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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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by Paulina Rubino is the official Zumba Anthem 2012 for Party in Pink events. So if you attend an event...you might expect to hear this song...


Mom...an interesting application of what you saying...I have felt like all my efforts toward health and fitness have just been an effort to get back into balance. To apply what you were saying regarding the hiccough in your routine that a cruise vacation is...and how that HAS to have an effect...but the effect is temporary-like because you go back to your routine and weight gained is released as your body goes back into balance. The idea behind how that temporary effect because more permanent-like is when you are in constant imbalance...


There is no way that any one could REALLY believe that they can be healthy and fit and eat what is commonly called junk food, fast food, and/or highly processed food or what SHOULD be celebration food or rare occasion food...and by that I mean indulgent desserts...there's nothing wrong with dessert...but if you are talking about a high fat, high sugar, high calorie dessert...that HAS to be celebration/rare occasion food. Many things can fall into that category...basically anything that is calorie dense...that is, a lot of calories per weight...contrast fulled loaded cheeseburgers and fries to grilled chicken and grilled/steamed/stir-fried (no high sodium sauce) veggies. For the same calories...I could eat a whole lot more veggies to typical fries.


It's when the lifestyle becomes what should just be "hiccough" incidents that weight gain becomes permanent. The "hiccough" becomes the attempt "to diet"...weight loss is temporary until the diet is abandoned and unhealthy lifestyle takes over again.


The idea here is that you have a one week long "hiccough" in your lifestyle...OR...a one month long one depending on time of year and whether or not a visit to me somehow gets added to your cruise, like this coming November...and depending on how well trained your body is to knowing what you are doing to it...it will take you however long to recover. IF, however, someone leads a lifestyle in the style of the "hiccough"...then the time for recovery...the time for the body to go back into balance...can take a long time. Longer than most people are willing to wait.


People want change and they want change NOW. It may have taken YEARS for the weight gain...but gosh darn it all...they are going to get that weight off TOMORROW...but it doesn't work that way...ESPECIALLY if this is a pattern. Our efficient selves think to themselves...hey...I know this routine...it won't last long...no need to make too many changes around here...the body recognizes the diet pattern and it waits for the dieter to go back to their "hiccough" lifestyle.


It's one reason why I believe that moderation is the key to it all. Generally...learning to live with "hiccoughs" is not part and pattern of the diet lifestyle...and eating a tasty dessert (not overboard)...but something that fits in with the day/week can be a bit like interval training...the body doesn't recognize this pattern...so you force it into doing something that it has never done before. For those that are having to overcome weight related issues in their lives, this is most often weight loss.


I've had a good water week. Today was rough because I was out for most of the day...so I am behind on water today. But it has been a very good water week for me overall. I can say that it has made a difference in how I feel and function.


Hope everyone is having a great Friday!

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Off to Saturday Zumba soon. One thing I noticed on our last cruise was since I had modified my eating between the first and second cruises I didn't gravitate to the high fat, high salt choices. I would pick items with the least amount of preparation (salty sauces) etc. And went for more whole food choices so fewer hiccups. Some days we didn't have dessert at all and most of the time it was fruit and sherbert. I guess that is how I could tell I had truly modified my behavior.


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I'm so jealous! I wish my gym had more Zumba classes, and especially morning classes (all ours are at night).


I'm having my usual monthly hiccup, and I want to eat everything in sight! Yikes! I'm dealing with it by cleaning everything in sight instead.


We've been doing this song for our second warmup song lately, and I love it. I want to sing along, but the Spanish is too fast for me. :) This guy's choreo is similar to what we do:


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I'm so jealous! I wish my gym had more Zumba classes, and especially morning classes (all ours are at night).


I'm having my usual monthly hiccup, and I want to eat everything in sight! Yikes! I'm dealing with it by cleaning everything in sight instead.


We've been doing this song for our second warmup song lately, and I love it. I want to sing along, but the Spanish is too fast for me. :) This guy's choreo is similar to what we do:




Love that song. I hear you about want to eat everything in sight. I broke down and made a crustless pumpkin pie today (old weight watchers core recipe). It's good and not bad for you.

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Anita, I have a question for you.


Is there such a thing as aqua Zumba? I was thinking back to my "olden days" when I taught Jane Fonda at a local gym, and they used to do a pool class.


Yes there is. I heard a few people talking about it last week at a class. The woman who cuts my hair said she went to a class somewhere when she was on vacation but the instructor stood outside the pool and it was difficult to follow her moves in the water.

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Anita, I have a question for you.


Is there such a thing as aqua Zumba? I was thinking back to my "olden days" when I taught Jane Fonda at a local gym, and they used to do a pool class.

Yes. There is Aqua Zumba. Like Ferguson said...the instructor stands outside the pool. The participants are in the pool. The format is the same as a Basic Zumba class with the main difference being that you are in the water...HELLO. But it is the same...routines to songs that should be easy to follow, fun and effective.


I'm actually going to get licensed to instruct Aqua Zumba this month! I'm very excited.


Like any other Zumba class...it's all instructor dependent. When I was communicating with Kelly about this (she is already licensed to teach it)...she said that you really have to have access to a pool to know how choreo translates in the water. And from what I understand...instructing Aqua can be very difficult. There are balance issues? The instructor has to have a very good sense of balance in order to be able to model the moves intended for water movement on land. Think about it...an instructor has to be able to move at a pace that would seem incredibly slow for normal land movement because the water resistance changes the pace. So Aqua is very challenging to teach, from what I hear.


There are only 6 Aqua Zumba classes within 25 miles of my zip code...so I definitely wanted to get in on that action, as a new-to-the area instructor. There are 761 Basic Zumba classes within 25 miles of my zip code! So I'm getting licensed in some specialties that I am interested in and hopefully will be able to enter into more classes with them. I'm also going to take the Toning training next month.


I'm very excited for it!


I did Zumba with DH yesterday. He has bulging discs in his lumbar region. It's very painful for him. Nerves are involved...and really, we aren't exactly sure what, if anything can take away the pain. I thought it was more muscle related, but it isn't. His physical therapy involves a lot of core movement and hip movement and core strengthening. I saw him work his big exercise ball on Saturday and I thought to myself...OMG...that's a Zumba hip circle move...he needs to be doing Zumba...so we did. I put together a special back oriented playlist with lots of hippy songs and core work.


Then I did Zumba again this morning. It's good. I realize that I really need to find another first warm up song. The one I used forever and ever "Moves Like Jagger" really set the right mood...partly, it's the choreo to it, I know...but the sound too...current but not in your face...anyone have a favorite first warm up song?

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Happy Monday!


I haven't been posting as much on this thread because I've been dealing with some issues. I've been contemplating whether or not to discuss them here...and I've finally decided that someone may benefit from the conversation, so I'm tellin' ya right now...


This may be TMI for many people.


But I'll do my best for it to NOT be.


It's been very interesting to observe what has happened with my weight and inches and the way my clothes fit since moving. Yes, I gained weight. Not too bad, I thought. Until very recently. Trying to curb my tendency to talk too long...


There is a difference between a bloated stomach area and a distended abdomen. I think we all think of malnourished children in a charity commercial when we think of a distended abdomen and don't really think that it happens in normal circumstances. HOWEVER...anyone that has felt the need to unbutton their britches after Thanksgiving dinner or any other significant indulgence has actually experienced a distended stomach.


The difference between bloat and distension is INCHES. Bloat is where you FEEL full and uncomfortable while distension is MEASURABLE increase in girth. So I've been dealing with distension. And it turns out that I have a severe reaction to wheat. SEVERE. I knew I was sensitive, but I just didn't realize how much. I know that the full on allergy is something that can be tested...and I am contemplating that test, just to see how dire the need to avoid gluten could be...


The only reason that I have truly been able to pin point this is because I am not entirely in maintenance mode...but I have been holding steady within a very small range of weight for a long time. Quite frankly...it was always somewhat surprising to me that I didn't lose a lot more with all my classes...I knew my diet wasn't perfect but it wasn't that bad...but now...having experienced what I have...I'm thinking that reactions and issues with wheat weren't very noticeable under the circumstances...and had I not been eating wheat...my weight loss would have been different.


Because let me tell you...I hit a horrible, HORRIBLE high weight over the weekend...for no discernible reason. My eating habits have not changed so much that it made any sense at all. Not only weight...but a significant gain in inches. It was so very frustrating. Anyway...research helped...and I cut out the wheat again...I concentrated on my water intake...I body brushed...I did all kinds of little things...but the most significant was the wheat...


And I lost 6 pounds in 24 hours. :eek:

And I lost an INCH in 48 hours. :eek:


And the only significant difference...is WHEAT.


And I can tell, from the way I can observe myself...that I have more to lose in this process.


There are 5 F's in a distended abdomen:








Let me just say again...that Smooth Move tea is so very effective. It's really unbelievable. And highly recommended. I need to watch how much you can drink and how often...you do have to be careful...but let's just say that by eliminating wheat to the best of my ability and by continuing to drink this tea at bedtime...I'm very hopeful to get back on track with my weight loss.


I wonder how many of us are dealing with hidden sensitivities or even more significant reactions to food?


For me...one way that I could tell that I had issues was pain. Hello. But also...it felt like there was a water balloon or SOMETHING UNDER my ab muscles...even when the tank should be relatively empty. I don't know if this helps anyone...but that's all I'm going to say on this topic.


I've been keeping myself active...trying to be active around the house...active by going on walks and hikes...and doing planned Zumba classes. This morning, I put together a class that was more focused on toning. Not that I can technically do toning yet...but my ab songs, arm songs, squat songs, etc. Tomorrow, I'm going to the one Zumba class. There is a new Brit coming to class tomorrow...so there will be 6 of us in the group. We do coffee afterward...it's really nice. I don't want to miss it...but the instructor does NO toning type songs...no abs, no squats, etc...so I figured that I would do that today and still be okay for her class tomorrow.


I'll let you know.

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I'd like to share a few tidbits I've learned along the way. I am not a medical professional. I have a food senstivity or two, a good friend whose child is severely allergic to beef(!), and a very good friend who has gluten intolerance. I've seen up close how we all manage our issues. I'll do my best to be brief.


Gluten intolerance is a hereditary disorder and can become very serious if not treated, leading to intestinal ulcers and possible infection. My friend was basically starving to death before she got diagnosed, because eating had become so painful she was just not eating anything. There is gluten in foods other than wheat that must also be avoided. This is very different from a wheat allergy.


A wheat allergy, like other food allergies, can cause hives, rashes, itchy eyes or skin, fatigue, bloating, difficulty breathing, etc. A severe allergic reaction can cause anaphylactic shock. People can develop sudden food allergies at any age -- I have a colleague who developed a life-threatening reaction to sulfites in her 40s. Most food allergies can be diagnosed with skin testing. True food allergies are not very common in adults.


Then there is food intolerance, or food sensitivity, which is what I have (to yeast and soy). Since it cannot truly be tested for, I went through weeks of an elimination diet under the care of a licensed clinical nutritionist to find out what was causing my problems. I experienced the bloating, distension, and weight gain that Anita describes so well. I was in my late 20s and thin when I was diagnosed, yet people were always asking me when my baby was due because my stomach was so rounded. It can take as little as an hour or two, or as long as a couple of days, for me to see the results of overindulging in my problem foods. If I am very strict about avoiding those two foods I can indulge in a glass of wine or a piece of pizza now and then, but they cannot be a habit. Unlike allergies, food intolerances are becoming much more common in this country.


Finally, I would add a final "F" to Anita's list -- Freeloaders, i.e. intestinal parasites. For people who live in and travel to areas with safe water and who are "regular" these are not an issue, since most parasites need to live inside you for a while in order to set up housekeeping. After a while, however, they can cause some of the symptoms Anita describes. I would tell you my Vietnam story but that would be waaaay TMI.

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A couple of weeks ago in Zumba class, I had a... moment, I guess. I wasn't sure I wanted to talk about it, but I think I just needed to process it for a bit.


We were doing this big, sweeping movement to the right, then turned to the back of the room and swept left, then went right, and turned to the front and went left again. We did it several times in sequence, and it was like flying. We were really eating up space, and all of a sudden I just wanted to cry. And I knew if I started, I'd cry hard and wouldn't be able to stop and I'd have to leave the class. So, I kept it together and eventually calmed down. I have to add that I NEVER just cry for no reason, so it shocked me a bit.


I think, now, that it was JOY coming out of my body. Since I've been doing Zumba, and watching my calories, and being more active in many, many ways, my relationship to and understanding of my body is changing. And I think my body was telling me from it's deepest core how happy it is, how joyful and freeing it is to move that way and feel healthy and strong again.


The last time I spontaneously burst into tears, I was having physical therapy after my second knee surgery, and I KNEW it came from a place of grief and loss. I feel like I've finally, all these years later, come out of mourning to a place where my body can once again lift me up and care for me the way I care for it, and we can both feel strong and lovely again.


Maybe someone else has had a transformational moment they'd like to share. I'm getting all emotional again, so I'll stop now. :)

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Anita, have you recovered from your wheat belly?


I had wine twice this week, and even though I'm under my calorie count for this week, by a lot, it's the first time I've missed my weigh-in target. I look like it, too -- I'm fermenting inside.


This weekend is HIGH FIBER WEEKEND! Time to get the party started!

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Anita, I hear you about the smooth move tea and bloating in general. I am really slow about things moving through my system and on Friday weighed 2 pounds more than last week which just isn't possible. I bought some of the tea and has some Friday night. This morning I was down 4 pounds!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Ladies!


Going to Zumba Toning tomorrow! I'm very excited. Thinking I should go to bed soon as it is going to be a very full day tomorrow. I'm thinking it's a bit odd that I'm taking the training but I have never actually taken a Zumba Toning class...:p Ah well...


Been MIA because I went to visit Mom last week...actually, I guess it was two weeks ago now? We went to some awesome Zumba classes. The two ladies that we took classes with are really great and I thoroughly enjoyed my classes with them.


I really do miss a great Zumba class. I went to that one church Zumba class last Tuesday. I debated even going. Not my favorite music. Not my favorite moves. HATE the carpet over concrete floor. But the atmosphere is good. The students are good. And the teacher is sweet. And it's cheap. I debated seriously though because my knees had been bothering me and I know it's related to this class. I thought maybe it was the carpet, but that surprised me because I'm pretty used to dealing with carpet... WELL...I figured it out...and I want to mention this for everyone's benefit in case there is another person like myself.


So I'm really flexible? Like REALLY flexible...and I have a tendency to have loose joints? As in, I can easily hyper-extend many joints. So I figured out that I was hyper-extending my knees in this class. This teacher has a specialty dance cert in Bhangra dancing? Therefore, Bhangra is a rhythm that she does a lot in her Zumba class. There is a Bhangra move (this is an Indian dance...) where you double kick one foot while one hand is high and one is low and they double pump on the double kick. I hyper-extend my knee on that double kick. She also LOVES the move where you can tap your foot on the floor in front of your standing foot and then tap the floor again in a very open stance and then you step, step, step...so that the next time you tap and tap with the other foot? Except this instructor loves to kick, kick...step, step, step...and I hyper-extend on that kick, kick.


So if YOUR knees every bother you...please watch the routines to see if your instructor does kicking moves and notice if you fling your foot and thus stress your knee joint...or are you very controlled? This is a jumpy fast instructor...so it is very challenging to maintain control and not just fling around.


Hope everyone is doing well. I know it's been a while since I posted...no excuses.

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Everything is going great here. Down another 5 pounds for a total of 32. I've been trying to do at least one toning class a week and plan on going tonight since the gym is closed on Thurs./Fri. meaning no Thurs. night regular Zumba class. I love the new instructors the gym brought in and they are now offering a $65.00 monthly pass for unlimited group fitness classes which is nice. Will try to do Zumba Monday (toning), Tues. and Wed. (regular classes) this week in preparation for national pig out day.

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Just back from the Dawn Princess where we had excellent one-hour Zumba classes on every sea day, which amounted to a total of six. I was very pleasantly surprised at how good the classes were! On a 17 day vacation I only gained 3 pounds, but I think I put most of that on during the last few days -- a twelve hour layover at LAX didn't help.


Now it's back to counting calories, and hopefully doing more Zumba!

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Just back from the Dawn Princess where we had excellent one-hour Zumba classes on every sea day, which amounted to a total of six. I was very pleasantly surprised at how good the classes were! On a 17 day vacation I only gained 3 pounds, but I think I put most of that on during the last few days -- a twelve hour layover at LAX didn't help.


Now it's back to counting calories, and hopefully doing more Zumba!


Very nice! I would love to do Zumba on my cruise but don't think they offer it.


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I went to my usual Zumba class on Wednesday after missing a month, and it was salsa night. I thought I was gonna die, even after doing Zumba on vacation a lot. I think having a variety of teachers is like cross-training: they each hit different areas and move in different ways, so the body is constantly challenged. I need to find a way to fit more Zumba into my life!

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Anita, how did your Zumba toning training go? I've been trying to do at least 1 class per week of the toning and think it makes a big difference. Our gym has the standard 1 pound sticks as well as the 2.5 pound ones. I use the heavier ones but by the last song my arms are spent.


They are thinking of offering a new class on Sunday's called Zumba Fushion which I think is half toning and half basic Zumba. I did a 1.5 hour mix of this on Sunday and it was quite a workout.

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Hey Donna...Welcome to the thread!


SO. I've already shared that I've been having a hard time since moving...and that I'm up about 10-15 pounds as well. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude...not give up...and just realize that a major life change like an interstate move can take some time for adjustment.


When I visited Mom and was able to take some great classes...I was trying to figure out what roadblocks really stand in the way for me. And without going into great detail...DH and I figured out how to help me. And this weekend, we bought Phase 1 of the project.


We are building a designed Zumba corner in the game room! We bought two sheets of 4x8 underlayment to lay on the carpet and two boxes of glueless, snap into place laminate flooring and some molding to build a frame around the whole Zumba floor to keep it all in place. The end result is a smooth flooring perfect for working on choreo and working out! I'm very excited about this.


Phase 2 are the mirrors. I think I have worked out an affordable way to get mirrors enough. It won't be floor to ceiling, but that's okay. Ikea has some inexpensive frameless mirrors that I can hang edge to edge to create enough mirror space to make me happy with my own personal Zumba studio.


I'm very excited about this project. I'll post pictures when it is all said and done. :)


About Zumba Toning...I LOVE it. I'll write more about that later. Today is the last day that my MIL is in town and so we have some family plans soon...

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I really enjoyed the Zumba Toning training. I had never taken a Toning class prior to the training. The training day starts with a Toning class...and I absolutely LOVED it. Such a great workout. This is the kind of class...that if you can take one...you will probably find yourself working harder in your Basic Zumba class because you learn how to engage your muscles through more fitness variations of the typical Zumba moves in Toning.


There is a huge difference between using the Zumba Toning sticks and using regular hand weights. The Toning sticks achieve their weight with sand which moves within the sticks...it creates a very dynamic weight that is somewhat similar to those "shaker" weights that you may have seen advertised on TV.


Points the instructor made during training:


1. We took the 1-lb weights we were given and just held one in one hand and lifted it up and shook it...constantly...for however long he made us to prove the point that these small weights will definitely engage your muscles...and can definitely fatigue them. Some people can lift some significant weight in limited sets with limited reps...and hit that fatigue that you want to hit when you are weight training. TONING is purposeful engagement of your muscles with additional weight for about 45 minutes during a one-hour class. SMALL weight is weight enough for the expectations and training that is performed in a Toning class.


2. Control and purposeful movement...NOT speed. Proper form is essential.


3. When the weights are in your hand...the weight should stay perpendicular to your arm...you should keep that "T" formation of weight/hand to arm...don't break this form.


I'm very excited to put together a Toning class. I'm still lost in terms of where to teach...when to get started, etc. But I'm still hopeful to teach. I've gone through a bit of depression regarding the whole business...and I'm trying to deal with that...I'm hoping that having the Toning license will help my options at places that already teach Basic Zumba. We'll see.

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Yes the toning does give you a totally different type of workout. Right now my gym is only offering it once a week but they are planning on adding another class on Sunday. Two weeks ago they had a combo class of 45 minutes of toning and 45 of basic Zumba. It was a real killer but I'd love to add this at least once a week. It's so much more fun than just lifting weights!

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