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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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I look so bad on white or black that people actually ask me if I'm sick! Melody, Curt mentioned once about Celtic background can sometimes be winter even with auburn or dark red hair.


That reminds me, I did the 23 & me thing. I'll get back to that.


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I am Scots Irish heritage, so that makes sense. Melody



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I mentioned heritage a bit earlier. I think it is interesting thing. I grew up in area that was mostly Italian, after we moved from the city to the suburbs. My dad always said he was 10% Polish, and my mom described herself as a Heinz 57, meaning that she was a little of this and a little of that.


I always wanted the details, and my mom said she knew she was a mix of things, but as far as she knew, she was English, Dutch, German and French.


So here is what 23andme came back with.

I am 23.1% Eastern European. That is the Polish part, but it could also mean Russian or Ukrainian, and a few other areas. Based on what my dad told me, I should be at 50%.


I think I see the Polish and the German. Not sure about the rest! But since it has so much to do with our skin tone, eye color, hair color, etc., I wanted to share. There is a great deal of info regarding how likely I am to have certain color eyes and so on. I love looking through the big report they give you.


Then it shows 19.2% British and Irish. 14.9% French and German. .4% Scandinavian. Then there is broadly Northwestern European at 27.8% and that covers areas like Ireland, Norway, Finland and France.


The rest is small things, such as a touch of Southern European and 9.2% broadly European.


I found this very interesting to learn, but my nature is such that I don't like terms such as Northwestern European. I want the specifics, you know? But I don't think there is a way to get more info than this. It was still a great eye opener for me. In my mind, I am mostly Polish, then English, Irish, French and German.

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Doing one of the DNA tests is on my list of things I want to do! It sounds fascinating.


Laurie, I can relate to the looking sick with white. I really do look like death warmed over :eek:


Melody, I still lean toward ICE with you. I keep looking back at the ship photo you posted with the black background and you wearing the white/silver top.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to share this with all of you--today I was at Lowe's looking at paint chips for our bathroom. The paint person asked me what I was looking for and I told him a warm blue. He looked at me like I was in idiot and said :a warm blue is an oxymoron. There's no such thing as a warm blue." I just looked back at him and said thanks. Guess I won't be asking him for his help :loudcry:


Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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See any colors here that you like, Melody? A lot of Bright Winter's colors look like Spring/Fire colors to me--apple green and aqua that you wear so well. The red like the couch in your black/white picture is here too. For me, the worst part about ushering at our local performing arts center is the uniform--white shirt, black pants, and that cute little burgundy bow tie right under my chin. I look like the walking dead! I could never in a million years wear white and/or black without everyone around me thinking I was deathly ill. It is one of your best pictures! I think I must agree with others here. We still love you and want you to continue with us here and on the EARTH thread, but I don't think you are a FIRE. I think you might be a Bright Winter.

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Thanks for the link! Bright Winter looks like it might be me, the clear & in your face brights[emoji6]. I don't look good in white if I don't have a pretty good tan tho. That couch picture was taken on day 12 of being in the sun. Glad you're not booting me! I like you all! I'll be off probably a couple of weeks, retina surgery tomorrow. Melody



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Will be thinking about you, Melody. When you can look at a "puter screen again, see what you think about Light Summer colors. It also has a version of lime green and aqua as well as the blue-red of that couch and it specifically mentions red hair and green eyes with images that look very similar to your eye color to me. Just thinking out loud here.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I couldn't make up my mind whether to let our thread die quietly and just keep talking on the EARTH thread, but in the end, I thought--just maybe--we could talk just a bit more here when the mood strikes and when the moderators switch us to a new thread....


Of course, it's not MY thread to decide, but....


Anyway, I thought I'd like to talk a bit more about my recent sashay into Style Image. I couldn't decide if I was a Type 1/Type 3 or a Type 3/Type1 in Carol Tuttle's game, even if lots of y'all were able to see it clearly, I was much adrift.


I am able to know that I know that I know now and wanted to share--I am a Light Spring, Yang Gamine/Flamboyant Gamine. No wonder I had such trouble! I'm no more normal in my style image than I am in my color archetype. I'm one of those rare dark-haired light springs AND I'm a short blunt natural or non-frilly gamine. Think Audrey Hepburn and Twiggy, but packing more weight.


It all makes perfect sense to me NOW, but before, I was trying dress myself as Grace Kelly--Mz. Classic. Part of it worked--sometimes, and sometimes, it didn't. KWIM? Maybe not. Lots of folks seem to just get this automatically, but not me. I just didn't get it. Now, I do. I paid more good money than I'd ever dream, but it's as simple to shop now and have a semi-good idea of what will work as my "light-bulb knowing" that I was LIGHT spring instead of every FIRE color shade imaginable.


I am so deliriously happy that I can immediately know if it works--or doesn't--that I could just spit. (Something even a southern 'Tucky lady never does!) Now, I can spend time here and on the EARTH thread just talking about fashion like everyone else and not worrying whether I'm right or not. I'm always right now, and I have permission to be a quirky as I want to be.


The other day, I wore a coral-red linen A-line above-knee skirt with a lavender T and a lime-green cardigan. My earrings and necklace used all three colors (plus a few) to tie it all together. It was glorious!!!

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Sometimes I think that you and I are just talking in an alternate universe somewhere cause I can't even tell you the number of times that we've been thinking the same thing! I almost posted yesterday, here on the FIRE thread, and then I thought that I'd just... well... not. I get myself so terribly confused about everything to do with fashion and color... STILL... and it's been, literally, years that we've been talking about this!


My latest effort for closet analyzing is a spreadsheet! Of all things... it's a spreadsheet that has me all gobsmacked (cause I can't think of another word for the way I'm feeling). You know, I tried to do that Marie Kondo thing where you touch every item you own and figure out if it sparks internal JOY. That just didn't work for me. But what works for me? Making a list, creating a database, entering items into a spreadsheet cause then... I ask myself if I really, really want that particular item in my database?... and if the answer is "no" then I just get rid of it. As much as I can't figure out a lot of what Carol Tuttle is talking about, the one thing that I did come to terms with is that my particular energy expression loves to make lists! I've made lists all my life; it's very satisfying for me to do.


So, back to my spreadsheet. This evolved from my DH putting together an Excel spreadsheet of his entire closet, where he weighed each and every item in it. He said that it takes him about 1-1/2 minutes to prepare a packing list now that he has catalogued everything he owns.


So, of course that sounded like a good idea to me! That's what I've been doing for days now. And, it's forced me to do a few things: really analyze if I do or don't like a particular item and try on everything in my closet to make certain that it deserves a place on my list... which is, of course, a list of potential items for packing.


Anyway, it brought me to look critically at my closet. You know? I don't think much has changed in the last years of trying to dress appropriately for FIRE. I can see that I don't have a single black or white item. But, bright? Not really!


I scanned through Nordstrom's anniversary sale. There are 27075 items of women's clothing for sale. Well.... I didn't look at every single thing. But, I did scan through and hit page after page after page after page of selections that didn't have a single bright item that I could even consider.


For me, this FIRE dressing is..... really, really difficult.


I've stopped talking about it because I really don't know what to say about what I'm going to do or how I feel about the whole thing.


Do you do a bit of youtube viewing? Have you seen that beautiful blond who discusses Body Types and has descriptions of Gamine/Flamboyant Gamine, etc? If you haven't seen her, I'll try to find her again and post a link. She's absolutely fascinating to watch.

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Good to hear from you guys! I have been worried with our lack of attention over here.


We went to Cozumel July 4-11 and had a great time until day 6 when we got sick a week ago Sunday:( And I mean SICK. We haven't felt this sick for YEARS. I had a fever of 103 (actually had a fever for 5 days total), headache, body aches, sinus, and this terrible bone wracking cough. DH got it about 12 hours after I did. Our last 2 days in Cozumel were spent just laying. We felt like lepers on our flight home--fever, coughing, comatose in the seats. Today is the first day I have felt half way decent. I'm still a little tired but SO MUCH BETTER. DH didn't get it quite as bad as I did but, he's still tired when he comes home from work. I couldn't have worked if I had wanted to.


I took some photos but, haven't even thought about going through them yet. I'll post some when I do.


I feel like I have a good FIRE closet. It looks bright and colorful for the most part. I have a few misses--some greens that are a bit too blue, etc. but, for the most part I am really pleased with my FIRE colors. Style--oh, Lordy, do I even have a style???? No, I think I do. I know when something is a miss. Sometimes if the color and price and purpose are right I get it anyway. I have had to come to grips with my enlarging middle as I've aged. it's not huge but, for ME it is as I was always bone skinny with a 24" waist. Well, that went bye-bye with kids and menopause :*


I read about Laurie not liking prints and why she likes to accessorize. It made me think--THAT"S possibly why I ADORE prints--I DON'T like to accessorize and prints do it for me. Thanks, Laurie for making that clear for me. I love eclectic clothing and prints and I think it looks even better now that I buy only FIRE colors. So I now wear, bight, eclectic prints that I feel good in and for the most part look good too (at least in my head :eek: I think the FIRE colors fit my personality too. I love wearing them and even get the stray compliment.


I love to read about all of your thoughts--you're articulate and can type--win-win. Typing is my arch nemesis!


Good to hear from everyone.

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I don't have many prints (other than scarves). I just counted, I have 5 tops that have prints, rest are solid & mostly tropical jewel colors. All my slacks, skorts, capris & (my 2 skirts) are solids. Too funny. Melody



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Debbie, I think once we start figuring out what draws us to things, and understanding how our personalities tie in to that, it makes so much sense. We've had Curt to guide us on color, Style Statement to help us understand what our eye is drawn to, as well as a lot of emotional times, and then Carol Tuttle showing how our personalities work with our choices. For me, these three things have been huge. I finally feel like I'm starting to "get it".


I think age helps a little too - we aren't afraid to just be who we are. My closet is almost all earth, with fire thrown in and that occasional odd ball that exists for whatever reason. For me, that may be my navy pants, because brown is hard to find and I don't want everything to look the same. Still, I have a few tops that I have found that have some navy, but then they have earth and.or fire colors to help warm up the outfit. If only they weren't prints, lol.


I do wear prints, but not a whole lot. I'm very selective about them. That is probably the biggest thing about the dresses for my next cruise. I have to really love a print to wear it. That is hard for me to do. I never wear stripes, polka dots, plaids.


There are those exceptions - the things you try to figure out what drew you to them to begin with? I have this peachy colored top that sometimes looks kind of pink, and that freaks me out. Anyway, there is a print on it with a bird. I have had it a month and have already worn it twice. That is a very big deal for a print.


But all those clean slate solid dresses are lovely. I can make them my own!


I am finding that if I take the time to really look around in stores, including stores I don't usually shop in, I can find things. One of my daughters went with me to the mall this weekend. I was looking around in WHBM, and realized that so many items I saw online were earth, and I didn't know it until I saw the item in person. Or maybe it was a soft spring, or whatever. I think for those of you having trouble finding fire colors in stores, take a second look and wander in to places you don't normally go to.


Oh my gosh, I can't imagine how sick you must have been. 103 temp? That is awful. It sounds like some sort of flu? Did you see the doctor at all?


I love how we all have our likes and dislikes, and how you can see all of these things come together for us.


I don't have any spreadsheets for my closet, but I do arrange my shirts by sleeve length, and then by color. I spend a great deal of time lately looking at each and every one. I ask if it is really an earth color? Do I wear it a lot? Why or why not? How does that fit? It's great to understand why I have chosen what I have. My current search is figuring out what draws me to certain prints, and why I like them. I think that could be really helpful.


i have a lot of reds and oranges in my closet...a lot.

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I LOVE prints!! I think Margaret and I both have a bunch of prints. I may not have as many as this point because I realized at some point along the way that I really needed to get some solids so that I would have something to pair with all my prints. I haven't tried really...but I don't/didn't own prints that pair well to each other... so I did manage to get some solids into my wardrobe.


Kim...I'm like you in the not loving to accessorize department. I think it is a combination of not actually liking to have things draped on my body? Earrings are fine...so long as they aren't too big...I don't like necklaces that are too substantial. I like the chains with a small pendant OR I like the chokers...which sounds funny, but somehow, they don't bother me and get in my way...I do stay away from rings and bracelets too...


Debbie...so glad you found something that works for you! I still feel like I have just gotten pieces and nothing that has formed a complete picture yet. We'll see what happens as I unpack my clothes. It's going to be another sort upon arrival. I'll have to look up what you are talking about again because I am not familiar with the terms you've used.


Anything that can help simplify life is worth pursuing though. I think greater understanding does help to simplify living life. And I agree with Laurie...that the passing of time does help not only in the understanding but also in the living and accepting who you are.

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I do not know if found my true style or I stopped being influenced by other people's style . All I know is that I was completely happy with my selections for my three week trip . I also feel like I have plenty of things to just grab and go for any occasion rather than staring at my closet . I love accessories especially scarves or jewelry since I wear mostly solids I think they add a punch of color . I favor a casual classic look .I love to look at other peoples styles but I really need to stick with my own to feel comfortable .What gets me in trouble is trying to copy someone else's style and just ending up hating it so it sits in my closet .

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I love to look at other peoples styles but I really need to stick with my own to feel comfortable .What gets me in trouble is trying to copy someone else's style and just ending up hating it so it sits in my closet .


I know that feeling well, Sally. I love to look at others and their sense of style but, I have to be true to myself and stick to MY own "sense" of style. If I try to copy something that I'm not, it just doesn't work and then I feel so uncomfortable that I make it even worse I think.


I really do love all of my FIRE colors and feel that CJW really helped me and gave me confidence to feel great in them.


Oh my gosh, I can't imagine how sick you must have been. 103 temp? That is awful. It sounds like some sort of flu? Did you see the doctor at all?



We called the Doctor as soon as we could on Wednesday morning. He gave us an antibiotic, pepto to coat our stomach from the antibiotic and a probiotic to help make sure we had some good bacteria in our guy and that the antibiotic didn't wipe us completely clean.We finished the antibiotic yesterday but, still have the cough and feel a little weak. We truly haven't been that sick in years! But all in all, we're feeling better thank God. We tend to take our health for granted as we are rarely sick. We were just talking about how people who are chronically sick must feel. Good health is a blessing!



I got my DNA results back--I am 72% Great Britain, 18% Irish, 3% Iberian Peninsula, 2% Caucaus, 1% South Asia and 4% other. The GB part is England, Scotland and Wales, the Iberian Peninsula part is Spain/Portugal, Caucaus is Turkey/Syria/Aremenia.



Overall in general terms it says: 97% European, 2% West Asia, 1% Asia.




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Always my biggest fear, getting really sick on a trip. I'm so sorry it happened to you. I just got home from taking our daughter (she, her SO & her 9 year old leave for St Thomas tonight) an emergency baggie (Pepcid AC, Imodium, NyQuil, Benadryl, Tylenol, bandaids, antiseptic wipes) she laughed at me & put it immediately in her purse (beside her emergency baggie); my kid [emoji6]. I think the 9 yr old & SO we're more impressed with the giant baggy of gummy bears & worms [emoji23][emoji23].



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I too wish to chime in with wishes of hope you feel better soon, get well, and so sorry that happened to you on vacation. No fun at all.


So, you know I'm a math person, right? It's fascinating for me to think of that 1% Asia DNA result and wondering how that small little drop could be there? How many generations back did an Asia DNA get introduced into your family line? You'd have to know the percentages of the generation above you (on the family tree so to speak)... wait... trees grow upwards and roots are at the bottom... so it must be the generation below you... I think that's right... anyone "a previous generation" to figure out how far back you'd have to go to get that minute drop of Asia into your DNA. It's mind boggling to say the least. And... moving on....


I just stumbled onto a Vivienne Files posting about the number of items in a wardrobe. She had a formula that I'm working with at the moment. The formula is as follows: multiply the number of days you need in your rotation (i.e., a 21 days trip) times the per day wearing of an outfit (i.e., are you getting dressed for the day in the morning and that's it?... or, are you wearing a day outfit and an evening outfit... so two outfits per day wearing... she recommends the number 1.2 as a general rule of thumb) times (stay with me!)... the number of pieces required to make up an outfit (as in, top, bottom, and layered piece would be 3 or dress and layered piece would be 2).... so... then you divide the whole thing by the number of times you would wear each item.


Complicated much? Not really. If I use this formula to figure out, for example, the outfits needed for sea days. Here goes: number of days = 9. Outfits per day = 2 (assuming that I want to change for dinner and wear something more casual during the day). Pieces per outfit = 2.5 (cause I think I might be wearing a layered piece at night to counteract a/c. Then, I think it's reasonable to expect to wear each item three times during my trip. And the math comes to: 15 pieces.


Well, we shall see. I'm working with the spreadsheet now. And, also thinking of my assumptions. If I think that maybe I will only need 2 pieces per outfit, for example, the number of items reduces to 12 pieces.


Has anyone ever thought through a trip in this fashion? I'm doing this so far in advance that I've got plenty of time to play with the concept.


Ta Da. I figured out my airplane travel outfit. OK. Totally not in the proper order of planning... and not applying the formula... :')

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