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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Here's a question for everyone...


Are there any MEN in your Zumba classes.


We do! It ranges from none to like 5. There are some really good ones too!!! And then we have some who are really really trying (I just don't like standing next to him because he is still trying to go the right direction and I don't want to get hit :eek: ) I don't think the group we do it with cares... we all want a good workout. There are kind of the 'regulars' and everyone is pretty welcoming.


I have been bit by the zumba bug..... I am going to training. EEK! Now to start practicing backwards, and learning how to use an MP3 player (I have never yet purchased a song :o ) and I guess I need an ipod.

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Here's a question for everyone...


Are there any MEN in your Zumba classes.


I have a MAN in my class now at the rec center. He tries SO HARD...but he is NOT a dancer...but he is unafraid to try...and he took me so seriously when I said to not worry about the arms, but to just focus on the footwork and then add the arms that he didn't move his arms during the WARM UP...he was FOCUSED on those step tap and step together foot movements! I don't mean to be insulting...because I did say to him after class that he could move during the warm up and the stretch so that he could, you know, get warmed up...and stretch! LOL I'm having a good time with him in class...


But I noticed last night that some of my ladies are acting all shy and reserved for some movements...maybe they were shy and reserved before...this IS a new session...BUT...I did just notice it more last night...so here's my question...


Do you have men in your classes? Do you find any movements to be particularly embarrassing to do because there is a man in the class?


Because this guy has come, I think I have talked DH into attending my class next Monday. I would really like him to experience one of my Zumba classes while I am still teaching and feeling confident. He leaves for GA next Saturday...so only 1+ week.


On another note...I had an interesting corporate class today. We had to meet in a different room than normal. We met there once before, but it is SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than our normal location, and so I made a special playlist that involved NO traveling so that everyone could get a great workout without worrying about smacking into each other. One song in particular is a real kick in the butt...and these ladies LIKE their butts kicked for at least one song during class...but the interesting thing about this song is that it involves almost NO foot work...it is all almost entirely arm work above heart level...


Some of my ladies don't understand the difference between high intensity and high impact...and they think you have to have high impact to have high intensity...NOT TRUE...


Does everyone know this? Does everyone know that you can control your heart rate with your arm movements?


IF you move your arms a lot at or above the level of your heart...you will INCREASE your heart rate (EVEN if your feet aren't really moving)...to LOWER your heart rate...relax your arms to below heart level and into a natural kind of movement (not tensed and controlled, but more swinging with your body movement). Now you know if you didn't before.


I just got the latest and greatest Zumba CD/DVD release for instructors. And I HAVE to share with you ladies...because a HUGE discussion is happening in the Zumba Instructor forum regarding the lyrics of one of the songs...it is a merengue...and it has a different kind of sound...it is sung in Portuguese, not Spanish...and the name of the song is "Bunda" which apparently refers to your rear end in a kind of "booty" way...the words say "move your booty" or "mueve tu bunda"...Listen for this one to possibly come to a Zumba class near you!


This is NOT Zumba...OR even close to the routine Zumba gave me...something called "RIO"...but this is the song:



I happen to LOVE this song! I HAVE to do this next week with my corporate class...maybe the rec center too...



Yes I have had men in my Zumba classes and my first instructor that I LOVED was a man!! I am not a dancer and still hang out in the back of the class. I think part of that is because I don't want people to see me when I mess up.


We have a song that has no traveling in it and it is an ab and butt work out that I love. I have downloaded the song and will repeat the song a couple times at the house to get a mini work out in. It's to the FloRida song "Good Feeling", it has a lot of slow controlled swats, arms, crunches and kick boxing in it...

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Welcome Luvin!


So you and I got started with Zumba at about the same time. I started Sept 2010. I can totally understand about what happened in the class that you were attending. It's unfortunate when a class gets so popular that you can't really move well because you would be smackin' into someone if you really extended your arms and you can't travel because the class is just too crammed. Mom had an instructor like that...I went to his class...it would have frustrated me if that was the only class that I was able to attend and it were always that crowded.


Working out at home never works for me...not in the long run anyway...I'm so happy that you found another instructor you enjoy! IMO the instructor is what makes or breaks the class...they are as individual as individuals can be...and it can take time to find one that you really enjoy...especially if you become a seasoned veteran of Zumba...then you can get even more picky about your classes!


So our goals are really similar too! You have a 40 pound goal by Feb 2013...and I have about a 30 pound goal by Jan/Feb 2013. I have a new cruise booked for April 2013 and I would like to be at goal in enough time to make sure that I have time to shop and/or alter clothing as needed. I'm not really sure what my current weight is, so I can't say for certain how much I want to lose...and if you have read through this thread...then the following won't be too much of a shock...but I HATE setting a WEIGHT related goal...because the actual body shape is what I am going for...more than the related weight.


So...to put my own goals into my words...


I want:


...my thighs to NOT TOUCH. SERIOUSLY

...bikini-worthy abs even if I never show my abs in a bikini

...a body that SCREAMS "I work out" because my body fat percentage is back to or better than my previously measured best...19% body fat...I weighed 137 pounds at that time. (So I care more about lean muscle mass than weight alone.)


You can never say too much on my thread...


And I agree with you about what is so lovable about Zumba...it is actually FUN and EFFECTIVE all at the same time.



Bikini??? What is that... Good for you!!

I will never wear a bikini and I am good with that, I just want to be a "normal" size, healthy and comfortable in clothes. I have been "big" my whole life and when I was 30 was diagnosed with type II diabetes then years later I decided that I needed to loose the weight since I was in size 28/30. For me, being in my early/mid 30's wearing that size was not good. So I started the adventure to loose weight and have been as small as a size 8, which is where I want to get back to.

I have changed back to "good" eating habits and added Zumba again, so I figure that I should be able to reach my goal and live/maintain there.


I was going to go to a Zumba class on a Carnival cruise and missed it because I was enjoying the sun too much.:):) But I walked by the club where they were having the class and they were about 30 mins in to it and it was very slow moves. So I hung around and watched for a bit. It didn't get any better, I would have been a little frustrated if I had paid to take that class and didn't get a work out because the class was so slow paced. I wonder if any of the lines have done a Zumba cruise, WOW that would be a fun one to be on!!

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OH NO!! I made a mistake...the YouTube video I linked to earlier IS one of the new ZIN songs but it isn't the one I was talking about! UGH. Being "Zumbified" the ZIN song is called "Zumba Time!" and it is also VERY fun...but it isn't "Bunda"...sorry...

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Here's a question for everyone...


Are there any MEN in your Zumba classes.


But I noticed last night that some of my ladies are acting all shy and reserved for some movements...maybe they were shy and reserved before...this IS a new session...BUT...I did just notice it more last night...so here's my question...

Do you have men in your classes? Do you find any movements to be particularly embarrassing to do because there is a man in the class?




I’ve had men in my class twice. I think since my class is predominantly Hispanic and we women are pretty good dancers -- and if you’ve ever been to a salsa club you know how hot the moves can get -- nobody seems uncomfortable enough to change their behavior, myself included. I do think we work a bit harder when the men are there – showing off, perhaps? Our room has windows to the rest of the gym so we are on display, so to speak, anyway. I guess I’m saying that in my class everyone seems comfortable or familiar with the kind of movements Zumba requires. I can see though how that would be an issue elsewhere, although it hadn’t occurred to me before reading your post.




I made a special playlist that involved NO traveling so that everyone could get a great workout without worrying about smacking into each other. One song in particular is a real kick in the butt...and these ladies LIKE their butts kicked for at least one song during class...but the interesting thing about this song is that it involves almost NO foot work...it is all almost entirely arm work above heart level...




My instructor was battling a knee injury this week and I noticed her class was less high impact with a lot more arm movements. We were all exhausted after, so that proves your point about arms/intensity!


BTW, one of my favorites is the song that goes “my girl has a great big booty, your girl has a little booty” – just learned it’s called Shake Senora. (I hear worse language on the streets of NYC from grade schoolers.) When I go to Zumba, I’m really there for myself and to have a good workout, I can’t worry about the lyrics to every song being “appropriate,” whatever that means. JMHO

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I have been bit by the zumba bug..... I am going to training. EEK! Now to start practicing backwards, and learning how to use an MP3 player (I have never yet purchased a song :o ) and I guess I need an ipod.


Welcome! How exciting that you are going to training! This means you are signed up (or signing up) to take Zumba Basic 1? That is a KILLER day!! KILLER. Take a TON of water...and food...to graze on throughout the day as needed...in addition to any lunch you take. Tons of fun. When is your training?


We have a song that has no traveling in it and it is an ab and butt work out that I love. I have downloaded the song and will repeat the song a couple times at the house to get a mini work out in. It's to the FloRida song "Good Feeling", it has a lot of slow controlled swats, arms, crunches and kick boxing in it...


I use "Good Feeling" as a warm up...but I know it could be a great ab/squat song...as I recall this song is brought up on the Zumba forum as a suggestion for this type of song.


I don't think I will actually want to wear a bikini...I have really bad stretch marks for one...worse than Mom...and for another...I just don't want to have to deal with that much sunscreen. :p


I didn't know that Carnaval had Zumba classes? I wonder if that was an instructor that was taking the cruise...or if that was a cruise employee. There have been Zumba cruises. They are very rare...and it is generally an instructor that has worked with a travel agent to form a liason with a cruise line for a particular cruise and basically form a "group." I know of a couple instructors that have attempted to do this...but I don't know how successful they were.


Margaret...Shake Senora Remix with Pitbull, T-Pain, Sean Paul, and Ludacris is a NASTY song LOL!! Kelly has a routine to it that is a KILLER. I couldn't ever do that song myself...I just can't do a song that I don't want my son to sing...I know what the song is talking about...but I hate having songs that I would have to explain. WHINE is a dancehall dance and it is a very sexual dance...kind of a nasty sexual dance actually...but I agree with you, it's a fun song to have in class...I enjoyed it in Kelly's class! :D


I'm doing new songs tomorrow...A LOT of new songs...what in the world?


I'm just doing one new song at Curves: Michael Tello's Ai se eu te pego...which is like, one of the most popular songs in the world right now...it's number one on the Latin charts in the US...It'll stick in your head...and it has an



At the rec center...I'm doing new warm up songs...I'm so sick of Moves Like Jagger...I can't stand it...and I'm sick of all the other second songs too...so a whole brand new thing is being introduced tomorrow...I edited the songs together so there is no break between "Hot Wings (I Wanna Party)" from the Rio Soundtrack and "

" by Glee Cast Member "Naya" and guest star Ricky Martin.


I am also doing 3 new songs:


Bunda...a Merengue song

Zumba Time...a Calypso song

...a reggaeton song.


Should be an interesting morning!


Hope everyone has a great Saturday!!

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Welcome! How exciting that you are going to training! This means you are signed up (or signing up) to take Zumba Basic 1? That is a KILLER day!! KILLER. Take a TON of water...and food...to graze on throughout the day as needed...in addition to any lunch you take. Tons of fun. When is your training?


I am taking the June 2 in Madison,WI. Then AFAA group cert on June 16. I have already talked to the person in charge of hiring at the gym, she also teaches Zumba and I went to her class this week. She had me come 'help' her, then abandoned me near the end I guess to see how I would lead. :eek::eek::eek: It was a song I had not done in like 6 weeks!!! But I think it was OK.


I am excited - sounds like so much fun!!!

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I'm doing new songs tomorrow...A LOT of new songs...what in the world?


I'm just doing one new song at Curves: Michael Tello's Ai se eu te pego...which is like, one of the most popular songs in the world right now...it's number one on the Latin charts in the US...It'll stick in your head...and it has an



Should be an interesting morning!


Hope everyone has a great Saturday!!


As long as you realize that you might see a LOT of eye rolling! LOL.


So, I went to the official dance video and thought the moves were really cute... ok.. maybe a "little" suggestive? So I went to a translator to find out what the Portuguese lyrics were actually talking about and found the translation to be:

Wow, wow

You're gonna kill me that way

Ah when I get my hands on you, (poor you)

Ah when I get my hands on you, (poor you)


which just made me laugh out loud IRL! :D What a funny little song! There are a few people that I could apply those lyrics to!... and one of them is a territorial Queen in my Tuesday night class! Who happened to come into my Thursday morning class, but for some weird reason in THAT class she decided to plant herself in the back row... which was just so very, very OK with me. I had quite a mental struggle with her on Tuesday because she planted herself so close to me that I could barely move, and every single time that I left my "position" to go get a drink of water, she closed up the space so that I almost had to squeeze back. She was definitely trying to get me to move, but the only place that was available with loads of room was underneath a ceiling fan that they just put to the highest speed and it just whips the air! Can't stand it! Gets hair caught in my lip gloss... ewwww... so-o-o-o, I just battled it out with her the whole entire class. Good grief.


BTW, I'm pretty sure the "get my hands on you" part isn't really talking about... well... my situation with a cartoonish strangling of my lovely class mate! I know that! But, to each his/her/their own way of interpreting the specific hands-on application of the song's sentiment! :cool:


... still laughing...

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I can't tell if there was eye rolling or not...you know how that room is Mom...but the ladies thought that the whole thing was a bit funny...and I DID give them the translation that I had found...


Wow, Wow

This way you're gonna kill me

Oh, if I catch you,

Oh my god if I catch you


Delicious, delicious

This way you're gonna kill me

Oh, if I catch you,

Oh my god if I catch you


Saturday at the party

Everybody started to dance

Then the prettiest girl passed in front of me

I got closer and I started to say


You wave your hands at your face like your hot on the "This way you're going to kill me" line...which I further translated to a more slang-like "You're KILLING me..." (Because the girl is so HOT, you know?)


That song will stick in your head you know...


After doing that official dance, I have to follow it up with Cupid Shuffle...LOL.


The rec ctr class did not go as planned. I was talking to the ladies and the ladies didn't want a new warm up song...they still LOVE Moves Like Jagger...SO...I picked an old playlist and redid it this morning there. It was a great workout, as always...and the ladies were happy...which is all that matters really.

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At the rec center...I'm doing new warm up songs...I'm so sick of Moves Like Jagger...I can't stand it...and I'm sick of all the other second songs too...so a whole brand new thing is being introduced tomorrow...I edited the songs together so there is no break between "Hot Wings (I Wanna Party)" from the Rio Soundtrack and "
" by Glee Cast Member "Naya" and guest star Ricky Martin.


Hope everyone has a great Saturday!!


I would be happy to hear ANY of these songs -- no songs in English in my class so far, in fact there is only one song I'm familiar with at all and I don't know the name of it (I think the original was by Selena).


I love the greek dance, though everyone else seems to hate it. I learned the hasapiko years ago. :rolleyes:

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I am taking the June 2 in Madison,WI. Then AFAA group cert on June 16. I have already talked to the person in charge of hiring at the gym, she also teaches Zumba and I went to her class this week. She had me come 'help' her, then abandoned me near the end I guess to see how I would lead. :eek::eek::eek: It was a song I had not done in like 6 weeks!!! But I think it was OK.


I am excited - sounds like so much fun!!!


Oh! I am so excited for you to be taking the Group X also! I would LOVE to hear all about that. This is something that I am wanting to get this year. They have special events that they hold in select cities where you can get the cert class for $99 and I was waiting on that...Meanwhile, I ordered an older copy of the manual...just to start reading...


I would be happy to hear ANY of these songs -- no songs in English in my class so far, in fact there is only one song I'm familiar with at all and I don't know the name of it (I think the original was by Selena).


I love the greek dance, though everyone else seems to hate it. I learned the hasapiko years ago. :rolleyes:


Interesting that your instructor does play ANY English songs. Some of the ZIN (that's Zumba Instructor Network) songs are English...I wonder if your instructor is ZIN? And often, Top 40 or other more familiar songs are used for the warm up and stretch songs...I guess though...that if your class is mostly Latin...the more familiar songs MIGHT still be Latin POP...LOL. You ever listen to your local Spanish station? You'd be surprised how there are actually English songs on that station...but also, you might recognize some of the music...I know that I now listen to my local popular Spanish station...Tu Musica :D

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The most recent topic of goal setting sparked an interesting conversation between Mom and myself...thought I'd share here.


I've been wanting a decent scale for such a long time...I bought one a couple days ago. I wanted one that had a body fat % on it as well...interesting feature on the scale is the differentiation between being "normal" and being an "athlete." The best definition of "athlete" for the scale's purpose is someone whose resting heart rate is 60 BPM or under...with this definition, I qualify as an athlete. This affects the body fat % calculation...


So here are my stats:


Body Weight: 165 pounds

Body Fat: 25%


There was a time in my life, right before I went to college, when I had spent the summer going to step classes and other doing exercise as one of the few things that I could do outside the house that didn't require spending any money on my part...LOL...and at that gym, they took my stats, which were:


Body Weight: 137 pounds

Body Fat: 19%


With these stats:


40-year old self has 41.25 pounds of fat

18-year old self had 26.03 pound of fat


40-year old self has 123.75 pounds of Lean Body Mass (LBM)

18-year old self has 110.97 pounds of Lean Body Mass


It's interesting to see that I definitely have MORE muscle mass NOW than I had as a younger person. With this knowledge, it only makes sense that it isn't realistic to expect that I would weigh 137 pounds again. The goal in weight loss is to NOT LOSE MUSCLE right? We really only want to lose FAT. If I were to maintain my non-fat weight AND weight 137 pounds...I would only have 9.6% body fat...which I think is very unrealistic.


According to ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine)...someone my age who is well above average in physical fitness would have a body fat % between 18.5 and 23.4 percent. This is the recommended body fat % on the chart.


The formula for calculating your ideal weight based on your CURRENT LBM is:


LBM/(1-desire body fat %) = Ideal Weight


To find my range, based on 18.5 and 23.4 % body fat:


123.75/(1-18.5) = 151.8 pounds (low end)

123.75/(1-23.4) = 159.5 pounds (high end)


This range is my goal...I want to be in the top percentile for physical fitness. So this means that I am between 13.2 and 5.5 pounds away from goal!


How crazy is that?


I'm sharing this because I think's it's important to have our CURRENT goals be based on CURRENT facts, not based on the past. Things change...


Just to encourage everyone wherever they are on their fitness journey...the worst body fat % that I ever recorded was 38.8%...I weighed 198 pounds at that time. :eek: (I never got my body fat % at my worst weight.) That's 77 pounds of FAT...Lean Body Mass of 121 pounds...which means that I have gained a couple pounds of LBM and lost FAT...


You can too.

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Hi Ladies,


I just wanted to say hello and let you know I´m still here :)

I´ve managed the first 3 weeks in my new job and try to get back in my routine, I was at Zumba yesterday. Annie is ill, so we had some replacement instructors, one for Zumba, one for Zumba Toning, lets put it like this: I am sore in places I was not even aware off...


Take care and read you soon...

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Interesting that your instructor does play ANY English songs. Some of the ZIN (that's Zumba Instructor Network) songs are English...I wonder if your instructor is ZIN? And often, Top 40 or other more familiar songs are used for the warm up and stretch songs...I guess though...that if your class is mostly Latin...the more familiar songs MIGHT still be Latin POP...LOL. You ever listen to your local Spanish station? You'd be surprised how there are actually English songs on that station...but also, you might recognize some of the music...I know that I now listen to my local popular Spanish station...Tu Musica :D


Just realized that the ONE SONG that I mentioned is in English! Doh. But, I didn't understand the words until I googled it. It is nasty, but I do still like the dance that goes to it. :o

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how are you?

I´m fine, even though I´m not doing as much sport as I would like to. Went to Zumba class last night, and as Annie is still on doctors order to rest, someone substituted. Well, we started song 5 and I was still not warmed up. She just didn´t do it for me. So I left class early, which has never happend before.

Anyways, tomorrow evening is Zumba party with 5 instructors, cocktails and fun fun fun.


Take care.

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Well, we started song 5 and I was still not warmed up. She just didn´t do it for me. So I left class early, which has never happend before.


It's so disappointing to have a bad class. You miss the endorphin high at the end, which is one of the best parts!


My instructor does an excellent warm-up and cool-down. As you get older those become so much more important.

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I just finished planting the first flowers as we are finally frost-free and have the first nice days.

I´ll go pack my back and head out to the Zumba party soon.


I tried on some dance shoes this week, which I kind of liked, I have to check into those again...

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Kasi...such a disappointment for your Zumba class. It happens. Mom had to deal with the same thing last week. Always wanting to find a Zumba class that I enjoyed was a main motivation for me to get licensed to teach it myself.


Margaret...I would really appreciate it if you would take the time to detail what your instructor does for warming up and cooling down. I try very hard to have a good warm up and cool down. I know that I have improved but I know that I could still improve...I think you would be a great resource for me as an experienced and knowledgeable student to share what your instructor does, especially since you speak so highly of her...if you would?


Meanwhile...classes continue. I am going to be making the announcement of our up and coming move next week...not sure if I should make the announcement before or after class. Seems like a downer announcement either way...but before class, they can focus on the work out and leave with the happy buzz from the work out...but it might bum some people out before their work out...but after class...it could be a total buzz kill...which would you recommend? Anyone?

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Meanwhile...classes continue. I am going to be making the announcement of our up and coming move next week...not sure if I should make the announcement before or after class. Seems like a downer announcement either way...but before class, they can focus on the work out and leave with the happy buzz from the work out...but it might bum some people out before their work out...but after class...it could be a total buzz kill...which would you recommend? Anyone?


I vote for... after class. Definitely, after class.


Speaking from a personal experience with an instructor who had some bad news to tell us (her bad news was very personal and health related), bad news before class is a total, total bummer. And, the emotional feelings that get generated with hearing the bad news intensifies with exercise. At least, that is what happened to me. Even though I didn't feel like crying when she first announced her news, by the end of the class I was pretty weepy. So, I'm just saying... after class.


You could announce it after class in a calm manner informing them of an impending schedule change, something pretty low key. You could tell them that you need their support because your DH is already in the new position and you look forward to seeing them and getting energized. IMO.

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I vote for... after class. Definitely, after class.


Speaking from a personal experience with an instructor who had some bad news to tell us (her bad news was very personal and health related), bad news before class is a total, total bummer. And, the emotional feelings that get generated with hearing the bad news intensifies with exercise. At least, that is what happened to me. Even though I didn't feel like crying when she first announced her news, by the end of the class I was pretty weepy. So, I'm just saying... after class.


You could announce it after class in a calm manner informing them of an impending schedule change, something pretty low key. You could tell them that you need their support because your DH is already in the new position and you look forward to seeing them and getting energized. IMO.


I've been reading this board on and off (since I saw on the Fashion board that we bought the same dress for our last cruises - the Sangria keyhole maxi dress...yours was brown, mine was black).


I agree with the AFTER class for your announcement also. I started taking Zumba about 6 months ago, and started squeezing in an extra class on Monday nights for one instructor who I thought was great. Her choreography and song choices were fun, her enthusiasm was infectious. One evening after class I brought her profile up on FB to tell her what a fun class we just had, and found that she had just been let go by the gym - she was helping to launch a Yoga studio, and the gym said that was a conflict of interest. The Yoga studio is a 50 minute drive from here, and I can understand them having her not teach Yoga anymore, but NOT Zumba. :mad:


What really made us upset was that we didn't have the chance to say goodbye to her in person. Luckily she is such an active participant in the Zumba community that I've been able to attend a couple of fundraisers she's been part of, and our replacement for that class made sure to keep all our favorites in the playlist.


SO, that was a long rambling from me, but I think the end of the class is a good time for it, rather than to put a damper on the 'party'. That will give everyone a chance to go home and deal with their emotions, and still have time to come back and continue to party with you until it's time for your move.



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Mom and Judi...Thank you for responding to my question. Your answers confirm what I was thinking and I appreciate hearing from you both.


I've got a great playlist going right now. It has some new songs on it and that newness has great energy...the moves are familiar but just slightly different...and the pace of this list is just really great. This one hour list is a variation of my 45 minute corporate class. Mom asked me to post it:


Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5(warm up)

Good Feeling by Flo Rida (warm up 2)

Iko Iko by Captain Jack (Pop)

Zumba Time!! by Watatah (Calypso)

La Vida Es Un Carnaval by Zumba Fitness (Salsa)

Cumbia Poder by Celso Pina (Cumbia)

Cuando Me Enamoro by Enrique Iglesias (Bachata)

In a Search by Obie-P (Reggaeton)

Boro Boro (Radio Edit) by Arash (Bollywood/Bhangra)

La Despedida by Daddy Yankee (Merengue)

Hola My Friend by Zumba Fitness (Pacific Rhythm)

Ven a Cumbiar by El Simbolo (Cumbia)

Prrrum by Zumba Fitness (Reggaeton - Core Work)

Take You to Rio by Ester Dean (Pop)

Smooth by Santana (personally edited) (Cha Cha - Cool Down)

Feeling Good by Michael Buble (Stretch)


iTunes says this is a 59 minute play list. (Mom I use my combo "Moves to Good Feeling," if you see that in your library.) The pace of this one is just really great. Nice balance between higher intensity and lower intensity...between songs...within the songs...I just really enjoy this list...such a great variety...good upbeat songs...the class seemed to enjoy the pace as well...I try to read everyone's faces...and it seemed like the recovery songs were spot on. IDK...it was a good match for tonight's class.


Judi...it's nice to hear a new voice talk about their Zumba. :) What a strange deal with the conflict of interest...I know so many instructors that teach in multiple locations...I'm a little surprised by the gym's policy. I have to commend you though for keeping after it...I hope that my own students do the same...for me, it would not be a complement for my students to be so attached to me that they couldn't enjoy SOMEONE else's class. KWIM?

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It's a sad truth that the enjoyment of a Zumba class is so closely related to the space available to do Zumba...and how many people are in that space...and whether or not there is enough space for all the people that are there to not only do the moves but also see the instructor...


As a class becomes more popular, the space for each student becomes smaller...


Today...my space available for my corporate class shrinks again as we are meeting in a small-ish meeting room behind the cafeteria instead of in the large pavilion type building where we normally have class. Occasionally, our rights to the room are usurped...SO...today's playlist has limited space available in mind...


Knowing that Mom is thinking about putting together some playlists for herself for her up and coming cruise...here is one that I put together for today...the choreo I do for these songs involves very little travel...with the exception of the new calypso song...but I just can't bear to take that one out...there is one traveling step but we can adjust for that song, I think...so Mom, I would do Waka Waka instead of Zumba Time...and this would be a great limited-space list:


Good Feeling (Pop - warm up)

Zumba Time!! (Calypso)

Chiquilla (Cumbia)

Gasolina (Reggaeton)

Big and Chunky (Pop - Core work)

Bon, Bon (Reggaeton)

Prrrum (Reggaeton - Core work)

In a Search (Reggae/Reggaeton)

Boro Boro (Radio Edit) (Bollywood/Bhangra)

Que Buena Tu Ta (Merengue - arms)

Ai Se Eu Te Pego (Pop - cool down)

Caminando Por la Calle (Rumba Flamenca - stretch)


You may wonder why I usually add the rhythms to my playlists. What differentiates a Zumba class from any other cardio fitness class IS the music...the general guideline is that 70% of the music is supposed to be a Latin/International rhythm...International can include the Bollywood, Bhangra, Bellydance, Irish (Riverdance), Swing (American), African, and of course, any other dance style/rhythm that is clearly identified as being a part of a particular culture at an International level. Latin, of course, encompasses the four basic rhythms taught to Zumba instructors at Basic 1 training...Merengue, Cumbia, Salsa, and Reggaeton...and also Flamenco, Rumba Flamenco, Cha Cha, Bachata, Quebradita, Axe, Soca, Brazilian Funk, etc etc.


And one rhythm should not dominate the class...that 70% should represent a mix of rhythms...


And then, 30% of the class is instructor choice...usually, an instructor uses Top 40 or other popular (or used to be popular) more recognizable music for the beginning and end of class...the warm ups and the stretch...and maybe for a couple songs during the class.


I KNOW this list is Reggaeton heavy...but technically it adheres to the recommendations...there is a mix of rhythms:







But it is a SAD mix as there is only one each of these songs...so for every one of these songs there is 1 Reggaeton and 1 Pop song...


But this is an unusual class for me, with a song list picked not only for rhythm but for limited movement choreography...but I can use this example to show HOW some instructors can create a class that is TECHNICALLY adhering to the letter of the law...if not the spirit of the law...


This list has HIGH intensity cardio...oh sure...you can slack off with any song...but this is also why there is so much core work...to balance the intense cardio portion...


Hope everyone is having a great day...


I am all involved in the business of prepping to move...slowly and surely, I'm making my way through the house...

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So the list was spot on and everyone had a great workout...the cardio is heavy in the first half of class but the intensity of the core and arm work outs for the second half really balance out the class...and the arm work above heart level really keeps the heart rate going...but at a tolerable pace. We were all drenched at the end of class...


Before I leave to get DS from school...I just have to share my comment that I shared with Mom earlier today regarding the work I am doing to prep to move...


Paper is a VIRUS...it SPREADS from room to room in the house and NEVER seems to end.

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Paper is a VIRUS...it SPREADS from room to room in the house and NEVER seems to end.


I was just having this conversation today with one of my volunteers.:)


I've been meaning to comment in response to your question about warm-up/cool down but I'm having a crazy busy week. I've been thinking about it and I will get to it, I promise.


Of all the songs you've posted, the only one I've heard in my class is Prrrum, which I have a love/hate relationship with. We also do one I call the "ocean song" which I think is called Onda, and we do Lambada Kaoma, and of course Shake Senora. I don't know the names of most of the songs but tomorrow in class I'll ask some questions. As I mentioned before they are almost all in Spanish. So far I haven't heard any of the pop songs mentioned in the Zumba playlists I've seen online. Last week someone was asking for Move Like Jagger so I know they've learned it in the past.


We are learning a new one that I call the "baseball song" where we do an arm phrase in 7 counts that goes cross open cross open down up down. Do you know which one that is? It looks like the signals the third base coach sends. I think it is a merengue (very fast).

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