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Where are your parents?

grammy c

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Unfortuanetly the parents are to blame. If something would actually happen to the parents then they would start controlling their little darlings. If they were meant to pay a fine to bail them out of a kddie brig they might get the hint.



When the child gets hurt they will be the parents that are first in line wanting a hand ouit or somthing free or worse with a a lawyer.

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We've only been on one cruise during a peak time when the kids were out of school and it really made me not want to go at that time of year ever again. I really enjoyed the trip, but the loud kids in the hallway made it difficult to sleep, even with my white noise fan that I always bring for being a very light sleeper. Called security but I don't believe they ever did anything. It wasn't the hugest deal back then when we were kidless, but if it were to happen now, I have a 2-year-old who is a light sleeper herself and I would have to deal with a very cranky child all day long. All I can do is try to book toward the front fore or back aft of the ship and hope that it's a quiet dead end!

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I TOTALLY agree parents should be parents and reign their kids in...that being said...it goes without saying there will always be the unruly kids on ships during peak family vacation time...especially summer...so you kinda have to go into it expecting this behavior if you cruise during these times...not saying it's right, but I'm not sure it's easily avoidable...we are going the week between Christmas and New Year and I know I'm going to spend a little time highly annoyed...and I'm bringing my ear plugs.

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Parents that think there children are ok and it is ok not to keep a close watch on them are wrong.We had a parent in the dallas area come home and about 3 hrs later went looking for his 2 year old .She was still in her car seat in the car.It was 103 that day ,she didn't make it.Bad thinks can happen on a ship or anywhere


I live in Fort Worth and I saw that story on the news. I asked my husband how you could not wonder where your two year old is for three hours. Very sad story.


I work in a restraunt and the other night the parents were in the bar area and they let the kids just run around in the restraunt and scream and they even knocked a table over. Luckily it was the end of the night and not busy. The parents did not say a word because they were to busy drinking.

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I live in Fort Worth and I saw that story on the news. I asked my husband how you could not wonder where your two year old is for three hours. Very sad story.


I work in a restraunt and the other night the parents were in the bar area and they let the kids just run around in the restraunt and scream and they even knocked a table over. Luckily it was the end of the night and not busy. The parents did not say a word because they were to busy drinking.


There's your answer...at sea and on land.

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If parents don't want to take care of children on their vacation, leave them to disturb everyone else....THEN LEAVE THE LITTLE DARLINGS AT HOME WHERE THEY BELONG!!!!! Oh, I know why they don't leave them home.....NO ONE will babysit the little "monsters" ooops, darlings.

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OP, you'll get no flames from me! We don't have children and don't particularly like children. I have no problems with well-behaved kids on the ship, but the little terrors that you mentioned should be taught manners and appropriate behavior or be left at home. :rolleyes:


I have four kids from 8 to 12 and I would not allow them to run and I have gotten very upset on a trips when there are loud kids or big people (think they are) that are making all kinds of noise and trouble late at night.

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The kids' parents should be the ones in the brig....

Whenever I see a parent who creates consequences for a child who is acting out, I actually walk over and congratulate them for good parenting.


I will say to the OP..... if you have any choice at all, try to avoid cruising during any school breaks.

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Wow, to me that is crazy. I am cruising with my 16 year old daughter's and her 2 best friends in October. My daughter (who by the way is extremely responsible and would DEFNITELY know better than to behave that way) will have a ccurfew of either 11 or 12 o'clock. We are still negotiating. I do not want the girls wandering the ship after that as the adults will be drinking and it is unnecessary for young people to be out all hours. What is wrong with some parents????

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I woke up to find my (although 18) son still not in the room at 2am. I woke my husband up and made him go look for him. Our daughter (16 at the time) hung out with us most of the time. She would go back to the room, we walked in and she had ordered herself room service.

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I completely agree kids should not be allowed to run wild whether on a cruise or at a mall. Just because it is a vacation doesn't mean you don't have to be a parent. I also feel though that many adults view kids who are having innocent fun as being unruly. I also think the way many adults behave would embaress their parents as well!!

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This is so inaccurate, it's laughable. :mad: They may get paid to do it, but actually performing that job function is another matter entirely.


Actually we just got off Legend on 8/1 and the staff were all over those kids acting up around the pools. Saw staff telling kids to stop running thru the Lido deck food areas also. Legend staff told parents their child had to leave an adult only hot tub. AND these were just the things I saw in 1 week. Obviously they are paying attention to the complaints.

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Wait for it ...


You do not negotiate with a 16-year old, you *tell* them what the curfew is.

Actually I do whatever I feel is right as a parent and I can tell you my daughter has turned out amazing. I think midnight, she thinks 11 and I will hear her out before I decide what will happen. I happen to be a very dedicted and involved parent so keep your comments to yourself.

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It does amaze me how when unruly kids get around someone with higher expectations, they can soak it up like a sponge, and they feel good about meeting those expectations.


As a chaperon on a middle school band trip some time ago, I was paired up with another Mom, because we had the "challenging" group--4 boys who were really testing us. Part of the trip was dinner & shopping at a mall (not the best idea, IMO...) and right after dinner our charges jumped up & started running to some of the stores. We rounded them up, sat them down & said, "we can do this our way or the hard way". I asked them to imagine their Moms getting a phone call from me that I had lost their child in another city, and told them that while they didn't have to walk with me, they did need to stay at a distance where they could hear me. If they couldn't do that, we would spend the mall time sitting at the table while their friends had fun.


Wouldn't you know it--not only did they walk close to us, suddenly we were their best friends. Every store we went into they wanted our advice, or to proudly show off what they purchased...you get the picture. We had a great time.


The bottom line is that inside, these "problem children" were sweet kids who responded to expectations like a chamois to water--just soaked it up. The next day the kids could choose their groups at the amusement park & my DH & I were chosen by some in this group, who recommended us to some other kids. Imagine my joy to hear my daughter (who didn't want to be in my group) get told back home by the "popular" kids how cool her parents were. She was so afraid we'd embarrass her.:p


I think that's the thing that makes me saddest when I see out-of-control kids. Kids crave limits. Strong boundaries make happy, secure kids. I can only imagine how much less enjoyable life will be for kids who grow up without discipline. DH & I blow it a LOT as parents, and we often pray our kids will turn out well in spite of us, but they will always be secure that we care enough to set limits, even if they don't like it at the time.

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Actually I do whatever I feel is right as a parent and I can tell you my daughter has turned out amazing. I think midnight, she thinks 11 and I will hear her out before I decide what will happen. I happen to be a very dedicted and involved parent so keep your comments to yourself.


Tef sounds very much like my step-dad. To this day we can not relate with each other. He was very dictorial as well, had no respect for any kids, and guess what...because he never respected me and my opinions, I have never respected him and his opinions. To this day, I do not allow my kids to stay over at Grandma's house because I don't want them around him or his negative attitude (especially towards kids).


According to my step-dad, I was supposed to end up in a dumpy home, pregnant and not amount to anything...at that time I was an #1 in my class (graduated validictorian), worked after school in his restaurant (my tips were my only pay), actively participated in my Church Youth Group (he is an atheist) and never hung out with any friends after school or in summer as I was to busy to do anything else. I was not the type of kid that got in trouble anywhere...I just did not get along with him because he made it very clear from the start that we were an inconvenience to him. I ended up not only getting my BSBA, but my MBA, paying for everying on my own. I got married after college to my wonderful husband, worked full time at the career I went to school for, and had 2 beautiful, disciplined, athletic, well-traveled and intelligent children. I was lucky...I was old enough when he came along to not listen to his put-downs or negativity and lived my life the way I felt was right. But my brothers who were much younger were not so lucky...his put-downs, verbal and physical jabs over their formative years destroyed their self-esteem and it shows in how they live their life now.


My children were raised with boundries, love, and respect....In return they have turned out to be well-behaved, loving, and respectful to everyone (even to their Grandpa who is not always respectful to them.) My step-dad does not understand why we would even want to take kids on a vacation with us (after he came around, all vacations were adult only). When we went on an extended family cruise including him and my mother, my kids behaved better than he did. He constantly complained about everything, gave the wait staff grief every night at dinner, and got into a shouting match with my brother (my children and the rest of us were extremely embarrassed with his behavior). I even apologized to our waiters for his nasty attitude.


Some adults have so much negativity and hatred for kids that they can not tell the good ones from the unruly ones. They are the people who are truly missing out on what these kids have to offer.


You sound like a loving parent who respects the opinion of your child...and it sounds like she responded to that love and respect the same way our kids did. To me you are doing everything a parent should do.

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Yeah, the kids can get a little out of hand, lol!! On our last cruise (during spring break) it was worse...we had walkie-talkies, to keep up with our large crowd, but no matter which frequency we went to, there were little hoodlums...umm, angels (j/k), on there and we couldn't hear our family when they tried to page us. They even answered for us and pretended to BE us...I finally got on and asked who the kid was...he quit talking on there shortly after, lol!!

We have usually been pretty fortunate with the kids on board, but we have encountered our fair share of these too. My husband and I were both raised that you don't run around all hours of the night with no regard to the people around you. Don't get me wrong...I love kids...but AMEN to the above posts!!

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Princess has "kid security" teams who wear yellow shirts and handle kid issues


I think that would be a good idea...maybe like auxillary "annoyance" security to handle kids, chair hogs, people who smoke in non smoking areas (and call in real security if needed)


also we need to call security while on the ship...and/or complain to hotel management etc...and let Carnival know..

maybe email John Heald??


I have not had much problems myself, I try to avoid kids I admit,

but I do get freaked out when people put babies in pools or hot tubs..that is gross and I have seen security stop them several times

*(including the jerk dad with his naked baby in the hot tub on Imagination LOL)

I would NOT enjoy teens/kids making noise and keeping me up all night tho....call security.

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On one of our cruises we had a group of teenage girls in the cabin across from us. They were very loud in the halls, running and screaming. They had no consideration for any of the other passengers in the cabins near them. We called security several times and they came and spoke to them. As soon as security left they were at it again. It was very frustrating. Security really had alot of complaints from several cabins about these girls. They could never seem to locate their parents. It was definately not a fun cruise for us. As mentioned by other posters some of these parents think they can take a vacation from parenting!!

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Tef sounds very much like my step-dad. To this day we can not relate with each other. He was very dictorial as well, had no respect for any kids, and guess what...because he never respected me and my opinions, I have never respected him and his opinions. To this day, I do not allow my kids to stay over at Grandma's house because I don't want them around him or his negative attitude (especially towards kids).


According to my step-dad, I was supposed to end up in a dumpy home, pregnant and not amount to anything...at that time I was an #1 in my class (graduated validictorian), worked after school in his restaurant (my tips were my only pay), actively participated in my Church Youth Group (he is an atheist) and never hung out with any friends after school or in summer as I was to busy to do anything else. I was not the type of kid that got in trouble anywhere...I just did not get along with him because he made it very clear from the start that we were an inconvenience to him. I ended up not only getting my BSBA, but my MBA, paying for everying on my own. I got married after college to my wonderful husband, worked full time at the career I went to school for, and had 2 beautiful, disciplined, athletic, well-traveled and intelligent children. I was lucky...I was old enough when he came along to not listen to his put-downs or negativity and lived my life the way I felt was right. But my brothers who were much younger were not so lucky...his put-downs, verbal and physical jabs over their formative years destroyed their self-esteem and it shows in how they live their life now.


My children were raised with boundries, love, and respect....In return they have turned out to be well-behaved, loving, and respectful to everyone (even to their Grandpa who is not always respectful to them.) My step-dad does not understand why we would even want to take kids on a vacation with us (after he came around, all vacations were adult only). When we went on an extended family cruise including him and my mother, my kids behaved better than he did. He constantly complained about everything, gave the wait staff grief every night at dinner, and got into a shouting match with my brother (my children and the rest of us were extremely embarrassed with his behavior). I even apologized to our waiters for his nasty attitude.


Some adults have so much negativity and hatred for kids that they can not tell the good ones from the unruly ones. They are the people who are truly missing out on what these kids have to offer.


You sound like a loving parent who respects the opinion of your child...and it sounds like she responded to that love and respect the same way our kids did. To me you are doing everything a parent should do.

Thank you. My daughter is my only child and Ihave dedicted my life to doing a great job raising with her since I was only blessed with one child. Every decision I make is with her best interest in mind. That certainly does not mean she gets whatever she wants. She gets whatever is best for her. Sometimes she's happy about it, sometimes she is not. I think the guy who made the nasty comment to me abut parenting is a jerk. To me nothing could me more insulting than to say I am not a good parent. Like you, my daughter is an honour student at school, is the most responsible respectful young lady I have ever met. I don't think that hearing her out about whether curfew on the ship should be 11 or 12 reflects bad parenting. Thanks for the kind words.

By the way, have you ever asked your mom why she married a guy who was so mean to you kids and why she continues to stay with him? I never understand why that happens and I assume since yu turned out to be such a lovely person it must have been because your mom has some wonderful qualities, so just curious.

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