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:eek: I don't even OWN a pair of shorts!


OK. How many tops did you take?


My issue is that I'm doubling up on my tops cause I'm so afraid of being cold! I'm bringing a sleeveless top because it "feels" like I should do that for the Caribbean and then a what-if-I'm-cold?-sleeve top because I think that I might be cold. Notice the theme, here? I'm also bringing some Tommy Bahama sweatshirts... just in case (you know!) I might be cold!


Actually, it won't be a problem if I overpack a bit for the Caribbean portion of the cruise because we're landing in Georgia for a week... and, I think (!) that it's pretty COLD there, right about now.


I've never felt so flustered about my wardrobe choices so close to my packing day. You know... at the end of the day... something has to get into my suitcase! After all the cruises I've been on, you'd think I'd have a formula worked out. But, the real deal is that every single cruise is a bit different as to its itinerary, potential weather, activities, etc. I think that's what also makes it pretty exciting.

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I took 3 prs of shorts, 3 sleeveless, wore one short-sleeve and took a short-sleeve lace top to wear over a cami. I took 3 swimsuits and cover ups and 4 strapless maxi-dresses for daywear. I chickened out of the strapless dresses so it left a gap that I filled with casual tops and shorts. Also, I thought the 5 excursion days would all be coverup/swimsuit days. 2 were not, so I was a little short on casual outfits. My fault totally.


It was 75-80 each and every day. Lovely weather for sleeveless off the ship. On the ship, I carried a scarf or sweater everywhere. Inside I needed it. Any outside areas it came off again.

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is this link any different???? Maybe give it a try.




Yes! Thank you!


Did you do Zumba?!? If so, how was it?


Oh! You guys got to have a 4-top for dinner! Fantastic.


Other than Royston in St Kitts, wait....


I'm going to Tortola, St Kitts, Martinique, Antigua, St Maarten....


is there a shore excursion or activity on any of these ports that you would recommend if there is anything common about our itinerary? Wait... I noticed your Cozumel T-shirt and thought you'd stopped in Cozumel, but then I realize that you love Cozumel so you might have a T-shirt from a previous trip!


Stuff and bother. it's just way too late to be asking all these questions! LOL.

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Pam, if you want a nice very low key beach day in Antigua I'd recommend taking a taxi ($3pp each way) to Runaway Bay Cove. Beautiful beach, I think it was $10-12 for entrance & lounge chair (I found a lot of beach glass & lovely tiny shells), nice restaurant, very clean restrooms, thatched sun covers & lounge chairs. Very quiet. Melody

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Does anyone notice that after 11 years on this board, I've finally worked up the nerve to use a photo as an avatar? I'm becoming brave in my elder years!


I DID notice...I just got hit with a horrible bug and haven't been functioning so well for the past two days to comment!! I love the new avatar.


Kim, thank you so much for sharing your whole album. It was lovely to take the virtual cruise. The views of the water...OMG...so calming. In my mind I can just picture the sound, and the smell, and the energy of the ocean. It's a good thing for our family to have a longer break between cruises this time around...we will be so ready for our cruise next April.


It's funny how I recognize so much of your wardrobe! I don't know if they are "new" or not, but the two gowns...the teal and the peach are BEAUTIFUL. And the blue of the lace cocktail dress is absolutely stunning on you. I really like the shoes you wore with that blue lace too...seemed a little elegant edgy which I think is a fab touch with the lace.


Debbie...that blue print maxi dress?! LOVE!! Everything about that dress is fabulous from the angle of the print design to the placement of where the dark and light is... The necklace is just right. I just love that. And the red strapless maxi!! Wow...that red is fabulous on you! And the scarf was the perfect complement...maybe the scarf made it all work, IDK, but that was another definite stand out for me.


So there were a few lovely moments of Debbie and her DH...so wonderful to see. I think how fortunate that Kim was there to capture them.


I was also struck by how versatile the Athleta swim dresses are. Kim...you really have gathered a good assortment of "swim" wear. Did you find that you brought enough for your trip? Or were you wishing you had one more swim dress or one more rashguard/cover up?


Debbie, Mom always says that no matter where you go, you take yourself with you...I have done the exact same as you before, taking along clothing that I thought I would enjoy in a cruise setting, even though I never really wear such things at home. I figured that the cruise would be so different from my home routine that I would naturally branch out and be that person that would wear that in that setting. NOPE. I have found that if I don't make the excuse to wear it at home, I will never wear it anywhere else.


I'm not sure what motivates that. What is the attraction to something that I won't wear? I don't get it.


It has been almost exactly one year since I did my wardrobe KonMari. I took pictures of all my clothes on the floor on Feb 23. I took pictures of my drawers and closet on Feb 25.


I don't recall when I finished my Style Statement...but it was around that same time.


Since then, we have also discussed the further narrowing of "best colors". I've made some purchases, and most have been winners, but some have been big misses.


As I said, I need to rearrange my drawers...as I found a better way to deal with my scarves and took out my Zumba trademark clothing. The sewing projects are helping to learn a lot about why I don't wear certain types of clothing...fit problems have kept me locked into a style that isn't really mine, I think. I'm very hopeful that I can a least make a few garments that will fill some voids.


I think I've rambled enough...this happens when I haven't posted in a while.


Again though...thanks for sharing the photos! Such a nice virtual interlude!

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I was waiting for Kim to post her pictures since she was much better about taking pictures, and since I'm behind the camera, my pictures don't include me unless DH suggests a selfie and that doesn't usually show much of my outfit. Now I have have computer issues. New internet cable is due to be installed today. Horribly slow speeds makes downloading pictures a horrendous mess and evidently I must relearn how to post pictures. I'm having a senior moment or three, but promise that I'll post something to look at as soon as possible.


Anita, hope you are feeling better soon.


The scarf I wore with the red maxi was one that I kept from our massive scarf experiment at the Meet n Greet summer before last. It includes poppy, lime and my greige color.


I was afraid the blue dress wasn't my best colors, but when I tried it on, DH said, "Wow! That looks GOOD on you." I knew it was a keeper. I love it when he's an appreciative audience.


Kim looked as good in person as she did in the pictures. She rocked it!


I know how much we learn from taking pictures of outfits about which we are uncertain. This trip taught me that I need to take pictures of everything I put on. A couple of dresses looked better in the mirror at home than they did in the photo taken on the ship. Lesson learned.


Pam, if you have time before you leave, you have mail about our excursions.

Edited by aoknkentucky
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Yes! Thank you!


Did you do Zumba?!? If so, how was it?


Oh! You guys got to have a 4-top for dinner! Fantastic.


Other than Royston in St Kitts, wait....


I'm going to Tortola, St Kitts, Martinique, Antigua, St Maarten....


is there a shore excursion or activity on any of these ports that you would recommend if there is anything common about our itinerary? Wait... I noticed your Cozumel T-shirt and thought you'd stopped in Cozumel, but then I realize that you love Cozumel so you might have a T-shirt from a previous trip!


Stuff and bother. it's just way too late to be asking all these questions! LOL.


Nope, no Zumba, I'm afraid I would be a bumbling idiot trying to do Zumba. I did do an evening stretch class several times. It was enjoyable.


Looks like Debbie has taken care of the excursion suggestions, we loved all of them!


Glad the new linked worked :)


You're going to have a great cruise! We DO want to see a pictodiary and no excuses about hair, etc. NO ONE could have hair much worse than mine in hot, humid climates. Just look at how it grows in photos. If you saw me in person on an ordinary day at home, you might not even recognize me ;)

Edited by Joby
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Pam, we made new friends with a couple from Saskatchewan that took several of the Latin dance classes and were a part of a Thriller dance that took 3-4 practice sessions to learn. I'm pretty all sure, as Anita says, that she was the same lady that did Zumba. If so, she is great! I watched the Thriller practices and she was very positive and upbeat. She said she danced in New York in her earlier years but her position on the ship is Bingo Girl. I say YES, try the Zumba classes if it works for your schedule.

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I DID notice...I just got hit with a horrible bug and haven't been functioning so well for the past two days to comment!! I love the new avatar.


Hope you feel better soon. It sucks to be sick, doesn't it????


Kim, thank you so much for sharing your whole album. It was lovely to take the virtual cruise. The views of the water...OMG...so calming. In my mind I can just picture the sound, and the smell, and the energy of the ocean.


You are welcome. I shared the good, bad and ugly :) It's funny you talk about the sea views and ocean. That was my "theme" for my photos on this trip. I wanted to catch some of the views that I saw and had remembered from previous visits. For some reason I like to do themes with trip photos--animal butts, eyes, sea views, people, etc.....Sometimes I think of a possible theme before we leave and other times I just start on something, like it and continue on with that theme for the trip.


It's funny how I recognize so much of your wardrobe! I don't know if they are "new" or not, but the two gowns...the teal and the peach are BEAUTIFUL. And the blue of the lace cocktail dress is absolutely stunning on you. I really like the shoes you wore with that blue lace too...seemed a little elegant edgy which I think is a fab touch with the lace.


You do recognize many of the wardrobe pieces. Some are my favorite colors to wear and some just seem to travel and wear well for me so I take them over and over. The 2 formal dresses were fun. The beautiful teal gown was a gift from "Marie" on the "Recycling thread" and the peach dress was a $5 find at the thrift store I volunteer at :) And the blue lace dress was free at Penny's with a $10 off coupon! I do love our FIRE blues! I really like the FIRE blues, aquas and coral/peaches on me, also the Kelly greens. I think the blues and aquas bring out a pretty look to my eyes, the peach/corals look nice with my skin and the Kelly greens look good with my strawberry blonde hair.


It's funny you mention the shoes with the blue lace dress. I brought more shoes on this cruise than I ever have! BUT, couldn't wear most of them because of the massive swelling in my feet and ankles. The shoes with the blue dress were so tight on me I thought I was going to get gangrene in my feet before dinner was over :) I found the shoes at Goodwill and they fit really nicely on a regular day when my feet/ankles aren't ginormous! I have never had my feet/ankles swell as much on a cruise as this one. Two days after I was home they were completely back to normal.


I was also struck by how versatile the Athleta swim dresses are. Kim...you really have gathered a good assortment of "swim" wear. Did you find that you brought enough for your trip? Or were you wishing you had one more swim dress or one more rashguard/cover up?


Thanks for the swimwear compliment. I do feel that I have a good variety and really good colors too. I wouldn't take any more swimwear with me. I wear the Athleta rashguard top/dress a lot and it washes easily and dries well. I really love it. I think it's the best purchase that I've made. It really is so versatile. I also love the paisley swim shorts and get a lot of use out of them in various situations.


A funny story with the swimDRESS--May be TMI for some but-----I wore that at Dominica as we were going to be in/out of the water and also in the city some. I "thought" I had it planned well, wear the swimdress in the water to snorkel and waterfalls and dry it in between. The only downside of that idea was that I forgot to wear my swim-shorts or swimsuit bottoms underneath! I only had on underwear. So, I determined that I was NOT going to miss being in the water and didn't want to sit around in wet underwear, so I discreetly took off my underwear before I got into the water, wrapped them in my towel to stay dry and then put them on when I got out. the BIG problem being that I had on NOTHING under my swimDRESS in the water! I invented a new way to swim and not moon everyone--I held the dresses between my legs and sat/swam along. You can kind of see it in the Ti Tou Gorge photos of me in the water. It was quite the subject of conversation on that excursion. I even told Levi. I figured it was better to get it out in the open then to accidentally moon someone and scare them to death! That's just me, just get the embarrassment out of the way and go along for the ride :eek:


Debbie was beautiful in all her FIREy outfits. She knows how to accessorize with scarves. She's the queen :) I think the red color maxi looks really great on her as well.


Does anyone notice that after 11 years on this board, I've finally worked up the nerve to use a photo as an avatar? I'm becoming brave in my elder years!


Noted and you two are such a wonderful couple. Miss you both!

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NO ONE could have hair much worse than mine in hot, humid climates. Just look at how it grows in photos. If you saw me in person on an ordinary day at home, you might not even recognize me.


We sat behind you in Royston's van and I kept thinking, "Look at those gorgeous ringlets in her hair!" while my hair was plastered to my head and hanging in my eyes. C'est la vie, I guess.

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We sat behind you in Royston's van and I kept thinking, "Look at those gorgeous ringlets in her hair!" while my hair was plastered to my head and hanging in my eyes. C'est la vie, I guess.


You are too funny, Debbie! The grass is always greener on the other side, isn't it??????


Kim, great story on the swim dress. That's why I wear microfiber undies - they dry as quickly as my Athleta swim dress. Melody.


Great idea, Melody! Wish you would have been there to save my bu## :)


Actually, I stayed in the very back of the group so as to minimize the exposure, that's what drew Levi's attention and he asked me why I was staying in the very back.

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OMG Kim...such a funny story about the swim dress.


Athleta rarely has the swim dresses in any Earthy colors. I think I'll have to make myself one if I ever really want one. That type of fabric is hitting the stores right now. Shopping for DS' waistcoat fabric was rough...I know that I have a "thing" for fabric. There are so many lovely ones in the store right now!! Must. Resist.


Heard from Mom yesterday when they reached their FLL hotel. They were all set to get their vacation started at that point...


I love the idea of a group cruise, but honestly, I haven't a clue how my family would swing that with what we have going on this year...

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Heard from Mom yesterday when they reached their FLL hotel. They were all set to get their vacation started at that point...


Good to hear. Hope they have a fantastic voyage!


I love the idea of a group cruise, but honestly, I haven't a clue how my family would swing that with what we have going on this year...


Give it some thought---it would be a blast I'm sure :)

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'm super excited and need/want input from any of our EARTH/FIRE ladies wanting to join us for a MeetnGreet Cruise! If you'd be interested in joining us for a talk-giggle-talk some more cruise, send me a quick email at aoknkentucky at gmail dot com. I will send you a reply and we will begin compiling data. I'll respond to emails on Monday, February 29.

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'm super excited and need/want input from any of our EARTH/FIRE ladies wanting to join us for a MeetnGreet Cruise! If you'd be interested in joining us for a talk-giggle-talk some more cruise, send me a quick email at aoknkentucky at gmail dot com. I will send you a reply and we will begin compiling data. I'll respond to emails on Monday, February 29.

Hi , Depending on when the cruise is I may be able to join you . Great idea !

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Since Laurie's started posting her marvelous cruise on the EARTH thread, I thought I should get my rear in gear and post my pictures so that Pam can show us her cruise. I hope my pictures post.




Here’s my commentary and pictures of my FIREy self on our Serenade of the Seas cruise. The first picture is my greige outfit. Kim and I had a conversation about whether it is pronounced grey-zh or gree-zh. I don’t remember which side I was for or against at the time, but think grey-zh makes more sense since it sounds like beige. What do ya’ll think? https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!489&authkey=!ALreTXyS-sBRL8E&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg


Champagne toast on first formal night. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!466&authkey=!ANC7FzwYr-W0yIo&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG


Our window table with Kim and DH. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!473&authkey=!ANC1S8ARug_1cvM&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG

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Picture of Kim taking a picture. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!471&authkey=!ABs3w1MC1Zw4OJM&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG


Tortola was our first excursion day with 20 of our newest friends on a catamaran. Thanks to Kim and DH, I overcame my fear and snorkeled. Marvelous day! https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!474&authkey=!AOo4BtS1YP61KdY&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG


Wind in our my hair on the catamaran in Tortola. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!468&authkey=!AIcm0PfmzgHpp7w&v=3&ithint=photo%2cPNG


Tortola Pier with Serenade of the Seas in the background. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!476&authkey=!AJtA07rwECHBTr0&v=3&ithint=photo%2cPNG


The only picture I took of my 70s outfit in the mirror is a sheath dress with a scarf tied in my hair. I remember doing this in the 70s. Do you? https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!477&authkey=!AARA_B30x0a7NWc&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG

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You can take the people out of Kentucky, but evidently you can’t take the KFC away from us wherever we go. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!478&authkey=!ANOWsJxN7XIBMqk&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG


Gorgeous day on St. Kitts https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!485&authkey=!ANyHobZfLsv3C0c&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG


St. Kitts Brimstone Hill Fortress https://onedrive.live.com/redir?



Our guide, Royston in his FIRE green, Kim’s DH and Kim https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!482&authkey=!AM7ZjmqbMmvswlM&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG


Picture of Kim taking a picture. Do you see a pattern developing? LOL (Actually I’m proud she took pictures that I can swipe and keep.) https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!483&authkey=!AMc7LHQOAMmBwgA&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG

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Debbie, Debbie, Debbie.... What a hoot you are!!! Happy Belated BD!!:D Love your outfits. I don't have much blue and that's my fav color. I can't seem to find the right shade here. Your blue lace gown is fab on you! And I love the green jacket you had on the beach. Now, I want to know why Kim and you fuss so about your hair? I think you two have fab hair, whether it's wet or dry. :cool: And I love your greige outfit!!! I'm still looking for that color also.

This has got me to thinking..I don't think I posted my photos of our last May cruise did I. What with all the commotion in my life. I will have to check and maybe get a few done before Pam gets back.

A BIG THANK YOU to both you and Kim for posting pics and doing the Meet/Greet cruise get-together!

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