate lunch early and lightly (I chose the cold sea food buffet - with crab legs, shrimp and mussels (not with white wine garlic sauce unfortunately,- the one glaring omission this trip:() and no dessert. Others didn't and chose not to be the caviar glutton I was! It was also confirmed that in the Med - the event will be the Caviar and Champagne Service (not Splash) and done occassionally where ports allow (i.e. - there is an afternoon sail such as we had yesterday). Aftter the comments I heard from a few of the guests, perhaps, it canbe announced earlier in the day so guests can plan eating around the event.


I don't think I've thanked the whole "water sports team" who have been so gracious in my kayaking efforts the past few days. They all who "real jobs" on SD, including Yvonne, the boutique manager who always gets me the perfect fitting life jacket. Their helping hands have made sure that a klutz like me gets in and out of the red kayak without one bit of difficulty - even with the maniac jetskiiers deciding the crash the platform after being waved off.


Last night, when the Captain announced the formal end of the voyage one guest piped up that he was not getting off (no, it wasn't me) and Amy quickly responded - we have a couple of cabins left, I'll bring you a booking sheet. I don't know if he signed up, but there have been quite a number of bookings for additional voyages. If I've heard correctly, the first Scandanavian voyage next summer is almost full. We went ahead and put down the $2500 deposit toward an unspecified voyage -- you just have to decide in the next year where you want to go -so you could pick a voyage even a year out. You just can't beat the 15% discount.


I don't think we are done with this thread - have a few more comments to post, but want to turn in my formal comment card to SD and ZQ Vol will post pictures. Hope to hear from 3M and Greg and others who chimed in earlier and should be in route back to US from stays in Turkey and elsewhere.


Appreciate very much all your positive comments. I don't take pictures (who needs to with ZQ Voll) so when I get home, I'll print this out and yes, to those are interested I'll send the artichoke guacamole recipe (its on the vegetarian menu for the degustation night).


See you soon.



FT...reading your posts, post trip, really helped us remember all the little details. We had an amazing time, and if you recall...this was not only our first SD trip, but our first cruise (yacht) ever. We'll have to become more "expert", as you are, at SD (which can only be done by..well, taking more SD trips) fully utilizing all the SD treats...we thought we tried to do just about everything, but reading your posts I think we missed quite a bit while on board. We met so many fun, super nice and great people on-board (something we didn't expect but were very happy about)...we thought everyone would keep to themselves and do their own thing...boy were we wrong and so pleased to have made some good friends.


One quick story I know all you SD regulars will appreciate...One of the highlights of our trip, amongst many others, was the first night...we saw a dinner table set outside up on the rear of deck 4 overlooking the pool. We thought it would be great to dine outside and inquired about doing so with the concierge. She said that the rear deck area dining had been booked, but she'd look into other nights for us. That same night, we arrived at Peter who said..."Mr. & Mrs. Kimmelman, I understand you'd like to dine outside...we can make that happen. Peter and Sean set us our own table up on the rear of deck 5 overlooking the pool...all by ourselves, near full moon, calm seas...amazingly romantic. We thought, WOW is this incredible or what. Sean treated us like royalty (not just that night but throughout our trip), Peter checking in regularly to be sure all was going perfectly, and it was truly an amazing way to start of our first ever SD adventure!


Thanks so much for your posts...by all accounts I know they're appreciated and enjoyed.

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In an earlier post, someone asked about the menu and variations on a BtB voyage, so I pulled out the menus from our 13 nights on board.


Unfortunately, the 2nd night from week 2 was missing, but I did post that night, so I have some recollection. The 1st night menu on each voyage was identical from starters to desserts with the exception of the preparation of the beef tenderloin entrée. I remember Jamie even pointing out on week 2 that it was prepared with a black pepper crust (also had carmelized oyster mushroom). In week 1 it was on “Truffle infused Veal Demi-glace Duck Liver-Herb Crust”.


2nd night menu had some variations –in week 2, while steak tartar was the featured appetizer, escargot was also added. In week one, because we dined outside the chocolate dessert was different than one in week two. But menus were pretty similar


3rd night menu (2nd voyage) was the one that I would call our “free night” – since first voyage was only 6 nights and 2nd was 7 nights, on our 2nd voyage –it was the different menu. One starter – gnocchi a la provencale; one salad – new potato salad with bacon, gherkins, and onions; one soup – the veloute of summer vegetables, one dessert – crispy apple tart with cinnamon ice cream but none of the entrees were offered the previous week. This was the night on week 2 where we had Chef Josselin’s first time offering of “Kotopoulo-Me-Sfoliata” – Stuffed Chicken Breasts in Puff Pastry, with Shallot and Mavrodaphne Wine Sauce. As noted this was excellent. The other entries that night were Grilled Fillet of Dorade and Veal Tenderloin. One appetizer was Mediterranean Meze – assortment of Cold Cut, Cheeses from Greece and Italy, Grissine, Black Olives Tapendade, Mushrooms Greek style and Dolmades. I was very pleased to see the menu that evening as one of the comments I made is that I would have loved to have more of the local cuisine on board SD II. I don’t believe I ever saw a Greek cucumber/tomato on board. Certainly nothing local. We did have calamari on the lunch menu – but it was prepared the standard SD way – lightly batted and fried –nothing local like marinated. We did have it as a small offering on the cocktail hour also.


After this, while the degustation menus were identical, they were served on different nights (1st voyage, last night – which is difficult, because it’s a long dinner and people have to pack. I think it was done here because the entire ship dined al fresco except for first and last nights, 2nd voyage it was done on 5th night). The remainder of the week, while menus were no longer identical – they contained common elements. For example, one night appetizers were crab meat salad and vegetable spring rolls each week. However, the third appetizer one week was spicy thai beef salad and the next it was homemade terrine of foie gras. But don’t be concerned – each was served on another night.


The only menu item we had the 2nd week that we didn’t have the first week was the Chocolate Souffle with Godiva Chocolate Sauce at the final dinner (or at least it was the only thing I regretted not having twice) and that was probably due to only having two dinners indoors. But my waistline is grateful for no more Souffles than the two Earl Grey and one Chocolate . . . :rolleyes:


For full menus, as soon as ZQ Vol meets a couple of pending work deadlines he'll be posting those and his pictures, we promise . . . :D



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3rd night menu (2nd voyage) was the one that I would call our “free night” – since first voyage was only 6 nights and 2nd was 7 nights, on our 2nd voyage –it was the different menu. One starter – gnocchi a la provencale; one salad – new potato salad with bacon, gherkins, and onions; one soup – the veloute of summer vegetables, one dessert – crispy apple tart with cinnamon ice cream but none of the entrees were offered the previous week. FT


should clarify here . . . we had one item in each category except entrees that night that had been offered the previous week but everything else was "new" - so just goes to show next BtB needs to be 14 nights, not 13.



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As I was putting away my two pairs of pajamas, I decided to compare them to the set I got in December. There are some differences. The tie on the pants from December has a metal closure at each end. On those from last week - just a regular knot. But more importantly - theres a tremendous difference in size. I'm about the same size I was in December and the pjs from December are much closer fitting than the new ones. The new ones are the same size as ZQ Vols - so my question is -- are there really two "one size fit all pjs"? Because there is no way that ZQ Vol or any one over 5 foot 8 would have been able to wear the December pjs as anything other than capri pants.:rolleyes: And the ones I got this week are very long and very loose on me - which is fine.

Inquiring minds want to know . . . (but I can confirm -- these are still the lower quality as compared to those from several years ago).


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I am finally getting started on photos. Instead of putting them here, I am adding them on facebook and Flickr.


The first group from Athens is up. These are mostly scenary, not portraits.







I will be doing a review and updating my web page over the next couple of weeks. If you are interested keep watching for more stuff.

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I just finished posting the last of the photos from the trip. THey can be found here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/8259823@N06/collections/72157624127044029//


I willl now work on my review and let you know when and where it is posted. Thanks goodnesss that FT took good notes so that I have something to jog my memory.

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Great job on the pix. What kind of camera??



Most of those were with a Cannon t1i, with either the stock 18-55 lens or a 55-200 lens. A few were with a point and shoot Panasonic that I have.

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I don't think we are done with this thread - have a few more comments to post, but want to turn in my formal comment card to SD and ZQ Vol will post pictures. Hope to hear from 3M and Greg and others who chimed in earlier and should be in route back to US from stays in Turkey and elsewhere.


Hello FT, ZQ, Greg, Tartan, and Keltic (and all the lurkers)....


Back to reality and all settled. (The credit card bill has even arrived already...a testimony to how many great souvenirs we acquired (the spices, the ceramics, the silks, the carpets....oh my!!)What a pleasure it was meeting everyone! And what a nice group of people on our particular cruise! This was our first SD cruise (been on 30 plus other cruises) and by far the most amazing cruise we'd been on. FT...you get the prize for most in depth cruise commentary. I can only add that one of our surprise highlights was being able to dine outside so many evenings...a real treat considering where we were each night. A truly unforgettable aspect of the vacation. Also, the service and food far surpassed our expectations...we expected great, but this was better than great! It's also worth pointing out how the doctor on board helped me salvage my vacation by giving me great antiobiotics to get rid of a bronchial issue I had (apparently from too much fun and lack of sleep) and did not charge me for a doctor's visit, only for the drugs!! That SD service....just amazing!!


Also, for anyone returning to Turkey, a couple of tips... We spent three days in Istanbul and we used Lale Kosagan for a one day tour in Istanbul (and were joined by Tartan and his lovely wife) We had the most amazing day of our entire vacation. We did a walking tour of the old part of Istanbul, Sultanahment, and were mesmerized by Lale's knowledge, sense of humor, and graciousness. We highly recommend her company www.toursinistanbul.com They also handle tours in Ephesus and all of Turkey. We were only sorry we had not booked more days with Lale...What a find!! Also, highly recommend the Turkish bath experience at Cemberlitas...we will not forget it. And lastly....for a fantastic dinner in a 1500 year old converted cistern all lit up with candles, go to Sarnic, near Hagia Sophia. What a memorable meal!! Have the lamb!!


Now on to the hard part....figuring out how to pick the next SD itinerary and cruise.

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Thanks for the info on the menus -- I think in the Caribbean there is less "mixing and matching" on B2Bs, so I look forward to some variation in the Med!

Think I can answer your question on the pjs -- I met the Director of Sales at a travel show here on HHI a few weeks ago and the subject came up. They had gone with the lighter weight (which I do like) but recognized the new sizing wasn't working at all. So they have gone back to the original sizing (one fits all!) but kept the lighter weight.

I'm on travel and dealing with painfully slow and intermittent connection speeds so don't dare try accessing ZQ's pics yet, so can't wait to get home and indulge in what I know will be a wonderfully indulgent afternoon (and evening?) viewing your pics!


Thanks so much for your reviews and welcome home!!


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Thank you for the pics links. I am living everything twice. I haven´t planned a next vacation, but looking forward to booking a Caribbean adventure. However I am curious to see the next SD destinations after 2011.


gregk-FTL you seemed to be really happy on board and enjoying everything. :-) I am glad you all have enjoyed it.


I still have to post my pics on worldisround but I am too busy lately.

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Think I can answer your question on the pjs -- I met the Director of Sales at a travel show here on HHI a few weeks ago and the subject came up. They had gone with the lighter weight (which I do like) but recognized the new sizing wasn't working at all. So they have gone back to the original sizing (one fits all!) but kept the lighter weight.

I'm on travel and dealing with painfully slow and intermittent connection speeds so don't dare try accessing ZQ's pics yet, so can't wait to get home and indulge in what I know will be a wonderfully indulgent afternoon (and evening?) viewing your pics!


Thanks so much for your reviews and welcome home!!





Interesting info on the pjs . . . thanks


I haven't even seen all ZQ Vol's pics yet! Just got back from Boston myself - spent 8 hours yesterday in the rain in Foxboro for a concert. . . . now I'm really wishing I was back on SD. Kept hoping we would run into bartender Clint on the streets of Boston before he heads off to South Africa but



I forgot to discuss in earlier posts the afternoon pass arounds - we didn't get to sample them every day since we were often off the yacht, however I was a bit puzzled by the selection on certain days. Some days they were fantastic -- such as the ice cream between home made cookies or a frothy strawberry mint concoction. Other days, it was the equivalent of a popsicle or just some diced fruit. I'd be interested to hear on future voyages what shows up. Of course the day we had the Champagne and Caviar Service set the platinum standard for pass around - since my plate was never empty!:D



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Abusive passengers to our lovely crew?. I am not amused to hear that :-(


Have a safe journey home. I have posted some of my feelings




Keltic has given me permission to quote from his article here, but my Spanish isn't quite good enough on several of the phrases to make sure I'm verbatim so I need to confirm a few key quotes with him -- but he does focus on 5 factors that make SD unique --

(1) Its Yachting, not crusing - It has "nothing to do with a traditional cruise experience. . . . above all, a very personal approach where every passernger is unique."

(2) The Crew. In SD "each is a jewel. " I love this next phrase -- "Exquisite education, staggering kindess and a sea of smiles . . . " "Treating you as a king falls within the tasks of the crew of SD II" He mentions Bartender Collin and the care Collin takes with his coffee, but here's where I lose a couple of words in the translation -- some howehow I don't think the word punetero as used by Keltic has the same meaning my dictionary gives it ("bloody").

(3) Succulent Food. "First quality ingredient, in simply masterful presentations." "the desserts reach enormous doses of perfection"

(4) Exclusivity and luxury. The facilities are "fairly discrete except for the opulent library but 'class' is not measured by decoration and luxury is subtly perceived. For tacky ornaments, we have other lines on the general markets." []Comment - I do love that one too!]. Cabins "are perfectly equipped". He desribes the Bvlgari products, marble bathrooms, daily gifts . etc.

(5) Extras. Really, there aren't many. This is something important. "Its clear that the spa and excursions are paid separately, but there are details such as the mini bar personalized with your personal preferences . . . all kinds of foods, wines, cocktails, and champagne of the highest quality. And above all something that makes SD an unquie experience. And I am referring to the Marina Deck. . . . unique: long stayes (until night) in ports, which makes the maxium use of the time.


He concludes by stating its a "product recommended for passengers accustomed to requiring the best fo the best, educated and refined, who appreciate the human dimension and want a semi private environment . . . . and to discover something more than the usual ports. Welcome to the SeaDream Yacht Club."


Keltci promises a longer article in the printed magazine. Can't wait to read that.



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As promised I have started working on my blog which is also acting as my trip report. As FT and I discovered Med cruises are much more port intensive than the Caribbean. (I mean how many ways can you say we sat on the beach at Jost and drank Pain Killers at the Soggy Dollar - not that that is bad, but different.)


The result is that the blog has a lot of details about ports, and the sites we saw and not so much about the ship. I am including then daily menus, at least in abbreviated form.


So far I have the first three of what I think are going to be either 14 or 15 episodes posted. Here is the link: http://dreamingonthesea.blogspot.com/


Please let me know what you think and if you want questions answered now that my MAJOR work project is done I will try to dig the answers out of my feeble brain.



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I lose a couple of words in the translation -- some howehow I don't think the word punetero as used by Keltic has the same meaning my dictionary gives it ("bloody").





Thanks frequent traveller for your comments. Your Spanish is just fine. Perfect translation. Puñetero is a bit of coloquial, meaning "fussy on purpose" (with other meanings as well). My coffee was, deliverately, hard to remember: iced, decaf, with non fat cream, and sweater......too many things all together. I didn´t check if the colour was the same, but almost. :-)

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As promised I have started working on my blog which is also acting as my trip report. As FT and I discovered Med cruises are much more port intensive than the Caribbean. (I mean how many ways can you say we sat on the beach at Jost and drank Pain Killers at the Soggy Dollar - not that that is bad, but different.)


The result is that the blog has a lot of details about ports, and the sites we saw and not so much about the ship. I am including then daily menus, at least in abbreviated form.


So far I have the first three of what I think are going to be either 14 or 15 episodes posted. Here is the link: http://dreamingonthesea.blogspot.com/


Please let me know what you think and if you want questions answered now that my MAJOR work project is done I will try to dig the answers out of my feeble brain.




Fantastic indeed. Thanks for the link.

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As promised I have started working on my blog which is also acting as my trip report. As FT and I discovered Med cruises are much more port intensive than the Caribbean. (I mean how many ways can you say we sat on the beach at Jost and drank Pain Killers at the Soggy Dollar - not that that is bad, but different.)


The result is that the blog has a lot of details about ports, and the sites we saw and not so much about the ship. I am including then daily menus, at least in abbreviated form.


So far I have the first three of what I think are going to be either 14 or 15 episodes posted. Here is the link: http://dreamingonthesea.blogspot.com/


Please let me know what you think and if you want questions answered now that my MAJOR work project is done I will try to dig the answers out of my feeble brain.




WOW! You guys are amazing. Between your lovely pictures and commentary and FT's trip reports I feel like I'm living it all again. Thanks.

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I think that I am finished with the blog.


Here you go for those that are interested: http://dreamingonthesea.blogspot.com/


Here is my Website: http://www.pvavalides.com/cruises.htm - lots of reviews ere. Feeel free to send me your comments. It seems I duplicate everything time and time again. Web site is the same as the blog, but you can go from page to page in any order.


Thanks for all that everyone has said.

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