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oasis. nice ship. poorly run.

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1/3 oz Bacardi 151 Rum

1/3 oz Green Chartreuse

1/3 oz Wild Turkey Bourbon Whiskey




Finally a recipe. Doesn't sound good to me but that's the beauty of mixed drinks, something for everyone. I'll run out on a limb here and say two of those alcohols are not going to be found on most cruise ships. I could be wrong but they are not common to me.


To jump into the conspiracy theories being floated about the OP, I do have to say I find it hard to believe you had to find the recipe on a drink website. Woulda been more credible if you just said "some x, a splash of y, topped with z" but whatever. Also being a diamond or diamond plus I would think you would have ordered this "common" drink and had trouble getting it on an earlier cruise. Again though maybe I'm way off base hahaha:D. Take care all, Jim

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Well, I wasn't talking to you, but since you thought it necessary to address me, I have an answer. We get it. You were beaten once on here long ago and you still can't get over it. Always so quick to defend people no matter how unrational or unbelievable their posts are. Get over it already. The new Id thing is nothing new to you, huh Bart?


....and I was not "talking" (hmmmm...never talked on line before but whatever) to you either 'aholic....he he:D And I am not "unrational"? either.:D


AND WHO THE HECK IS BART?....Bart Simpson maybe? Boy I wish I had his residuals....;)

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Finally a recipe. Doesn't sound good to me but that's the beauty of mixed drinks, something for everyone. I'll run out on a limb here and say two of those alcohols are not going to be found on most cruise ships. I could be wrong but they are not common to me.


To jump into the conspiracy theories being floated about the OP, I do have to say I find it hard to believe you had to find the recipe on a drink website. Woulda been more credible if you just said "some x, a splash of y, topped with z" but whatever. Also being a diamond or diamond plus I would think you would have ordered this "common" drink and had trouble getting it on an earlier cruise. Again though maybe I'm way off base hahaha:D. Take care all, Jim


Ohhh conspiracy theories! can I join in too? maybe I'm some young kid on school break looking to cause trouble...or maybe I'm some 40 year old virgin living in my parents basement with nothing better to do....or maybe I'm an old member here using a new screen name trying to cause problems....I could also be a fan of a rival cruise line trying to get a rise out of the loyal royal Caribbean fans....so many possibilities....but then there is the simple truth that I am none of those things...but it's not nearly as fun believing the truth so i'll let you all keep getting worked up over your own conspiracies...

oh and the recipe? I just drink the thing, I don't mix it so finding a link to the recipe was an easy way to show that there is in fact a drink with that name to the resident drink mixing professionals....but hey if you want to keep seeing a conspiracy where there is none, you go right ahead.

Once again I will say, Oasis does not deliver on the service to match the wow factor of the ship itself. If you value good service, this is not the ship for you.

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if I were here asking for help dealing with a situation where every detail might be important in getting a satisfactory outcome then maybe I could have spelled it all out. since this was meant as an informative post to let others know that the customer service provided is far below the WOW factor of the ship itself then I choose not to write a novel and detail every moment leading up to my dissatisfaction. When all is said and done, the little details don't really matter, all that matters is the final outcome.... and that was a hugely disappointing customer service effort demonstrated throughout the ship.

The ship was beautiful, the customer service is far from it.


As an experienced cruiser I am surprised that you didn't call when your beds where not pushed together. Other issues you could have asked the Diamond Club for assistance with your issues.

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Originally Posted by Greghouseo

Please make sure you correct your spelling.

It is a stateroom Stewart.

Comes from the ancient Scottish clan called the Stewarts who used to specialisng in making their cabins look smart and presentable in the times of William Wallace




Irony/sense of humour by-pass?


*I* thought that you were VERY funny! ;)

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1/3 oz Bacardi 151 Rum

1/3 oz Green Chartreuse

1/3 oz Wild Turkey Bourbon Whiskey




Since I am entitled to my opinion, qy8xnq.jpg


Seriously, this is what you call a service failure, not knowing this INCREDIBLY obscure recipe? Google it, you get nothing. Look on all of the top bartending sites, you get nothing.


That is NOT a failure of customer service.

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Since I am entitled to my opinion, qy8xnq.jpg


Seriously, this is what you call a service failure, not knowing this INCREDIBLY obscure recipe? Google it, you get nothing. Look on all of the top bartending sites, you get nothing.


That is NOT a failure of customer service.


if you wish to make excuses for bad service, go right ahead. let's all do it and never complain when they fail to provide the great service they would like to make everyone believe they do...that way they have no incentive to improve things and it will continue to get worse.

I found the recipe on my first Google search and it took not much more than a minute...what's a top bartending site? are there world rankings that we should look to when evaluating the results of a Google search?

I learned early in my career that even the best run companies make mistakes or have other shortcomings...what makes a great company just that is there ability to acknowledge those things and what they do to resolve issues created because of them.

So they don't have the ingredients or knowledge to be able to fulfill a guest's request...fine...I can think of several ways they could have gotten out of that situation and I would have walked away happy and impressed with the level of service.

instead the staff on a shipwide level took the easy way out for themselves and that is the problem...it should have been about trying to come up with a solution that would satisfy their paying client and not about the easiest answer to my request. That is what good customer service is about...serving the customer as best they can.

When the staff takes the easy way out because it's more convenient for them...well that is not good customer service.

I have had staff on royal Caribbean's smaller ships who were actually eager to go the extra mile to make sure their passengers are more than happy. That was not my experience on oasis. Maybe the good staff had been taken off oasis to go on allure, maybe oasis and allure are understaffed, who knows, but with all the effort royal Caribbean put into designing and building such a beautiful ship it is a shame the service does not live up to the greatness this ship deserves.

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Have cruised twice on the Oasis. Once with 5800 on board and the second time with 6100 on board. Both times the ship never felt crowded. Actually the worst ship for crowding IMHO is the Radiance class. The Oasis felt less crowded than any other ship that I have cruised. Again, hard to make a statement like this when one is on a two night PI where everyone is out and about trying to cram a lot in two days.

As far as the OP's comments, I will leave that up to each individual to either believe or not believe. I know what I experienced on board and I also know what majority of the reviews have stated. They don't match the OP's at all.


Good points mader, but RCI aren't stupid.

The ship was, but most of the crew and RCCL hierarchy that I spoke to no more than 60% full.

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I anyone can write a glowing review but how do others know the real story if people like me don't mention the shortcomings?


The real story? It may have been the real story for you, but are you saying all the glowing reviews are lies?

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The real story? It may have been the real story for you, but are you saying all the glowing reviews are lies?


lies? that's a bit harsh and I would never be so presumptuous as to believe that because my experiences were different than the others being written that other people are lying. there are plenty of people like that who have posted on this topic but I'm not one of them. everyone has different expectations when on a cruise be they about food, entertainment or service. from the start of this topic my intent has only to express my own opinions about the service I received and the experiences I encountered while on oasis. I must have a higher expectation of the service levels than some but these are my opinions and I make them available to anyone who may find them helpful. for those people who value better than just the bare minimum of service, these opinions might help them decide between sailing on oasis/allure or a smaller ship where the service seems better to me. why there are those around here who can't stand reading anything but glowing reviews without getting overly defensive is a mystery. Once again, if you value the level of service you may have received on one of royal Caribbean's smaller ships, it is my opinion that you shouldn't expect the same while on oasis (and maybe allure too but time will tell).

it really is a shame more effort isn't put into customer service, this beautiful ship deserves better.

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Thanks for responding. Let's talk reasonable here. You said you realize your experience may have been different from others, but went on to suggest people should not expect good service on Oasis. That, in my opinion, is unreasonable. Like you said in your first statement, just because you had bad service does not mean it is always like that.


Here's an example. My evening drink of choice is an espresso martini. The bar servers in 3 different bars (Boleros, Schooner Bar, and Dazzles) went out of their way to walk down to the Royal Promenade coffee bar to get espresso. To me, that is excellent service. They could have just told me they didn't have an espresso machine in the bar and that drink wasn't available. But they didn't. And to go one further, the bar server in Dazzles did not know how to make the martini the way I like it. They asked how I liked it and made it to perfection. They went above and beyond for me.

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Thanks for responding. Let's talk reasonable here. You said you realize your experience may have been different from others, but went on to suggest people should not expect good service on Oasis. That, in my opinion, is unreasonable. Like you said in your first statement, just because you had bad service does not mean it is always like that.


Here's an example. My evening drink of choice is an espresso martini. The bar servers in 3 different bars (Boleros, Schooner Bar, and Dazzles) went out of their way to walk down to the Royal Promenade coffee bar to get espresso. To me, that is excellent service. They could have just told me they didn't have an espresso machine in the bar and that drink wasn't available. But they didn't. And to go one further, the bar server in Dazzles did not know how to make the martini the way I like it. They asked how I liked it and made it to perfection. They went above and beyond for me.


ahhh don't be too quick to put words in my mouth. if you read my post again you will see that in my opinion you don't receive the same level of service on oasis as I have become accustomed to on royal Caribbean's smaller ships. my expectations are based only on what I have come to recognize as typically great service because that is what I have received on royal Caribbean's smaller ships. what you describe is great service and what I have received on the smaller ships. my experience on oasis was the complete opposite of what you describe and I'm happy you were the beneficiary of such great service. while you can praise the staff for going above and beyond, I can only think of the service I received as indifferent. you said they went above and beyond....that makes me ask...above and beyond, what? obviously by your own phraseology you believe the service you received was special and out of the ordinary. maybe you got lucky. maybe I got unlucky. who knows. maybe while you got service above and beyond others did not. I can't help but wonder why good service is to be praised as above and beyond? shouldn't that type of service be what they strive for? shouldn't that excellent service be the norm? it has been that way on the smaller ships I've been on so that is why I can voice a negative opinion when the service on oasis did not live up to expectations based on past experiences.

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ahhh don't be too quick to put words in my mouth. if you read my post again you will see that in my opinion you don't receive the same level of service on oasis as I have become accustomed to on royal Caribbean's smaller ships. my expectations are based only on what I have come to recognize as typically great service because that is what I have received on royal Caribbean's smaller ships. what you describe is great service and what I have received on the smaller ships. my experience on oasis was the complete opposite of what you describe and I'm happy you were the beneficiary of such great service. while you can praise the staff for going above and beyond, I can only think of the service I received as indifferent. you said they went above and beyond....that makes me ask...above and beyond, what? obviously by your own phraseology you believe the service you received was special and out of the ordinary. maybe you got lucky. maybe I got unlucky. who knows. maybe while you got service above and beyond others did not. I can't help but wonder why good service is to be praised as above and beyond? shouldn't that type of service be what they strive for? shouldn't that excellent service be the norm? it has been that way on the smaller ships I've been on so that is why I can voice a negative opinion when the service on oasis did not live up to expectations based on past experiences.


All I can say on this statement is RCI is a mass market cruise line and mostly their normal service is very good. I personally would consider a bartender going to another deck to retrieve an item for you above and beyond normal service. I once asked for a beer in Johnny Rockets and they told me that they didn't serve beer there, but they were more than willing to go to the bar on a different deck and get me one, I would consider that above and beyond as well.


Now if I were sailing on a luxury cruise line, I would expect this above and beyond service on Royal to be the normal service on the luxury cruise line since I am paying much more for the cruise to be pampered. Of course, this is just my opinion and may vary from others.;)

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That's the point I was trying to make. I did receive the same level of service on Oasis as I have on every other RCI ship.


That said, I have not always experienced bartenders willing to walk to another bar to make a drink happen, even if it's a common drink. Another of my favorite drinks is a simple Captain and Coke. For some reason, they never have Captain Morgan in the theaters. I have yet to see a bar server in the theater go get a bottle of Captain Morgan from another bar.


So whether it is common or not, I will always see it as going "above and beyond" when a bar server is willing to walk halfway across the ship to make a drink for one person. Getting to the coffee bar from Dazzles is no short walk.


But then again, I still think it comes down to what a person thinks is reasonable. In my cases, the drinks were either common (Captain and Coke), or somewhat common (espresso martini). Part of the problem you've had in this thread is people, including me, don't think all your complaints are reasonable. Let me clarify....it may be reasonable to you, but likely not to most. Most people are not going to ask for a Runny Nose, and most people are not going to try to eat in the dining room at 9:30....so most people are not going to expereince what you considered to be bad service.


I will agree with you on one thing....kids in the Solarium. That would upset me. But then again, that is another area I had a completely different experience. On my Oasis cruise, there were always 2 Pool Patrol guys in the Solarium. The rules were strictly enforced.

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1/3 oz Bacardi 151 Rum

1/3 oz Green Chartreuse

1/3 oz Wild Turkey Bourbon Whiskey




While I have managed to keep my mouth shut and not respond to this very entertaining thread, I found it intriguing that the link provided by the OP has a "Submit a recipe" option on the left side of the page... Just sayin'...


And OP, if you feel a need to dispute this post, please don't waste your time, because I won't give you any gratification with a response. It's not my intent to argue with a faceless person on the internet. I'll leave that for the cheerleaders. I'm simply a person who enjoys cruising and think that Royal Caribbean offers an excellent product.

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"So they don't have the ingredients or knowledge to be able to fulfill a guest's request...fine...I can think of several ways they could have gotten out of that situation and I would have walked away happy and impressed with the level of service"



I am now quite curious what would have made you happy versus unhappy here. You ordered a drink they A: most likely had never heard of. Then B: (an assumption here) you told them what was in it. C: they said we don't have those alcohols. At this point what happened to piss you off and what "should" have happened to please you, the paying customer. I am totally lost as to why and obscure drink request, made with alcohols they didn't have resulted in you being so bent. It's like going to a Ford dealer and being pissed cause they can't and won't sell you a Chevy. Just a very curious response to the situation in my opinion.

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All I can say on this statement is RCI is a mass market cruise line and mostly their normal service is very good. I personally would consider a bartender going to another deck to retrieve an item for you above and beyond normal service. I once asked for a beer in Johnny Rockets and they told me that they didn't serve beer there, but they were more than willing to go to the bar on a different deck and get me one, I would consider that above and beyond as well.


Now if I were sailing on a luxury cruise line, I would expect this above and beyond service on Royal to be the normal service on the luxury cruise line since I am paying much more for the cruise to be pampered. Of course, this is just my opinion and may vary from others.;)


but that's just it, I am basing my opinion of oasis on past experience on royal Caribbean...I'm not talking about luxury cruising. my past experiences on royal Caribbean as recent as last year have all provided a level of service that meets my expectations. that is why is criticize the poor service I experienced on oasis. this has nothing to with anything except royal Caribbean not providing the same level of exceptional service on oasis as I have seen on the smaller ships. while some here have tried to cloud the issue I've been and will remain constant in my criticism. oasis is a beautiful ship but the service was lacking. too big? too many passengers? not enough staff? not enough training? who knows...but something wasn't right.

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"So they don't have the ingredients or knowledge to be able to fulfill a guest's request...fine...I can think of several ways they could have gotten out of that situation and I would have walked away happy and impressed with the level of service"



I am now quite curious what would have made you happy versus unhappy here. You ordered a drink they A: most likely had never heard of. Then B: (an assumption here) you told them what was in it. C: they said we don't have those alcohols. At this point what happened to piss you off and what "should" have happened to please you, the paying customer. I am totally lost as to why and obscure drink request, made with alcohols they didn't have resulted in you being so bent. It's like going to a Ford dealer and being pissed cause they can't and won't sell you a Chevy. Just a very curious response to the situation in my opinion.


don't confuse being bent about not getting a specific drink with being disappointed with the overall service provided. it doesn't really matter what drink request I made, it might as well have been any other drink the bartender wasn't familiar with or didn't have ingredients for. the staff member behind the bar could have engaged me in conversion, asked a question or two, suggested something else or any number of things instead of handling it as poorly as they did. I've seen some strange concoctions being made in the champagne bar so asking for something that I'm familiar with from home didn't seem too far fetched. All I'm saying here is that it could have been handled in any number of ways and the result would have been different. the staff member,although maybe good at mixing drinks, came across as inexperienced in customer service...which is why it seemed like additional training might be beneficial.

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don't confuse being bent about not getting a specific drink with being disappointed with the overall service provided. it doesn't really matter what drink request I made, it might as well have been any other drink the bartender wasn't familiar with or didn't have ingredients for. the staff member behind the bar could have engaged me in conversion, asked a question or two, suggested something else or any number of things instead of handling it as poorly as they did. I've seen some strange concoctions being made in the champagne bar so asking for something that I'm familiar with from home didn't seem too far fetched. All I'm saying here is that it could have been handled in any number of ways and the result would have been different. the staff member,although maybe good at mixing drinks, came across as inexperienced in customer service...which is why it seemed like additional training might be beneficial.

i'm a bit confused here. you keep saying how bad the customer service was and how poorly they handled it but you have not given any details to support this claim. maybe if you provided some details such as what happened and how they handled it and how you expected them to handle it might clear things up a bit.

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