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Just of the Magic.... Where's the magic?


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I noticed some of the mean replies when a person is merely giving their opinion of their experience. Kids cry, parents need to eat, its a Disney Cruise with kids, it is what it is, if people can't handle crying, try a different cruise line, but don't make nasty posts on this website, its rude and not necessary. I just got off the Disney Magic on Saturday, and I had several complaints and/or issues, I will not be sailing Disney anytime in the near future. Yes, maybe I will again, but no time soon. Service was slow, food was good, and yes there was salad, but not a great selection. There were many good things, but I remember the not so good. An hour wait for room service, slow service at dinner and we did not stop at Castaway Cay, due to weather. I know Disney does not control weather, but it was a disappointing. Thats my opinion. I did send a letter of complaint to them a few minutes ago, so depending on how they respond will determine the next time I sail Disney.


Amen. I couldn't have said it better myself. I think the point of these boards is to put it all out there, so that people can make a decision based on all opinions. What is great for one may not work for another. And while people from all walks of life go on DCL, let's face it, the main market segment is families!

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I think the thread kind of got off track, the point was the review, not how long the child threw a tantrum. I have noticed a trend on some of these threads though. As soon as someone gives an honest review and says anything negative about a Disney cruise, they tend to come under fire. I, for one, appreciate your honesty and wish there was more of it. Saying something negative about your experience is not an insult to those who enjoyed their cruise.


Cruise lines and ships specifically have their fans. It's a lot like college and pro sports teams. It seems irrational because ships are just machinery and crew that most people don't know personally. On sports teams, the players turn-over completely every few years but some people are lifelong fans just the same.


I think that it has something to do with them having names. It personalizes it.


Check out some of the other boards. Some RCI and Celebrity fans are rabid. Go over there and say that your cruise was perfect except the pork chop was overcooked and let the fun begin.

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I think the thread kind of got off track, the point was the review, not how long the child threw a tantrum. I have noticed a trend on some of these threads though. As soon as someone gives an honest review and says anything negative about a Disney cruise, they tend to come under fire. I, for one, appreciate your honesty and wish there was more of it. Saying something negative about your experience is not an insult to those who enjoyed their cruise.


I totally agree and also appreciate the honesty of the OP. Having returned off the Magic in February I felt the same way and I'm a HUGE Disney fan! My family and I (adult parents and grandchildren) spent a week visiting Disney orlando during their promo with the free dining last September, spent $1,000 less (for husband and I) and had twice as much fun.


This was our ninth cruise - our first Disney and I hate to say it, but probably will be our last. The extra charge you pay for Disney, to me, just isn't worth it....(please note, I said "to me"). Hopefully the new ships will be much better.

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Maybe we shouldn't focus on a situation that we weren't present for, the child at the dinner. I think the point of the post was to give an opinion not be judged as parents. Who judges parenthood based on a post? Guess some people do. Just got off the cruise, although not all children, keep it real mostly families on the ship.


I judge someone's lack of manners when they state that they let their child throw a tantrum for FIVE MINUTES. There's no way you can tell me that if you were at the next table it wouldn't have bothered you to ahve your meal interrupted by a child who screamed that long.

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I judge someone's lack of manners when they state that they let their child throw a tantrum for FIVE MINUTES. There's no way you can tell me that if you were at the next table it wouldn't have bothered you to ahve your meal interrupted by a child who screamed that long.

I thought the OP said "The entire incident lasted less than 5 minutes (although it felt like a lifetime)-"

...which I assume included the OP taking their child out of the dining room to calm the child down...OP did not say the child was screaming for 5 minutes in the dining room.:confused:

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I thought the OP said "The entire incident lasted less than 5 minutes (although it felt like a lifetime)-"

...which I assume included the OP taking their child out of the dining room to calm the child down...OP did not say the child was screaming for 5 minutes in the dining room.:confused:


That's why I was looking for some clarification. The OP did say that she ate her dinner while her daughter was screaming.

One of the common themes that I see among those that criticize DCL is the "Screaming kids all over the ship, ruining quiet time by the pool, meals and shows" comment. That hasn't been my experience but others have stated it so I thought it interesting to find a specific example of this.

I've been there. When my kids were small we used to bring them into restaurants where they mostly slept. When one made noise, we'd eat in shifts. We quickly gave it up.

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I thought the OP said "The entire incident lasted less than 5 minutes (although it felt like a lifetime)-"

...which I assume included the OP taking their child out of the dining room to calm the child down...OP did not say the child was screaming for 5 minutes in the dining room.:confused:


The OP stated that he was trying to eat his dinner while dealing with his daughter, so no, he didn't bother to remove her, he remained in the dining room with a screaming toddler in full tantrum mode for five minutes. There's nothing to assume if you read what the OP wrote--it's right there in black and white.

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Let me restate that ... My 1 1/2 year old daughter decided she was done with dinner and decided to throw a tantrum as most 1 1/2 year olds do - Anyway - I did try calming her down and when that did not work, I left the dining room with her - The entire incident lasted less than 5 minutes (although it felt like a lifetime)- While trying to calm her down (our food had just come) our waiter cut up the steak, an extremely nice gesture - And when I left the dining room with her, he actually had the steak sent to our room as room service - As I stated earlier the crew was great.


No other cruisers were impacted - As Mong said, the dining rooms were very noisy and children screaming is pretty much the norm on Disney.


Since I've posted my initial comments, a number of other passengers have come forward and stated the same thing, echoing my sentiments - Too much of a premium for a bunch of people in costumes....


I really hope Disney does improve on their new ships....

It says right here that he left the dining room with her! When we cruised in May and my almost 2 y.o. got rammy(not screaming though just impatient and hungry for his food) I took him out of the dining room and came back about 5 minutes later when he had settled down. I though that he meant it took 5 minutes from when she started crying until she finally calmed down which would include their walk out of the dining room as he stated. Perhaps OP should clarify this so we don't keep beating a dead horse here ;)

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Thank you, Jeremybe, for your review. I'm considering a Disney cruise this year and I'm reading reviews, positives and negatives alike.

It is a shame that people get all balistic as soon a negative review comes to the board. I don't know why, it does help a lot to understand the cruise. At the end, it is your opinion, it doesn't have to be equal to mine.

If I can comment about kids and dinner, knowing that Ducklite will bite my head off, I think that we all are getting to unfriendly with kids. I came from a country when kids are number one priority, if a child is crying, everybody around will turn and try to get his attention, make him happy, we don't censure them or try to make them behave as an adult. I know that it is a different culture, and most of americans will never touch or talk to a kid that is not his, but there is not need to question the OP parenthood habilities because took less than 5 minutes to leave the restaurant, I think that we should learn to be a little more tolerant, especially with kids, and especially in a public place, where not everybody thinks that same.

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I've got nothing against children. And I'll be the first to admit that they can act up at the worst possible moment. But imposing a tantrum on others as if it should just be accepted is just plain rude. Just because YOU think your children are the cutest things in the world that can do no wrong, it doesn't mean that you have a right to expect that everyone thinks that way. And expecting others to entertain your child at the expense of enjoying their meal is simply ridiculous. You chose to become a parent, which means that you have an obligation to tend to your offspring and not expect everyone to do your job for you.


When my son was young, if he began acting up and I wasn't able to quiet him down after about 30 seconds, we were out the door until he was able to calm down. It meant a lot of cold food for me, but I felt that it was my OBLIGATION as a parent to not impose his noise and tantrums on others.


It's NOT a cultural thing, it's a common sense thing. Not everyone has kids, not everyone wants kids, and to FORCE your children and their ill behavior upon everyone is just plain rude.

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Ducklite-Thank you. I believe that is the first time I have ever seen or read a parent's opinion that mirrored mine! As a single adult I chose not to have children. Yet my opinion is disregarded and diminished by parents whenever I broach the subject of how parents really need to respect their fellow diners when their children act out in public. I applaud you for stating what so many of us feel when a child acts out in a restaurant. :cool:

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I was on the March 6th, 2010 Western sailing on the Magic and I say the Magic was there for my cruise like it has been for all of my other 9 cruises. I celebrated my 22nd birthday on the ship and it was great, hanging with the college club friends, talking with the cruise staff, enjoying food, hanging out all around the ship. It was awesome

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I've got nothing against children. And I'll be the first to admit that they can act up at the worst possible moment. But imposing a tantrum on others as if it should just be accepted is just plain rude. Just because YOU think your children are the cutest things in the world that can do no wrong, it doesn't mean that you have a right to expect that everyone thinks that way. And expecting others to entertain your child at the expense of enjoying their meal is simply ridiculous. You chose to become a parent, which means that you have an obligation to tend to your offspring and not expect everyone to do your job for you.


When my son was young, if he began acting up and I wasn't able to quiet him down after about 30 seconds, we were out the door until he was able to calm down. It meant a lot of cold food for me, but I felt that it was my OBLIGATION as a parent to not impose his noise and tantrums on others.


It's NOT a cultural thing, it's a common sense thing. Not everyone has kids, not everyone wants kids, and to FORCE your children and their ill behavior upon everyone is just plain rude.


My, why you have to take everything so personal? I don't want to fight with you; I don't want YOU to entertain my kids, not only you, nobody, as you said, I decide to be a mother, so it is my responsibility. I just gave you my opinion, and another POV about kids crying and people behavior around, how it is done in a lot of places in the world, it doesn’t mean that is not right only because you don't approve and that we are all lazy people expecting other people to raise our kids, more respect, if not, we are in the cliché that Americans think that they are better that the rest of the world. (I live in USA too and I know that it is not true, but people like you feed the idea).

You have taking this to the point that if we don't agree with your views, we are all irresponsible, uncaring, bad parents, etc...OK, I got the message, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING WRONG ABOUT THE CRUISE, IF YOU DO, YOU ARE THE WORT PERSON IN THE WORLD. BTW, I do have a lot of common sense, which tell me to expect a lot of kids and their subsequent behavior in a Disney cruise. Now, I'm finish, you are not the owner of this board and one of the reasons why I don't live in my country any more is that I refuse to people dictate me how to think, we all should debate with respect.

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My, why you have to take everything so personal? I don't want to fight with you; I don't want YOU to entertain my kids, not only you, nobody, as you said, I decide to be a mother, so it is my responsibility. I just gave you my opinion, and another POV about kids crying and people behavior around, how it is done in a lot of places in the world, it doesn’t mean that is not right only because you don't approve and that we are all lazy people expecting other people to raise our kids, more respect, if not, we are in the cliché that Americans think that they are better that the rest of the world. (I live in USA too and I know that it is not true, but people like you feed the idea).

You have taking this to the point that if we don't agree with your views, we are all irresponsible, uncaring, bad parents, etc...OK, I got the message, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING WRONG ABOUT THE CRUISE, IF YOU DO, YOU ARE THE WORT PERSON IN THE WORLD. BTW, I do have a lot of common sense, which tell me to expect a lot of kids and their subsequent behavior in a Disney cruise. Now, I'm finish, you are not the owner of this board and one of the reasons why I don't live in my country any more is that I refuse to people dictate me how to think, we all should debate with respect.



You seem to think that I have a problem with people criticizing DCL. That is far from the truth, and I've got quite a few OBJECTIVE criticisms of them. I do have a problem with criticisms that are vague and subjective though.


Just because there are a lot of children on a cruise, it doesn't give parents cart blanche to allow those children to behave in a way that disturbs others. I don't own these boards, and I have no problem with people expressing opinions. But I'll be damned if someone is going to tell me that I need to accept their kid screaming and being disruptive in a restaurant--be it on a ship or on land.


By the way, I took it personally because you specifically directed your comments towards me.

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I've got nothing against children. And I'll be the first to admit that they can act up at the worst possible moment. But imposing a tantrum on others as if it should just be accepted is just plain rude. Just because YOU think your children are the cutest things in the world that can do no wrong, it doesn't mean that you have a right to expect that everyone thinks that way. And expecting others to entertain your child at the expense of enjoying their meal is simply ridiculous. You chose to become a parent, which means that you have an obligation to tend to your offspring and not expect everyone to do your job for you.


When my son was young, if he began acting up and I wasn't able to quiet him down after about 30 seconds, we were out the door until he was able to calm down. It meant a lot of cold food for me, but I felt that it was my OBLIGATION as a parent to not impose his noise and tantrums on others.


It's NOT a cultural thing, it's a common sense thing. Not everyone has kids, not everyone wants kids, and to FORCE your children and their ill behavior upon everyone is just plain rude.


It sounds like the OP did exactly that...removed their child from the dining room. I also read the clarification as the entire incident (meaning from the time the child started crying, to when they took the kid out of the dining room, to the time they returned to their seat) took five minutes. Either way, you are out of line to make assumptions based upon a post when you were not there. Just because a very young child throws a tantrum, doesn't mean the child is ill behaved or the parents are forcing their children and their ill behavior upon everyone. It simply means they are a child and acting as ALL children do at various points. I know that now that I have children of my own, I tend to be less judgmental of other parents and much more sympathetic because we have all been there at one time or another.


Furthermore, whether you like it or not, Disney is first and foremost a family cruise. Sure, there are honeymooners and retirees and others without children on the ship, but they are clearly in the minority. So if the noise of children is offensive to you or anyone else, than maybe a different cruise line is a better fit.


I can honestly say that for a ship full of children, I saw very few children misbehaving or throwing tantrums (though I did see quite a few vomiting!). Most were too busy having the time of their lives.


It's amazing to me how hostile this thread has become. The point of these boards is to share information, not to ridicule or berate people who leave a post. You sound like a bitter old man and I feel sorry for the families that have the misfortune of sitting near you in the dining room or the pool area or anywhere else on the ship. Heaven forbid their children step out of line! It would do you well to try having a little compassion for others.

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It sounds like the OP did exactly that...removed their child from the dining room. I also read the clarification as the entire incident (meaning from the time the child started crying, to when they took the kid out of the dining room, to the time they returned to their seat) took five minutes. Either way, you are out of line to make assumptions based upon a post when you were not there. Just because a very young child throws a tantrum, doesn't mean the child is ill behaved or the parents are forcing their children and their ill behavior upon everyone. It simply means they are a child and acting as ALL children do at various points. I know that now that I have children of my own, I tend to be less judgmental of other parents and much more sympathetic because we have all been there at one time or another.


And some of us haven't waited long enough to ahve our meat cut for us before we removed our disruptive children.


Furthermore, whether you like it or not, Disney is first and foremost a family cruise. Sure, there are honeymooners and retirees and others without children on the ship, but they are clearly in the minority. So if the noise of children is offensive to you or anyone else, than maybe a different cruise line is a better fit.


Disney doesn't share your opinion, otherwise they wouldn't ahve adult only areas.


I can honestly say that for a ship full of children, I saw very few children misbehaving or throwing tantrums (though I did see quite a few vomiting!). Most were too busy having the time of their lives.


I agree with you, and I never said differently. (Although I didn't see the vomiting on DCL, I saw the from the drunken adults on RCCL.) Disney does a decent job of keeping the kids seperate from the adults except in the dining rooms.


It's amazing to me how hostile this thread has become. The point of these boards is to share information, not to ridicule or berate people who leave a post. You sound like a bitter old man and I feel sorry for the families that have the misfortune of sitting near you in the dining room or the pool area or anywhere else on the ship. Heaven forbid their children step out of line! It would do you well to try having a little compassion for others.


First of all, I'm a woman and I'm not old. (and you are now the one name calling--which I have not done.) Second of all, we spend our pool time at the adult pool. Third, we specificaly request no children at our dining room table (and would IMMEDIATELY request a table change if anyone under 14 is seated with us.) We do what we can to minimize the possibility of disruption by children, but we also expect that parents do the same. Like I've stated, I am a parent and know that kids can melt down at the worst possible moment. But it's a parents responsibility to immediately remove a child when they can't quiet them in under 30 seconds. I'm not sure why that is such a hard thing for anyone to understand.

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Cruise lines and ships specifically have their fans. It's a lot like college and pro sports teams. It seems irrational because ships are just machinery and crew that most people don't know personally. On sports teams, the players turn-over completely every few years but some people are lifelong fans just the same.


I think that it has something to do with them having names. It personalizes it.


Check out some of the other boards. Some RCI and Celebrity fans are rabid. Go over there and say that your cruise was perfect except the pork chop was overcooked and let the fun begin.


I am a charter member of Cruise Critic going back to 1995 before there was even a Disney cruise line and you are correct that there are fans of various lines on each board. With that being said, the Disney board has always been the worst as far as fairness to those who criticize the line. I remember as far back as when cruise critic was on AOL exclusively and if you criticized Disney you would immediately be bombarded with IMs as well as the usual posts. I think it may be just the loyalty to Disney and as someone who goes to Disney World three times a year and owns a time share there, I can certainly understand it. It is not as bad now since there are competing boards to the Disney board which doesn't happen with many of the other lines.


There are lots of helpful people on this board such as MOM/Grandma but there are also lots who find it necessary to dissect each line of an individuals review to "corrrect" the so called shortcomings....I could never understand why people find it necessary to do that on any board.

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I am a charter member of Cruise Critic going back to 1995 before there was even a Disney cruise line and you are correct that there are fans of various lines on each board. With that being said, the Disney board has always been the worst as far as fairness to those who criticize the line. I remember as far back as when cruise critic was on AOL exclusively and if you criticized Disney you would immediately be bombarded with IMs as well as the usual posts. I think it may be just the loyalty to Disney and as someone who goes to Disney World three times a year and owns a time share there, I can certainly understand it. It is not as bad now since there are competing boards to the Disney board which doesn't happen with many of the other lines.


There are lots of helpful people on this board such as MOM/Grandma but there are also lots who find it necessary to dissect each line of an individuals review to "corrrect" the so called shortcomings....I could never understand why people find it necessary to do that on any board.


What was that about time shares??? ;)


I've been a member here since the Disney Magic was in two pieces though I went by a different screen name then, LDRS Cruise Mick. The old DCL days were so fun. We had almost no control of the boards because of AOL's rules and things were pretty wild. This board software is so much better and the tools we have are sweet.


It looks as though everything has been said... twice and it's getting pretty hot in here so, thread closed.

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