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Wish Carnival would change their rules.....


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I think that the root of the problem for the OP, and many others, is that they've not reviewed the contract that they agreed to when they made final payment on the voyage.


It's easy for us to say as experienced cruisers but none the less folks need to educate themselves when expending large sums of money on any purchase...




Careful ,I said something about people needing an education in another topic and my post was pulled .


But I am in agreement with you.;)

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I am the OP and I totally know the contract rules. I was just venting on the wrong cruise website. Sallyb could care less about my sad sack story.

She is too busy trying to correct my mistake of not saying great-grand child. Cruel shoes...


It's okay to make comments on what I wrote. I just found it strange how a lot of things came up all of a sudden for me before my cruise.


By the way....a Cruise line did refund all of my cruise money one time when I did have a serious problem a few years back. They broke the contract rules. They made my day!

I knew I had to pay a penalty fee of $100.00 if they had chosen to let me roll over my cruise money to another date. I am not new to cruising and I know for a fact that some travel agents are able to do miracles with cruise-lines.

The Los Angeles Times dated today was able to help a customer with a problem with Carnival. It was a hopeless case but a REPORTER was able to fix the problem. Carnival broke their contract rules to make the customer happy.


I was just venting. For those who do care about me.... I am going on my cruise. My dog-sitter is taking my dog to the vets office. My dog is more important than any other problem that I stated. Fixing my wall will be fixed and paid by the HOA Assoc. I just have to wait until I get back.

I just wanted to stay home and take care of business and then go on a future cruise in a few weeks.

My asthma acting up isn't any fun but I will do my best to have a great time on my cruise.

My grand-daughter's due date may be later than this week. I will be home by Friday from my 4 day cruise.


A lot of you made some intelligent remarks that does make a lot of sense.

I also want to thank the people who were caring about my "woe is me" story. There are times when I just want to vent knowing that everything will work out. It makes me feel better.


Hey.... some of you may have had some sad stories to write about.

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I am the OP and I totally know the contract rules. I was just venting on the wrong cruise website. Sallyb could care less about my sad sack story..


There was a post recently how Carnival let them cancel and reschedule .. I showed it to my PVP and said see .. some people do get exceptions. (they were also close to the cruise date).


It does happen... I know I have been feeling in a box myself over ES rules and then combined with the change to 200% fare. .. and I knew the rules too.


ES is famous for coming back and biting people.

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everyone told me i was out of luck when daughter got sick cause this was my first cruise and i didnt realize how important the ins was.i simply made a call and the let me switch the dates with out ins,was very easy,no penaltys,nothin.i think ins is a suckers bet lol.go ahead burn me :)

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This past week I had a serious water leak in my condo. It was fixed but I still need to hire someone to fix the torned down wall to have the pumbling work done.


My washer broke down this week and I need to buy a new one.


Grand-daughter is having a baby this week. It will be my first grandkid.


I got sick last week with a cold and now I am having asthma whezzing sounds and coughs at times. I have the asthma meds. Hard to sleep with the sound from my voice/whezzing sp.


My dog needs to see a vet because she has some type of inflamation

on her private part.


I wanted to change my cruise date to a future date so I can take care of all my problems now.


I called my T.A. and I was told at this late date of just a few days away from my cruise....Carnival will keep my money except for the Gov. taxes and some fees. I am not able to roll over my money for a future cruise.


I WISH CARNIVAL IS LIKE THE AIRLINES THAT GIVE PAX'S a chance to change dates for travel.


I have travel insurance and I don't need advise. I just hope that Carnival is more considerate of us cruisers. I hope Carnival starts to listen to our complaints and work on alternatives.


This is my Christmas wish for this year. I am thinking of not cruising this coming year as much as I have cruised in my life. I have a feeling that Carnival is going to crash like a lot of airlines do and start to think of a plan B.

They are losing customers with their plan A which is inconsiderate of us cruisers who never know when disaster may hit us in small ways.


In all of my years of cruising I have never had so many things happen in one week. It would have been really nice for Carnival to take that into consideration since I have cruised with them 25 times or more.


I am just venting and hoping for Carnival to make some changes. But if they don't.... I can just stop cruising and instead just stay at all-inclusive resorts. THATS MY PLAN B. Lucy


sound like with all that happed the thing you need most is a vacation

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everyone told me i was out of luck when daughter got sick cause this was my first cruise and i didnt realize how important the ins was.i simply made a call and the let me switch the dates with out ins,was very easy,no penaltys,nothin.i think ins is a suckers bet lol.go ahead burn me :)



No burn from me. For most vacations, the least of my worries is missing the cruise & having to eat the cost of the cruise / plane fare etc. (The transatlantic was another thing because it was pricey when everything added up). I would be sad if something happened & I had to cancel my vacation & not be reimbursed, but that is not why I get trip insurance. I mainly get trip insurance in case of a medical emergency, wherein my choice, had I not invested in this insurance, would be to get airlifted off the ship & need to declare bankruptcy, or die quietly in my cabin. If you are having a serious medical event they aren't going to be able to treat you on board.

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I think that the root of the problem for the OP, and many others, is that they've not reviewed the contract that they agreed to when they made final payment on the voyage.

It's easy for us to say as experienced cruisers but none the less folks need to educate themselves when expending large sums of money on any purchase...



But she said she's cruised 25 times with Carnival. If that's not experienced, what is?????:confused:

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I do get that. I was just explaining to the PP that the OP wasn't complaining about paying a fee to switch dates, they were complaining about the lack of ability to switch dates since it seems like they were confused as to what the issue was.


That would be incorrect. They HAVE the ability to change dates, they just lose all their money in doing so. The ability is there, they just want to do it free (or at minimal cost). The OP is complaining about the cost of doing the switch, not the ability to do the switch.

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Some airlines charge $50 to $100 to change a ticket. Most of my airline tickets have been in the $300 range. Airlines don’t allow you to make a deposit and not pay in full for months. I’m suppressed that hotels allow you to cancel a reservation with 24 hours notice for a full refund. I know Carnival has a ”Pack and go” rate for last minute cruisers to pick up for the last minute cancelations. Maybe anyone who isn’t sure what happen in the future ought to buy travel insurance. If I had to cancel a cruise I would feel better if I only last a couple of hundred dollars compared to the entire cruise fare. A lot depends on the way the cruise was book and which rate was used.

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The problem with venting and woe is me stories is


That many have the same issues but no cruise to look forward to


many have much sadder stories.


It seems like a cry for attention vs. sympathy that's why many are not playing along. Focus on the good thing you have a nice short cruise comin up! And come back and let us know how everything went especially the cruise.

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well, I for one have read right here on these boards that Carnival has indeed moved dates for pax who have had problems. Even when those pax have bought insurance from outside companies...can you believe it?




BTW....I get your drift with your post...:D

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OK I thought this was a joke. I had to re-read it and then I realized it was legit. :eek::eek:

no...I vote for it is a joke...come on...look at everything the op is saying happened in a short window of time....I believe she/he is referring to a recent thread regarding how CCL changed a cruise date for a pax.

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That would be incorrect. They HAVE the ability to change dates, they just lose all their money in doing so. The ability is there, they just want to do it free (or at minimal cost). The OP is complaining about the cost of doing the switch, not the ability to do the switch.

not so...it has been reported here on these boards that CCL does and will change a pax date if they have a crisis....regardless of insurance...and the op of that thread claimed it was done at no cost to them or the insurance co.



Just reporting what I read here....don't know how to post a link to a thread or I would.

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not so...it has been reported here on these boards that CCL does and will change a pax date if they have a crisis....regardless of insurance...and the op of that thread claimed it was done at no cost to them or the insurance co.



Just reporting what I read here....don't know how to post a link to a thread or I would.


Lets be clear .. it happens once in a blue moon. My PVP thinks they might do it if they are having trouble selling another date, its to Carnival's benefit. Its not based on the need to change to another date ..


It almost never is allowed .. or many of us would change dates that become inconvenient.

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no...I vote for it is a joke...come on...look at everything the op is saying happened in a short window of time....I believe she/he is referring to a recent thread regarding how CCL changed a cruise date for a pax.



My first thought after reading the OP's post was the country song

"Sounds Like Life to Me".............

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OK I thought this was a joke. I had to re-read it and then I realized it was legit. :eek::eek:


Oh, it's not a joke, more like a trick. If you read the attached posting from this same OP, you'll see she utilizes what she herself calls her "trick" of cancelling cruises when she finds a cheaper one. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?p=27118964&highlight=#post27118964


Maybe this is precisely why Carnival rarely violates their rules. While there are legitimate reasons for cancelling, there are also people out there who know how to play games, always wanting to get more than they should. And while this OP might have actually had her wall "torned" down and her dog's privates might be infected, it's like the boy who cried wolf - people tend not to believe after a while.

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I am the OP leaving on my cruise today. On the day that I wrote my "Woe is me"....story I had been crying feeling sorry for myself.


Yes, it was like a country song with all of the problems I had at one time.


Bythehex, did research on me and found out my "trick" of changing to a cheaper cruise when Carnival is not fair to me. If you do some more checking you will find out how carnival canceled a cruise on me and it was their mistake. It was a 7 day cruise so I got angry and booked a 4 day cruise. They had wanted me to pay $300. extra to cruise on the Splendor for Dec. 13th. They had cancelled me by THEIR MISTAKE. All the managers that I spoke with said they were so sorry and never admitted their mistake. I had booked directly with them so I finally asked to be changed over to a Travel Agency. Carnival was glad to get rid of me since they didn't want to help me. Once I changed over to a well known travel agency I got a better deal on a four day cruise.


The strange part is that when the Splendor broke down... I received an e-mail from Carnival stating that I would be allowed to change to another cruise ship. "DUH".... They still had a record of me being booked on that cruise ship. They had denied that I was not booked on that ship. The e-mail proved I was booked and then cancelled by them.


BRETT, said I need a vacation.... so I am leaving this morning. I am driving to the cruise port located 40 minutes from my home.


I know it is very hard to believe me because it was so strange that I had all of these problems in one week. That is enough to write a country song. It really is unbelievable but true. I am not a fiction writer.


Some of you are having fun disecting my story. I expected that. I notice some people like to twist things that I have to say which is okay with me because they see things in a distorted way.


It is early in the morning and I am all packed and ready to go but I have to wait until noon time to get there. In time for lunch on the ship.


Some of you on this website are wonderful people and that is why I come here. But I think next time I have a problem I will keep my country song to myself. I did laugh at some of the things some of you had to say.



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Lets be clear .. it happens once in a blue moon. My PVP thinks they might do it if they are having trouble selling another date, its to Carnival's benefit. Its not based on the need to change to another date ..


It almost never is allowed .. or many of us would change dates that become inconvenient.

Oh I could tell that by what happened to that poster you are referring to...the move from December to January...is no biggie for CCL to make an exception for as the new date is most certainly undersold....but it does go back to the thread of several months ago...which I know you remember....regarding the wisdom of buying insurance when CCL has been known to make exceptions.........IMHO..more than in a blue moon...but what the heck it is like everything else in life...call one Cust. Service rep anywhere at any company and the answer is no...call back later and the answer is of course. These things are just learned and understood as we gain wisdom in life;) ...but you know that already.


I am not complaining...I buy insurance for many reasons..medical..evac..illness etc as we are a large family with some elderly relatives....I am also not complaining about CCL making the change for her....as I have been the recepient of many Customer Service exceptions in my life...never needed one from CCL, btw:D

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Bythehex, did research on me and found out my "trick" of changing to a cheaper cruise when Carnival is not fair to me. If you do some more checking you will find out how carnival canceled a cruise on me and it was their mistake. It was a 7 day cruise so I got angry and booked a 4 day cruise. They had wanted me to pay $300. extra to cruise on the Splendor for Dec. 13th. They had cancelled me by THEIR MISTAKE. All the managers that I spoke with said they were so sorry and never admitted their mistake. I had booked directly with them so I finally asked to be changed over to a Travel Agency. Carnival was glad to get rid of me since they didn't want to help me. Once I changed over to a well known travel agency I got a better deal on a four day cruise. It really is unbelievable but true. I am not a fiction writer. Lucy


I only posted what you yourself said in your own words, which had nothing to do with Carnival cancelling or making a mistake, or any of that other stuff about a travel agency. You very clearly stated it was a trick that you choose to do, they're YOUR words, not mine. You said that you book a cruise and if you find something cheaper, then you change your booking. That's not Carnival being unfair, it's you shopping around and then returning something, basically. You can argue it all you want, but YOU said it.

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not so...it has been reported here on these boards that CCL does and will change a pax date if they have a crisis....regardless of insurance...and the op of that thread claimed it was done at no cost to them or the insurance co.



Just reporting what I read here....don't know how to post a link to a thread or I would.


If Carnival did that for someone, they were just being nice and have no obligation to do that per the contract. Personally I don't think they should do it for anyone just to keep people from calling in and saying "I read on CC that you changed dates for free for someone else, why not for me?". Make a rule and apply it to everyone. From Carnival's perspective, how can they verify whether there really is a hardship or someone is lying through their teeth? And then you get Carnival employees that fall for any sob story instead of doing their job by the book. It creates unnecessary expectations like this.

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