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Coco Cay - Is it worth it?


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Ok, this statement may come back to haunt me in a couple of years when my oldest IS a teen -- however, when the vacation has been bought and paid for by you, then why do you need to compromise with your child?


My daughter is willing to go to the beach only once (called a compromise)


If you want to go to the beach more than once and you paid for the beach, then you go to the beach. ;) I love CocoCay and can't wait to get back. The minute my kids start trying to play let's make a deal with our vacations is the second that I start making them pay for their own vacations. :p


*applause* Michelle!!! My daughters are 18 and 16, and this is how it works in our family! Of course the kids have some input on what we do in each port, however, there is no compromise - if we are paying, they do what we ultimately decided to do.



We definitely think CocoCay is worth it! It's a lovely beach day! But then again, we also think Labadee is worth it!

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As for leaving her on the ship, I thought of that - and I am NOT comfortable with the idea of leaving a 16 year old on the ship by herself. It makes me nervous and it doesn't feel very responsible (on my part, as a parent).




Think of Coco Cay as an extension of the ship;


How do you and your daughter work it out on board ship? Do you do everything together, or do you let her do some things by herself?


There are plenty of ship's personal with radios on the island; All she would have to do is let them know you are on the island, and they would find you, if something were to happen.


I have been know to use those small GMRS radios on the private islands; they work quite well between the ship and the beach.






(Yes - I know GMRS radios are not nessacarilly legal in the Bahamas, but there isn't any one there to enforce those rules.)

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If I had to pick one, cost aside, I'd do Orient over Coco Cay. Easy to find a nice padded chair with wait staff bringing you food and drinks close to the beach and the water was crystal clear and Orient seemed to have more exciting people watching.


I've been to Orient once and CocoCay twice, and I have to say that if I could only visit one, I'd go with Orient. The scenery was simply gorgeous! I was 17 when my mom and I went to Orient during a CCL cruise... I still remember seeing goats crossing the road in front of us on our way to the beach--it was an eye-opener to compare with the wealthy resorts dotting the coast, that was for sure.


CocoCay is also a lot of fun, but to me, it seems like it's exactly what it is - a private resort island...I prefer seeing the local culture as well. CocoCay is nice simply for vegging without any plans or cares in the world. :)


For what it's worth, if your daughter enjoys airplanes, you might be able to convince her that Orient's her place with a stop to Maho Beach thrown in there. The planes cross over the beach on their final, final approach - a couple hundred feet above the sand. I imagine it's something even a teenager might enjoy!


Good luck and have a great time! :o

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Looks like I'm in the minority here but after one trip to Cococay I have no interest in going back. I have to admit that we had been cruising Disney and was ready for something like Castaway Cay. It wasn't even close to being as nice. Unless you like swimming with jellyfish along with some small sharks we spoted, this beach is not for you. Like RCI for a variety of reasons but Cococay is not one of them.


Orient Beach is very nice.

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We have been to CocoCay twice and both times our youngest daughter was stung by a jelly fish! The next time we're just going to stay on the ship. While it is very pretty, the beach just isn't the same as Orient Beach (one of our favorites!) If you go to Orient, go to KonTiki - a great area :)

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OIK - I am totally "turned off" by the jellyfish - my luck, she'll give in and get stung - no thanks, I think, on this one.


Thanks again for all of your input and suggestions.

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Mark K -- I have no problem transferring control to my children and I give them a great deal of freedom to make their own decision -- I teach them to be leaders and never followers (they are outgoing little kids and never have problems making decisions). But they don't control ME. ;) And that's the difference.


jhaasz -- Your shy daughter would feel more comfortable at Orient Beach? :confused: You have been to Orient Beach right? My family loves it -- but someone who is shy and not very comfortable in a swimsuit might be put off by the topless bathers.

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OIK - I am totally "turned off" by the jellyfish - my luck, she'll give in and get stung - no thanks, I think, on this one.


Thanks again for all of your input and suggestions.


Sounds to me like you have just been waiting for an excuse to not get off on this port. One post about jellyfish and you are going to let that be the deciding factor, over many other posts about how wonderful and nice this port is. I have been there also and I think it is beautiful and fun. Never saw any jellyfish. Also, if you can only go to one beach, why go on a cruise that stops at many ports? Why not just take a trip to that one place? Hmmm....


Oh well, have fun anyway

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Mark K - loved your post and so true - I truly believe that my job as a parent is not to dictate but, being that she is 16, to start to transfer control of her life over to her and help her make the proper decisions (when it comes to the big ones, anyway). Many people don't realize she'll be living on her own, away at college in two years. And, having one that is living away at school, I have found that those who were on the tightest leash are some of the wildest kids at school.


Kat - loved your post also - she is actually 16 and is just not a "beach person" (she used to be and I miss that). I think she's "shy" when it comes to actually having to put on a swimsuit and sit at the beach - even the call of a Coco Loco couldn't persuade her. It's that age - I went through it with the older one, also (she just started wearing a swimsuit again this year and she's 20).


As for leaving her on the ship, I thought of that - and I am NOT comfortable with the idea of leaving a 16 year old on the ship by herself. It makes me nervous and it doesn't feel very responsible (on my part, as a parent).


And, everyone is right - it is a "family vacation" - so, everyone in the family should have the opportunity to do what they want to do - not "my way or the highway". This will be her 11th cruise and she loves them - making new friends and hanging out with them.


For those of you who responded with helpful information, I thank you and will honestly consider this port (it looks nicer than some of the other pictures I have seen). For those who gave your opinions (not necessarily nice ones) about child rearing, I didn't ask for your opinions on this subject - everyone has their own thoughts - respect mine as I respect yours.




I just have to say after your comment about her moving out in two years...Shes moving out in two years for crying out loud and you dont think she can stay on a ship alone now. Are you sure this isnt a case of the cord still being attached on your end. This sounds soooo much harsher than it is intended, so please dont take it harshly!!! I am the mother of a 6, 10, 11, 14 and 15 year olds. the oldest about to turn 16 and I have a tendency to be over protective. however, she will be on the ship, if you raised her well, ( not saying you didnt) she will be able handle herself just fine alone for a few hours. I find that when parents arent around the most shy child can make friends.


Again this is not ment to be ugly in any way!!

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We are a family (mid-40's with a child in her teens and my mom in her 60's) traveling on FOS. My question is, I have never been to Coco Cay and, can someone tell me, in all honesty, if it is worth getting off the ship? .


IMHO CocoCay should not be missed under any circumstances and if DD is self concious she will be comfortable going to the other side of the island where nobody else goes:

312h0cj.jpgOther side of island


20mvdu.jpgFirst beach off ship, very crowded. Keep going.


bdmfr4.jpgOther side of island...notice...nobody there!

Keep walking to your left and around the island to the back side and have no one there still wonderful loungers snack bar and very shallow aqua water and white sand! As far as St. Maarten is concerned, we've rented our own car and been all over the island and my favorite beach by far is Mullet Bay Beach, a public beach with not much facility, no restrooms. And Maho beach to see the jets. Been to Orient, way over praised, will never go again. Its on the windward side of the island and beside being French (Nude) the wave action is awful sometimes. The others are on the Leeward side and are gorgeous calm water and white sand:



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We are going to Coco Cay in 2 weeks on Freedom....someone mentioned fighting off the seagulls at the BBQ!! Is this true because I am terrified of seagulls? We went to Labadee 2 years ago and I don't remember seagulls being there?


Just curious about this...I still plan on going to Coco Cay by the way. Just maybe won't eat there!


In my trips to Labadee and Coco Cay, this hasn't been a problem. All it takes though is one person feeding them and they get attracted and come in droves. If you see that happening, move a few yards away.

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Thanks to all for your advice - getting ready to leave in two weeks - will be sure to post when we get back.


I have to admit, I'm actually surprised that people would actually leave a 16 year old on the ship alone (it's not meant to be disrespectful, just surprising). To be honest, I've thought about this but have also heard what can happen to a "young girl" on the ship (reported rapes, etc). I tell my girls - be respectful to the crew; however, they are there to help you have a great vacation and NOT be your friends.


If I were to leave her on the ship for a couple of hours, I wouldn't let her leave the cabin until I came back. I guess to each his own.

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I have to admit, I'm actually surprised that people would actually leave a 16 year old on the ship alone (it's not meant to be disrespectful, just surprising). To be honest, I've thought about this but have also heard what can happen to a "young girl" on the ship (reported rapes, etc).\



In reality, your 16 year old is more likely to be a victim of an attack at your local mall.


Ask yourself this question .... If you decide to go to the pool on the ship, but your daughter doesn't want go, do you require her to stay in the cabin? Or do you allow her to go and do something on her own


Coco cay really is an extension of the ship.


Whatever you decide, have a great trip and enjoy!





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One other suggestion


I'm assuming there's a teen club onboard. Why don't you wait and see if there's any supervised activities going on as you wouldn't want to leave her alone. It may be that she'll already have made friends who are hanging out at the club that day and she might want to join them.


in that case, if you know she's being supervised, you might feel more relaxed about going to check out the beach yourself.


Or, as some have mentioned, as a tender port, the weather may be such that you won't be able to make the port at all and then the decision is made for you.

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My 2 sons ages 17 and 10 at the time we sailed Mariner of the Seas to Coco Cay in November of 2008, thought that Coco Cay was the BEST stop on our 7 day cruise which included St Thomas and St Maarten. They played sand volleyball with a bunch of other kids/young adults all day and also swam, ate lunch, etc and everything was free. This is a beautiful, fun island that shouldn't be missed. IMHO. Keri:)

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Ok, this statement may come back to haunt me in a couple of years when my oldest IS a teen -- however, when the vacation has been bought and paid for by you, then why do you need to compromise with your child?


My daughter is willing to go to the beach only once (called a compromise)


If you want to go to the beach more than once and you paid for the beach, then you go to the beach. ;) I love CocoCay and can't wait to get back. The minute my kids start trying to play let's make a deal with our vacations is the second that I start making them pay for their own vacations. :p




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something to think about the 16 yo only wants to go to one beach while on this cruse. but mom wants to go to the beach that is clothing optional

nude beach. maybe that why the dau doesn't want to go to more than one beach.

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This may be a decision that doesn't have to be made now. Have this conversation again when you are on board the ship. I know CoCoCay is the first day sailing. You can assess the situation the first night before bed about the next day. Keep in mind, that the seas often are rough there, and the tenders cannot take people ashore. If you are able to get on shore, would she be willing to at least go walk around and check it out? There is so much to see and do there besides sit on a chair in a swim suit. Additionally, she could just wear a nice coverup over her swimsuit all day..... or pull on a pair of shorts and tank top over it - and be perfectly modest. CoCoCay is certainly worth seeing and experiencing.... even if you just walk around for a while and take some pictures. It's beautiful.

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If I had a choice of Orient beach or CoCo Cay and only could go to one due to having my teen daughter with me that runs the show I would choose Orient. CoCo Cay is nice, I like Orient better.

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jhaasz, I can relate. My older son was 17 when we went on our last cruise. The first port he didn't want to get off the ship. Initially I said I'd stay onboard with him (begrudgingly) because I wouldn't leave him alone and sent my husband and younger son off to explore the port. I'm considered to be rather overprotective BUT about 5 min. after they left I radioed them (we had walkie-talkies) and told them I'd join them. I decided my son was not going to ruin my cruise! I stopped by the desk and told them my son was staying onboard and was not to leave the ship. They did something so that if he had tried to leave (which he didn't), an alarm sounded and he would be prevented from going.


I think he was shocked that we left him! I left a walkie-talkie with him and gave my cell phone # to the desk in case of an emergency. We were only gone about 2 hrs and when we returned he was fine. He had slept and was in a much better mood. He didn't refuse to get off with us again in any port after that.


If you're lucky, she'll meet a friend the first night onboard who wants to go to both beaches too and she'll change her mind about the "1 beach" ultimatum.


Good luck! I'd like to say that it'll get easier soon but I don't think that'll be the case. Eventually they come around but it takes awhile.


Enjoy YOUR vacation!

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  • 7 months later...

I was checking my subscribed threads and came across this one - oh, the memories.


So, inquiring minds want to know - what happened? Well, the weather decided for us. We were able to tender but when we awoke in the morning, it was raining. My husband and I actually decided to go to the pool (when it stopped raining) and were able to stay about an hour before the rain (and the gray clouds) returned. Since it was such a short "non-rainy" period, we were glad that we decided to stay on the ship (we had a lot of company).


We did go to Orient Beach and had a great time (fabulous weather) - so great, in fact, that my husband and I didn't want to leave. We did bring our daughter with us - absolutely no complaints. She had lunch (Kon Tiki - thank you for the recommendation) and sat in the sun with her ipod while we swam in the beautiful water. We told her what time we wanted to leave (before we left the ship) and when the time came, she told us the time and we packed it up and left. A great time was had by all (and no arguments).

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I just LOVED coco cay. It is a relaxing stress free day. We did some leisurely walking on the beach and it was nice! The water isnt' that deep in some parts so you can go out pretty far and still see your feet!!!:)


I would go back in a heartbeat!!!!

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