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First Cruise - Interested in Silversea


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My husband and I are planning our first cruise to the Mediterranean, specifically Greece and Italy. We are in are mid-50's and we decided it's time to give cruising a try.


We are really interested in Silversea Cruise line, we like the idea of a quality cruise and smaller size ship. We are planning for the fall of 2011.


I talked to a travel agent and looked at the Silversea website and they have a 60% off sale on their prices which includes airfare, but must purchase by end of September. The prices look good to us, but I really don't know if that's really the case. Again, it's my first cruise, and I thought I had a lot of time to research and plan; after all we're not going until Sept or Oct of 2011. But I almost feel I should jump on this special price, or risk paying a higher price later.


To share a bit more on what we're looking for...we want a room with a balcony and we want a 10-14 day cruise. I read somewhere that Silversea catered to Fortune 500 folks - which is definitely not us. We're working-class people and we want value for our money. On the other hand, we feel vacation is not a time to skimp, we want quality and are willing to spend extra for it.


I appreciate any of your feedback and advice. Thank you in advance.

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My husband and I are planning our first cruise to the Mediterranean, specifically Greece and Italy. We are in are mid-50's and we decided it's time to give cruising a try.


We are really interested in Silversea Cruise line, we like the idea of a quality cruise and smaller size ship. We are planning for the fall of 2011.


I talked to a travel agent and looked at the Silversea website and they have a 60% off sale on their prices which includes airfare, but must purchase by end of September. The prices look good to us, but I really don't know if that's really the case. Again, it's my first cruise, and I thought I had a lot of time to research and plan; after all we're not going until Sept or Oct of 2011. But I almost feel I should jump on this special price, or risk paying a higher price later.


To share a bit more on what we're looking for...we want a room with a balcony and we want a 10-14 day cruise. I read somewhere that Silversea catered to Fortune 500 folks - which is definitely not us. We're working-class people and we want value for our money. On the other hand, we feel vacation is not a time to skimp, we want quality and are willing to spend extra for it.


I appreciate any of your feedback and advice. Thank you in advance.


In terms of taking advantage of a good deal, you can certainly put down a deposit now to ensure you get the posted rates. You will have time to cancel without a penalty (although if you get travel insurance--which you should--you will lose that payment if you later cancel). I think there is no real way of knowing when to get the best deal. Prices are often low when you book far in advance, but there are also often sales closer to when the ship sails, if it is not full. Of course the economy a year from now may dictate whether prices go up or down; there is really no way of knowing.


The problem with waiting to book is you not only may face higher prices but may not be able to get exactly the cabin you want. I usually book a year or a year and a half before the cruise and after I book I never look again at the rates posted--I don't want to know if I missed out on a bargain.


Enjoy your first cruise.

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Kentgal, I got an email that said the base rates are going up Spetmeber 8, so this would be a good time to get that deposit down.


Note, we booked about one year in advance, shortly after the 60%/free airfare first had come out last year. At no time was the trip cheaper than when we booked and now, 50 days out, it's a bit more. We could cancel w/o penalty up to 90 days out, and we only needed to buy insurance for the initial deposit (increased it to full amount when we paid the balance in July).

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Hi Kentgal,


I just disembarked the Silver Cloud 2 days ago from the around Iceland cruise.


I'm about a decade younger than you, but no where near a fortune 500 type of person - This was my 3rd SilverSea cruise. You meet all types onboard, I would say majority of the cruises were not Fortune 500 or at least didn't act like it. You should fit in just fine.


As far as trip insurance, I would normally say it 's a waste of money and 99% of the time it is, but I may be needing the health part of the insurance for this last trip. Last port we had to tender in, while entering the tender a swell raised the tender 3 feet and then dropped it 5 feet, slamming my body to the floor of the tender and my foot and ankle hanging outside was crushed between / under the boat deak and tender. Fortunately nothing broke, but very painful. Medical center only iced my foot, put some cream on the area and bandaged, but I heard a number of stories from other passengers about absurd charges for very little care they had received.


SilverSea, Regent and Seabourne are all top rate cruises, you won't go wrong with.

Personally, Regent is higher on my list than SilverSeas in a number of areas.


- Dave

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You raise so many questions, either directly or indirectly, that it is hard to know where to begin. First, remember that somebody is trying to sell you something. So, 60% off--particularly when it is across the board-- raises the question, off of what? If the discount has been built in--the price raised so as to permit the apperent huge discount--their is a bit of salesmanship involved. The top three lines--Seabourn, Silversea and Regent are in my view quite different. (Full disclosure, been on Regent and Seabourn, not Silversea.) Before you plunk down a deposit, read the individual reviews by cruisers who have been on the shiip you are thinking of. There is a huge differnce in the experience between, say the 208 passenger triplets of Seabourn, and the 700 passenger Regent Mariner. And each gradation of size carries benefits, and penalties. As to travel insurance, never buy it through the cruise line. Same or better coverage for less mony is available elsewhere. My impressions of Silversea are not particularly positive. They appear to attract a slightly older, and distinctly more conservative crowd, certainly so far as dress is concerned--adherence to formal wear for some evenings, for example-- and perhaps in terms of social attitudes as well. As to costs, figure out the per diems, Also, look at buying an SS cruise minus the "free air" and see if you can puchase the air for less. (You often can.) Regent's free shore excursions aren't free. The costs are built into the cruise price, so you pay for them regardless of whether you find them inviting or boring. Note that Seabourn allows you to obtain a $400 on board credit--the details of which are available on the Seabourn part of this site-- a more generous "allowance" than other lines. Although there is much dithering about actual costs--and even the very rich like a bargain--the ultimate truth is a very personal one. You need good weather, and a mix of passengers among whom you are likely to find intelligent and amiable people whose companionship will be of interest for 10-14 days. Those are the principal variables, along with itinerary, food, service and general ambiance. So, the first two--and arguably the most important--you have no control over. While there is certainly crossover between the three luxury lines, many people are quite partisan. I am probably one of those, as I was disappointed in Regent, and find the enforced formality of Silversea offputting. Seabourn isn't perfect--very little in life is--but it has been satusfying enough so that our third cruise is in the offing, and a fourth is in the planning stage.A final note. Disregard the pictures in the brochures that beckon for each line. Models are never typical of anthing, except a catsing director's taste. Do read these boards, and particularly the individual ship reviews carefully, and make a measured and unrushed decision.

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We took our first Silversea cruise in May, also to the Mediterranean. You can find my multi-part review in this forum. Perhaps it will give you an idea of what the line is like.


I also didn't feel that the passengers on my cruise were Fortune 500 types and had no issues with anyone being stuffy or snobbish. Yes, Silversea cruisers like formal nights; there are alternative dining venues if you'd rather not get dressed up.


Others have mentioned Silversea's generous refund policy - if you book now and change your mind later, you can get a 100% refund three months or more before your cruise.

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Lots of good comments and suggestions have been made. We just did our first Silversea cruise two months ago (after Crystal and Seabourn) and loved the total experience.


Seabourn has some great pricing options now for the Med in 2011. Seabourn has gone from three ships and just 624 beds to fill to having six ships and nearly 2000 slots to fill next summer. They are being aggressive in pricing. Get something (or two) booked now!!! Those deposits are full refundable until about three months before your sailing. These 60% off of an inflated "sticker price" can get confusing. Focus on what your net cost per day is. We have loved our three cruising experiences with three of the top lines.


If you're interested in lots of other visuals from the Silver Cloud, its condition, activities, food, etc., check my live postings, noted below, that I did as we cruised. It's up to over 16,500 views and has gotten a great response with many nice comments and questions! Let me know if you have any feed-back or interests on the Silver Cloud or SS. Have lots of pictures from all over the ship that I can share. The ship, crew and fellow passengers were great on our cruise.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For more details, great visuals, etc., from our July 1-16 Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle Silver Cloud experiences:


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It may be difficult to even find a ten to fourteen day Med cruise as most of them are now seven days. Of course, you can do a back to back but that is different as you are taking two separate cruises with two sets of passengers. If you do that make sure your TA inquires about a b2b discount.


As for insurance I agree never purchase through the cruise line. But I do not think it's a waste of money any more than any insurance policy you may buy. You hope you never have to use it but if you do you'll be glad you had it. Just ask all those people who were on cruises during the Icelandic volcano eruptions.


What I don't understand personally is that when someone posts here on the Silversea board inquiring strictly about Silversea, as the OP did, why people find it necessary to start recommending other lines. It's one thing if the OP asks for a comparison but if not why can't we just answer the original question. Especially if one has never even been on SS.

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Thank you for all your wonderful feedback. You all gave me a lot of things to think about.


I appreciate the other cruise line suggestions. Since this is my first cruise and I really haven't had time to research anything - I agree I should consider other cruise lines as well. I was attracted to Silversea because of the quality aspect, but sounds like there might be other options as well.


My travel agent (local agent found on the Silversea website) does say the sale ends Sept 8th and she also said the deposit is refundable. She also invited me to a presentation her travel agency is giving on Sept 11th. I will probably attend just to learn more about cruising. And obviously this forum is a great resource as well.


thank you again!

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Kentgal, don't worry about the kind of folks on Silversea. We did our first Silversea cruise in April 2010 and loved every second. The other passengers were a delight and we so enjoyed getting to know them, and meeting different people at the dinner table each evening. As for Fortune 500, we are ordinary folk too and we met no-one who came across as pretentious or snobbish.

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Kentgal, don't worry about the kind of folks on Silversea. We did our first Silversea cruise in April 2010 and loved every second. The other passengers were a delight and we so enjoyed getting to know them, and meeting different people at the dinner table each evening. As for Fortune 500, we are ordinary folk too and we met no-one who came across as pretentious or snobbish.


Agree strongly with the above comments from our cruise two months ago. We aren't Fortune 500 or even Fortune 5000 folks. No problems!!! Everybody was very nice, interesting, involved, helpful, etc. It was almost 180 degrees away from any hints of "pretentious or snobbish".


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For more details, great visuals, etc., from our July 1-16 Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle Silver Cloud experiences:


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As for insurance I agree never purchase through the cruise line. But I do not think it's a waste of money any more than any insurance policy you may buy. You hope you never have to use it but if you do you'll be glad you had it. Just ask all those people who were on cruises during the Icelandic volcano eruptions.


We always purchase trip insurance and have never needed it - until our last cruise. Our last flight leg home was canceled. The next available flight was over 24 hours later. We rented a car and drove home, dropping the car off at our originating airport. Trip insurance covered the cost of the rental car and gas. Had we waited for the next flight, insurance would have covered hotel and meals. The airline offered nothing.

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IMHO the most important aspect of trip insurance is that it will cover medical expenses overseas, but only pre-existing conditions if you get the insurance at the same time you get book the cruise (at least that's been the case for the insurance I've gotten). Therefore, it's necessary to get the inssurance at the time of booking and you will lose the money on the insurance if you cancel the trip later. An accident or illness overseas can be very expensive (or so I've read), so you don't want to worry about facing a giant bill without insurance. Of course, last minute airline flights and extra days in a hotel in some cities can be pretty expensive too if something happens and you need to make new travel arrangements when overseas.

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Bobndee,if I may ask...


Was the cost of insurance more or less than the cost of the rental car and gas?


The cost of insurance was about $60 more than the claim we had for the car rental. From that standpoint, we lost money. But that's the way insurance works. If everybody had claims that exceeded the premium, insurance companies would go broke. It's the same way for home or auto insurance. You'd rather not need the insurance, but it would hurt even more to lose your uninsured house or car.


The main reason we buy trip insurance is in case we have to cancel the trip completely. My wife's father is elderly, so anything can happen with him at any time. And we're not exactly young anymore ourselves. Things happen. I'd rather be out an insurance premium than thousands of dollars for a trip I had to cancel.

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We seem to have drifted way off the thread here! I will only comment on the Fortune 500 aspect of your question. We have enjoyed the company of many people on Silversea, from very well off to just able to afford the cruise, and now opt for open tables at nearly every meal, La Terrazza and le Champagne being the exceptions. Because SS is all inclusive it takes away lots of the awkwardness which can happen in bars and at dinner when ordering wine.

It is expensive but only Seabourn offer a similar experience. We consider it good value and would not readily change cruise lines.

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Agree strongly with the above comments from our cruise two months ago. We aren't Fortune 500 or even Fortune 5000 folks. No problems!!! Everybody was very nice, interesting, involved, helpful, etc. It was almost 180 degrees away from any hints of "pretentious or snobbish".


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For more details, great visuals, etc., from our July 1-16 Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle Silver Cloud experiences:



I have to agree strongly with both posts as well. I had the opportunity to tour Silver Shadow back in June, and I think for me, the most remarkable thing was that all the passengers I spoke with were thrilled to be there.


You could tell everyone came from a rather diverse background, but I was impressed at how the passengers were milling about, chatting amongst themselves and the crew. There was not a hint of pretension, and I actually thought everyone seemed to get on better than passengers on most mainstream lines. An eye-opening experience, to be sure!


If you're curious about what a Silversea ship is like inside, my tour of Silver Shadow is still up here:





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You could tell everyone came from a rather diverse background, but I was impressed at how the passengers were milling about, chatting amongst themselves and the crew. There was not a hint of pretension, and I actually thought everyone seemed to get on better than passengers on most mainstream lines. An eye-opening experience, to be sure!


You summarized it well and that matched our experiences on the Silver Cloud. No pretensions is a good way to summarize things.


THANKS for your nice pictures on the two postings about the Silver Shadow! The Cloud and Shadow are different, but there are many aspects that are similar. From my postings noted below, I have lots of pictures showing the Silver Cloud, its rooms, facilities, food, etc. Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For more details, great visuals, etc., from our July 1-16 Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle Silver Cloud experiences:


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Great photos and trip report, Terry! Silver Cloud looks like a tremendous ship; I can't wait to try it for myself some day. Your photos did an excellent job of making me want to travel back to Europe!



You summarized it well and that matched our experiences on the Silver Cloud. No pretensions is a good way to summarize things.


THANKS for your nice pictures on the two postings about the Silver Shadow! The Cloud and Shadow are different, but there are many aspects that are similar. From my postings noted below, I have lots of pictures showing the Silver Cloud, its rooms, facilities, food, etc. Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For more details, great visuals, etc., from our July 1-16 Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle Silver Cloud experiences:


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Great photos and trip report, Terry! Silver Cloud looks like a tremendous ship; I can't wait to try it for myself some day. Your photos did an excellent job of making me want to travel back to Europe!


THANKS, Atomica, for the nice comments on the pictures and trip report! We've done 20 different countries in Europe and land tours/rail, etc. can work well. BUT, for certain areas, including the Med, Baltics, Norway Coast, etc., there are many key advantages in using a cruise. Unpack once, let someone else do the navigating and driving while you dine in the evening, sleep, etc. Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For more details, great visuals, etc., from our July 1-16 Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle Silver Cloud experiences:


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