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Trouble on Navigator

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I just got off the Navigator yesterday as well and also confirm the story. And I AM NOT a 1st time poster!!! For you non-believers... there was indeed a horrible accident where a young man dove into the safety net over the pool in the Soliarium. Early the next morning, upon awakening, we were hooked to a transfer ship, which my husband witnessed just as the other posters stated. There is a deck above the pool that looks onto this area. My husband and I had walked around that deck BEFORE we heard about the accident and noticed the area roped off as well as a backboard in the bottom of the empty pool, and what appeared to be dried blood in the pool (for those of you that need more graffic details in order to be satisfied that people are telling the truth!!!! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!!!) I did not see the mentioned "volleyball" but that doesn't mean it didn't exist (just like those that didn't mention the backboard are not telling the truth!!!!) When we returned to our room from our walk around the deck, our room steward informed us of the accident and that we had rerouted to Cozumel because of the Hospital there. We then heard the announcement by the Captain regarding the young man's condition and the announcement regarding our delay into Port... I'm assuming so those with early flights might be aware there would be a delay.... but also it was my understanding a lot of young people witnessed this incident and were all concerned by his condition. The announcement was done with respect and dignity to the young man by RC. The boy was in VERY CRITICAL condition from the reports that were given. You "naysayers" should be spending a little more time praying for his recovery, if he makes one, as opposed to doubting what those of us on this Cruise either witnessed or were informed of by the announcements from the Captain and the crew. Just because a couple of details don't meet some of your standards doesn't make people liars. I'm in disbelief that many of you still are squabbling over the story being true or not despite the fact that MANY people who were on the boat have confirmed that a young man was critically injured in a horrible accident............ THAT SHOULD BE ENOUGH WITHOUT EVERY DETAIL HAVING TO BE PUT OUT THERE AND BE DOUBTED..... HOW SAD!!!!

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Is it common to have the pools empty? I have NEVER seen the net over the pools in all my past cruises (with the exception of the kids pool).


They net the pools on route when rough seas occur - or when they are cleaning an area betweeen cruises.

While it is routine, usually other areas are open - ie a solarium pool (depending on the ship) - or the hot tubs.


I am sorry to hear of an accident on board Navigator - it's one of our favorite RCCL ships. Accidents can happen anywhere - however, our prayers are with the young person who was hurt.

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Classyashley, the reason so many of us were sceptical at first was because of the original thread that said this happened on the Freedom. The information was very sketchy and the original poster said one thing and then denied saying it until someone quoted their post. Then, this thread is started with a strikingly similar accident on a different ship. This thread was started by a new poster which raised a flag because some come on just to post garbage for a laugh. Then, many new ID's appear saying the same thing. It makes it hard to believe since others in the past just make duplicate ID's.


We all now realize that this is a terrible tragedy and hope this young man recovers. Had this thread been the only thread on this accident, I doubt all this confusion would exist.

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I get the feeling that the non-believers on this (and the other) thread who are saying the story isn't true would also argue that the sky is not blue. :rolleyes:


Relax. As already point out numerous times through both threads, this story started out with completely wrong information and, apparently, a father not knowing what ship his daughter was on. It did not help that he recanted on his own words. I'm sure it wasn't intended to be a joke, but after reading the first thread, which was obviously inaccurate, this one started out with a lot of well-founded skepticism.

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I get the feeling that the non-believers on this (and the other) thread who are saying the story isn't true would also argue that the sky is not blue. :rolleyes:


...and by the way, the sky really isn't blue. ;)

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I am apalled by the non-believers. When the truth comes out and they found out that this story is true. They should be ashamed of themselves that is just rude. Some guy life will never be the same and you non-believers are saying that is bull****.


Oh yeah, I have only posted only a few so sue me LOL. I been lurking on this board for awhile but never signed up until I booked my first cruise.

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I think the problem is that we had a person claim it was on Freedom and there were certain details that didn't match up with Freedom's itinerary so people started questioning it especially since it was a first time poster. Only after a day had passed did we get information that stated it was Navigator - and that was on a separate thread (this thread). If we hadn't had the misinformation to begin with, I think a lot less people would have questioned that it actually happened.


We can all take a lesson from this to be careful in sharing 2nd hand information. The original OP on the thread that stated it was Freedom did everyone a disservice with their error - even though they were trying to be helpful. Sometimes it is better to wait and get the facts straight before we start posting things.


For me when I read the 1st thread said a prayer for an unnamed young man - and hoped that the post had no truth to it.



And most the time it is probably better not to assume that an OP is lying just because they post something that doesn't agree with how you think things should be or how they make sense to you.


Just because someone is a first time poster doesn't mean that they are a troll or a pot stirrer. As is the case with people who post about bad experiences they have had with service etc. just because you may have had a different experience it doesn't mean that they are lying and just because you may have more posts on the board than they have it doesn't mean that your opinion or experience is any more valid.


All of you who posted with such certainty that if such an accident had actually occured there would have been a helicopter on the heliopad that night remind me of the ones who post that someone's report of bad service is impossible because they haven't experienced it themselves.


I just don't understand why so many seem to feel the need to label others as liars when they weren't there and can't possibly know for sure.


My heart does go out to the family of the boy who had the accident. As a parent myself, I know that otherwise good kids can occasionally do stupid things, many of them are lucky and get away with minor trouble, others like this unfortunate lad suffer serious consequences from their foolish actions. I can only imagine the heartache of getting a phone call like that.

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I am apalled by the non-believers. When the truth comes out and they found out that this story is true. They should be ashamed of themselves that is just rude. Some guy life will never be the same and you non-believers are saying that is bull****.






Ok, I'm not getting this: Why should people who didn't believe this OP after reading about an identical situation on another ship be "ashamed of themselves?"


Do you all believe everything you read? And if you don't believe everything you read from the get go you should be "ashamed?"


There were 2 similar stories being reported on 2 different ships. Of COURSE people were skeptical. False reports and hoaxes are COMMON on the internet, so I can certainly see why people would doubt the story, particularly in light of the fact that it was reported to be on 2 different ships. :rolleyes:

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Ok, I'm not getting this: Why should people who didn't believe this OP after reading about an identical situation on another ship be "ashamed of themselves?"


Do you all believe everything you read? And if you don't believe everything you read from the get go you should be "ashamed?"


There were 2 similar stories being reported on 2 different ships. Of COURSE people were skeptical. False reports and hoaxes are COMMON on the internet, so I can certainly see why people would doubt the story, particularly in light of the fact that it was reported to be on 2 different ships. :rolleyes:

Being skeptical is one thing. Implying that the OP is a liar is a whole different thing. I have no problem with people wondering to themselves about the accuracy of a story but a lot of trouble with people posting to state that what the OP posted could not possibly have happened.

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Any word on how the young man is? I think that's the important thing here.......that a young person's life is in danger. Not whose fault it is, whether or not he had been drinking, or what misinformation sparked non-believers on this thread. I pray for his recovery, and agonize about what his family is going through. That's all that matters.

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I am apalled by the non-believers. When the truth comes out and they found out that this story is true. They should be ashamed of themselves that is just rude. Some guy life will never be the same and you non-believers are saying that is bull****.


Oh yeah, I have only posted only a few so sue me LOL. I been lurking on this board for awhile but never signed up until I booked my first cruise.


You know, there were, and really still are, enough inconsistencies in the stories to promote reasonable and healthy skepticism. While I'm starting to believe that there was a terrible accident on the Navigator, your over-the-top attempt to shame me for my doubt makes me less likely to believe the story. (Me thinks thou doth protest too much.) I never used or implied the use of any vulgarity, and yet you rant at all the "non-believers", escalating the rhetoric.


How is that we all get along so well when we cruise together, but so poorly on these boards?

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Ok, I'm not getting this: Why should people who didn't believe this OP after reading about an identical situation on another ship be "ashamed of themselves?"


Do you all believe everything you read? And if you don't believe everything you read from the get go you should be "ashamed?"


There were 2 similar stories being reported on 2 different ships. Of COURSE people were skeptical. False reports and hoaxes are COMMON on the internet, so I can certainly see why people would doubt the story, particularly in light of the fact that it was reported to be on 2 different ships. :rolleyes:


Obviously, when there are stuff this serious like for example, tragic. There will be always different accounts on what happens. Everybody is different in their own ways not one person is the same.


Try being in the shoes of the father/mother/sister/brother to this guy and you are reading this post, what would you feel? This event if its true it would have severe consequences for all the people around the person.


I am just saying don't make assumptions so fast until you get the facts.


BTW, the poster on the other post corrected it so its based on the one ship.

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Being skeptical is one thing. Implying that the OP is a liar is a whole different thing. I have no problem with people wondering to themselves about the accuracy of a story but a lot of trouble with people posting to state that what the OP posted could not possibly have happened.


Name calling is a no no, but anyone expressing healthy skepticism would have to be considered a "nonbeliever" until they saw convincing evidence to back up the story. Several have posted that "all" the nonbelievers should be ashamed, and I find that to be ridiculous. The internet is full of misinformation, and there is no shame to recognizing that and not accepting as fact every story one reads, particularly when there are two identical stories circulating about an incident which supposedly occurred on two separate ships. That fact alone would have caused a reasonable person to sincerely doubt this story.


I didn't find these threads until the incident was corroborated by several individuals, but if I'd read these two separate threads early in the game, I, too, would have thought it sounded like a hoax.

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Obviously, when there are stuff this serious like for example, tragic. There will be always different accounts on what happens. Everybody is different in their own ways not one person is the same.


Try being in the shoes of the father/mother/sister/brother to this guy and you are reading this post, what would you feel? This event if its true it would have severe consequences for all the people around the person.


I am just saying don't make assumptions so fast until you get the facts.


BTW, the poster on the other post corrected it so its based on the one ship.



That thread had pages and pages before the OP corrected himself. Thus the reasonable doubt.


If my child was in a foreign hospital with a fractured skull, I wouldn't give a rat's patoot what anonymous human beings on a message board thought.

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How is that we all get along so well when we cruise together, but so poorly on these boards?


Because people say things on here that would earn them a punch in the face if they said it in person. It is easy to be rude or obnoxious from the comfort and safety of one's living room. I'm not directing this at SamFritz, just answering the question.


Skepticism is healthy and I certainly don't believe everything I read on here. I questioned some of the facts in the other thread, but eyewitnesses often confuse details. For example someone said it happened at the pool located at the back of the ship. Many of us know there is no pool at the back of RCI ships, however there are also many passengers who, while on board, cannot tell which way is forward and which way is aft. I'm tend to be cautious about using terms like "BS," "liar," or "impossible" until I read more about the situation.


I apologize if it sounds trite, but it would be nice if CCers would "do to others what you would like to be done to you."

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You know, there were, and really still are, enough inconsistencies in the stories to promote reasonable and healthy skepticism. While I'm starting to believe that there was a terrible accident on the Navigator, your over-the-top attempt to shame me for my doubt makes me less likely to believe the story. (Me thinks thou doth protest too much.) I never used or implied the use of any vulgarity, and yet you rant at all the "non-believers", escalating the rhetoric.


How is that we all get along so well when we cruise together, but so poorly on these boards?


I have to agree with you...I have not found a news report regarding this on any site (except here). Four of the "posters" who vehemently defended this happening all joined cruise critic on March 13th. Could be a coincidence. I have to admit I am still not convinced.


If it did happen i certainly feel bad for the young man and his family.

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I am apalled by the non-believers. When the truth comes out and they found out that this story is true. They should be ashamed of themselves that is just rude. Some guy life will never be the same and you non-believers are saying that is bull****.


You know, it's been explained over and over again why there was skepticism and non-belief in this thread, but I'll say it one more time. The only fact on the original report is that someone got hurt in an empty pool. Everything else turned out to be wrong. Then, the story popped up again, regarding a different ship, and numerous brand new CC names were created to support it. As has happened so many times on CC, this usually means false info, so it certainly was not unreasonable to doubt the story. This story just happens to be an exception from the norm....at least, it seems so. We shall see.

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I have to agree with you...I have not found a news report regarding this on any site (except here). Four of the "posters" who vehemently defended this happening all joined cruise critic on March 13th. Could be a coincidence. I have to admit I am still not convinced.


If it did happen i certainly feel bad for the young man and his family.


I wasn't a sceptic at all. But the more I look for corroborative evidence not on CC the less I find any.... I'm not casting aspersions.... just being aware that the further away we get from the event you'd expect to have heard SOMETHING from a newspaper or online agency.

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I wasn't a sceptic at all. But the more I look for corroborative evidence not on CC the less I find any.... I'm not casting aspersions.... just being aware that the further away we get from the event you'd expect to have heard SOMETHING from a newspaper or online agency.

Plus CC news usually has a news item if something terrible happens on a ship. No news item there either, though it is a weekend.

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I wasn't a sceptic at all. But the more I look for corroborative evidence not on CC the less I find any.... I'm not casting aspersions.... just being aware that the further away we get from the event you'd expect to have heard SOMETHING from a newspaper or online agency.



I agree, and you know if it is a hoax, it is a pretty sick one.



Cute doggie NorbertsNiece!

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I wasn't a sceptic at all. But the more I look for corroborative evidence not on CC the less I find any.... I'm not casting aspersions.... just being aware that the further away we get from the event you'd expect to have heard SOMETHING from a newspaper or online agency.


Really? As far as we know the man was injured but not killed. People have accidents all the time while traveling and those incidents don't make the news. Why should this one? The only time I've ever heard news about cruise ship incidents is if someone falls or gets pushed overboard, or a significant percentage falls ill because of the Norovirus. Falling into a pool is hardly newsworthy. I was on one cruise where I heard that someone had been injured - I saw an ambulance on the dock as we sailed away, and passengers standing next to a man in a wheelchair, with their luggage. Never heard another word about it.


How many times do you ever hear about "accidental tourists"? Unless the man's family decides to go to the media in order to place blame on RCI, you won't hear about this.

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That thread had pages and pages before the OP corrected himself. Thus the reasonable doubt.


If my child was in a foreign hospital with a fractured skull, I wouldn't give a rat's patoot what anonymous human beings on a message board thought.


Well said.

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It is amazing how many new cruise critic members decided to join today and only post on these two threads though.


I kind of thought the same thing too when I was reading this. But maybe they just wanted to talk about it because witnessing something like that makes you want to "vent" about it, like a coping mechanism.

I also wanted to say to the RN I saw posting about the head injury, I'm a nurse too and I totally see what you were saying about the head trauma being critical and needing to be seen in a timely manner. However, I just watched this show on medical emergencies on cruises that makes me believe that this could certainly happen. The story wasn't from RCCL, it might have been Carnival not sure, but this man was having a heart attack and the doctor and the nurse were not trained well, nor had the equipment on board to to diagnose what was happening exactly and kept giving him extra fluids. You and I both know that if he was in heart failure from a heart attack that's the LAST thing you would want to do and unfortunately the poor man passed away before they got to port! Anyway, my point is that while the boy's injuries might have been serious enough that maybe he should have been transported out, the ship might not have been close enough to do that or the medical staff may not have felt it necessary based on their training. I don't know, but I can see how this scenario could happen. And I feel very sorry for the boy and I hope he recovers.



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