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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Mom didn't write me while we were cruising...but I did get a return note and a note today.


You may or may not recall that they are flying from Barcelona to Paris. They had originally wanted to just take the train, but unfortunately, there are these strikes? So the trains are on strike when they need to get from Barcelona to Paris...and so Mom booked a flight.


And this is why she was needing to weigh every item, because they weigh everything, even your carry on items. Today is their travel day to Paris. Here's today's note:


"Subject: Air France flight today




unbelievable right? Our flight to Paris was cancelled since Wednesday of this week and also tomorrow. It is flying today and we are checked in with boarding passes and awaiting gate info. No worries. Wow. Air France is flying about 40% of their flights and ours is one of them. Can you believe it?'"


I'm hoping that all is well with them over the pond...let's all hope together, shall we?

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What a bummer for Pam. Sure hope her travels get better!


I'm back from a relaxing week (almost- actually 4 days) at Ocean City, MD. No pictodiary, never took my camera out of my purse!:eek:


Weather was perfect! Sunfest was a lot of fun!


Now to catch up with everyone!

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Linda, since we don't have pictures, would you mind describing what you wore for the events of the day while you were having fun? What do you like to do on such a trip?


I'm working on our next land-based trip to the Smokey Mountains. We stay in real log cabins that have been reconstructed on a Christmas Tree Farm. Yes, it's as pretty as it sounds. My wardrobe is more campground attire than cruise attire, but it's become a game to see how I can coordinate and how small my luggage can be for each trip. I know. I'm weird. I'll report back if time permits before we leave.


Kim, the link didn't work for me. Now that I understand what kanga material is, I'm anxious to see your new patterns.

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Kim, your fabrics are gorgeous! How I envy you! I can see a sundress, skirt or possibly a tunic! Just gorgeous!


Debbie, here ya go!


OC is just a short 5 hour drive for us, so I love just hopping in the car and heading out! We have a friend who rents out several condos, so we rent one from her. We stay in a 2 bedroom, 2 bath on 9th street. Just 3 short blocks from the boardwalk. It's more room than we need, but so much nicer than staying in a hotel room for more money. I take our own sheets and towels. We have a washer and dryer right there so it's easy to do laundry. A pool is right there also, but we have yet to use it.

We usually go for car shows, one in spring and one in the fall, but DH decided to forgo the fall show this year and let me experience Summerfest. He waus so sweet to do that as it's not really his cup of tea.

The town hosts a great big end of summer celebration with a huge arts and craft show. Free to the public along with free entertainment, fireworks, laser shows, kite flying competitions and other numerous activities. There are also headline acts for a fee. I loved it!

We walk the boardwalk twice a day. I can only do 1.5 miles (or 3 miles round trip) because of my knee problems. It kills me some days, but I try hard go get it done. My goal is to be able to walk the entire 3 miles long boardwalk. Someday (sigh)!

To be continued....

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This past weekend was the end of the season for a lot of the shops, so many had sales going on. The boardwalk is a fun place to shop, eat and people watch! There is an amusement park, but it closes down Memorial Day, but during the evening of Summerfest they have the ferris wheel lit up with color changing lights. It's very pretty. A laser show of it's own.

Rehobath Beach is a short 45 min drive up Highway 1. We spent a morning up there touring around and shopping at the Tanger Outlet stores. Next time, I'll go back and walk around a little more.

Assateaque Island is just outside town, and we go over there to walk the beach and watch the wild horses who have free run of the entire island. It's a National Park, so there is a fee to enter, but we have a Park Pass, so it's free for life for us. Anyone over 62 can pay $20 (I think) and go to any National Park. I know it worked in Alaska. They also have a campground on the beach. You can also go 4 wheeling on part of the island with your 4 wheel drive vehicle. There are some lovely walking, biking trails also. If you don't mind horse poop on the beach, trails, parking lots, etc. it really is a nice place! Like I said the wild ponies have free run! :eek:

I love seafood. DH can't stand the smell! But, he decided to hold his nose and go to the Lobster Shanty with me. This was our first time there and I was not dissapointed! I had Lobster Mac & Cheese (yep, I had gluten!) and a to die for Shrimp and Lobster Duo Salad Salad! I was in heaven!!! It was soooo good and sooo much, I couldn't eat it all, so wrapped up the Mac & Cheese and took it back to condo to nuke for the next days lunch!

Walking the boardwalk is very relaxing, and entertaining! I would walk a block and sit down for a few minutes and people watch.. What a world we live in.... you see everything and anything.....women who have'nt a clue how to dress in all shapes, sizes and ages! I hope I don't look that bad!:o I know I'm no starlet, but at least I try to look my age (12) and dress appropiately~:eek: And some of the Men are just as bad! Very entertaining indeed!!

We go out to eat because I'm on vacation! I don't cook! Mostly we eat breakfast and then an early diner somewhere. Sometimes just a snack will do.

As for clothes. I take very few...well I try.... This trip I had too much because of the weather. It was cold as heck here at home (50's and the weather for OC was in the high 60 low 70's. So I did take 3 tops for colder weather, which I never wore.

I take a top for each day and one or two for evening dinner. I usually wash and rewear, but didn't this time. I have 2 pair of capris for day. One denim and one choc cotton knit. A pair of jeans for travel and evenings on the boardwalk and pair of nicer slacks in choc brown for dinner out. I never wore my slacks or tops for evening this time. I had 2 hoodies-one brown OC embrodiered and one plain one in aqua (which was a lighter weight) and a red sweater I used for evening dinner and travel. It was a new one and I loved the longer length.

I think I should try to get photos of my outfits, but I just won't be in them..Maybe that would be a good idea. Will have to be later this week though....

I wear my Teva sandals to walk the beach and during the day and have a pair of bronze sandals for evening. Both are comfortable walking shoes. I also have my gray pull on tennies for cooler days and nights.

There is a casino about 5 minutes away from town, so we go there once just to give back to the community! LOL! Never walk out with any extra $$$! They also have a horse race track there, but it's off season when we go, so I never get to bet on a horse!

We like to freguent at least one bar (Pickles Pub is just a block away) for one or two drinks & maybe an appetizer. There are tons of restaraunts and bars- too many to choose from, some within walking distance, some a bus ride away, and some just over the bridge or up the highway.. Never want for anything.. All types of food..you name it.. they have it....As well as shopping...the typical tourist shops, as well as a few better brand name ones. An outlet just outside of town.

We just kick back, walk, eat, people watch, walk, eat and sleep! It's a very relaxed town!

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Joby, the fabric colours and designs are beautiful! We sail to Hawaii next week and you have made me think about looking at island style fabric while there. I am trying to get back into sewing now that I am almost retired. I made a dress for this cruise and was very happy with the results.



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Joby, the fabric colours and designs are beautiful! We sail to Hawaii next week and you have made me think about looking at island style fabric while there. I am trying to get back into sewing now that I am almost retired. I made a dress for this cruise and was very happy with the results.






It is a good souvenir to bring material back home. I don't sew but, know someone who does ;)



Your trip sounds great! Glad you had a good time. I've never been to Ocean City. Boardwalks are such interesting places to stroll, aren't they? I LOVE to people watch.



The Smokies sound pretty especially in the fall. The log cabin sounds really cool too--pictodiary!


I just realized I didn't post any photos of my material in full length to show the whole pattern. I will try and do that later today. It was so hard to get a good color representation of the material because it has a shine to it and reflects the light in different ways. I tried to also show how the brown fabric has a subtle leaf pattern on the brown part of the fabric. It's really pretty.

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I'm working on our next land-based trip to the Smokey Mountains. We stay in real log cabins that have been reconstructed on a Christmas Tree Farm. Yes, it's as pretty as it sounds. My wardrobe is more campground attire than cruise attire, but it's become a game to see how I can coordinate and how small my luggage can be for each trip. I know. I'm weird. I'll report back if time permits before we leave.



Well, that makes two of us who are wierd then! Isn't it funny how when we get older, we try to downsize our vacation attire. At least I do. Like you, every trip, I try to take less. Just to see how much I can get away with. That didn't happen this trip though. Time kinda got away from me and the trip was here before I knew it. I litterly packed the night before we left!:eek: Just threw a few things I thought I would need in my small duffle - and I still overpacked!

I do have the makeup down to eyeshadow, mascara and lipstick! That's all I took to Alaska and OC...I don't spend time trying to look like someon I'm not anymore! Accept me the way I am...or not...it's all up to you...:p

I only take shoes that can do double duty if possible. By that I mean, comfy, walking shoes for beach and town. One pair of dressier shoes or sandals to go with everything and wear a pair of closed in toe shoes for cooler days. I've been able to get away with only 2 pair, but stuck in my dressier sandals this time and never wore them! So I guess I'm not a fashionista! And proud of it!!!:p

Don't you just love the Smokies?! It's been awhile since we were there. That cabin reminds me of my grandparents house in Tennessee. It was an old log cabin that had been added onto. I loved visiting them and sitting in front of the big fireplace as well as racing around in the tobacco field and getting my Grandaddies dander up!:D

Don't forget to take pictures!!!!

Edited by snuggles
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Here's a quick photo of the fabric laid out. Pay no attention to the colors--I didn't set the camera settings :eek: But, it will show the full pattern of the fabric :)




I. Absolutely. Love. It! The pattern of the green medallion piece is wonderful. You make me want to dig out my old Singer and start sewing. Just lovely, Kim.

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Kim...your fabric is awesome. Again, all I can think of is what a great memento of your travels. I am somewhat bummed that I didn't take better notes for finding the fabric shop in Nassau, but regardless...the new fabric is lovely. It'll take some serious thinking to figure out how best to showcase that design...


In other news...picked Mom and Dad up from the airport tonight. 9.5+ hour flight from Paris. All is well...I'm pretty sure they will be sleeping soon after hitting the bed...and I'll let them sleep until they awake in the morning. :)

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Debbie, I love it too! I'm not sure what to do with it right now. I'm thinking a long dress of some kind that would show the medallion off. Ideas for either piece of fabric????


Joby, I was looking at patterns and saw the attached and thought it might work. Simple design to highlight the fabric design.




Carol, I haven't done much sewing since my daughter graduated from high school some 20 yrs ago but I did make a dress for the cruise that actually turned out pretty nice. 2 more sleeps...



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Kim, I can't remember, but I think you said you don't wear dresses. Am I right or is my hamspter spinning that wheel with his thoughts? Anyway... I've been thinking about your lucious fabrics and I agree. You need to keep it simple..so What about a wrap skirt Something like this... https://www.fabric.com/buy/kp-2954/kwik-sew-misses-wrap-skirts-pattern

That would also make a cute swim coverup!

OR an a-line skirt.. http://www.simplicity.com/p-7397-misses-skirts.aspx ( sans pockets) You could take it on your next trip.

OR http://www.simplicity.com/p-7387-misses-dresses.aspx view B or D - This would also make a cute coverup! The dress Bev posted is cute also.


Oh, how I wish I could see to sew..I sure miss it! I have several boxes of fabrics I've gone through and am giving them away. My daughter was home and went through and picked out what she wanted, most of the rest is going to my niece out west. Now just to get it shipped :eek: $$$$!!!

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Pam, we are ready for you to post as much as you are willing to share about your trip. I'd love to hear ALL about it. Things you saw, food you ate, fashion...whatever and as much as you are willing to share. I'm off on Tuesday for a short jaunt to the mountains , but I will be checking in here to see what's current, and will try my best to take a few good pictures of my FIREY Natural Nostalgic self to share when I return. My bare-bones mix and match wardrobe may be the smallest I've ever taken for a 5 day trip.

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As I mentioned on the EARTH thread, it's going to take a few days to get myself back into a routine where I can sort through my thoughts and pictures and start posting away!


In the meantime, there were so many times when I thought of you guys during my trip. It's amazing how much friendship I've found in this forum, and I took all of you with me in my thoughts.


Here goes...


Kim! You can't believe the amount of poop I saw in Barcelona and Paris! :D I think I know you well enough to know that statement made you laugh out loud. I thought about taking a few pictures, purely for scientific observational purposes... no, that's a gross exaggeration. I thought about taking pictures because i thought it would be darned funny! But, I didn't because I wasn't sure if you'd really think it was all that funny. And I didn't think poop pictures would go over very well and I might get CC-censorship... and I don't remember seeing any poop pictures from Africa (just amazing fascination with descriptions). :D So funny!


Debbie! OMG. If you went to Barcelona, we would definitely lose you in the scarf shops. You just can't believe. Picture a huge 2-car garage and picture it loaded with scarves of every length, width, fabric type, color.... overwhelming. The scarves were "designed in Barcelona" and "made in India." No, didn't buy. That shop was definitely Scarf Paradise, but scarves were everywhere. If you do go to Barcelona, do yourself a favor and take an empty suitcase. Seriously.


Linda! Wow. I wish I had your talent for downsizing vacation attire. I can tell you that I had some hits and quite a few misses in what I chose to take. It's just darn hard to figure out what you're going to need for a month. And, I can say, sitting at your desk envisioning your activities is quite a bit different when you actually arrive at your destination. And, weather forecasters don't know what they're doing... And, dealing with luggage is the biggest irritation... aside from the fact that Google Maps is terrible in Europe! Absolutely terrible!


Well! I had a memorable trip with lots of lovely moments. I'll be back soon to start sharing.... :D

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As I mentioned on the EARTH thread, it's going to take a few days to get myself back into a routine where I can sort through my thoughts and pictures and start posting away!



Linda! Wow. I wish I had your talent for downsizing vacation attire. I can tell you that I had some hits and quite a few misses in what I chose to take. It's just darn hard to figure out what you're going to need for a month. And, I can say, sitting at your desk envisioning your activities is quite a bit different when you actually arrive at your destination. And, weather forecasters don't know what they're doing... And, dealing with luggage is the biggest irritation... aside from the fact that Google Maps is terrible in Europe! Absolutely terrible!


Well! I had a memorable trip with lots of lovely moments. I'll be back soon to start sharing.... :D

WELCOME BACK PAM!!!! You have been missed and we (me- I- ) can't wait for your tales to begin..."Showers, Poop and all!" :D

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PAM! Glad to hear you are back safe and sound. And, I'm terribly excited to hear each and every detail of your trip AND see photos! I have plenty of poop photos :D


Debbie, also want to hear about your mountainous adventure. Surely there will be photos involved??????


Linda and Bev, thanks for the pattern ideas :)

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