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Smoking on HAL


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I have no wish to flog this horse again, and I am normally fairly sympathetic towards the smokers, but how dare you tell non-smokers to go elsewhere:mad: How the heck would you feel if you were told by a minority to get the heck off the ship? I think you should consider yourself fortunate and enjoy smoking onboard while you can, because it will come to an end.


Sorry for the rant, but you were just darned rude.

I'm not being rude, I'm being honest. I am tired of the uppidty non-smokers treating smokers as if they're second class citizens. That's all.
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Well we were seriously considering trying Holland because of some intriguing itineraries and such. However, after reading many posts on CC and reading up on Holland's smoking policy, We won't even consider it. Celebrity has the best smoking policy. We have also cruised with RCL and though they allow smoking on balconies, we will take our chances on that. But as Holland allows smoking in all staterooms no way! No matter how much they claim how well they clean the cabins, smoke is smoke and it will be noticable in the cabin. When Holland get's a clue they will gain another customer. Until then, We wait.


There is no sigs smell in the staterooms on HAL. They do the perfect job to clean the cabins.


I personally do not like that other people (smokers or non-smokers:rolleyes:) have used the bathroom in my stateroom before me. I can smell the perfume! HELP ME PLEASE!!! I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO CHOICE! HAL, RCCL, Costa or Princess???:D:D:D

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But for your non-smokers, go somewhere else. Try Oceania, Crystal, or some other high-end cruise line. Yes, they're more expensive, but that way you won't have to deal with us. Quit the d___n whining!:mad:


If that's really the issue don't look to Crystal. There are a lot of good reasons to go with Crystal if it fits your budget, but this isn't one of them. Their smoking policy is nearly identical to HAL's (for some reason I can't figure out they prohibit smoking on verandahs but allow it in staterooms). I see this issue as greatly overblown. On my last cruise I was subjected to a moderate amount of smoke but 95% of it was on shore tours. I got about 2 brief encounters on the ship but had to pass several "chimneys" on the streets of tours out of Catania and Naples. Funny thing, there was an Oceania ship in Catania and their passengers would have been subjected to 95% of the smoke I was. If you're really that worried about smoke go with Celebrity or Oceania and stay away from the Mediterranean.



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This is like beating a dead horse to death all over again. Lord only knows how many posts there have been with people whining about smoking on HAL ships. I am darn sick and tired of hearing this over and over again.


My DH and I are both smokers. However, we DO NOT smoke in our cabins -- only on our balcony or in the areas designated by HAL. Period, end of statement.


My suggestion to you is if you don't want to be around smokers regardless of where smoking is allowed, then go to another cruise line where smoking is totally prohibited. I have seen people walk through an approve smoking area and cover their mouths, nose, etc. and start coughing and cast such hateful looks. If you don't like it, then don't walk through those areas. There are other ways to get around the smoking -- especially if it is outdoors.


We all realize smoking isn't good for us, but it is an addiction. You have no idea how many of us have tried to quit, but to no avail. My hat is off to those who have quit.


But for your non-smokers, go somewhere else. Try Oceania, Crystal, or some other high-end cruise line. Yes, they're more expensive, but that way you won't have to deal with us. Quit the d___n whining!:mad:



I would be interested to know why you DO NOT smoke in your cabin, (where it would ONLY "affect" you), instead of smoking on your balcony, (where it may affect/offend your balcony neighbours, who may be non smokers)!;) Period, end of statement!:)

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I would be interested to know why you DO NOT smoke in your cabin, (where it would ONLY "affect" you), instead of smoking on your balcony, (where it may affect/offend your balcony neighbours, who may be non smokers)!;) Period, end of statement!:)

Probably because then some non-smokers would be screaming that their cabin smelled of smoke even though HAL does a great cleaning job, as most non-smokers agree. Makes more sense for smokers to be outside in fresh air where the ocean breeze carries the smoke and odor up up and away.

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This is like beating a dead horse to death all over again. Lord only knows how many posts there have been with people whining about smoking on HAL ships. I am darn sick and tired of hearing this over and over again.


My DH and I are both smokers. However, we DO NOT smoke in our cabins -- only on our balcony or in the areas designated by HAL. Period, end of statement.


My suggestion to you is if you don't want to be around smokers regardless of where smoking is allowed, then go to another cruise line where smoking is totally prohibited. I have seen people walk through an approve smoking area and cover their mouths, nose, etc. and start coughing and cast such hateful looks. If you don't like it, then don't walk through those areas. There are other ways to get around the smoking -- especially if it is outdoors.


We all realize smoking isn't good for us, but it is an addiction. You have no idea how many of us have tried to quit, but to no avail. My hat is off to those who have quit.


But for your non-smokers, go somewhere else. Try Oceania, Crystal, or some other high-end cruise line. Yes, they're more expensive, but that way you won't have to deal with us. Quit the d___n whining!:mad:


Please see the other side.:


I hate to take a shower and then stink because of your smoke. On a cruise it is not easy to wash my clothes and I don't care to walk around stinking like an ashtray. If your cabin gets cleaned before mine, the poor steward has picked up your stench and carries it to the next cabins.

People with health problems should be able to enjoy their balcony without getting sick. I should be able to enjoy mine without needing to come in and shower and change my clothes.

It is not whining to want to stay fresh and not absorb your disgusting habit--it is just common sense that not everyone wants to stink like an ashtray.

HAL nor any other cruiseline could not stay in business if all the nonsmokers sailed another line as you suggest--are you for real?

Finally, it "stinks" when a small majority could care less that they ruin it for so many others. I know, they're entitled. Aren't we entitled to be clean, also?

You say you know smoking is not good for you. Your smoking is not good for us either, and we don't want to breathe it. How can you not understand?

Why not smoke in your cabin? Does the smell annoy you, too? It would be considerate to keep your smell in your cabin instead of on the balcony where it annoys and harms others.

Your post comes across as "I could care less of how my habits bothers you. Quit whining! Sail another line so I can have my way!" Very very sad.

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Last year my wife and I sailed on a Celebrity Solstice cruise. My wife smoked at the time and was unaware of the X smoking restrictions.

She stepped out on the balcony for a smoke and (what seemed like) the entire side of the ship erupted (it reminded me of a commercial where you hear all these disembodied voices coming out of the blue) with "you can't smoke there...I'm allergic to smoke...put out your cigarette, etc".

Of course, my wife and I were aghast and suitably chastised.

Sometimes people need to know the rules and regulations.

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I am tired of the uppidty non-smokers treating smokers as if they're second class citizens.


"Uppidty non-smokers"? :rolleyes:


You may be nice, considerate smokers but not all smokers are. Just as all non-smokers are not "uppidty", whining and/or throwing tantrums.


HAL has lots of non-smoking areas therefor it caters to non-smokers too.


FYI, ex-smoker here.

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I'm not being rude, I'm being honest. I am tired of the uppidty non-smokers treating smokers as if they're second class citizens. That's all.


And what you stated is exactly that.... treating non-smokers (the majority) as second class citizens.

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Well we were seriously considering trying Holland because of some intriguing itineraries and such. However, after reading many posts on CC and reading up on Holland's smoking policy, We won't even consider it.


I'm in the same "boat." I'd love to give HAL a try, but just don't want to risk the aggravation as a non-smoker. And the only reason I continue to state this is in the hope that someone from HAL monitors these forums and realizes that they might be losing business. Maybe they don't care about business from people like me, but at least I hope to get the point across.

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We have been on four HAL cruises the past two years and have never smelled smoke in our cabins, baconies or hallways.


As the Terigo stated in an earlier post, they were on an X cruise and there were smokers on the balcony next to them and nothing was enforced.


I see you just got off the Solstice. Some people we knew were not as lucky earlier this year when they were aboard the Solstice. There were smokers on the balcony next to them and directly below them. One day in port, both of them really got going and there was a "smoke out"--in their words. It was not enforced that time either.


So they may have a "no smoking policy", but there will be smokers.


I suggest you continue sailing on X and RCCL until HAL "gets a clue".

Ah yes, another uninformed trash "X" comment based on second hand information (not smoke) on the HAL board. Go figure! Actually, "X" doesn't have cameras on each balcony to detect smokers. However one simple telephone call and they WILL enforce it!

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I stopped having fun when I saw the word "smoking" in the thread title....


The militancy around here makes me want to throw things.


I quit smoking 22 years ago... hated spending the money, hated coughing every time I laughed, hated smelling like an ashtray.... my decision, and not one I expect every smoker to make.


I have friends who smoke, and I wouldn't want to alienate them.... I sit with them outside and socialize while they indulge. The little bit of smoke that actually makes it to my nostrils in an outdoor environment is miniscule compared to the enjoyment I get from their company.


The very people who whine and moan about the smell of cigarettes are often the same people who pour musky perfume all over themselves and make me gag at dinner, unable to taste my food..... yet they do not see themselves as intruding on my rights as an allergic "non-fragrance" person.

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The very people who whine and moan about the smell of cigarettes are often the same people who pour musky perfume all over themselves and make me gag at dinner, unable to taste my food..... yet they do not see themselves as intruding on my rights as an allergic "non-fragrance" person.


You have the right to complain that too much prefume can be bad your are stretching it if in trying make a correlation between smoke-haters and perfume-dousers. :rolleyes:

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You have the right to complain that too much prefume can be bad your are stretching it if in trying make a correlation between smoke-haters and perfume-dousers. :rolleyes:


Not a stretch at all.... i am horribly allergic to musk, which many perfumes use.

My throat swells, my eyes close up, and i have difficulty breathing.... much the same as those who are allergic to the irritants in cigarettes.


The thing that makes it different is that there is no law forbidding musk perfumes in any public place, and there is no lobby group.

So I must remove myself from the allergen.... causing me to miss many a broadway play, movie, and lovely dinner.

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Originally Posted by Boytjie

You have the right to complain that too much prefume can be bad your are stretching it if in trying make a correlation between smoke-haters and perfume-dousers.


Not a stretch at all.... i am horribly allergic to musk, which many perfumes use.

My throat swells, my eyes close up, and i have difficulty breathing.... much the same as those who are allergic to the irritants in cigarettes.


The thing that makes it different is that there is no law forbidding musk perfumes in any public place, and there is no lobby group.

So I must remove myself from the allergen.... causing me to miss many a broadway play, movie, and lovely dinner.





Not all non-smokers use perfume or musk or any scent. Many of us prefer unscented products. ;)


There are some smokers who in addition to polluting the air with smoke also 'douse themselves' with perfumes and other scented products.

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Not all non-smokers use perfume or musk or any scent. Many of us prefer unscented products. ;)


There are some smokers who in addition to polluting the air with smoke also 'douse themselves' with perfumes and other scented products.


That's exactly why i didn't make a blanket statement like "all"... and said "are often the same people"..... i don't hold any belief that is all black or white..... that is why these discussions annoy me.....

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Not a stretch at all.... i am horribly allergic to musk, which many perfumes use.


My throat swells, my eyes close up, and i have difficulty breathing.... much the same as those who are allergic to the irritants in cigarettes.


I am not denying that you could have those reactions - the stretch is in trying to link non-smokers to excessive perfume use!




That's exactly why i didn't make a blanket statement like "all"... and said "are often the same people"..... i don't hold any belief that is all black or white..... that is why these discussions annoy me.....


Can you even back up your claim of "are often the same people"? You may be splitting hairs in your explanation but you are still trying to link non-smokers to the over use of perfume. Unless you can back it up with some evidence you are making a false connection.

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if you are looking for something other than anecdotal data, i am afraid i am not a scientist... all i can bring to this is my own empirical information.


have i been sitting outside a theater with my smoking friends and had someone walk by and make coughing noises waving their hands in disgust at the smoke and then find myself standing next to them in the lobby and been knocked over at the smell of their perfume? yes.... often, as a matter of fact.


do some smokers also use too much musk perfume? yep.... but since they are not whining, i have not included them for the purpose of this discussion.... which is my point... and one you seem fixated on not understanding...... and one i am apparently not explaining to your satisfaction...


see if this sums it up for you.....

if you are going to say that smokers intrude on your right to breathe free, then you have to realize that there are other things that keep people from that right as well.... and that is the whole point in a nutshell...

if you still don't get it, i can't help you further.


and please remember i am a NONSMOKER.

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terigo, it seems that sensitivity to fragrances is important to you, but making an issue of it within this thread makes it seem like a red herring as opposed to a valid point about the subject of this thread.

Why not start a new thread about sensitivity to fragrances?


I'm laughing here... cos i threw out a comment in connection with the original post, and thought that would be that.... instead, a couple of people here just would not let it go, asking for chapter and verse and having me defend my thoughts.....


its not important enough for me to start another thread....it wasnt even important enough to keep it going....but it sure was important for several bulldogs who would not let go of the bone to have me keep explaining myself over and over again.


it is what it is....i have no desire to make more of it than that.

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