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Park West Gallery a short-timer?

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Although this may have been brought up here in the recent past - I found nothing via "Search".




With Royal Caribbean severing ties with Park West Gallery (Art Auctions) apparently due to concerns around some of their practices including talk of fraudulent art, do you think Carnival will hang in there with them?







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Although this may have been brought up here in the recent past - I found nothing via "Search".




With Royal Caribbean severing ties with Park West Gallery (Art Auctions) apparently due to concerns around some of their practices including talk of fraudulent art, do you think Carnival will hang in there with them?








.....drinking cheap Champagne and watching people bid on overpriced art is one of our favorite things to do on the ship.





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If they are found guilty of doing this then I would feel certain that Carnival will drop them. Carnival patrons that have bought from them and are aware will have fits I'm sure. They sold me crap, your liable ect. I can here it now..


That being said I have bought from them on cruise ships. I don't buy to collect or invest. My dd fell in love with a water color painter we saw and we started buying one each cruise. Never have we paid more than $100. She now has 5. Do we feel slighted ot ripped off?? Not at all. We bought because we loved them and were happy with what we paid.


I have seen people pay thousands, on one cruise a couples bill was over 20 grand!! I thought you must be out of your mind. If you read the paper work you would never spend that kind of money. But most don't until after the gavel has hit and they have bought..

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That being said I have bought from them on cruise ships. I don't buy to collect or invest. My dd fell in love with a water color painter we saw and we started buying one each cruise. Never have we paid more than $100. She now has 5. Do we feel slighted ot ripped off?? Not at all. We bought because we loved them and were happy with what we paid.



That's the best policy (unless you REALLY know your stuff). Just buy what you LIKE, and pay an amount that you are willing to based solely on that - without trying to factor in any investment or appreciation concerns into the price.


It is worth (TO YOU) whatever you are willing to pay for it!



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On my cruise last year on the Esctasy, I went to the "art show" - mostly for the free champagne and I love art. Anyways, the last day - I "won" a piece of art. I had no clue that I really didnt win crap. I had to PAY for my win. They wanted to charge me $30 for shipping/handling to HAND it to me! I said thanks but no thanks and walked away. I want you to know that they used the information I gave them (my name & cabin number) to charge it to my S & S account! I was furious. It took me about 30 mintues to get it cleared up. The pursers desk didnt belive that I actucally hadnt recieved anything and had to call the Art Auctioneer that AM and wake her up to clear it up. She tried to hem and haw and say that she had *thought* I wanted it. I told her in no uncertain terms that she knew darn well I didnt want it and to allow the pursers desk to remove the charge. She ended up having to come down and sign off on it. I was mad that they had done it but I thought it was funny has heck that they had to wake her up to fix it! :D

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On my cruise last year on the Esctasy, I went to the "art show" - mostly for the free champagne and I love art. Anyways, the last day - I "won" a piece of art. I had no clue that I really didnt win crap. I had to PAY for my win. They wanted to charge me $30 for shipping/handling to HAND it to me! I said thanks but no thanks and walked away. I want you to know that they used the information I gave them (my name & cabin number) to charge it to my S & S account! I was furious. It took me about 30 mintues to get it cleared up. The pursers desk didnt belive that I actucally hadnt recieved anything and had to call the Art Auctioneer that AM and wake her up to clear it up. She tried to hem and haw and say that she had *thought* I wanted it. I told her in no uncertain terms that she knew darn well I didnt want it and to allow the pursers desk to remove the charge. She ended up having to come down and sign off on it. I was mad that they had done it but I thought it was funny has heck that they had to wake her up to fix it! :D


You poor thing! I would have been INFURIATED! Being awaken would have been the least of her worries if it had been me:mad: I'm glad they corrected it for you, but it's a shame you had to go through all of that trouble!


I cannot imagine spending over $400,000 for a Dali piece that was found to be forged. It seems a reputable company would have immediately taken action and secured an additional 3rd party appraisal.

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You poor thing! I would have been INFURIATED! Being awaken would have been the least of her worries if it had been me:mad: I'm glad they corrected it for you, but it's a shame you had to go through all of that trouble!


I cannot imagine spending over $400,000 for a Dali piece that was found to be forged. It seems a reputable company would have immediately taken action and secured an additional 3rd party appraisal.


you too can pay extra to have your artwork appraised by Park West before it leaves the ship!! Just more $$ for them.


Buyer beware. Only buy it if you buy it because you like and for no other reason. ( and thats it's cheap..)

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.....drinking cheap Champagne and watching people bid on overpriced art is one of our favorite things to do on the ship.






I think we are related.


A absolute favorite activity for me a well, my wife and daughter are sun seekers and I am a roamer. This is a don't miss activity for me.




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I think we are related.


A absolute favorite activity for me a well, my wife and daughter are sun seekers and I am a roamer. This is a don't miss activity for me.





Well there you go! See, I never considered the entertainment value of it! :)



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On my cruise last year on the Esctasy, I went to the "art show" - mostly for the free champagne and I love art. Anyways, the last day - I "won" a piece of art. I had no clue that I really didnt win crap. I had to PAY for my win. They wanted to charge me $30 for shipping/handling to HAND it to me! I said thanks but no thanks and walked away. I want you to know that they used the information I gave them (my name & cabin number) to charge it to my S & S account! I was furious. It took me about 30 mintues to get it cleared up. The pursers desk didnt belive that I actucally hadnt recieved anything and had to call the Art Auctioneer that AM and wake her up to clear it up. She tried to hem and haw and say that she had *thought* I wanted it. I told her in no uncertain terms that she knew darn well I didnt want it and to allow the pursers desk to remove the charge. She ended up having to come down and sign off on it. I was mad that they had done it but I thought it was funny has heck that they had to wake her up to fix it! :D


I've been going to their auctions for 16 years and have never heard of anything like that. It had to be some kind of misunderstanding. They also probably never have people refuse to accept their winning piece of art and that may have created some confusion, too. There would be absolutely no point in doing something like that on purpose for a mere $30.


We always bought items because they "spoke" to us and even years later, every time I would see one of them in our house, I would have a "feel-good" moment because it brought back a lot of good memories. That should be the primary reason for buying, other than entertainment and free champagne.


On the Victory two weeks ago, I attended for the first time since I've been single and left with two Fanch Ledans for only $130 each and the freebie you get for just attending. The works were framed, but they removed them from the frames (which were a little beat up) and put into a very heavy-duty tube at no charge. The free piece was also in the tube and I was able to bring them home in my luggage. The OP also had the option of taking his free art home , either in luggage or in a tube, but obviously chose not to. It was unrealistic to expect Park-West to package and ship the piece home for nothing. The extremely heavy-duty tubes they use are expensive.


Although, I would never buy anything at auction (or probably anywhere else for that matter) strictly as an investment, some of the items we paid just a couple of hundred for 10 or 12 years ago are being offered at $2,000 and $3,000 now. But a lot of the stuff today is "enhanced", and on canvas, where the less expensive prints are on paper and "non-enhanced". Enhanced means that there have been hand-painted touches added to the original which makes each one unique and probably worth a lot more.


I know it makes some people feel "classy" and "intellectual" to put things like cruise ship art auctions down, but these same people usually complain about just about everything. :rolleyes:


The bottom line is that if you think they're "inadequate", don't go and don't try to pee on anyone else's parade. It's really none of your business what someone else does for enjoyment, as long as it's not hurting or affecting you, so there's no need to put them down except pettiness. :D

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I've been going to their auctions for 16 years and have never heard of anything like that. It had to be some kind of misunderstanding. They also probably never have people refuse to accept their winning piece of art and that may have created some confusion' date=' too. There would be absolutely no point in doing something like that on purpose for a mere $30.


We always bought items because they "spoke" to us and even years later, every time I would see one of them in our house, I would have a "feel-good" moment because it brought back a lot of good memories. That should be the primary reason for buying, other than entertainment and free champagne.


On the Victory two weeks ago, I attended for the first time since I've been single and left with two Fanch Ledans for only $130 each and the freebie you get for just attending. The works were framed, but they removed them from the frames (which were a little beat up) and put into a very heavy-duty tube at no charge. The free piece was also in the tube and I was able to bring them home in my luggage. The OP also had the option of taking his free art home , either in luggage or in a tube, but obviously chose not to. It was unrealistic to expect Park-West to package and ship the piece home for nothing. The extremely heavy-duty tubes they use are expensive.


Although, I would never buy anything at auction (or probably anywhere else for that matter) strictly as an investment, some of the items we paid just a couple of hundred for 10 or 12 years ago are being offered at $2,000 and $3,000 now. But a lot of the stuff today is "enhanced", and on canvas, where the less expensive prints are on paper and "non-enhanced". Enhanced means that there have been hand-painted touches added to the original which makes each one unique and probably worth a lot more.


I know it makes some people feel "classy" and "intellectual" to put things like cruise ship art auctions down, but these same people usually complain about just about everything. :rolleyes:


The bottom line is that if you think they're "inadequate", don't go and don't try to pee on anyone else's parade. It's really none of your business what someone else does for enjoyment, as long as it's not hurting or affecting you, so there's no need to put them down except pettiness. :D[/quote']



It wasnt framed - well it was - but they were going to remove them. They had them set up in the Hallway on the Empress deck - right between the elevators and the atrium. I was able to pick between a few different pieces. I really didnt understand why I had to pay for it when all they were going to do was put it in one of those tubes and hand it to me. I mean it would have been different if they were shipping it.


I never said they were inadequate. And I didnt mean to "pee on anyone's parade"....I simply stated MY experience with Park West, which wasnt that great. I might stop in on the Liberty - but only to look - not get involved in anyway.

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I've been going to their auctions for 16 years and have never heard of anything like that. It had to be some kind of misunderstanding. They also probably never have people refuse to accept their winning piece of art and that may have created some confusion' date=' too. There would be absolutely no point in doing something like that on purpose for a mere $30.


We always bought items because they "spoke" to us and even years later, every time I would see one of them in our house, I would have a "feel-good" moment because it brought back a lot of good memories. That should be the primary reason for buying, other than entertainment and free champagne.


On the Victory two weeks ago, I attended for the first time since I've been single and left with two Fanch Ledans for only $130 each and the freebie you get for just attending. The works were framed, but they removed them from the frames (which were a little beat up) and put into a very heavy-duty tube at no charge. The free piece was also in the tube and I was able to bring them home in my luggage. The OP also had the option of taking his free art home , either in luggage or in a tube, but obviously chose not to. It was unrealistic to expect Park-West to package and ship the piece home for nothing. The extremely heavy-duty tubes they use are expensive.


Although, I would never buy anything at auction (or probably anywhere else for that matter) strictly as an investment, some of the items we paid just a couple of hundred for 10 or 12 years ago are being offered at $2,000 and $3,000 now. But a lot of the stuff today is "enhanced", and on canvas, where the less expensive prints are on paper and "non-enhanced". Enhanced means that there have been hand-painted touches added to the original which makes each one unique and probably worth a lot more.


I know it makes some people feel "classy" and "intellectual" to put things like cruise ship art auctions down, but these same people usually complain about just about everything. :rolleyes:


The bottom line is that if you think they're "inadequate", don't go and don't try to pee on anyone else's parade. It's really none of your business what someone else does for enjoyment, as long as it's not hurting or affecting you, so there's no need to put them down except pettiness. :D[/quote']


Just so we are clear, I am the "OP" - and not the person you quoted.


The entire point of my thread was in regard to possible FAKE works of art being passed off as real -- or pushing the "investment value", when that would be questionable for many items. Cheryl has fallen for 2 pieces, which we simply bought outright rather than bidding. I seem to recall that they were a couple of thousand each, and we are both pleased with them and they look great where we placed them. It certainly was not an investment!


As you pointed out, and I said before - buy what you LIKE, but not as an investment unless you have sufficient knowledge/training to know what you're doing!



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It wasnt framed - well it was - but they were going to remove them. They had them set up in the Hallway on the Empress deck - right between the elevators and the atrium. I was able to pick between a few different pieces. I really didnt understand why I had to pay for it when all they were going to do was put it in one of those tubes and hand it to me. I mean it would have been different if they were shipping it.




It sounds like that's where the misunderstanding occurred. $30 is their standard shipping charge. Apparently they didn't realize that you were willing to just take it yourself in a tube.

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I kind of find it fun to find a piece that costs about 10,000 and start discussing it with salesman.


Based on the conversations it is obvious the commission rate is huge.


What does bother me is when they commandeer most of the elevators in one bank and hold them for hours so passengers cannot use them. I like to hijack them and make them go up so others can use them.

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I know it makes some people feel "classy" and "intellectual" to put things like cruise ship art auctions down' date=' but these same people usually complain about just about everything. :rolleyes:



I like to go to these auctions for the free champagne and watch & shake my head as to why people would buy this art. But to each their own.


FYI - I only complain about things on a ship when there is something to truly complain about (slippery floor by the buffet line because people shake the excess hand sanitizer off their hands or a closet door is coming off in the cabin)


I kind of find it fun to find a piece that costs about 10,000 and start discussing it with salesman.


Based on the conversations it is obvious the commission rate is huge.


What does bother me is when they commandeer most of the elevators in one bank and hold them for hours so passengers cannot use them. I like to hijack them and make them go up so others can use them.


I would have loved to watch the workers when they discovered that the elevators weren't there.:D

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My husband and I enjoy the art auctions. We were on a cruise last week and bought a piece of art from the auction. We have purchased several art pieces over the years from Park West and have been happy with them. You really should only buy art that you enjoy

on a cruise and not plan on this art as being an investment. I also mentioned the lawsuits to the art staff on my cruise and they said Park West had appealed and won.

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