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Polite Passengers and Not polite Passengers


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I understand the steward's frustration but he went over the top in deploying the chute. A groundworker could have been killed. He had worked in the industry for yrs and knew what the job was all about, including having to deal with annoying, rude passengers. My favorite CCL story was about a couple in the balcony cabin next to us who were also dinner table mates. They'd get into a big, loud argument each night and be all lovey to each other at dinner. They drank and gambled (and lost) too much and keep their balcony door open so even with ours closed we heard their fights.


It was reported that he said that he did look first to make sure nobody was there before he deployed the chute.


Like someone else said - I predict a plea bargain, too. I hope he just gets community service and probation. Although, I think he has already done his "community service" by doing what we all would like to do at times!!! He did it for us!


Ashley :)

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I understand the steward's frustration but he went over the top in deploying the chute. A groundworker could have been killed. He had worked in the industry for yrs and knew what the job was all about, including having to deal with annoying, rude passengers. My favorite CCL story was about a couple in the balcony cabin next to us who were also dinner table mates. They'd get into a big, loud argument each night and be all lovey to each other at dinner. They drank and gambled (and lost) too much and kept their balcony door open so even with ours closed we heard their fights.


Sure, he knew better. But I`m sure those that go postal knew better as well under different circumstances.


When you snap. rationale can go right out the door. And down the chute.

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We have just returned from 2 Transat One on Ocean Princess one on QM2

On our first cruise we were seated with Aussies who had opinions about certain ethnic groups.They did not care for British people nor South Africans .Most pax were Brits.The Aussies Hated the Queen and wanted to be rid of her in Australia ...they did not care for anyone who seemed Royalist

Because I have food allergies the head waiter used to see me every night with menus for the following day .It did happen that I did have to return my food at times BECAuse there were peppers in it as I am extremely allergic to them .Perhaps they considered that to be fussy ....not if they ever saw how sick I would get .My son had to state so very clearly as poor kid often has seen me on my knees in front of the porcelain God ...literally for hours !!!It takes very little to get me REALLY sick

The Head Waiter was from South Africa .. very proud of his AFrikaaner heritage and I think his mere presence bothered the lady who was of Black/African origin but did not look it

They told me they got married in Texas in the 60s when interacial marriages were illegal So obviously they had experience prejudice and felt a certain animosity towards a person who represented so in their mindThey were very cold and distant towards him as he was VERY friendly to me showing me pix of his new baby .At first I did not realize how the woman hated him .

One evening they attacked me verbally re a tour we all took which did not measure up in my opinion

Well her husband said I was too fussy He would make sure I would not get a refund by writing the EXACT opposite of my concerns

When my son told him I was not fussy He attacked him for defending me because I paid for his cruises .I applauded my son's loyalty which they mocked by saying he knew who buttered his bread ..and so on and so forth

Needless to say I WAS LIVID ....When my son told them my Husband was fussy NOt me ..the man replied we deserved each other and it was a marriage made in heaven

I asked him if he wanted to take me on ...he declined

What a DREADFUL couple ...In my opinion they deserve each other ...HOW MISERABLE can you be!!!

WE got a new table from the maitre D with congenial friends and avoided these dreadful people therafter

What gives them the right to do so?Who asked for their opinion on my son me or my hubby?This was my first encounter with Aussies ...not a good one I hope if I ever meet others I will find them more pleasant

I hope to never encounter such rude people again .Why in the world would you go on a cruise with lots of Brits if you hate them so much

My son and I made friends with loads of different people and found Brits charming and funny On our tours we were very cosmopolitan and enjoyed everyone's company


I was very upset with this couple but my friends consoled me and we did have lovely final evenings together People like these Aussies sghould walk the plank or better yet STAY HOME!!!!



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Sure, he knew better. But I`m sure those that go postal knew better as well under different circumstances.


When you snap. rationale can go right out the door. And down the chute.


Well put.:)

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It was reported that he said that he did look first to make sure nobody was there before he deployed the chute.


Like someone else said - I predict a plea bargain, too. I hope he just gets community service and probation. Although, I think he has already done his "community service" by doing what we all would like to do at times!!! He did it for us!


Ashley :)


Ashley..thanks again for more news and all the background and experience...sjn.

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Anyone empathise with the Jetblue steward??? Just saw the long blurb on CNN re. his meltdown and exit... Comments from a reporter who heard his swan song...she did not see aggravating passenger...


Anyone have a story to tell about a passenger who may have deserved such an exit from a Carnival worker..they can not as easily bail once docked..I sure bet they have fanatsies too..


And no..it is not the way to go..possible injuries with schute deployment etc....but it just got me thinking...


Comments?? Sorry if I missed another thread..tried to check...



My husband keeps saying where is the assault charges being pressed against this woman?????:mad:

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I have been punched by a drug addict coming up from anestesia, :mad: whipped by a dementia patient who didn't realize that I was keeping her in bed to protect the hip she just had replaced. (she used the air hoses from her compression boots) :( and had surgical instruments thrown at me by a frustrated surgeon (he was mad because he couldn't get close enough to his incision to operate comfortably due to the patients girth.):eek:


yep! Time to go where people are nice.:o



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He might have gone a little overboard but seriously? Someone calls him a MFer and he's just supposed to take it? That's what's wrong with the world today.

OK, I can totally appreciate this guys frustration. I work in a Welfare office and some clients freak out when they don't get what they need, and name call, yell, swear, threaten, etc. In my twenty years I have been called every name in the book and treated in a horrible manner, as have my staff (this is only be a small percentage of our clients by the way) Becasue we work for the city, we can not do anything whatsoever, except politely ask the client to stop yelling, swearing etc. If it continues we then tell them they have to leave and we call security. So, although I can appreciate the employee behind ticked that someone was being difficult, self-restraint is in order. Bottom line, the guy got himself arrested and I would imagine he lost his job. Why give a passenger that power over you??

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People in Europe see Americans as loud, brass, rude, lacking in manners in everything from proper dress to eating habits. As Americans, we were somewhat distressed by this accusation and felt it had no merit.

Sad to say, after that time we have sat back and watched in stores, restaurants, airplanes and cruises. For the most part from what we have observed, the view of us is probably warranted. We have stepped back and made an effort to return to the things we learned in grammar school about etiquette and manners.


.....If you wish to see a true indication of the lack of manners and displays of nasty dealings with others, look no farther than this message board. The amount of degrading, nasty and sarcastic posts is a prime example.

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Im quite surprised at some of these answers. You start out by saying how can people be like the pax then yet you "support" the attendant for doing stuff that I would say how could someone do that?


Prior service and prior law enforcement. Not once did I "OVER" react to a situation. I knew the job and responsibilites I was taking on.


The "smug" look he has on his face appears to me that he is either a Class A asshat or may be a little on the unstable side.


"At no time was the security or safety of our customers or crewmembers at risk," JetBlue said in a statement. Let me ask you Jetblue at anytime do you think it could have esculated? Meaning what if the passenger was not in his right mind? Grabed something and started swinging at the attendent?


What you say he shouldnt have stood up?

"As a rule, passengers are required to stay in their seats with their seatbelts fastened until the pilot has reached the gate and gives the all-clear sign."

There are rules on Carnival that people chose to ignore.....


There are ways to do things. When I fly I put my safety and "life" in the hands of the pilot and stewards/attendants. Having people like him in a position he was in and then go off makes me wonder how he would handle anything else.


Two wrongs dont make a right, but two rights make a left.


I hope he gets what is deemed necessary in court. I hope his 15 mins of "fame" is over and he gets on with his life (hopefully not in a "customer service" field).


I hope the passenger gets some sort of slap also.


However to make him a "hero" and aspire that there will be songs about him like they did "John Henry" is so far out there I wonder if I am still on planet earth.

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I know it wasn't the best action to take but I can completely relate to that feeling of totally losing it and having enough!! From what I've read and heard he also had a lot of other stress going on in his life and I guess he'd just had enough. I don't think it was the best way to handle it but I think he just lost it- and I don't think he should have been arrested.

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Most of us..self included..are definitely NOT making him out as a hero; but addressing the behavior at it's source..which is alot about tolerance/respect/return to manners/calm/looking in the mirror/and recognizing when we point a finger we are often pointing three at ourselves..and how we all have choices to move things in that BETTER direction even when pressed..and we da__ well need it. IMHO..I see folks seeing that and opportunities to be a hero in really small ways that make a difference..maybe someone could have said to the mad passenger..hey..if you sit down ..will buy you a drink or whatever...


And yes..someone could have helped the steward too..all supposition of course..but no; the steward addressed the agony..not the answer...hope he does not get raked over coals..and makes some lemonade for himself AND the betterment of all concerned. He will need humility and some embarssment..and big boy pants..but he was very understandably pressed...sjn.

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I know it wasn't the best action to take but I can completely relate to that feeling of totally losing it and having enough!! From what I've read and heard he also had a lot of other stress going on in his life and I guess he'd just had enough. I don't think it was the best way to handle it but I think he just lost it- and I don't think he should have been arrested.


If I may inquire what do you tihnk should have been done? Let me ask you this if a waiter yelled obscenities at you (over a misunderstanding) then threw a bottle of wine through a window breaking it you tihnk he should just be allowed to go home cause he had a rough day?


Dont get me wrong its not the same thing however EVERYONE must be accountable for their actions. Deploying that chute and (I chuckled at this part....) stealing a beer is a major no no...


Would it have been ok for a group of Girl Scouts to be on the plane when Mr had a rough day spewed obscenities over the PA system?

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We own a little mom and pop store. My DH is former cop, former military. He had a guy come in one afternoon lift up the coffee pot, smell the coffee, and then ask him "is this F***** coffee fresh" Hubby, who has been through all the crisis management training, etc., says "get out" Guy flips the F bomb around a few more times to which the hubby says "you have until I dial the police to get out" Guy leaves, my husband apologizes to another customer who happened to be in store at the time to which that customer says "you used more refrain than I ever would" I can't imagine what many other people deal with in the course of their day. We've been in business 22 years and this one was the only one he's thrown out. I've thrown one out as well, so not a bad average.


On the NCL Spirit we were sitting eating our breakfast when a lady walks up to the NCL employee making eggs, gives him about a 10 page sermon of how she wants her eggs done. He's making them.... she's raising her voice... finally to the point where she asks the man standing next to him (loudly) "does he speak English". This poor man FINALLY gets rid of her and we watch him go into the kitchen area. I hear a slightly elevated foreign language which I'm aimlessly translating to my husband using the witch word and saying poor man. After we finish eating my husband walks over to the man, shakes his hand, and says "thank you for our breakfast it was delicious, and please remember not all Americans are this rude"


I have people waltz into my store and attempt to treat me like I'm a mere simple servant who should say "how high" when they say jump. Unfortunately rude is rude and you can't change it. I have people trying to jump the lines in our place and I've pretty diligent of keeping track who was first. I have people pull up to the front door honking their horns to ask for directions, people who stand in the doorway letting out precious AC or heat to ask directions, and many a time they come interrupt my paying customers (they think the world should stop because they are lost) who are on a quick lunch break and need to get back to work. We've tried over the years to be polite and helpful and we usually wind up with people arguing with us over the directions we give them. They will also come in ask me then go outside and ask a man. That one infuriates me to no end.


So I really feel for those who work with the public. I'm just very thankful for all the NICE people I get to see every day.

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I worked in banking for many years.


If you wanted to open an account with us, we had a list of what would be acceptable ID to open an account.


Well....a lady came in and had absolutely no ID. But insisted that an account be opened for her. Our manager was helping her and several times went over the list of ID. But the woman had nothing.


Finally, the woman said, I just don't know what you azzholes want!


The manager replied....A death certificate would be nice!


I still chuckle over that one...lol!

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I worked in banking for many years.


If you wanted to open an account with us, we had a list of what would be acceptable ID to open an account.


Well....a lady came in and had absolutely no ID. But insisted that an account be opened for her. Our manager was helping her and several times went over the list of ID. But the woman had nothing.


Finally, the woman said, I just don't know what you azzholes want!


The manager replied....A death certificate would be nice!


I still chuckle over that one...lol!



LOL!!! That's great!


Ashley :)

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I flew home on Jetblue the day before this incident. Man, I wish it happened on the one we were on so I could have seen it. LOL


I can understand him not being able to take anymore. I worked in the mortgage department of a bank for years and had lots of abuse from customers. My boss liked to take his sweet time getting back to customers when they had problems that we couldn't help them with, but then they would call us back even more angry that nobody had gotten back to them. I've hung up on a few when they started cursing. I don't have to sit there and hear that.

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The passenger was a woman. According to the news reports, not only did she defy the federal laws by getting out of her seat and taking her bag out of the overhead compartment; not only did she curse out the flight attendant who told her to return to her seat;


but she also assaulted him by hitting him in the head with her bag. He has a cut and lump on his forehead when being escorted to jail.


Is she going to be charged with assault as well? I hope so.

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We have just returned from 2 Transat One on Ocean Princess one on QM2

On our first cruise we were seated with Aussies who had opinions about certain ethnic groups.They did not care for British people nor South Africans .Most pax were Brits.The Aussies Hated the Queen and wanted to be rid of her in Australia ...they did not care for anyone who seemed Royalist

Because I have food allergies the head waiter used to see me every night with menus for the following day .It did happen that I did have to return my food at times BECAuse there were peppers in it as I am extremely allergic to them .Perhaps they considered that to be fussy ....not if they ever saw how sick I would get .My son had to state so very clearly as poor kid often has seen me on my knees in front of the porcelain God ...literally for hours !!!It takes very little to get me REALLY sick

The Head Waiter was from South Africa .. very proud of his AFrikaaner heritage and I think his mere presence bothered the lady who was of Black/African origin but did not look it

They told me they got married in Texas in the 60s when interacial marriages were illegal So obviously they had experience prejudice and felt a certain animosity towards a person who represented so in their mindThey were very cold and distant towards him as he was VERY friendly to me showing me pix of his new baby .At first I did not realize how the woman hated him .

One evening they attacked me verbally re a tour we all took which did not measure up in my opinion

Well her husband said I was too fussy He would make sure I would not get a refund by writing the EXACT opposite of my concerns

When my son told him I was not fussy He attacked him for defending me because I paid for his cruises .I applauded my son's loyalty which they mocked by saying he knew who buttered his bread ..and so on and so forth

Needless to say I WAS LIVID ....When my son told them my Husband was fussy NOt me ..the man replied we deserved each other and it was a marriage made in heaven

I asked him if he wanted to take me on ...he declined

What a DREADFUL couple ...In my opinion they deserve each other ...HOW MISERABLE can you be!!!

WE got a new table from the maitre D with congenial friends and avoided these dreadful people therafter

What gives them the right to do so?Who asked for their opinion on my son me or my hubby?This was my first encounter with Aussies ...not a good one I hope if I ever meet others I will find them more pleasant

I hope to never encounter such rude people again .Why in the world would you go on a cruise with lots of Brits if you hate them so much

My son and I made friends with loads of different people and found Brits charming and funny On our tours we were very cosmopolitan and enjoyed everyone's company


I was very upset with this couple but my friends consoled me and we did have lovely final evenings together People like these Aussies sghould walk the plank or better yet STAY HOME!!!!



We had Australian tablemates on our Holland America cruise out of New York City, and they were a lovely couple. Older than us (it was Holland America) by a good 25 plus years, but somehow we found plenty to converse about. To this day, I regret not having gotten their email addresses, as I would have loved to stay in touch.


So please don't judge all of one country by one couple. There are plenty of nice people and plenty of jerks anywhere that you go.



Now back to the topic at hand: While I certainly don't condone the actions of the flight attendant - I absolutely understand where the frustration comes from.


Thank GOD I don't work with the general public - I sit in a back office crunching numbers for commercial loans - because if I did work with the general public I'd probably be on the news for something like this. People drive me absolutely crazy with their lack of manners, disregard for rules that are meant for their safety, and general ME ME ME attitude. Would it really kill people to JUST BE NICE?

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I worked for a very large retail company and dealt with the public in many capacities. Most of the customers were great, no complaints.

But, there were those who treated the employees like dirt. They demanded services, not requested.

What always made me the angriest was when a customer would lay the F bomb before I even knew what he/she was upset about. People today have no sense of decorum or pleasantries. It is all about them. They want to be first, they want what they want when they want it. No compromise.

You see this attitude on these boards often.

Everyone should just remember you get more flies with honey than with vinegar.

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Here's something along the same lines, but totally different outcome.


At the end of April, 1985, I was transferred to Walla Walla, WA, and my first day in the new office, a client came in and started yelling at me, swearing up one side and down the other, threatening me and pounding on my desk. I calmly listened and in the end told him that I still needed his past-due payment. He yelled some more and left. A week later, my new boss is in the office and the same client comes in and does the exact same thing. After he left, my boss came to me and said he was amazed at my calm during the storm.


What was different about this, is that I continued to work with that client and after seven years, when he was getting married, he invited me and I attended his wedding.


None of this is to say that I disagree one little bit with what the Jet Blue flight attendant did, because I applaud him and hope that the charges are dropped and that he goes on to enjoy a happy life.


Happy cruising to all!



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