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Debacle on AOS on 12/12/2010

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LHartwick - I couldn't agree with you more....we got to the terminal about 12:30pm and we were in the front of the line, outside the doors...and it was warm outside. An elderly member of my family became ill and I asked if something could be done for her...very nonchalant answers from the RCCL staff...I was disappointed, and that did leave a bad taste, and there was no apology, no nothing. I would have appreciated $10 Onboard credit, a free drink...somethin.


Sorry about your family member becoming ill; that is not a good way to start a cruise. I am curious what time your documents said to arrive at the cruise terminal? It has been a while since my San Juan cruise on AOS, but I think I recall the documents saying not to arrive before 5pm (or somewhere around that time). I know that most of the time one can board well before that, but IMHO if one arrives well before one's scheduled boarding time, one goes with the knowledge they may potentially have a long wait. I am not sure why you would expect an OBC or free drink for showing up several hours early and the ship not being ready for boarding.


I always show up around 10:30am at the terminal for my cruises, hoping I will be able to board early, but on the couple occasions where I had to wait (one time for hours) I did not blame the cruise line or expect compensation.

While RCI should have been more forthcoming with information about why boarding was not ready, there is only so much they can do as much at that point is in the hands/control of local authorities.

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Haha...I ticked off a lady I work with one day. She was bragging about the "great" deal she had gotten at a hotel in Minneapolis at only $159/night. I looked at her and said, oh really? I got the same room last weekend for $47/night on priceline. That shut her up in a hurry!!!


You gotta love Priceline! I have definitely saved thousands on them over the past few years.


With much of travel (airfare, cruise fare, hotel rate) people are paying wildly different rates for the same thing. People just need to book at a price that is good for them, and not worry about other people receiving better rates. That is business; the hotels, cruise lines etc. are all for profit businesses and they are going to do what it takes to be as full as possible, while still getting the most revenue. They could care less if one person paid 10x the amount of another person, and why should they? The only reason for their existence is to be as profitable as possible. Based on RCCL's stock performance of late, their business model seems to be working! It is at the highest level since early 2005!

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We talked to SEVERAL others who had sailed on this exact same cruise one year prior. They ALL said they arrived to the pier around 11:00 AM or so and were boarded within 30 minutes.


What time did your documents say to show up at the cruise terminal?

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Then don't ask the person sitting on the plane next to you how much he paid. It all depends on when someone books and what the specials are at the time. Had this been Carnival and you had an early saver rate you would have had a heck of an onboard credit.


I recognize the fact that this happens...can't I just say that I think its unfair? Can I have the right to be upset about it? I know that everyone pays different airline fees, hotel fees, etc. If I get the deal, I got lucky, if I don't get the deal...I feel upset...that's ok. I'm not dying, I'm not crying...just saying that I'm not happy about it.

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My cruise documents stated to arrive at the pier at 2:00pm. We arrived at about 12:00pm. We got on the ship closer to 5:00pm and we were in the front of the line. If we had gotten there at 2:00pm, we would have gotten on the ship about 7pm or 8pm.

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There is no excuse for having your customers wait in line for 5-6 hrs. There is no excuse (in my opinion) for giving a $600 discount to some and not to others.

There is no excuse for the bad service, and food. We weren't the only ones complaining...it was a bad week on the Adventurer from San Juan. Life will go on...we enjoyed our cruise and I will continue to be loyal to RCCL. This is one they need to address and improve upon. Those sailing on 12/19 may have a totally different opinion...I truly hope so. I'll chalk this up to a bad week.


I'll see them again next year on the Allure.

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There is no excuse (in my opinion) for giving a $600 discount to some and not to others.


That is business. Hotels, airlines and cruise lines cannot stay in business without selling off most of their inventory. They can only sell off most of their inventory by doing some discounting. If they give the discount to everybody, they cannot make enough profit to remain viable. In any hotel, aircraft or cruise ship on any given day there is a massive range in prices people paid for the same/similar accommodations.

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There is no excuse (in my opinion) for giving a $600 discount to some and not to others.



I cant believe you have been on as many cruises as you have and still dont comprehend how the pricing works. :confused:


If you had bad service, thats a legit gripe. If the food was terrible, thats a legit gripe. Standing in line for 4 - 5 hours with no explanation is a legit gripe.


Whining because someone paid less than you did just because they are a resident and can book last minute to get good deals is not a legit gripe IMHO. Hasnt this been going on for years in the travel industry?

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Thanks for all your responses. This was my first time having a balcony room so maybe thats why the whistling really ticked me off plus the lack of RCCL support in trying to resolve it. I'll try that towel idea next time.


My only point on pricing is that Puerto Ricans are Americans too; I saw them with U.S. Passports just like mine. I think think the pricing should be the same if you are from Minnesota/California/Maine or wherever in the USA. We all obviously have to pay travel costs to get to San Juan that vary on distance which is understandable. But why do the Puerto Ricans get such steep last minute discounts.


If RCCL was smart they would offer discounts to all of us in the snowbelts too and drum up more business. Again, I like the Puerto Ricans and have no problem with them, my problem was with RCCL giving them such a deal.


This is very similar to the large discrepancy in wages for men versus women for many occupations.


Anyway, I will get off the bandwagon. I talked to others on the Princess ship and Carnival ship while in the SJU airport, they said they found similar experiences. One woman told me she was told that cruise lines had to send home crew (at their cost) if the ships were not full so thats why they gave the deal to the Puerto Ricans.


I wonder if I can simply say I am from PR next time, heck I didn't get anything in the mail anyway; and my Passport just says it was issued Illinois (it does not have my address); hmm maybe a good idea lol. Although I am sure I am not the first person to think of that.


I'm sailing on Monarch in a few weeks...I got a Michigan residency discount on my cruise. Cruise fares are like any other, when you book your airline ticket and pay $300 would you complain that the person next to you got their seat for $150? I'm a constant checker and I can tell you that prices fluctuate constantly.


This isn't just in the travel industry. Would be annoyed that you and the car driving next to you are identical yet you paid more because the other guy negotiated better or had more money to put down so they got a lower rate? Same goes for mortgages, restaurants, gas stations etc...the list goes on and on. I get its annoying, however, its just a fact of life, life isn't always equal and fair.

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I cant believe you have been on as many cruises as you have and still dont comprehend how the pricing works. :confused:


If you had bad service, thats a legit gripe. If the food was terrible, thats a legit gripe. Standing in line for 4 - 5 hours with no explanation is a legit gripe.


Whining because someone paid less than you did just because they are a resident and can book last minute to get good deals is not a legit gripe IMHO. Hasnt this been going on for years in the travel industry?


I don't know how to make this any clearer....I'm not griping, and certainly not whining (I'm a grown woman) but I think its wrong. Just like when I pay $25 for a piece of luggage on the airline...I think its wrong...I pay it, I know I'll pay it, but I will complain about it. Its the same way with the differing prices on cruises, airlines, hotels, etc. I know its the way of life, but I don't have to like it and sit quietly by...can't I have a forum to say that I think its unfair? I know how it works....but just because I want to complain about how it works, I'm whining, not intelligent enough to understand...dang...give me a break.


IMHO, I have a right to state MHO.

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We had a similar boarding problem on Voyager many years ago out of NJ. We stood for hours. The line never moved. I had blisters from my new sandels :eek:. We were told that it was a computer problem and everyone that was onboard had to have their SeaPasses reissued before they could let anyone else board. We never had lunch because we figured we would eat onboard. We finally got on the ship and every food venue was closed for muster:mad:. It really was a bad experience. I totally feel your pain.

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We were some of the 3,00 plus passengers who were trying to get off the ship. We were told there was a problem with Customs and Immigration, and yet people were allowed to leave the ship all morning. We waited in the priority lounge for our color to be called, and staying where we were supposed to be made us miss our 1:00 flight which had been booked by Royal Caribbean. We were among some of the lucky ones who were able to rebook our flights for the same day, but it did cost us a rebooking fee. We were told to be in the waiting area by 6:30 a.m. and we would be the first off the ship. We did not get off until after 11:30a.m. It was very frustrating to be lied to regarding what was happening. The person who was supposed to keep us informed (who did not come into the area until mid-morning) as to when to debark, repeatedly said no one was getting off the ship. After we got home, a couple we know said they just walked off and after a long search for their luggage, did make their 1:15 flight. Royal Caribbean really needs to get their act together and be upfront when things happen.

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I can understand being upset to learn that you paid significantly more than someone else who's on the same cruise, at the same hotel, on the same flight, etc.


I don't discuss with other passengers how much I've paid. This applies to cruises, flights and hotels.


Do people really go around onboard telling everyone how much they paid??

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I don't know how to make this any clearer....I'm not griping, and certainly not whining (I'm a grown woman) but I think its wrong. Just like when I pay $25 for a piece of luggage on the airline...I think its wrong...I pay it, I know I'll pay it, but I will complain about it. Its the same way with the differing prices on cruises, airlines, hotels, etc. I know its the way of life, but I don't have to like it and sit quietly by...can't I have a forum to say that I think its unfair? I know how it works....but just because I want to complain about how it works, I'm whining, not intelligent enough to understand...dang...give me a break.


IMHO, I have a right to state MHO.


I am one who supports your right to gripe. I am also one who was off of the Adventure of the Seas on Dec. 12 before 8:30 am and to my gate at the airport by 9:15. I support the right to gripe of those on board who were being told that the ship wasn't cleared at 11:30. It's so not true or we wouldn't have walked off 3 hours earlier.


If these price drops were small, I wouldn't gripe. But when there are such major differences, it's wrong. I would rather see RCI implement the 3 week prior to cruise D+ update policy they claim to have and sell the interior cabins that remain after the upgrades for the low ball prices. NOT undercut the prices of the balconies and suites as they have been doing lately.



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I can understand being upset to learn that you paid significantly more than someone else who's on the same cruise, at the same hotel, on the same flight, etc.


I don't discuss with other passengers how much I've paid. This applies to cruises, flights and hotels.


Do people really go around onboard telling everyone how much they paid??


I hear it all the time....along with how many cruise credits they have. Those seem to be the two big bragging points on board. :rolleyes:



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I am one who supports your right to gripe. I am also one who was off of the Adventure of the Seas on Dec. 12 before 8:30 am and to my gate at the airport by 9:15. I support the right to gripe of those on board who were being told that the ship wasn't cleared at 11:30. It's so not true or we wouldn't have walked off 3 hours earlier.



I was also on the cruise that ended on 12/12, and I had booked a ship tour to El Yunque (rainforest) with airport drop-off. We met in the Imperial Lounge, and the people on tours disembarked just after those with early departure...shortly after 8:30 a.m. There's a thread about the disastrous disembarkation for many others on our cruise who weren't on a tour: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1321344

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Paying more than other people does suck. I'm from MN, so for me to go anywhere costs a small fortune.


On the other hand I get tired of hearing people whine about it. People from other countries whine about how cheap it is for americans to cruise, people from further out parts of the country whine about how cheap it is for those that live near a port. Yeah...it does, so what? No one forces us to go on a vacation. If it means THAT much to me to pay less for cruising I guess I could move to florida or someplace that has ports. Instead I just suck it up and know that I won't be able to cruise as often and I'm going to pay more to do it. It's all part of life, and no, as I tell my 7 year old, life isn't always fair.


Much agreed. As a U.S. expat living in Canada, we pay a fortune in airfare just to get to a port city. Since we can't go as much as we'd like, we make the most of our time away.

P.S. Have a good trip in a month.

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I learned that there 1,600 residents of Puerto Rico on board, all of whom paid significantly less than any of us from anywhere else in the world. One couple from PR said they paid only $300 for a week cruise which is a fraction of what I paid.


Filet mignon is no longer included in your dining options unless you pay a $15 fee (apparenlty this is new). This is not a huge deal but yet another way to nickeled and dimed.


I also called customer relations yesterday and spoke with a gentlemen named Ed who listened to my concerns. RCCL did not offer me anything at all.


This is common ... we sailed the Adventure out of San Juan in '02, and experienced the same situation. Yes, it's all about filling the ship. Airfare to Puerto can be expensive, as opposed to Florida. It's not discrimination ... simply a business decision.


The filet you speak of is the one offered in those ships with the Chops specialty restaurant. It's an option on all RCI menus. I don't remember a filet mignon being offered as a choice in the MDR ... perhaps it was beef tenderloin.


You're much better off e-mailing the office of the CEO ... agoldstein@rccl.com ... with your comments. I don't know what you were expecting (perhaps some OBC toward your next cruise) ... but you did state that overall you had a good time. The matters you refer to are relatively minor, albeit disappointing. You can't change anything that happened. Just remember the good stuff.

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"Fire sales" on the Adventure are nothing new. They have been going on for years and they fill that ship with locals all of the time and people have complained about it and have been flamed for doing so.


The Serenade doesn't seem to have that issue. So if you want to sail RCI out of SJ, take the Serenade.:)


And as far as pax telling other pax how much they paid for their cabins, we've heard it all. And now with the Gold cards for suites be prepared to have them flashed about as well. I'm shocked some pax don't velcro the things to their foreheads so everyone knows they are suite guests.

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If you have that whistling problem again on a ship, put a rolled up bath towel on the floor in front of your cabin door and it will stop that annoying noise.

It took me days on another cruise ship to figure that one out. I did it on our last Adventure B2B's and no more whistle for 14 days. ;)

It worked for me on every ship so far. Yours may have been a different problem, but try it.


......cute Santa Alexis.....hope you have a Merry Christmas and Cruising New Year.......:)

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I understand the frustration of waiting for hours in the hot sun with no reasonable explanation or no explanation at all....I would not have been happy at all..I feel for everyone....I do not understand why it would take 5-6 hours to board (once boarding began)...Even on the Oasis (which obviously has alot more people) the boarding started around 11:30 and everyone was on by around 3:00-3:15...Since the ship does not leave until 8:00, when i decide to do sail out of PR I will not arrive until much later.....I received a Massachusetts discount on my upcoming Oasis sailing and received $600 off my price (i checked all the time)....Just a thought....Just because someone said they paid $300 does not mean that they actually did...i just did a last minute sailing on the Majesty the price for me was $109 (outside)per person, but when the taxes and port fees i actually paid $209....Thank you for sharing, I will make sure that when I go to any port, I will bring bottle water and some crackers just in case things go wrong...happy sailings and happy Holidays to everyone!!!!!

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