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Paid my deposit - now nervous


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Just paid my deposit today for our South Pacific cruise in November next year and for some reason I'm really nervous. It is such a lot of money (we have gone all out and booked a grand suite) and I'm a bit freaked out for some reason.


I hope we don't get to sea sick.

I hope we like the people we cruise with.

I hope we get some time just as a family.

I hope the money is worth it.

I hope the the grand suite is worth it and I don't regret not just settling for the junior suite.


Please tell me we will have a ball.



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Well, you will have a wonderful time.


-Most people do not get seasick.

-Most people on cruises are very nice. If you find the jerk in the crowd, just move on.

-It is up to you and your family to arrange family time

-I have never taken a cruise that was not worth the money we spent.

-I am sure the suite will be great, especially with family along.

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Just paid my deposit today for our South Pacific cruise in November next year and for some reason I'm really nervous. It is such a lot of money (we have gone all out and booked a grand suite) and I'm a bit freaked out for some reason.


I hope we don't get to sea sick.

I hope we like the people we cruise with.

I hope we get some time just as a family.

I hope the money is worth it.

I hope the the grand suite is worth it and I don't regret not just settling for the junior suite.


Please tell me we will have a ball.



Hi Leah,

Now sit back and take a deep breath. You are about to embark on a wonderful journey of cruise planning. First of all, welcome to Cruise Critic. I, too, am about to go on my first cruise and I had all the same worries that you are having, except no Suite for me. Perhaps on my next cruise ;). You will be able to have every one of your concerns addressed here. There are some wonderful people on these forums who have years of experience in cruising. They will be able to answer all of your questions. The first thing you should do is go to the roll call for your cruise and see if anyone has started one. If not, start one yourself. This is a way to get to know some of the people who will be on your cruise. As far as spending time with your family. It is your cruise. Design it your own way. Plan how you want your days to be spent, i.e. shore excursions, spa time or pool time kids activities, etc... You choose how much time you want to spend as just a family. You didn't mention which cruiseline you will be sailing with. You can go to that forum and post any questions you may have about that particular line. There are threads that deal with what to pack, ports of call, various dress codes, etc... As far as your fears of seasickness, there are many preventive measures you can take. There are over the counter meds such as dramamine and bonine. There are ginger pills or ginger candies that you can buy at any healthfood or vitamin store. You can also get a prescription for a behind the ear patch from your doctor.

I hope that this has alleviated some of your fears. I wish you the very best with your cruise planning and I hope you will have a fantastic cruise.


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Hi Leah,

Now sit back and take a deep breath. You are about to embark on a wonderful journey of cruise planning. First of all, welcome to Cruise Critic. I, too, am about to go on my first cruise and I had all the same worries that you are having, except no Suite for me. Perhaps on my next cruise ;). You will be able to have every one of your concerns addressed here. There are some wonderful people on these forums who have years of experience in cruising. They will be able to answer all of your questions. The first thing you should do is go to the roll call for your cruise and see if anyone has started one. If not, start one yourself. This is a way to get to know some of the people who will be on your cruise. As far as spending time with your family. It is your cruise. Design it your own way. Plan how you want your days to be spent, i.e. shore excursions, spa time or pool time kids activities, etc... You choose how much time you want to spend as just a family. You didn't mention which cruiseline you will be sailing with. You can go to that forum and post any questions you may have about that particular line. There are threads that deal with what to pack, ports of call, various dress codes, etc... As far as your fears of seasickness, there are many preventive measures you can take. There are over the counter meds such as dramamine and bonine. There are ginger pills or ginger candies that you can buy at any healthfood or vitamin store. You can also get a prescription for a behind the ear patch from your doctor.

I hope that this has alleviated some of your fears. I wish you the very best with your cruise planning and I hope you will have a fantastic cruise.



Exactly right. My first cruise is coming up in 140 days (cove balcony :D) and the people here are great. Also, the search feature is your friend. You'll be amazed at what you'll find on this site. And if you don't find it, ask!

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Alfaz, all I can suggest is that you relax about it. It will be a great time, and while it is normal to be concerned about this sort of thing right after you make a commitment (not really until final payment is due), your concerns are, as has been said, misplaced. Most people do not get seasick and there are lots of threads about that anyhow, and what to do about it. I am sure there are jerks on any cruise, but we haven't seen any yet worth mentioning, and instead have enjoyed meeting lots of different people on deck, at meals, etc. You control what you do, and you will have time for yourselves if and when you want it. As for the Grand Suite, I am sure you will enjoy it.


Cruising is great. You go lots of places, but you take your hotel with you. You unpack once, get spoiled at every turn, and have a fantastic time. What's not to like?

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The cruise will be what you make of it. Cruise Critic is a great way to answer the unknowns - and having an idea of what you do in each port will help ensure you have a great time. It only takes a few cool day trips or neat experiences to make the trip really memorable.


I always find the "Member Reviews" really helpful - gives me great ideas. I'm sure you'll feel better once you read them.


But, no matter how much you plan in advance, things never go as planned. So just "plan" on going with the flow and you'll all do fine! We've never had a bad cruise...


Have a great trip!

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Thanks for all your replies. DH is also unconcerned about things and has just put all the costs into our budget for next year. He's the one who wants the suite and he is the one who has to budget the funds so I'm just freaking a bit I think.


We are booked on Rhapsody of the Seas for Nov 2011, South Pacific cruise. It is for my and a good friends 40th (did I type that out loud) birthdays. Also a bit of a reward for me finishing university this year and my husband working very hard in a newish job.


I cruised many many years ago before I was married and had a great time, got terribly sea sick and got engaged the day I got home (he must have missed me). Has taken me 15 years to convince DH it is a good idea. Probably not that long actually, just waiting for the youngest kids to be a good age to cruise. Our eldest will be 11 and our youngest will turn 8 on the cruise (lucky girl, I know).


I really can't wait and wish it was closer than 18 months away, but oh well, plenty of time to plan. Have trawled some of the threads here and it is making me all the more excited. Cruising sounds wonderful from what I have read on here.




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Well if he knows the budget and wants the suite then he knows you can do it so no need to freak. And while its 18 months away gives you time to save and plan. Lucky girl? Shoot 8 years old in the South Pacific? My folks didn't take me as far as the South Bronx for my birthday.


So it's a well earned and well deserved vacation - have fun planning and doing!

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I know, how lucky is she. I feel incredibly lucky to be able to take the girls on such a great holiday. My parents took us to Queensland when we were kids and that was huge, a massive treat. My eldest has been to QLD twice already and my youngest once, and my parents are taking us there again this year. Two big holidays within a year.


I know I shouldn't worry but it is so much money, but this is why we work so hard, to enjoy ourselves and have good holidays.


The grand suite does seem quite la-di-la though. Will feel very weird being so flash, we are not flash people. Can't wait to have breakfast on the balcony looking over the ocean. Sounds like bliss.

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Try and find the roll call for your Rhapsody of the Seas Cruise. Here you will get a chance to chat away with all of the people who are booked on your cruise.


You will have an amazing voyage. Cruising is the best vacation, you unpack once and every day you magically arrive in different countries. You have a year and a half to research your ports, read about them look at all of the pretty pictures.


You will wonderful people, we have met so many wonderful folks on cruises, they have become great friends and we have cruised with them again.


Have fun counting down the days till your great high seas adventure.



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If your DH feels you can afford it by careful planning and saving than the cost should not be a problem. Help when you can with that saving and that will make you feel better.


Do yourself one favor and read these boards to gather good information but DON"T take some of it too seriously. Everyone's experience is going to be a bit different just as every single cruise is a bit different than the one before it and the one after it. Make plans but when it comes time for your cruise relax and go with the flow. No holiday is going to be absolutely perfect. Prepare ahead for the possiblity of seasickness. There are lots of different things that people use now-a-days to help if that is a problem, just be prepared ahead of time. Many of us are rarely effected by seasickness and hopefully this cruise you and your family won't be either.


I hope you will find that planning for your holiday is "almost" as much fun as taking the cruise itself. :) And yes, I do predict you will all have a wonderful holiday!!!:)

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Just paid my deposit today for our South Pacific cruise in November next year and for some reason I'm really nervous. It is such a lot of money (we have gone all out and booked a grand suite) and I'm a bit freaked out for some reason.


I hope we don't get to sea sick.

I hope we like the people we cruise with.

I hope we get some time just as a family.

I hope the money is worth it.

I hope the the grand suite is worth it and I don't regret not just settling for the junior suite.


Please tell me we will have a ball.




The other posters have given a lot of good advice. One additional thing I would mention is trip insurance. Unlike other forms of travel, cruising requires substantial outlays of cash up front... money that could become unrefundable. For your peace of mind, if you don't already have trip insurance go to www.insuremytrip.com . There are numerous policies from many companies. I don't cruise without trip insurance...

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I have been reading several posts from Aussies about cruises and it sounds like they (the Aussies) have completely forgotten their heritage.


You arrived in Australia after sea voyages of thousands of miles as prisoners in a penal colony. You conquered a continent and doing so overcame numerous hardships. You have created one of the world's most admired countries, and have done your best to root out racism and treat all fairly.


And...I read that cruises have me (Aussies) confused, perplexed, scared and so on.


A cruise is in reality no more difficult than going to a pub at Bondi Beach or shopping for a t -shirt in Manley, or having a Foster's in King's Cross.


Advice from far across the seas, in California, I want you to rent "The Wizard of OZ' and follow closely the antics of the "Cowardly Lion". Then go get a Fosters for him and yourself, and have a great laugh.


As they say in America, no use worrying about it!

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Thanks for all your replies. I think I would be just as worried if we had bought airline tickets to Europe. We haven't spent this much on a holiday since we had kids 10 years ago. We aren't extravagent people normally and our usual holiday is two weeks in a caravan at the beach each christmas (which is bliss nevertheless). But, I am going back to work in the new year and our kids are older so the travelling is about to resume - Yippee.


I have been reading the boards and gotten lots of tips already. Will have to start that list of things to remember.


We got travel insurance when we paid the deposit. Couldn't imagine anything worse than having to cancel for some reason and losing our money. Or, getting sick and not having insurance.


Thanks again.


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Just paid my deposit today for our South Pacific cruise in November next year and for some reason I'm really nervous. It is such a lot of money (we have gone all out and booked a grand suite) and I'm a bit freaked out for some reason.


I hope we don't get to sea sick.

I hope we like the people we cruise with.

I hope we get some time just as a family.

I hope the money is worth it.

I hope the the grand suite is worth it and I don't regret not just settling for the junior suite.


Please tell me we will have a ball.




No doubt you will enjoy your cruise...if you are negative when you havent even cruised before, you will go into it with a negative attitude...smile and have a fantastic cruise!!!!!

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I have been on many, many cruises and never had one I didn't enjoy. I helped my cousin and his wife get a Grand Suite at a great price for their last cruise (a fall cruise to Canada) and they came back raving over how awesome it was and said it is the ONLY way to cruise! In addition to the big suite and big bathroom with tub, you get to go to the concierge lounge for complimentary cocktails and hors d'ouerves nightly - which is awesome! You are going to have an amazing time!


Now about the seasickness, nowadays there are many medicines available which will enable you to completely avoid getting seasick without ANY side effects. My favorite is one called Antivert, Bonine, Bonamine (brand names) aka Meclizine (drug name). Get a prescription for it from your doctor. Meclizine works great - start taking it the morning of the day you are to get on the ship. Take it throughout your cruise. In my case, I have zero side effects from this medicine! The only difference was I didn't get seasick at all for the entire cruise! I have used it for 5 cruises so far!


Have a wonderful time on your cruise. I know you will enjoy your suite! You can feel secure that you have made a great selection and are going to have a wonderful time!

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Thanks for the tip on seasick tablets. It is my biggest concern because I know I get seasick. Last cruise I went on many many years ago (1992 I think) I was sick before we even sailed out of Sydney heads.


I don't know why people think I am negative. Worried, yes definately, it is an awful lot of money for a young family. Especially when our usual holiday is caravaning (in my parents van mind you). Concerned about getting seasick with two kids in tow, show me a mother who wouldn't be concerned about that. Couldn't think of anything worse than being sick yourself and having to look after sick kids.


We always have a great time on holiday together as a couple and a family. This is just the biggest holiday we have ever had as a family.


Thanks again.


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