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Gained it all back :-( anyone want to lose by May 2011


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So I lost 30+ lbs for my last cruise in May 2010 which I need to do anyways because I have a medical condition that is exacerbated with weight gain and I swore this time I wouldn't gain it back. When I lose control I lose it for a while and BAM I wake up a few months later and I've packed it on. So originally my next cruise was going to be in 2012, but I have since booked a shorter cruise to get my cruise fix so now I only have 238 days until my next cruise. So I guess I'm just trying to motivate myself again and wanted to talk to all of you who struggle too. So I'm going to lose it and it anyone want's to join me feel free.



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So I lost 30+ lbs for my last cruise in May 2010 which I need to do anyways because I have a medical condition that is exacerbated with weight gain and I swore this time I wouldn't gain it back. When I lose control I lose it for a while and BAM I wake up a few months later and I've packed it on. So originally my next cruise was going to be in 2012, but I have since booked a shorter cruise to get my cruise fix so now I only have 238 days until my next cruise. So I guess I'm just trying to motivate myself again and wanted to talk to all of you who struggle too. So I'm going to lose it and it anyone want's to join me feel free.


What are your ways in which you lose control as you say? Do you eat junk food, large quantities, stop exercising, etc? If you really think about what you have done over the months since your cruise, you can focus on changing those things. How did you lose the weight? Did you change your lifestyle or use a drastic measure that you could not continue? You can definitely lose the weight if you put your mind to it.

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What are your ways in which you lose control as you say? Do you eat junk food, large quantities, stop exercising, etc? If you really think about what you have done over the months since your cruise, you can focus on changing those things. How did you lose the weight? Did you change your lifestyle or use a drastic measure that you could not continue? You can definitely lose the weight if you put your mind to it.


I ate anything I wanted and exercised less, it's all in my head. I knew I was losing control, but just didn't feel inclined to stop until I realized how far I let it go. I will lose the weight and when I do I will then start the struggle to keep it off. I'm am back at the beginning of my journey and I will make it.



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So the first step is to get all of the bad food out of the house, and go to the store and stock up on the healthy things you enjoy that helped you to lose weight. Maybe weigh yourself every day and focus on small pound losses rather than the entire 30 pounds at one time. This way every thing you do that is either productive toward weight loss, or will cause weight gain will be something you notice.

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I have a log of daily weight, calories, and exercise. I logged 157 lbs. today and I'm supposed to be approximately 130 lbs. I have to eat an extremely low saturated fat diet because of my liver condition and I've completely ignored it, but no more. I am going to Curves after work and I've already gone for my walk and I have dance class tonight. If I can get through this week and keep the momentum I've started with today I should be able to stay on track.



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I'm also on the way back down after letting myself lose control over 10 years or so. This time my new attitude was also triggered by a medical diagnosis--fatty liver. It's not too bad, not to the point where I have to go on a draconian diet, and that's good because I won't. I also want to lower my cholesterol, which has been edging up.


The first thing I did when I heard about the liver problem was to cut out all alcohol. I am not an addict, but I was drinking wine every evening, so I just stopped. For about 6 weeks I drank not a drop, and I discovered I was losing weight! I added it up and could see why, just the number of calories alone.


But, I also found that wine with dinner was loosening my food inhibitions and increasing my appetite, so I was now making better choices and eating less.


That was back in June. Now I will have an occasional glass of wine, even 2, but don't drink at home, and keep it to a couple of glasses a week.


I've also upped my exercise routine--starting to actually *do* the exercises that I said I was doing (simple weights, pilates for abdomen and hips, some tai chi, walking, and now a stationery bike.)


I was warned not to lose weight rapidly because of the liver, and I haven't, but I'm down 11 pounds and am starting to feel great, and have lost probably 3" off my waist. I tried on a bunch of cruisewear this morning, items that I hadn't worn for a while, and voila, many now fit and look pretty ok.


I am not on a diet. I am just eating sensibly, concentrating on lots of veggies, more fruit, lots of fibre, good quality protein, good fats, moderate portions. So far so good. I do not have a target weight, I am going to simply see where this takes me.

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Wendy the Wanderer, I have a fatty liver condition too! It's called Non-Alchoholic Steatohepatitis (sp?) or NASH for short. It's non-alchololic since I never drank a day in my life and now I couldn't even if I wanted too, which is kinda funny LOL. I have to eat 10 grams of SAT fat or less a day, which is very draconian which is probably why I strayed for so long. My dr. will not be happy when she sees me, but I will get this under control. You said you were warned not to lose weight too quickly with the liver problem, I've never heard this--why?


Dancing Grandmommy, I know what you are saying--eating is my only vice too. BTW, your name--what kind of dancing do you do? My husband and I ballroom dance.


Today will be my walk (I try to get 10k steps a day on my pedometer) and Wii fit.



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Kerrie, I read about it several places on the internet, and my doctor mentioned it too. Here's one reference, from Wikipedia:


"Weight loss: gradual weight loss may improve the process in obese patients; rapid loss may worsen NAFLD." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-alcoholic_fatty_liver_disease#Treatment)


I can still drink moderately if I wish. But I only do this once a week or so. And I have not been put on a special diet.


Grandmommy, it's a mindset thing, can't explain it. When I'm "on the way down" it's like a switch has been flipped. Yes, I like eating, but it does not control me. When the switch goes back the other way, I'm toast (and butter, and pasta, and ...) I find that not having wine with dinner really helps with this sense of control.


I went to see a nutritionist yesterday, we reviewed my diet, and I'm on track-- I need more fruit, and should resist the urge to miss meals. I have to keep my calcium up since I have osteoporosis, but I'm in good shape there too.


The big deal is exercise--I have also started doing a routine I saw on TV called "Qi Gong for Weight". Lee Holden is the instructor, and sells DVD's on the web--I am very impressed with this routine.

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Kerrie, I read about it several places on the internet, and my doctor mentioned it too. Here's one reference, from Wikipedia:


"Weight loss: gradual weight loss may improve the process in obese patients; rapid loss may worsen NAFLD." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-alcoholic_fatty_liver_disease#Treatment)


Grandmommy, it's a mindset thing, can't explain it. When I'm "on the way down" it's like a switch has been flipped. Yes, I like eating, but it does not control me. When the switch goes back the other way, I'm toast (and butter, and pasta, and ...) I find that not having wine with dinner really helps with this sense of control.


thanks Wendy I checked out the link and will do more research. When my switch has been flipped it does control me and I go nuts eating whatever I want as much as I want. I have now flipped the switch back and have started my road to eating right and exericising more.



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country dancing, but we would love to do ballroom. For that matter it has been so long since we have dance I'd settle for anything.


We can do a basic rythm 2 step and nightclub 2 step which is country. If you get a chance to dance, go for it. It's so much fun! I can even scottish country dance and english country dance.



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So last night my brother came in to town with his lovely girlfriend, the first time we got to meet her, and we all went out to dinner. I did very well I thought, salad with low-fat dressing on the side the I hardly used. Some prime rib which I shared with my husband and veggies. I made sure they veggies did not have butter on it. Technically I did exceed my saturated fat grams for the day, but I did great on calories. Not to mention I got 10 miles on my pedometer! I walked as much as possible yesterday. Today is Curves and more walking. My motivation seems to be great. But it's Friday and I've got to not fall into the "it's the weekend let's have some fun and eat anything" trap. I have a wedding to go to tomorrow so I don't know what's on the menu. So I'll be trying to maintain my current momentum.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It's all about momentum, isn't it? Or at least psychology.


One of the things that sabotage me is telling myself that I don't need to do my exercise today because I'm too tired.


Cooking fatigue also hits. I'm retired, my husband isn't, so right now I'm doing most of the cooking. Breakfast and lunch are pretty well under control (unless I go out for lunch), but dinner can be a problem, if I just can't be bothered keeping up the "healthy, high-veg, lean" regime.


But let's talk about positives: I've started trying on clothes that have been sitting hopefully in my closet, waiting for me to get my life turned around. Especially cruisewear, since I'm going on a cruise in December. It's working! I can now wear several pairs of pants and jeans that I could not button up. And shirts that I couldn't button over my bust. I did it again yesterday. It really is a tremendous morale booster.


I also look at myself in the mirror a lot, while I'm getting dressed. In profile, as well as straight-on. I can see my stomach (slowly) getting flatter. I'm also taking measurements.


To me, if I set an ultimate goal I am easily sabotaged since it gets tougher and tougher as I approach my goal. So I'm taking it a few pounds at a time. After all, at my age (62) my main goal is to be healthy and vigorous. The cosmetic benefits are secondary. I've now lost 13 pounds, and I'm on the edge of a weight boundary. So I look forward to breaking that boundary, and then I will look at the next small milestone, perhaps the next 5 pounds. In the end a 20 pound loss would be amazing, a 30 pound loss would be a miracle, but I'm not looking for miracles, just permanent change.

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Awesome Wendy!! I'm not at the stage of trying on the things, but I'm only 5 lbs away from my first goal. If I lose 5 lbs my BMI will be considered "normal" and not "overweight". I know what you mean about the cooking fatigue too. I work, my husband works, busy schedules all around particularly with our son (soccer, cub scouts, school stuff) I get so tired I don't want to cook, and my husband doesn't really know how. But I'm going to keep the momentum up (psychologically :D) and not let the weekend trap get me. Keep up the good work Wendy! I want to hear you are fit and fabulous for your December cruise.



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Hey Kerrie, thanks for the encourage, great that your BMI will shortly go into the "normal" zone! That's quite a big milestone; I have 12 pounds to get to the upper normal limit.


I remember how tough it is to be on that meal treadmill. I think that's why I managed to slip back from a weight loss about 8 years ago--2 stressful jobs, frozen and convenience foods, fast food at lunch, restaurants, several glasses of wine to relax. Plus finding the time to exercise is not easy!


Now I have all the time in the world, lucky me, so I should not complain about having to cook. Made tacos last night--the only "naughty" thing was the corn tortillas, and I admit I ate 4 of them (but they were raw and I cooked them, so no fat.) And the taco filling was made fresh by me, and low fat, with lots of low-fat toppings. Portion control is one of my bugbears--if I don't eat 3 meals a day, I am in trouble at dinner.


Off to do my crunches! No cooking for the next three nights, but pub food will be my big challenge--can I manage with a salad plus chicken?

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I did not fall victim to the weekend trap! I did get to go out to eat, but I was very careful about what I ate. In a lot of ways this gets me over a hump--I'm on target and feel like I can stay on target. Last week I resisted cake and donuts at work, I didn't have any soda too. I now have to lose 21 lbs in 31 weeks. I maintained throughout the weekend. Hope you are doing good Wendy, now that it's October--your December cruise is coming soon, I'm so excited for you.



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Glad you did well over the weekend and are on target! Where is your cruise in May?


And thanks for the encouragement. I fell victim to nachos one night and a burger the next on the weekend, so overate a bit. I'm in a plateau right now, but did not gain. But I'm very confident. The exercise is getting a bit boring, I must admit, although I try to schedule my recumbent bicycle session when there's something mindlessly fun on TV like Star Trek or The View.


Yes, I'm excited about my cruise. It's just a 7-day Caribbean, but it will definitely be a good winter break--a fun friend is cruising with us, and my husband is working so hard right now that he will be a basket case by the time we leave. Plus the winter will be getting us down by then.


We'll be back a week before Christmas, so will have time to get ready. Plus I have a follow-up appointment with the hospital nutritionist that week (ugh, after my cruise!) This gives me an incentive to be good on the cruise (but not *too* good!)

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My cruise is a little 4 nighter to Catalina and Ensendada, I have a longer western caribbean cruise booked for April 2012, but I decided I counld't wait that long and booked a short one. When I do recumbent bike (which isn't as often as I should, but now that it's cooler I might) I need to watch TV too--we are Star Trek fans too and other sci fi, btw. When were you diagnosed with your liver condition? I was diagnosed at the end of 2008. I have a small vacation to Vegas next month and I agree I will try to be good, but not too good as well.



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I was diagnosed just this summer, July I think.


Ah, a shorty cruise. That must mean you live in L.A. or San Diego. I live in Toronto, so a winter escape is almost a must, and shorty cruises not an option.


My next big food challenge is this weekend, Thanksgiving--turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, carnberries, etc. Luckily I love turkey itself, and will make vegetable side dishes too.

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Hi Wendy, I live in Tucson, Arizona. LA or San Diego is about a 7-8 hr drive for us. I wish I lived closer to ports that RCI supports, but I sadly I don't. Thanksgiving wasn't too hard for me last year--it's not one of my favorite holidays. I focused on the turkey breast (without the skin--now that I do miss!) and the veggies prepared without butter or other fatty sauces. I do miss our traditional pork stuffing. I'm not a big pie fan so it's easy to ignore the dessert. Our Vegas trip will be my biggest challenge I think. Once I eat something unhealthy it's like that switch goes off in my head and I can't stop, but I am currently feeling very motivated and I think I may be noticing a difference in my body.



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I've seemed to hit a plateau :(. I keep trying but I'm now 1 lb shy of first goal of getting below 150 lbs and being in a "normal" BMI. It's a little frustrating, but I will keep going, I am ever hopeful that I will had dropped it the next morning.



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Yeh well, I'm on a plateau too. And blew it with the carbs last night. My big weakness is bread, and I had a couple of slices with dinner (albeit multi-whole-grain pumpkin bread.) Tomorrow we shop for the big day on Sunday, pumpkin pie and all (!)


I took the day off serious exercise yesterday. Did only my Qi Gong routine (that I pvr'd on PBS, highly-recommended btw). And I walked a mile or two. Today back on the recumbent I guess, and pilates abs workout, and upper body weights. It gets tedious, but I usually feel great afterwards (but sometimes completely beat.) Luckily I can watch TV downstairs in the gym while I'm on the bike.


I'm about 10 pounds from getting into the "normal" zone". A little more than half way, in BMI terms, from my high in the spring. Not sure what my ultimate goal is, since it's about health and fitness mostly. I'm in my 60's, so at this point it has to be about health, not vanity (although a little vanity never hurt.)

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You're right it's about health and fitness. But from experience, I know that my liver counts normalize when I am eating appropriately and am at my desired weight. So I checked my calendar and sure enough Canada's Thanksgiving is this Monday--I hope you have a wonderful holiday, try not to stress or be guilty if you indulge a little. Hope you get a walk or workout in that day. You deserve a pleasant Thanksgiving.


This plateau is starting to wear on me, but I will try to stay strong--you know how frustrating it is. You work so hard and nothing, but I went to Curves this morning before work, after work will be grocery shopping and other errands. That all adds up to extra steps on my pedometer. I will have my more intensive walk on my break at work. I will not fall into the weekend trap. I have Monday off too, Columbus day, but not because of that--I am taking a vacation day because I've got so much to do. Have a great weekend and a wonderful Thanksgiving Wendy!



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