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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Aw Kasi... I hope you heal quickly.


Tonight is my last night to teach at the Pole Dancing Studio. *happy dance*


My last night to double up on Thursday nights. *whew*


I'm hoping I'll do okay through the classes tonight. The family went hiking on Monday evening. It was the hike to the top of the mountain...a couple miles...an upward climb. And then I covered the church class on Tuesday morning and taught at the Pole Dance place Tuesday night...and all yesterday and still this morning, I'm so tight in my outer hip/rear. Oof. I guess I'll test my warm up skills on myself tonight...LOL.


For the church class...I put together a very Latin list. That sounds so funny...what else would you expect at a Zumba class, right? The other instructor does so much Indian music... I wanted to bring the Latin to these ladies. I decided they needed to do a classic fast merengue...which I know the other instructor never does. I brought back an old one...La Langosta. I think I've talked about it before. I love the story of the song...as a reminder...the song is about the man's girlfriend. His buddies have given her the nickname "The Lobster" aka...La Langosta...because her "tail" is so big...big like a lobster...and this is HIGH PRAISE.


Cracks me UP!


Here's the kicker that happened...the music was ALL messed up. They have the wrong cord for connecting the iPod so we only got to hear half of the tracks for each song. You know how there are vocal tracks, base, guitar, whatever... Most songs ended up being mostly instrumental...no vocals...OMG...it was so messed up. Thank goodness the beat was there...and it was a HUGE test of how well I know my music and my routines because a lot of the parts that help to differentiate the parts of the songs weren't there...


And with the time I spent on that list...I had to do it again that night because I hadn't gotten to do it for real earlier.


I have to say...there were 4 students for at the Pole Dance place...and they totally got into La Langosta. This one part...OMG...I LOVED seeing these ladies move...it was FUN.


So I'm doing the same list again at the Pole Dancing place. I need to look at it to compare to what I have done at the gym and I might need to make a couple of modifications to it...


Classes at the gym were canceled last week because they were painting. I'll be so glad when they get the reno done...and I'm hoping I can get a day class there...we'll see. Things have been so inconsistent there...


Meanwhile...my body has been changing for the better with this teaching schedule. No weight change really...but I'm fitting back into my Zumba cargos, etc. I know we need to do something to break out of this zone. This is a weight zone that I have been for much of my adult life...I think my body is really comfortable here...it needs to be shocked into giving up some of this weight. We're going to get back into the Fat Flush routine with the start of school...


Which starts next week! What a fast summer! OMG.


School helps us have more structure. Time to get some good sleep. Drink water. And be very selective about our calories for 2 weeks to try to kick start the losing cycle again.


Meanwhile...I have to figure out my activities. My permanent schedule is only teaching once a week. But this isn't enough. The deal is that the whole family needs to be active...we have a couple things on our agenda these days...hiking, kayaking, camping, etc. I need to spend some time with myself and really set a goal.


We have a weekend trip planned to go back to Disney over Labor Day weekend...that's a good goal for being able to just get it done.

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Anita, glad to see you are still busy teaching. My gym finally hired the sub that had been doing Tues. nights to do it every Tues. I wasn't going to go there since I had given up my membership for the summer but just love her style and music so went this Tues. and will prob. go every Tues. there. This week was was Monday, Tues. and Wed. and 3 different places and instructors and even though I would prefer to have a day of rest in between it was great to do it 3 times again.


I am down 21 pounds since May just by not eating white flour and most sugar. Basically the only sugar I eat is in yogurt. I feel great but will have to get new clothes for my cruise in Feb. I bought some capris on sale in a smaller size, got home and tried them on and they fit now. I've got to find some summer stuff on sale for good prices hopefully later this month.

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Not too much new going on. I taught last night. Great class. I introduced the ladies to Big and Chunky and they loved it:D it is now my only class. Waiting to see what happens next.


I've been doing a lot of research...I've found another interesting tidbit to share. It isn't a new concept...body types based on your dominant gland. You get classified as adrenal, thyroid,pituitary, ovary (women only), or liver. It's based on the particular way that your body chemistry is which results in a particular fat storage pattern. Ever notice how some women can still be so tiny on top but carry tremendous weight on their hips and thighs? Or men, in particular, have a beach ball belly but are otherwise trim? Some are big all over and others gain it all between shoulders and hips?


The deal is that your dominant gland is out of whack and unbalanced and so your body is the same. I have determined that I am an adrenal body type. It's fascinating to me to read a spot on description of myself including my body structure, cravings, stresses, reaction to being over stressed, and even some general personality typing.


There is general agreement regarding diagnosis of the problem or condition but how to eat including what and when seems to differ. I've decided to base my new eating plan on the info I found on biosutton website. I don't know how to post links yet. It's been challenging a bit and I'm not perfectly on plan yet but I already feel so much better.


One other tidbit to share. If you are a type that has trouble falling asleep because you can't shut off your brain then try a cup of a tea called nighty night by ancient medicinals. Wow. I read an article about teas on Dr oz's site and it talked about passionflower tea which is the main ingredient in this blend. It does have some warnings on it. Lol.


Hope everyone has great weekend!


Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk 2

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ferguson, way to go! How exciting to lose that much so quickly! Shopping for smaller clothes is an excellent reward, I hope you have fun!


I missed a week of workouts while I was doing the college tour thing, and I have to say that while I did a lot of walking, it is not enough for me to stay on track.


I did two Zumba classes last week, and it killed me! I was so sore. My Thursday teacher did a special dance for Shark Week, which was cute.


I'm missing Zumba this week as well, so I'm doing Wii dance at home but I need to do it twice as long for the same calorie burn. :(


Anita, I'm a thyroid, and yes I DO get irritable when I'm hungry! The suttonbio description of my type was so spot on it was scary. THis is why I do best on a low-carb wheat-free diet, though I find it incredibly hard to stick to, especially when I get busy.


Well, now I'm inspired to go work out!

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  • 3 weeks later...

There's nothing like missing Zumba and then going back to it to get sore. I think it is because you know what you doing and you are excited to be back? You really get into it and you can realize what a great workout it really is.


I've been regularly pursuing the Monday morning church class (Tuesday got switched to Mondays) and my own Thursday night class. Lately, my friend has lost some of her 80s music so I'm really enjoying the class again. LOL.


There are a group of ladies that I've mentioned before...I think of them at the Brits because they are all originally from England...their husbands all work for the same company and they have all done international moves. The latest to arrive came at the beginning of the summer. She was living in Germany. (Shout out to Kasi!) Apparently she attended Zumba there and her instructor was originally from Brazil. OMG. Can you imagine. Anyway, she said that the class was "brilliant" and the energy off the charts. The instructor had them verbally participating in the class...and after my learning experience this summer...and after teaching now at the gym for several weeks...I'm getting it. I really am.


It's not random hooting and hollering. It's pretty purposeful. But it may have to be added. Like on the end of a grapevine. I do grapevines in my warm up and there's one lady in my class...she likes to be verbal and she adds this kind of "hwoo" sound at change of direction on a grapevine...and I realized. That's fun. Seems so stupid. But if you can actually find these verbal things all throughout the class. It adds something to your brain...especially when the whole class participates (because it's easy and not random)...and you can hear your classmates around you...IDK...I find it to be a very positive thing.


So I've been experimenting on being that student in the church class. And I think we've really upped the fun in that class... I've really been supporting the instructor's efforts because I think she wants that in her class...and since I'm enthusiastic...I think it affects the class.


So I've been having a great time with my two classes a week.


I'm getting geared up to go out of town this weekend. I've been focusing on the house again. I seem to have to continually tweak it to accommodate changes...school started and we just needed to make some adjustments to some house systems. My hope is to finish this leg of organization before we leave town and then come home and add some additional activity.


I realized that I was making the best progress with weight loss when I was doing Pilates and Zumba. I got Kelly's notes from class so I can actually do my own class like we used to do. I'd like to add that twice a week and see how I feel.


Meanwhile...the eating plan is rocking right along. I'm very interested in reading this book about this family that splits their time between France and North America. They had to make major modifications to their way of eating in France. I'm very interested in this read. I think the book is called French Kids Eat Everything? or something similar. I think that this methodology is in keeping with my recommended plan...I'll see. I reserved the electronic book at the library but I'm like 149 on the list. I'll have to see if my local library has a copy.


I'm going to Disney for Labor Day Weekend. Last trip there for several years probably. Anyone else have plans?


Kasi...I think about you and hope that you are doing well and recovering. Hugs.

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Hi Anita,


sounds great.

I´m scheduled for another surgery coming next monday, afterwards I can finally start to use my left foot again and learn new how to walk.

Hopefully I´ll be back in the office by late september. by now I´m pretty fed up staying at home and being unable to do what I want to do.


I spent lots of time online searching for a vacation in late fall. I just have to hope that I can walk again by then and that my boss is willing to grant me some vacation time...

We have not yet decided wether we´ll go on a transatlantic cruise or just a week in the caribbean and up to a week in florida. Well, we´ll see.


Number one priority: Getting back on both feet,

Everything else comes after that.


I already fear my next weigh-in. Having been off my feet for 6 weeks, I can only imagine how much I´ve gained...

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Kasi...I hope the surgery on Monday is successful. I hope you can get back on your feet soon. Keep us posted on your progress.


Solorizor...Whether or not the program works depends on what your goals are and how you are integrating the program with your eating plans, etc. I haven't seen the videos that are included in that DVD set. I don't know what the routines are, so my answer will be somewhat general.


Zumba can be a whole body exercise if you work it that way. I happen to do a lot of arm work in my classes. Some ladies get into it and their arms are working, they are up high and tense...that is, muscles are engaged and they are trying to not have their arms jiggle too much with their movement. Not everyone can maintain keeping their arms as active throughout the entire workout, so they do what they can. I also see other ladies that are barely moving their arms. I don't know if they think they are moving them more than they are (I teach without mirrors)...but the fact is that they could be getting more benefit from the time spent during the workout if they would just engage their arms more. You don't have to use the hand weights to get the arm benefit.


There will be specific Toning routines though that do use the hand weights. The hand weights are only a pound, BUT...you are using them for a significant amount of time. They really serve as a focus for you to help you engage your muscles more in the exercise. It's not like weight training...but it is a weighted workout that WILL strengthen your muscles. Your muscles will get fatigued doing the exercises and this will in turn help to strengthen them. Keep in mind that becoming stronger does not necessarily mean that you are BUILDING muscle...though you might...but the purpose is not to build muscle...the purpose is to just make the current muscle fibers you have able to bear more weight and have more strength. And Toning will definitely help with this.


The weights are light but you could do some joint damage if you are careless. It's not a bad idea to do the Toning routines without the weights first so that you become familiar with the movements.


Don't add the weights to the regular Zumba routines.


Don't grip the weights too tightly. You don't want to fatigue your hand...you just want to engage your arm muscles. You might be able to just use your thumb to keep the weight in your hand at times and let your fingers straighten out and not grip the weight.


Keep the weight perpendicular to your arm. That is, the weight in your hand and your arm should form a "T". Sometimes, you may have a tendency to tilt that wrist, especially if you are doing a move where you are trying to target the triceps. Don't tilt your wrist...keep it straight to keep that T shape.


My main advise would be to have fun. The music is fun. I think the routines are generally fun. What we say to new people in class is to first focus on the feet. Learn the footwork and don't worry about the arms. Then, when you are feeling more comfortable with the feet, add the arm movement. We emphasize in class that these are routines and we generally repeat the songs/routines, so you have a chance to get to know the songs and the routines. The more you know, the better your workout can be because you can move with more purpose and conviction with your confidence.


If you are at home, watch your carpet if you have to work out on carpet. Really pick up your feet and place them. Don't drag your feet on the carpet. You may be tempted to workout in sock feet, but your feet may fatigue without support. It's best to have shoes that don't have too much grip in the sole. And older pair of shoes with a new insert may be perfect.


If you have more questions...ask away. I don't know how much of the thread that you have read, but I have become licensed to teach Zumba since starting this thread...and there are several ladies that continue to check in here that are enthusiasts...



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Margaret!


Are you doing this one in your Zumba class?



It's been out a while, but for some reason, it just hit. I LOVE this salsa! Working on choreo for it...


Also looking for new warm up songs...as always. I guess I like having an international flavor to a warm up...not straight up Top 40...so I'm thinking about this one that was released yesterday (music track is on this page):


Quiero Bailar - 3BallMTy feat Becky G


Must admit that I kind of like the new Britney Spears song that released this week. Not sure that I think it's a good get excited about working out kind of song. I did find a radio edit that says "Work Work" instead of the "Work B**ch". I like the line..."you wanna hard body...look hot in a bikini...you better work, work." LOL. Have you heard it yet?


Work B... - Britney Spears


Again...it just doesn't really have that sound that would fit as much with my class...I think.


Also going back to an older song that never hit in the US...thinking about this one:



There's a lady in my class that LOVES Arash, so I know that SHE would like it. And I like Sean Pauls' ba dum dum diggity diggity tag line a lot. Makes me smile every time I hear that... And just when you think you can't take the song any more...it ends. LOL. Which makes me question the song...*sigh*


Warm up songs are the trial of my playlists.


Anyone else seen Pitch Perfect? OMG....my family loves this movie. So many good one liners. I like the music though too. Been thinking about doing a Pitch Perfect tribute kind of thing somehow...

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Been looking for a choreo for a long time for this song! Found it!



I could have a total theme night...


Use Britney's Work...then Lil Jon...what other songs have work in it?


OH oH...I could do play v. work...


What's that song? Oh yeah...



I crack myself up...


What else can I find?

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Anita, OMG, the trials of me and Zumba and my diet these last few weeks, oy.


I pulled my back waterskiing in August, but finally got that settled down, thank goodness. Still I missed two weeks of exercise, not fun. I didn't lose any weight this summer, despite running around like a maniac having fun, simply because -- weekend barbeques! Too much food... baby back ribs, corn with butter, london broil with wine sauce, tomatoes with mozzarella....


My favorite Latin Zumba teacher left the gym, she's the one that did all the amazing salsas. But, I found a new Monday class which I've been taking, and I can do that until October when my Monday morning teaching starts. She's unusual for around here because she is ethnically latina but she doesn't speak Spanish and doesn't know many salsas. We do a lot of house and hip hop in her class, which is ok but not my fave. Her class is very grounded which I like because I can do almost all the movements.


My crazy Latin Tuesday class has been awesome. We do this song, it's not new but a real excellent thigh-burner:



He uses a lot of obscure stuff that is so fast I can't catch the words to hunt for the songs. My pet peeve is our cool-down song is Eternal Flame, how old is that? Yeesh.


I have done that Mark Anthony song, I just can't remember which class, it was a while back. I love his voice and I'm happy to dance to anything he makes. That Britney song is also surprisingly excellent.


We've been doing Macklemore's Thrift Shop in my Saturday class, it's kind of fun. The youtube Spongebob version is hilarious.


So, for the past two weeks I've been doing Monday morning, Tuesday night, Saturday morning, plus I went back to my calorie counting app. So far I'm down the two pounds I gained, so that's encouraging. Now that I'm back to work I'll have a routine, which I find I can't do without when it comes to dieting and meal planning.


We went to the library's book sale, and I bought the Super Foods Diet. I haven't gotten to the actual diet part yet, but it did inspire me to buy superfoods at the store and eat better, so it was worth the 25 cents!

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School lends structure. We are getting our routine established with DS back in school. I haven't really started doing what I want to be doing yet...but it's on the horizon.


I'm sub teaching for the next two Mondays! Woot woot. Very excited to get two great works out in for Zumba.


So I kept Oliver Twist for my first warm up and started using the radio edit of the Britney Spears song for my second warm up. It was very good. That songs is just right actually for working out. I think it would make me slightly nuts to just listen to? But most songs for Zumba would...LOL.


My ideal week would be to walk/hike the local paths here on non-Zumba day mornings. I would drop DS off, be in my work out clothing and go straight to a good hike. And at least 2 days, I would do either Pilates or Yoga. I have Kelly's notes from the Pilates class she would teach us...so I could totally do my own class by following along those notes.


DH is wanting to start some yoga. I was showing him some moves and specifically, how to modify for his tightness and lack of flexibility at this time...and I was only doing Sun Salutations and I could do the move from the Plank into the ground so well...and I did it just often enough...and other moves that really rely on tricep strength? and OMG...my tris were KILLING me the next day. It just brought home how much I should be doing SOMETHING like this.


Food. Don't even get me started. DH and I are just having one Fat Tuesday after another...and my weight stays at this one point...my body just loves to be this one weight. I think I motivated DH to make a change though...I let him feel how strong my core is. I really have been concentrating on core moves throughout my Zumba workouts/practices...and DH is impressed with how strong I am...and shares my sadness for how my physique doesn't accurately reflect my strength. So I think we are getting there. It all starts with attitude really.


I hate to admit it but one killer to our routine is football. This East Coast time zone just SUCKS for football. Excuse me. But it does. So our sleep is just all out of whack and this affects us greatly. Not sure how to deal with this...

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Hello ,I was just wondering if i could ask one of you Zumba Ladies a question?We are going on our first cruise in November 2013 and I was wondering if there are any Zumba class on the Carnival Spirit?...I only do zumba twice a week but i don't know how I'll go without it for twelve days?I'm addicted !:D

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@Blisscruiser, Welcome. Took a quick peek to see that you are a fairly new poster to cruise critic, so I went searching for you to try to find an answer, but from the searches that I did there don't appear to be any Zumba classes offered by Carnival.


BUT, Carnival is a division of Princess Cruises and Princess started offering Zumba classes, so maybe (just maybe) if you head down to the fitness center once you get onboard you can find out whether they'll have anything on your specific cruise. Also, watch out for some "dance" classes in your daily planners, I'm not a Carnival cruiser, but (from experience) I know that before Celebrity offered Zumba classes, they had what they called "Latin-inspired" exercise classes. They weren't allowed to advertise Zumba because their instructor wasn't a licensed Zumba instructor and, believe me, they weren't a Zumba class... but you did get to move to salsa rhythm, and some cumbia rhythm, and listen to the Latin music, and have FUN, and do a bit of dance movement on board the ship.


If they don't have anything that looks remotely like Zumba, then the next best thing is to put your Zumba moves to work on the dance floor! Check out some of the venues in the afternoon or evening and see if there's anything that is Latin-themed being played on board. Depending upon where you are cruising to/from, you might be pleasantly surprised by the music being offered. You can just kick it up on the dance floor for a little while each day; keep your dancing feet happy and your body moving.


Have fun on the cruise. I hope you find something that will help you with your Zumba withdrawal. :D

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Another great source of information about classes on your particular cruise are the people on the Roll Calls for the two or three immediately prior sailings of your ship (for example, if you leave late November, check with people sailing early Nov. or late Oct). Those people can be very helpful since they've just done your itinerary. You can even ask them before they leave to check it out for you and let you know what they've found when they return.


Some people on CC are just great, and will bend over backwards to help each other have a great trip. Be sure to visit the Roll Call for your ship here on CC: go to Roll Call, find your cruise line, cruise ship, and then sailing date. You can find a lot of helpful info there posted by other people who will be on your cruise.

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Thank You Member123!,They all sounds like a great ideas!!! And yes I'm a newbie to CC and to cruising...I hope to rectify that in the not to distant future!:). Can't tell you how much i appreciate your responses {Member123 and MJC} ,i have asked the question in a few different forums now and I have not received such informative replies as yours!

May the Zumba gods smile upon you!:D:D

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Thank You Member123!,They all sounds like a great ideas!!! And yes I'm a newbie to CC and to cruising...I hope to rectify that in the not to distant future!:). Can't tell you how much i appreciate your responses {Member123 and MJC} ,i have asked the question in a few different forums now and I have not received such informative replies as yours!

May the Zumba gods smile upon you!:D:D


You are quite funny!:D


I took a quick look at your itinerary. What a fabulous cruise! Please don't think I have stalker tendencies, I was just curious where you are cruising since you are from Australia.... and I'm coming to visit you in just a few weeks! I'm cruising from Honolulu through the French Polynesian Islands, AUckland, Bay of Islands, and then stopping in sydney. We get to stay in Sydney, post-cruise, for a few days. I am so excited to finally visiting Australia! Although we won't get to see much of it this trip, we do plan to visit again and spend more time in Australia, proper.


Those islands that you are visiting look beautiful and amazing. I would guess that you won't miss Zumba as much as you think you will now, with all that beauty and a change to your daily routine(s)!


I also wanted to mention that your specific Roll Call for your cruise is very unusual. Don't give up on the Roll Calls within cruise critic based upon the one that you're experiencing; yours is very quiet. You actually might get more questions answered by Australian cruisers. Look around cruise critic and find the Australian and New Zealand Cruisers section as well as the Ports of Call area; you might get helpful information there since your Roll Call is so quiet.


Come back here and tell us all about your cruise! We love Zumba, but we love to chat just as much.

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I've always wanted to go to Hawaii!!...Most of the females in my family have been there,So i grew up watching the Brady Bunch do it{Hawaiian Style}!...and then watch my mum, sister ,aunty and cousin do it ! One day I'll get there!...And originally when we looked at cruising we wanted to go to New Zealand it looks beautiful!..Thanks for the invite to come back ,I'll definately let you know how it all goes and very interest to hear about you trip!....Yes and you guys are soooo much more exciting than any other forum/roll call thingy I've encountered!!!.....I just hope one day there will be a Zumba Cruise and we can all get on it and Salsa away into the Sunset!:cool:

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What song do you wish your teacher would use in class?


Back in the day I was a disco queen, so I would love to dance Bruno Mars's "Treasure." It has a great retro sound. It is one of those songs that makes me do choreography in my head. :)

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Hi ladies,


greetings from sunny, if somewhat cool, Germany.

I´m getting better, and starting to walk using just one of my crutches.

The last week brought a great deal more flexibility in my ankle and I now believe, that I should be able to walk again when our cruise Comes around.


It´s interesting to see, how your priorities change...

On a positive note, I managed to at least not gain any weight during my immobility.

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Kasi, I've been wondering how you're doing, we haven't heard from you in so long. It's good to know that you're improving, keep up the good work!


These things are a trial of our patience, aren't they? It is good to have a cruise to look forward to. Every cruise day is a special day. :)

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Such good news Kasi. I'm so glad to hear from you.


Margaret, I wonder what you would do to Treasure. I was looking at routines on YouTube the other day and saw a kind of cool down type routine to that song.


I'm feeling somewhat bad lately because I just don't have much new material to bring to my Thursday class. It's difficult to have a once a week class. I am aware of how nice it can be to know the routines but at the same time have new material for interest. I'm struggling though to get new material to bring to class and find myself digging through the past to do old routines that would be new to these ladies. It's not very exciting though... I worry about how much the ladies are enjoying class. I have to rely on the fact that they keep coming more than how enthusiastic they are during class. KWIM?


I know what Zumba says but not every class feels like a party. KWIM? The music and routines can be great fun but its not all whooping and hollering. IDK. It makes me question myself as to whether or not I should continue teaching. Whatever. I enjoy it...I just need to find some new material!

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So I decided to just mix it up with a couple I haven't done for a couple weeks. And I brought back an old, old, OLD cool down and stretch that I have never done with these ladies. Cool Down Cha Cha to "I Need to Know" by Marc Anthony and stretch to "Feeling Good" by Michael Buble. They were so excited. One lady spoke out loud about her excitement at the beginning of each song! And I had some time to talk with the ladies before class...it was a needed thing for me. It helped me to understand that these ladies do appreciate my efforts, such as I feel like there are. KWIM? I'm just not used to the gym setting where these ladies deal with so many different instructors on different days...I worry too much. LOL.

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