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Live Island - Vancouver to Fort Lauderdale via Panama 17 nights


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[quote name='vickie_bernie']Sunday, day at sea

Sorry again for the sporatic posts, internet is down more times than it is up. After talking to the internet attendant it appears that in dry dock they put in a new modem system and there seems to be an issue. So they are working on it. I must of check five times in the past two days to go online but it was always down. It is 9 am now and it seems to be up so I am taking advantage of it.

Great girls day in the room the other day.... laughed our heads off

yesterday was Cabo and it was HOT, did I menition how hot it was! well into the 30s plust 85% humidity at 9 am.

We went into town and grabbed a mexican meal from a small mom and pop place far away from the main drag. We bought some souvenirs for our nephews and then headed back to the ship. Oh we did stop at the Starbucks (for those of you who know me, understand my obsession with Starbucks). We handed out pencils to some of the kids and gave the baristas at starbucks Canadian lanyards.

Yesterday we came back on the ship and hit the Sanctuary. A lot of people think the sanctuary was installed during dry dock but no it was done a while ago as we used the sanctuary last year on the Island on the same cruise.

One thing though the pool at the back of the ship for the Sanctuary was HOT, too hot, we couldn't even get in it was so hot. Hotter than a hot tub. Apparently they are heating it from the Alaskan runs and had not turned it off for the southern voyage. We couldn't use it so we just headed mid ship to use the pool to cool off then went back to our lounge chairs in the Sanctuary. We did get some sun too, even had 50 sun screen and 30 for the second covering and still got red, will have to be more attentive from now on.

Last nights dinner was so yummy, shrimp bisque to start, then crab cake, then I had a steak with scallops and pink grapefruit tart for dessert. We all headed up to the MUTS to watch a movie the six of us - we brought up our pillows and some movie snacks (as if we were hungry).

THe elite/platinum lounge had mojitos yesterday... got two! For 2.99 who can beat it.

We have three glorious days at sea now... my favorite.

We love Brett the cruise director he is so funny - we are having some fun with him with the morning show and some of the sickly sweet love comments we are making in our friends names. :p

Princess is handing out free grocery type tote bags, we have been given two now for each voyage. They are also giving out a different type as prizes for trivia etc as well as caps, this is what we have seen so far.

Well don't know what else to say.[/quote]


Thanks for posting again.....:):):)

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[quote name='K-Roo-Zers']Hey Vickie,

Glald to hear things are going so well. Thanks for the updates.

Can wait to experience the food when we sail on Island in Dec - sounds absolutely yummy. DH and I are in the process of cleaning out the pantry and fridge in preparation for our upcoming long journey! Amazing what you find and what can be thrown out - better in the bin (trash) than on one's hips!!

Looking forward to the Panama!

Happy and smooth sailing.


[COLOR=darkorange]Same thing that I'm doing right now and I do not leave until the 20th of Nov.... can not wait....we love the Island we were on her last year at the same time but for only the 10 day cruise...[/COLOR]
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[quote name='4x4bob']Vickie;
Ref your post #66, the 9th paragraph.
You said your would have 3 days at sea after Cabo. Does this mean that Princess cut off the stop at Acapulco? If so, what was the reason given?


I believe someone commented and they are right, this voyage left from San Francisco and stopped in Cabo San Lucas, Acapulco was dropped for this voyage. Not sure why as we stopped there last year as well as Huatulco on the exact same trip.

[quote name='5:00_Somewhere']I read your post partly to see if you said anything about Brett. He's become a dear, dear friend of ours over the years (and the many Princess cruises), and I've developed an almost parental interest in how he's doing. Thanks for posting your comments, and I hope you have a wonderful time.

I'll follow your posts with interest, as the other reason I clicked on your thread is that we're doing the Acapulco to Fort Lauderdale full canal transit on the Coral next April. So, we're interested to hear about your experience.

I hope you have a wonderful cruise. And if you run into Brett, tell him "The Boston Boys" say hi. :D[/quote]

lol ahhh the other night we were in Explorer's where Brett was hosting an event and I said hi and he said "are you hosting a live thread as some friends of mine commented on your nice words" I replied "nope couldn't of been my posts as I only said bad things about you Brett --- Kidding" He is really great, very up beat and very approachable. We are looking forward to Kim coming back on in Costa Rica. We have sailed with Brett before but he was deputy cruise director then... he is doing a great job as Cruise Director.

[quote name='johnmik1']Just received an email from Claudio and he is aboard Caribbean Princess![/quote]

John thanks for letting us know. He is great doubt we will see him soon if he is on the Caribbean. Will have to drop him an email. Emilio on this ship is very nice.
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Good morning everyone, for some reason I was awake at 4:30 this morning, could of been that we were in bed at 10 pm last night or it could of been that snoring bear that was asleep beside me. Either way I got up at 5 and headed out and the ship is deserted, so welcome to my ship (well at least my ship until other wake up)


This is our last sea day of the three in a row - tomorrow we are in Puntarenas. We have a private tour booked that came recommended on the message boards.


Now to back track.


Two days ago we had a lovely afternoon tea with the cruise critic gang. We are having a lunch today and are planning on attending the next wine and cheese as a gang too.


Internet is sporatic still - I feel for the internet attendant, he is feeling the brunt of it, but it really isn;'t his fault. I couldn't log out the other day and lost about 20 minutes of my time plan, and I am just going to "eat" it and not worry about it, but rather frustrating. I would be more frustrated if I was paying for the package. Needless to say when the internet is up it is very busy and hard to get on one of the computers and I refuse to bring my laptop.


Two days ago we had dinner in the horizon court and it was great, wonderful service, and this is when I noticed the Power Hour Bar specials after 8 pm. Now I had heard about this on the threads but had never seen it. Every bar is having a special after 8 pm. The following are $2.99 house spirits, long island, pina, another cocktail that escapes (maybe because of too many of them) and about five different beers. Great deal.


the elite/platinum lounge had port and I stocked up. There are 147 elite on board. There is just two captain circle parties and that is the next formal night just after puntarenas, which we will miss because we are going to the bayou. We didn't make it even close to the most travelled passengers. Supposedly the most had over 1,000 days and LOVES to talk.


Yesterday was relaxation day, stayed in bed and watched a movie, then hit the sauna, then came back to the cabin and sat on the deck, we saw tons of turtles just near the sides of the ship, very easy to spot of all different sizes. So cool


Then I watched a documentary on the Panama then lunch, then we hit the sanctuary for complete relaxation. Have to say that the mid ship pool is way too loud - sure it can be loud when the band is on, but now with muts it is unbearable and the sound is not enjoyable. Not sure what is happening with MUTS but when we watch a movie it is loud but you can't understand when they talk one to one in normal voice. They must be working out the glitches still but I will opt out of MUTS for the time being.


Bernie finally won one of the trivias during the day, he got a ball cap so he is happy.


Locked ourselves out of our cabin yesterday.... that isn't a first, thankfully pedro was nearby to let us in.


Yesterday we dinned in the dining room, unfortunatley we thought stupidly to head to the dining room for 7 which just doesn't work because so many fill it at 5:30 - 6 leaving nothing available until at least 7:30 which is the time we got in. Anytime doesn't flow well in the smaller ships wtih only one dining room for it. Personally I would like to see them open at 5 pm to have the early diners in earlier and trust me with this crowd they would like it too. I will have to rethink sailing on this ship for this reason in the future (but so far it is only anytime dining and the smoking lounge off the atrium -- that reeks -- that are the two things I dislike all others I love).


Still loving the morning show... usually can't wait to watch it each morning.


Weather had been fabulous, very windy if you are on the sides of the ship but the wind is needed because it is so hot and humid.


I need help from you camera buffs though... I have a Nikon 5000 and every time I head outside it fogs up because of the humidity. Not a problem there as after a bit it clears, but the other day I guess the insides also fogged up and that took forever to clear. Should i have the shutter closed and off before heading out? Then turn it on when I get out? Any advice would be appreciated.


The patters are filled with two lecectures a day (different ones), art auction, pool games, lots of gatherings (even a train entusiast gathering - really???).


Someone the other day commented taht the sanctuary was put in on dry dock... I corrected her and said no, and she was adament but I said I was on this ship last year and I sat right her in the sancturary. She still didn't believe me. :p other than the MUTS it really isn't noticeable. The carpet is still breaking in and needs vacuming often to get rid of the fluff from the newness. She is a beautiful ship.


Well I can't think of anything else.

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Funniest comment was from a woman who went up to the internet guy and said "where is the internet cafe?" duhhh for the next day whenever we saw her we would comment to ourselves as the woman sat at a bar "is this a bar" in the Horizon Court Bernie would look at me and say "is this a restaurant" oh silly I know but heck we need to amuse ourselves somehow.

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Thanks so much for this thread Vickie. I have to wait till April for my canal cruise on the Island and so am living vicariously through you right now!


Have you noticed the offerings for the scholarship at sea? I'm wondering what kind of classes they have. Also, what are the lectures about? Do you they advertise the lectures and classes in the patter and do you have to sign up beforehand? Thanks!

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Funniest comment was from a woman who went up to the internet guy and said "where is the internet cafe?" duhhh for the next day whenever we saw her we would comment to ourselves as the woman sat at a bar "is this a bar" in the Horizon Court Bernie would look at me and say "is this a restaurant" oh silly I know but heck we need to amuse ourselves somehow.


Really enjoying your live from thread. Makes me feel very relaxed lol!

By the way, can you tell me were the CC Princess forum is please? :D

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Thanks for the updates.


I leave my camera/binoc's/etc on the balcony for 20 minutes or so to stabilize the temps so it will not fog before heading out. ;)


What a good idea! Excuse dim-ness but do you mean still in the case or out with shutter open?

Same with sunglasses too I expect. :)

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Thanks so much for this thread Vickie. I have to wait till April for my canal cruise on the Island and so am living vicariously through you right now!


Have you noticed the offerings for the scholarship at sea? I'm wondering what kind of classes they have. Also, what are the lectures about? Do you they advertise the lectures and classes in the patter and do you have to sign up beforehand? Thanks!


scholarship at sea has tons of offerings from ceramics, to photo classes to computer classes on Word, Photo shop and others. I will take a look more closely and report back. It is in details in your patters as well as a single page offerring with the classes which we received on embarkation. The lectures are listed each day in the patters, currently there are two a day with two different speakers. Very informative but one of the guys is a little too far to the right politically and his views and lectures slant that way. Now I respect his views but feel in the lecture he should be unbiased.


What a good idea! Excuse dim-ness but do you mean still in the case or out with shutter open?

Same with sunglasses too I expect. :)


good point. yesterday when I went out the shutter was open of course the lens fogged up but that cleared quickly; but the shutter did not. Wonder if I should close it before I head out then turn it on, it then does a shutter cleaning when I turn it on. Anyways any help would be great.


Really enjoying your live from thread. Makes me feel very relaxed lol!

By the way, can you tell me were the CC Princess forum is please? :D


oh you are too funny

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I leave my camera/binoc's/etc on the balcony for 20 minutes or so to stabilize the temps so it will not fog before heading out. ;)

The intense humidity in Costa Rica actually fried my first digital camera. Purchased in 2000, it was ridiculously expensive and only lasted 2 years before it met its demise. Now, when I travel with one (which is rarer and rarer on Caribbean itineraries), I take it off the ship in a ziploc bag to allow it to warm up before exposing it to the outside humidity.

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The intense humidity in Costa Rica actually fried my first digital camera. Purchased in 2000, it was ridiculously expensive and only lasted 2 years before it met its demise. Now, when I travel with one (which is rarer and rarer on Caribbean itineraries), I take it off the ship in a ziploc bag to allow it to warm up before exposing it to the outside humidity.


Actually keeping it in a plastic bag may cause interior rust and excess moisture, especially if there is the slightest moisture already in the housing. It needs to be aired out so to say. :)

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Thanks Vickie. I much appreciate any info you can give me on the classes and lectures!


I wonder if those little packages they put in your aspirin bottles and such to keep moisture out would work for the camera, or one of the anti damp things you hang in your bathroom? You could put them in a ziploc with the camera to keep the moisture out.

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Good morning everyone, for some reason I was awake at 4:30 this morning, could of been that we were in bed at 10 pm last night or it could of been that snoring bear that was asleep beside me. Either way I got up at 5 and headed out and the ship is deserted, so welcome to my ship (well at least my ship until other wake up)


This is our last sea day of the three in a row - tomorrow we are in Puntarenas. We have a private tour booked that came recommended on the message boards.


Now to back track.


Two days ago we had a lovely afternoon tea with the cruise critic gang. We are having a lunch today and are planning on attending the next wine and cheese as a gang too.


Internet is sporatic still - I feel for the internet attendant, he is feeling the brunt of it, but it really isn;'t his fault. I couldn't log out the other day and lost about 20 minutes of my time plan, and I am just going to "eat" it and not worry about it, but rather frustrating. I would be more frustrated if I was paying for the package. Needless to say when the internet is up it is very busy and hard to get on one of the computers and I refuse to bring my laptop.


Two days ago we had dinner in the horizon court and it was great, wonderful service, and this is when I noticed the Power Hour Bar specials after 8 pm. Now I had heard about this on the threads but had never seen it. Every bar is having a special after 8 pm. The following are $2.99 house spirits, long island, pina, another cocktail that escapes (maybe because of too many of them) and about five different beers. Great deal.


the elite/platinum lounge had port and I stocked up. There are 147 elite on board. There is just two captain circle parties and that is the next formal night just after puntarenas, which we will miss because we are going to the bayou. We didn't make it even close to the most travelled passengers. Supposedly the most had over 1,000 days and LOVES to talk.


Yesterday was relaxation day, stayed in bed and watched a movie, then hit the sauna, then came back to the cabin and sat on the deck, we saw tons of turtles just near the sides of the ship, very easy to spot of all different sizes. So cool


Then I watched a documentary on the Panama then lunch, then we hit the sanctuary for complete relaxation. Have to say that the mid ship pool is way too loud - sure it can be loud when the band is on, but now with muts it is unbearable and the sound is not enjoyable. Not sure what is happening with MUTS but when we watch a movie it is loud but you can't understand when they talk one to one in normal voice. They must be working out the glitches still but I will opt out of MUTS for the time being.


Bernie finally won one of the trivias during the day, he got a ball cap so he is happy.


Locked ourselves out of our cabin yesterday.... that isn't a first, thankfully pedro was nearby to let us in.


Yesterday we dinned in the dining room, unfortunatley we thought stupidly to head to the dining room for 7 which just doesn't work because so many fill it at 5:30 - 6 leaving nothing available until at least 7:30 which is the time we got in. Anytime doesn't flow well in the smaller ships wtih only one dining room for it. Personally I would like to see them open at 5 pm to have the early diners in earlier and trust me with this crowd they would like it too. I will have to rethink sailing on this ship for this reason in the future (but so far it is only anytime dining and the smoking lounge off the atrium -- that reeks -- that are the two things I dislike all others I love).


Still loving the morning show... usually can't wait to watch it each morning.


Weather had been fabulous, very windy if you are on the sides of the ship but the wind is needed because it is so hot and humid.


I need help from you camera buffs though... I have a Nikon 5000 and every time I head outside it fogs up because of the humidity. Not a problem there as after a bit it clears, but the other day I guess the insides also fogged up and that took forever to clear. Should i have the shutter closed and off before heading out? Then turn it on when I get out? Any advice would be appreciated.


The patters are filled with two lecectures a day (different ones), art auction, pool games, lots of gatherings (even a train entusiast gathering - really???).


Someone the other day commented taht the sanctuary was put in on dry dock... I corrected her and said no, and she was adament but I said I was on this ship last year and I sat right her in the sancturary. She still didn't believe me. :p other than the MUTS it really isn't noticeable. The carpet is still breaking in and needs vacuming often to get rid of the fluff from the newness. She is a beautiful ship.


Well I can't think of anything else.




Thanks for the updates.....:):):)



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Have to say that the mid ship pool is way too loud - sure it can be loud when the band is on, but now with muts it is unbearable and the sound is not enjoyable. Not sure what is happening with MUTS but when we watch a movie it is loud but you can't understand when they talk one to one in normal voice. They must be working out the glitches still but I will opt out of MUTS for the time being.


Hi Vickie,


We're really enjoying your live posts and are looking forward to sailing on the Island in January. This is our first time on the Island and we booked a balcony guarantee in June and they assigned us A433 within a couple weeks. It appears that we will be close to the elevators which we've done in the past with no problems, but it seems like the stateroom is below the pool and MUTS and that the noise you're reporting could be an issue.:confused:


Would you please offer your expertise regarding this stateroom location?


We will continue to follow your detailed reports, thanks again for posting live!



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Hi Vickie,


We're really enjoying your live posts and are looking forward to sailing on the Island in January. This is our first time on the Island and we booked a balcony guarantee in June and they assigned us A433 within a couple weeks. It appears that we will be close to the elevators which we've done in the past with no problems, but it seems like the stateroom is below the pool and MUTS and that the noise you're reporting could be an issue.:confused:




actually we don't hear muts from our cabin - which is by the aft elevators, ironically we can hear when they do things like the pool games if we are sitting on our deck, not really loud just there. I could go and knock on A433 to see first hand but they may (no will) think i am a little nuts

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Had a great lunch in the Bayou for the Pub lunch today's menu was a little different, I had the fried shrimp and fries. They also had steak and kidney pie. Very yummy. We then went to play Scategories and our team won -- amazingly so I have the GOLD medal around my neck. Finally a win.


Bernie is off to watch Avitar in the Princess Theatre. I am off to play Princess Pryamid.

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Had a great lunch in the Bayou for the Pub lunch today's menu was a little different, I had the fried shrimp and fries. They also had steak and kidney pie. Very yummy. We then went to play Scategories and our team won -- amazingly so I have the GOLD medal around my neck. Finally a win.


Bernie is off to watch Avitar in the Princess Theatre. I am off to play Princess Pryamid.


Love that location for the Pub lunch. Sounds delish. :)

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Panama Canal has been our priority cruise for several years. We have pushed it out a couple of times to join family and friends on other cruise destinations.


This is the first cruise that we have been involved with CruiseCritic. It has really enhanced our cruise experience! We were very impressed with the officer's participation at the Meet and Greet. We have met a diverse group of people who enjoy cruising and are fun and humorous.




We have not been conforming to a rigid eating or sleeping schedule. One day we arrived at the Horizon Court 15 minutes before breakfast service ended, so we had some orange juice and then immediately had lunch. We both enjoy the Congee (rice porridge) breakfast offering. The Madras Lamb Curry at lunch was very good (hope they have it again)! We have been trying to eat a bit lightly during the day since we know that we consume quite a few food and liquid calories in the evening.


Brett Siborne, the Cruise Director is high energy, very visible, quick witted, very customer focused, and seems amazingly authentic. We stopped him for a quick photo at 11:30 one night and he talked with us at length. We are more impressed with Brett than we have been with any previous CD. We think that the complementing style of Assistant CD, Jason, works very well when they work together at contests or on the morning (Wake) show. The production and content quality of the 'Wake Show' is extremely good compared to similar shows on our previous cruises. The number of dedications sent in by CruiseCritic members is pretty humorous – It seems that the Wake Show is popular with many people. The rest of the cruise staff is fun and likable, too.




The Maitre D's wine tasting was good and well attended. Silvio Zampieri and several of his senior people gave a fun presentation and paired 6 wines with appropriate appetizers.


Anytime dining works great for us – we have been eating after 8:30 every evening and have consistently walked in to get a table of the size that we want (sometimes for two and sometimes with CruiseCritic friends). The person at the desk in the Bordeaux dining room has remembered our names and preferences since the first night and has accommodated us perfectly.


We enjoyed singing comedian Elliott Max, whose self deprecating humor included the obligatory buffet and shower jokes but also contained more original material. We were ejected from the Beginning Line Dancing in the interest of safety of the other participants (okay, we ejected ourselves but we are sure there were some of the participants were very experienced). We haven't really attended any of the big dance production shows yet.


We are in a balcony cabin on the Baja deck (B645). We like the fact that it is covered. We don't like the fact that our neighbors evidently bought a lot of Cuban cigars in Cabo (not really a big deal, we just don't like our delicate hand washables smelling like Fidel). Our room steward, Larry from the Philippines, is unobtrusive but very responsive and accommodating to our sometimes strange schedule. We have never run out of ice – Yea! The cabin is well maintained and has a good 27 inch (approximate) television. The stateroom viewing guide contains details for the whole cruise (so if we get hooked on a cute romantic comedy or interview with Angelina Jolie, we can figure out when we can catch the rest of it later).


Paula (Podgieree), who prepared name tags for the M&G, initiated a CruiseCritic get-together at Sunday's afternoon tea. The fourteen of us who participated had a good time and were probably more boisterous than the typical tea crowd. We had a lunch in the MDR on Tuesday. Vickie is our de facto CruiseCritic Prime Minister. Joe and Amelia are our rock of stability (we know that we can find them at at the end of the main pool during the day or sitting on particular stools at Crooner's during the evening / night). Klaus and Christa have a schedule close to our own and we run into them at the Horizon Court after midnight more times than not. We hope that we are as loving when we are married as long as Klaus and Christa – we know we won't be as active, as Doug will be 91 years old.





We understand that there have been some internet connectivity issues on the ship, but since we are only 'Gold' (and one of us is tight) we are taking advantage of internet cafes in our ports of call.


We have not watched a whole movie in Movies Under the Stars (MUTS). We have caught portions and most of a Giants game – MUTS is working well and sound is good. Last year on the Golden Princess we went to MUTS about four times – On this cruise we have been too busy making sure that Joe and Amelia are in their assigned positions or listening to Klaus tell monkey jokes at the Open Mic night.


Cabo San Lucas was not really a high priority port for us (and the stop was quite brief). We walked around and bought a few trinkets. We were surprised how much it seems to have grown since our last visit about 5 years ago. We did not take advantage of any of the many offers for a glass bottom boat tour. If you should ever stop in Cabo and are debating about getting off the ship, there is a large indoor souvenir market about 200 meters left after exiting the Tender pier (it is not at all high pressure). We bought a soda and used free internet (with an unfamiliar keyboard layout) at the friendly Theory Cafe (in Plaza Bonita behind Alexander's Restaurant). We walked to Cabo Wabo, but don't really know why (we walk by the one in Tahoe without giving it a second thought).


Without a doubt, the high point of our cruise so far (and really of our complete cruise experience) was our participation in the Chef's Table. See our posting in Princess Secrets. Maitre D' Silvio Zampieri, Executive Chef Klaus Baumgarten, and everybody else involved created a great three hour experience!




Other: The staff throughout the ship are friendly and helpful (of course many may smile at Peggy because they think she is a Filipina). There is Lotion, Shampoo, and Conditioner in the cabin. The power outlets on the desk are too close to use any of my chargers and computer AC adapter at the same time (not really a problem for us). Plenty of hot water and great water pressure. Some people we trust (Ed and Meryl) gave good reports on Sabatini's so we are probably going to eat there. We have spent less than $20 spent in the casino so far. We have done reconnaissance on the 'Secret Spots' to view the Panama Canal (we noticed that Joe and Amelia booked their cabin strategically close to it). Peggy won $60 off on Ionithermie Algae – Detox (unfortunately she is not interested but Doug is very tempted). We have only had the pizza once and afternoon cookies from the cart once (the Margherita pizza is excellent and better than the cookies). We are not making very good progress on our reading (we need to get rid of some books before FLL or face possible excess luggage charges). We are half way through our trip and so far this is our best cruise ever.


This was posted using very good WiFi in Puntarenas at:Internet Cyber Puntarrnas (near the Cultural Center and Church)

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