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Customizing Ramses tour need help


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I have read a lot of posts saying that they took Ramses tours, but customized them to meet their needs. We are going on the Star Princess in October and are planning to use Ramses. What were highlights of your trip, and what are some things you changed on their tours. We are looking at maybe tour 1 overnight from Alexandria. Any feedback would be appreciated. Also any shopping?:)

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The problem is that, with only 2 days, everything is a highlight. You will have to pick and choose based on what's important to you. Are you more interested in the ancient Egyptian history (Pyramids, Sphinx, Solar Boat Museum, Egyptian Museum)?


Or are you more interested in the medieval, "exotic" Cairo (Coptic Cairo, Khan el-Khalili bazaar, Citadel)?


Or do you want to do something a little different (Felucca sail on the Nile, visit Tentmakers bazaar, City of the Dead)?


And do you want to see things a little farther away from Cairo itself (Saqqara, Memphis)?


Without some more input from you as to your own interests, it's hard to say......... From the above list, the only thing I'd say that I didn't really think was a top highlight was the Citadel. But it's certainly worth seeing.

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Cruisemom is right on! You have to pick and choose. More time at one place means less time at another.


You can see the tour we customized at



My thoughts --


Antiquities ARE Egypt. You want to be sure you see everything you want in antiquities before anything else. The Pyramids at Giza are on everybody's list. There is a "high desert plateau" that all the tours go to for those wonderful pictures, and also for camel rides. You can take just a short 10 minute ride out and back a bit, or you can take a much longer ride all the way down to the pyramids. (Frankly I think the short ride is MORE than enough ... !) Then you can visit the pyramids close up, and even take time to go inside one. The Sphinx is right next to the pyramids, of course. You can just drive by and take a picture, or you can go pose in front of it, explore the temple at the base, and visit the solar boat museum, all worth while. So basically you are allowing anywhere from an hour to four hours for the pyramid complex! The evening sound and light show gets mixed reviews but some people find it awesome. What is important to you?


The second MUST DO thing is to go to the Egyptian Museum and the Mummy Room. We went to the old one, got there just at opening, and our guide rushed us past all the tour groups and right to the Mummy Room. It was awesome to be in there all alone. Of course, that meant that by the time we emerged from the mummy room, the King Tut exhibit was filled with crowds 20 deep around the famous mask! Again, what is important to you?


The famous step pyramid at Sakkara, chronologically the first pyramid built, is also very interesting and makes some wonderful pictures. Located nearby are a number of mastaba graves of noblemen which can be toured (and are much easier to get into than the pyramids themselves!)


Other interesting antiquity sites, less visited, are the pyramid field at Dashur which includes the Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid, which permits inside visits, and the city of Memphis which was of major importance historically but now has little left except the famous fallen statue. It depends how much of a student of Egyptology you are whether these are important to you.


Once you have satisfied your interest in the antiquities, there are a number of other things that are interesting. The tour of "Old Cairo" including the Citadel and the mosques can be a good one if you are interested in such things. The opportunity to sit on the floor of a mosque while our guide taught about Islam was a great one when we did a longer tour of Egypt, but whether you can afford the time in a 2 day trip is a question. Check out our trip report and pictures at http://www.bully4.us/egypt9.html for our day in Old Cairo.


The Nile IS Egypt. Getting out on it is something to say you did. A lunch or dinner cruise is possible, or a ride in a felucca (sailing boat). Honestly, the Nile runs right through the middle of the city here so there is little scenery and the cruise is not that exciting, but it IS a cruise on THE NILE!


And then -- don't overlook shopping! Visiting a high quality shop can be very interesting. Most places will offer a demonstration of how papyrus is made, and lots of beautiful artwork on papyrus, along with alabaster carvings, jewellery, and lots of nice souvenirs.


Finally, the Khan el Khalili bazaar is a worthwhile experience. This is an amazing place offering everything from cheap tourist trinkets to fine brassware. Wandering for a couple of hours here is fascinating.


Honestly, looking at Ramses tour 1, I would suggest less time at the Citadel and mosques and the addition of Khan el Khalili and you would have a very good basic tour. BUT -- what do YOU want to see in Egypt?


Have a GREAT cruise!

Edited by MercedMike
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Thank you so much Mike and Cynthia for your feedback. You have given me much to think about and research, so I can make those decisions. I loved your trip clip Mike. Got me excited to go. I'll do more research and hopefully be back for more specific feedback.:):)

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Hello Janina!


I think the best thing for you is to look at the great advice given above, then at the tours offered by Ramses, then see if there are things that you would want to see and do differently and talk to Ramses to fit it into your itinerary.


I have been to Egypt twice, both time just for one day from Alexandria.


On our first visit, we went to the Gizah plateau, then down to the pyramids. We had lunch at a cafeteria right in front of the Sphinx. We then headed towards Saqqarah where we entered the tomb of a nobel man - amazing hyeroglyphs on the wall, then saw the Puramid of Djoser (Step pyramid). We then drove to Memphis, and finally went to a Cartouche and Papyrus Institute for a papyrus demo and to pick up jewelry. We then drove back to Alexandria.


On our second visit, we first went to Cairo Citadel to visit the Mohamed Ali Mosque, the museum. We then went to Coptic Cairo where we strolled this amazing Christian neighborhood and visited ancient churches. We had lunch at the Hard Rock, then went on a felucca ride on the Nile - what a fantastic way to end the day... so peaceful after the turmoil of the day in Cairo!!


I'm going back in November and this time we will visit the Museum and the Bazaar Khân al-Khalili. I'm also hoping to get to Dashur, but I'm not sure we'll have time for all that!!


But with two days, if you opt for staying overnight, you'll be able to do quite a bit, plus, you can have a night activity!!


I have to say that planning this with Georges and Mohamed from Ramses has always been to easy and pleasant. They provided great information, and suggestions! I've always been pleased with them and have booked again with Ramses for next November!



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Hi Marie-Claude, we are trying to decide where to stay for our overnight. Would it in your opinion be better to stay by the pyramids at the Oberoi Mena House or stay in Cairo? I know the pyramids is scenic and would be lovely, but as far as night time activities and convience, what is your opinion? Anyone else's input would also be greatly appreciated.:)

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Hi Janina,


I guess it would depends on what you decide for your itinerary, and if you opt to do something at night. Some people opt to see the Soung & Light show at the Pyramids, so the Oberoi Mena House would be a great hotel and convenient for that. You can rest up at the end of your touring, clean up, then go to the show.


If you decide on the Dance and Dinner on the Nile, you may want to stay in Cairo, especially if your second day's visits and in the city (Museums, bazar, Citadel).


I think either choices have their advantages - I'd go with the one that is most convenient for your itinerary!!!



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  • 1 month later...

We used a different operator, but opted for an EARLY start the second day so we had time to visit Dashur (partly based on reviews posted here, including Mike's). The red and bent pyramids, although smaller, are located out in the desert and lack the annoying and distracting crowds and vendors found in Giza.


We did climb into the tomb in the red pyramid (just our family, carrying flashlights...it was an AMAZING experience to be down there alone, in the dark and quiet).

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In the past I've spent hours and hours labouring over reams of information trying t decide what to see, only to realise that the guides know best.So this time I'm trusting that our guide will do his best to make sure we have a tour to remember.


Absolutely true! However, sometimes there are special things that we want to see that are not in the usual prepared tour packages, so it is always good to deal with a company that is flexible and will accommodate those requests too.

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Absolutely true! However, sometimes there are special things that we want to see that are not in the usual prepared tour packages, so it is always good to deal with a company that is flexible and will accommodate those requests too.


I agree...if you are going all the way to Egypt, you should make sure you see the things that are important to you, and not settle for the standard tour if it does not meet your needs. We all have different likes and priorities, and my idea of a perfect excursion may be very different from yours. I personally prefer to minimize the shopping stops, so would never leave the itinerary entirely up to my guide.;)

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We recently returned from a cruise on the Pacific Princess with a two day port of call visit in Egypt (Port Said & Alexandria). For anyone considering using Ramses, here is an overview of our experiences.


I had initially arranged the tour last fall after booking our cruise. From my initial contact via email with Georges at Ramses, until the end of the tour, we have been very impressed. Georges is a great communicator and promptly responded to all of my emails over the several months leading up to the tour. I made many requests, asked many questions, and even though I asked to change our hotel accommodations a few times, Georges was always very prompt and accommodating in his responses.


I can't say enough positive things about our tour guide, Usama, who accompanied us during our two day and one evening tour. Usama is highly knowledgeable about any topic and sight we visited. He speaks English very well. He provided us with just the right amount of information without overwhelming us at each place we visited. He was very good at answering all of our questions.


In addition to being an excellent tour guide, Usama took great care of us and went to great lengths to see to it that we were satisfied, comfortable, and safe. Although we are well traveled, our first visit to Egypt would have been rather difficult if it were not for Usama. He served at various times as our interpreter, negotiator, and protector. While we would have been able to manage the complexities of the Egyptian culture on our own, we realize it was made much easier to have Usama by our side.


We did the standard two day tour with visits to Memphis, Saqqara, Giza, Egyptian Museum, Citadel, and brief stops at major sites in Alexandria. We asked our guide if we could add a stop to the old religious quarter and Islamic quarter in Cairo and he went out of his way to accommodate our requests. Usama also accompanied us to the Khan el Khalili bazaar and was helpful in making sure we got a good deal on our negotiated purchases. We enjoyed very good meals in Cairo as well.


We cannot comment on the Ramses arranged hotel accommodations as we decided to book our own hotel independently. We stayed at the Semiramis Intercontinental in Cairo. Though a bit pricey for a Cairo hotel, it is less expensive than a similar 4 or 5 star hotel in any major city. It is quite a nice hotel in a great location and we definately recommend it.


Aside from providing us with an excellent tour, perhaps the experience we enjoyed the most was the time spent with our guide. After spending two days and an evening with Usama, we got to know him fairly well. He is very pleasant and easy to talk to. At the end of our tour, we felt like Usama was our friend and that we had known him for a long time.


I should also add that our driver (I think his name was Tarik), was also excellent. Driving in Egypt can be rather hectic, chaotic, and hazardous, but our driver took great care and we always felt safe in his minibus.


To sum up, based on our experience, we highly recommend Ramses Tours in Egypt, and particularly Usama, if you are fortunate enough to get him. We have arranged numerous private tours in several countries in the past, and this tour ranks as being among the very best, if not the

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I can't say enough positive things about our tour guide, Usama, who accompanied us during our two day and one evening tour. Usama is highly knowledgeable about any topic and sight we visited. He speaks English very well. He provided us with just the right amount of information without overwhelming us at each place we visited. He was very good at answering all of our questions.


In addition to being an excellent tour guide, Usama took great care of us and went to great lengths to see to it that we were satisfied, comfortable, and safe. Although we are well traveled, our first visit to Egypt would have been rather difficult if it were not for Usama. He served at various times as our interpreter, negotiator, and protector. While we would have been able to manage the complexities of the Egyptian culture on our own, we realize it was made much easier to have Usama by our side.




To sum up, based on our experience, we highly recommend Ramses Tours in Egypt, and particularly Usama, if you are fortunate enough to get him. We have arranged numerous private tours in several countries in the past, and this tour ranks as being among the very best, if not the


I'm curious whether this was the same guide we had on our two-week land tour. His name was Usama also and he was just an excellent guide. Can you give any description of what he looked like, age, etc? I'm asking because if it is him, and he's working for Ramses, I'd definitely request him for my upcoming tour.

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I'm curious whether this was the same guide we had on our two-week land tour. His name was Usama also and he was just an excellent guide. Can you give any description of what he looked like, age, etc? I'm asking because if it is him, and he's working for Ramses, I'd definitely request him for my upcoming tour.


Usama has a full head of black hair and looked to be in his late 20's. His last name is Othman.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We stayed at the Cairo Semiramis Intercontinental because we wanted to spend the evening in Cairo, not way out at the pyramids. We booked this hotel on our own and Ramses discounted our tour cost as they do not use this hotel. It is a bit more expensive than most hotels in Cairo, but far less than you'd pay for a comparable hotel in the US or Europe. We highly recommend the Semiramis. It is beautiful, very clean, opulent, and has a wonderful breakfast buffet, included in the price. Great location and views from our balcony.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We JUST returned from the Pacific Princess Holy Land cruise. We used Ramses for both ports.

> I was promised, by Ahmed for H. George, the "tour of my lifetime" and

> he sure did deliver it! This tour was ABOVE and beyond anything we

> could imaginie.


> First, our guide, Mr. Ayman Kalifa, was just superb! His knowledge of

> history, landmarks and culture was beautifully explained.

> There was just enough information to explain fully, yet not too much

> that bored or went above our heads. We understood everything we saw and

> enjoyed every detail. He listened to us and followed our requests in

> the intense heat, so that we were not dragged beyond what we physically

> could manage. We saw every important sight we planned for and the long

> trip went quickly and smoothly because our guide kept us so interested

> all the way.

> He saw my interest in photography and made many stops for me to take

> picures, He even took some of my husband and me, so that we would have

> them to treasure also when we got home. He was just wonderful! I had a

> million questions about the culture and he answered all of them and

> made me very comfortable. I was nervous about the camel ride and he

> took terrific care of me. It will stand out as a highlight of my travels. I learned so much and I cannot wait to go again.He is very

> intelligent, friendly, knowledgeable and has a wonderful manner!


> Second, our driver, Mr. Mohammed Bkhit, was very skilled in his job. I

> had heard about Cairo traffic and driving, but I guess you have to

> experience it to really understand it. It is so very different from

> driving in the United States! He was just amazing!


> I do want to tell you something about this driver that I will also write

> about on Trip Advisor. When we left the van at the ship, we were very

> clearly asked to do a check inside to make sure that we had all of our

> things before leaving...but...I left my camera bag on the floor of the

> back seat. Inside was my new prescription sunglasses, camera battery

> and memory card! The car left and we went onboard our ship, went up to

> our room and changed into shorts. Only then did I realize that I did

> not have my camera bag. I called Mr. Kalifa and he said that the driver

> would return to the ship. The officers on the ship told me that I

> should not be too excited- that he probably would not return it--- but

> Mr. Bkhit brought that bag right back to me! He deserves a commendation

> for that! We will be forever grateful for his kind act!

>I would highlyrecommend this tour company! Ask for our guide and driver. They were superb. It was the best spent money of the trip. We did not do an overnight, but when we return someday, we would and tour with Ramses with no hesitation!


Edited by ny cruisequeen
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We JUST returned from the Pacific Princess Holy Land cruise. We used Ramses for both ports.

> I was promised, by Ahmed for H. George, the "tour of my lifetime" and

> he sure did deliver it! This tour was ABOVE and beyond anything we

> could imaginie.


> First, our guide, Mr. Ayman Kalifa, was just superb! His knowledge of

> history, landmarks and culture was beautifully explained.

> There was just enough information to explain fully, yet not too much

> that bored or went above our heads. We understood everything we saw and

> enjoyed every detail. He listened to us and followed our requests in

> the intense heat, so that we were not dragged beyond what we physically

> could manage. We saw every important sight we planned for and the long

> trip went quickly and smoothly because our guide kept us so interested

> all the way.

> He saw my interest in photography and made many stops for me to take

> picures, He even took some of my husband and me, so that we would have

> them to treasure also when we got home. He was just wonderful! I had a

> million questions about the culture and he answered all of them and

> made me very comfortable. I was nervous about the camel ride and he

> took terrific care of me. It will stand out as a highlight of my travels. I learned so much and I cannot wait to go again.He is very

> intelligent, friendly, knowledgeable and has a wonderful manner!


> Second, our driver, Mr. Mohammed Bkhit, was very skilled in his job. I

> had heard about Cairo traffic and driving, but I guess you have to

> experience it to really understand it. It is so very different from

> driving in the United States! He was just amazing!


> I do want to tell you something about this driver that I will also write

> about on Trip Advisor. When we left the van at the ship, we were very

> clearly asked to do a check inside to make sure that we had all of our

> things before leaving...but...I left my camera bag on the floor of the

> back seat. Inside was my new prescription sunglasses, camera battery

> and memory card! The car left and we went onboard our ship, went up to

> our room and changed into shorts. Only then did I realize that I did

> not have my camera bag. I called Mr. Kalifa and he said that the driver

> would return to the ship. The officers on the ship told me that I

> should not be too excited- that he probably would not return it--- but

> Mr. Bkhit brought that bag right back to me! He deserves a commendation

> for that! We will be forever grateful for his kind act!

>I would highlyrecommend this tour company! Ask for our guide and driver. They were superb. It was the best spent money of the trip. We did not

do an overnight, but when we return someday, we would and tour with Ramses with no hesitation!



Sounds like you had a great time.

We are taking a two day tour (no overnight) with Ramses next month.

First day Alexandria and day two Cairo.

Can you tell us about your itinerary ?

Did you customize your tour.

We are thinking about taking a felucca ride instead of lunch, and would like to do a little shopping if possible.

We have 12 hours allotted for Cairo, which I know is a drop in a bucket.



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We JUST returned from the Pacific Princess Holy Land cruise. We used Ramses for both ports.

> I was promised, by Ahmed for H. George, the "tour of my lifetime" and

> he sure did deliver it! This tour was ABOVE and beyond anything we

> could imaginie.


> First, our guide, Mr. Ayman Kalifa, was just superb! His knowledge of

> history, landmarks and culture was beautifully explained.

> There was just enough information to explain fully, yet not too much

> that bored or went above our heads. We understood everything we saw and

> enjoyed every detail. He listened to us and followed our requests in

> the intense heat, so that we were not dragged beyond what we physically

> could manage. We saw every important sight we planned for and the long

> trip went quickly and smoothly because our guide kept us so interested

> all the way.

> He saw my interest in photography and made many stops for me to take

> picures, He even took some of my husband and me, so that we would have

> them to treasure also when we got home. He was just wonderful! I had a

> million questions about the culture and he answered all of them and

> made me very comfortable. I was nervous about the camel ride and he

> took terrific care of me. It will stand out as a highlight of my travels. I learned so much and I cannot wait to go again.He is very

> intelligent, friendly, knowledgeable and has a wonderful manner!


> Second, our driver, Mr. Mohammed Bkhit, was very skilled in his job. I

> had heard about Cairo traffic and driving, but I guess you have to

> experience it to really understand it. It is so very different from

> driving in the United States! He was just amazing!


> I do want to tell you something about this driver that I will also write

> about on Trip Advisor. When we left the van at the ship, we were very

> clearly asked to do a check inside to make sure that we had all of our

> things before leaving...but...I left my camera bag on the floor of the

> back seat. Inside was my new prescription sunglasses, camera battery

> and memory card! The car left and we went onboard our ship, went up to

> our room and changed into shorts. Only then did I realize that I did

> not have my camera bag. I called Mr. Kalifa and he said that the driver

> would return to the ship. The officers on the ship told me that I

> should not be too excited- that he probably would not return it--- but

> Mr. Bkhit brought that bag right back to me! He deserves a commendation

> for that! We will be forever grateful for his kind act!

>I would highlyrecommend this tour company! Ask for our guide and driver. They were superb. It was the best spent money of the trip. We did not do an overnight, but when we return someday, we would and tour with Ramses with no hesitation!



Thanks for coming back here and leaving that feedback, I am so glad you got your camera bag back. I have found Egyptians to be very honest people, at least those I know that live in Los Angeles.


We are taking an overnight with them in November, I can hardly wait!


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We, too, were on the Pacific Princess these past two weeks. Our time spent with Ramses Tours was all, and more, than we ever expected. We had the BEST TOUR GUIDE in Mohammed Ali Khalaf and his driver Mohamed Khaled. We did the overnight in Cairo, staying at the Mena Oberoi--well worth the extra cost involved. Having breakfast at the base of the pyramids was overwhelming. The evening light show was terrific and highly recommended.

There has been much discussion here on the boards as to the various tour companies in Egypt. Without a moments hesitation book with Ramses! Mr. George is incredibly responsive (fretters take note ;-) )and even up to the last day was working special requests and itinerary changes for us.

Egypt was the high point of this itinerary and Ramses earns TOP marks for their efforts!


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On the Cairo day, we went to see the Giza pyramids and the sphinx. The ride takes about 3 hours. When you leave the ship, all the cruise ship tour buses and private tour company cars are lined up in the street with jeeps filled with armed guards organizing everyone into one long caravan into Cairo. You all must move together. We lost about 30-45 minutes just waiting in the car for the caravan to be allowed to move away from the ship!


The ride back from the Antiquities Museum was about 3 1/2 hours. So, right off the bat, you lose at LEAST 6 1/2 hours to just travel. The roads are without stop signs and no lights. Watch how people cross the street and how cars completely ignore street lanes. It is WILD!


We spent quite a while at the pyramids for photos and a fun-filled camel ride. Then we went to the museum to see King Tut's items and the Mummy room. We brought some food with us (ziplock bags and a tupperware from home for sandwiches from the ship to be on the safe side health-wise). By that point, we ran out of time. We had planned to go to the bazaar, but were afraid of the terrible traffic (and it was a good thing we left when we did!) It was a really full day, very exciting, in the torrid heat (over 110 F.) We really had had enough- we were wiped out by the heat. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE LOTS OF SINGLE DOLLAR BILLS TO GIVE OUT FOR BAKSHEESH (tipping). You will need them!

On the Alexandria day, we saw the Library (it is fabulous- the museum exhibits are great- take the guided tour inside and see all the highlights around the outside too.) We went to King Farouke's Palace, and took photos from various places around it... very picturesque. We went to the Fort and along the beach, and saw a pretty mosque. We had a half-day tour and it was just perfect. It covered all the highlights. Alexandria is much prettier than Cairo. You will enjoy it.

Edited by ny cruisequeen
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