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Elation Propulsion + 72$


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Not exactly. Two years ago, flying out if Atlanta in route to Phoenix in a 757 we lost an engine. We had to make an emergency landing in Birmingham (with the whole head between the legs, assume you are going to die position). Want to know what Delta gave us? A night in a hotel (from 3AM-7AM when we had to take off again), and double airline miles. HAHAHAHAHA!! This for missing my BIL's wedding that my husband was to be the best man at. THIS is why I never expect the best. Stuff happens. Delta was no more going to "make good" on that, then Carnival will for the OP of this thread. They don't have to and could care less if I never fly with them again. And so it goes.



That is true, but I would much rather take my chances on a ship with engine issue than I would with a plane who has problems in mid flight...

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I guess you never read my review of my 'cruise to nowhere' then. There was no 'ranting' as a matter of fact it was full of compliments to the staff and ship. There is no hard falling when things don't go as planned, there is readjusting and that is what I did in that particular case. Did I expect more?? Absolutely. Did I fall HARD?? No way. You can easily have an optimistic point of view, expecting the best and then roll with the punches. It is rather easy actually.


We obviously have opposite points of view here. There really is no one who can say one is right and one is wrong. I believe that people should be treated fairly. As I have said many times, CCL seems to write the manual as they go along. That will always be my point at the end of the day.


Traveler/tourist, whatever your definition, I really don't care. Fairness - that I care about.


BINGO!!!! You hit the nail on the head!!! CCL (and others, just do a search for any company) will do as little as possible to "make things right". Trying to fight that is futile. They have legal departments that make the US Attorney's Office look like amateurs. My whole point in this is, as you suggested, make due with what you have. Enjoy what you're given because that's all you're going to see. Like CCL, like NCL, like Delta (I could go on forever)....there is zero point in raising hell with the company as Mach has so repeatedly shown (and you pointed out as well), when you make the rules as you go along, cover every known base by ambiguous verbiage, and you have a legal team to back it up, the only thing we as customers can do is rant and rave here (and elsewhere on the internet apparently) and hope we feel better.


Again, this is why I travel with less than perfect expectations....until I can afford Crystal or Regent (et al), I absolutely expect that, if something happens, I will be given nada, zero, zilch. You'd be amazed at how good $70 feels when you expect zero ;)

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When you purchased your cruise you agreed to the following:

The Vessel shall be entitled to leave and enter ports with or without pilots or tugs, to tow and assist other vessels in any circumstances, to return to or enter any port at the Master’s discretion and for any purpose and to deviate in any direction or for any purpose from the direct or usual course, and to omit or change any or all port calls, arrival or departure times, with or without notice, for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to safety, security, adverse weather, strikes, tides, hostilities, civil unrest, port closings, emergency debarkations of Guests or crew, or late air, sea, car or motor coach departures or arrivals, mechanical breakdowns, US or foreign governmental advisories or travel warnings, all such deviations being considered as forming part of and included in the proposed voyage.

Yes, it is a fairly all encompassing statement. The mistake that folks make is that they look at at cruise ship as a means of transportation and it's really not. A cruise ship is a destination unto itself.

Does anyone think the airlines would compensate you if you had to divert to an alternate airport due to weather? Nope... look at what happened recently with the snow storms in the east/northeast.



#1 Comparing a cruise to a flight is nowhere near the same thing.


#2 When I have been diverted whether weather or mechanical issues, I have been delivered to my destination. No compensation but also not paying more for the privilege of going to places I did not want to go.


#3 If I wanted a CTN, then that is what I would take. Luckily I have alway gotten to my destinations fine.

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#1 Comparing a cruise to a flight is nowhere near the same thing.


#2 When I have been diverted whether weather or mechanical issues, I have been delivered to my destination. No compensation but also not paying more for the privilege of going to places I did not want to go.


#3 If I wanted a CTN, then that is what I would take. Luckily I have alway gotten to my destinations fine.




#2: Actually (if we are talking about "getting what you paid for") airlines are far worse.


With an airline, you are paying to get from Point A to Point B "on a specific time table". You are not just paying for the transporation .... you are also paying for the schedule (which is why some flights cost more than others).


These days, airlines "on time" record is a joke. Hubby flies just about every week and during a stretch last year....something like 4 of his 6 flights in a row were either delayed for hours ~ one would have been over night had he not been a Diamond Medallion (he got the last seat out of Atlanta that night) 50+ were not so lucky.


ALL 4 were maintenance related....none were weather.

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Technically, even if a Carnival cruise ship just goes in circles for the entire cruise.... you got what you paid for.


(since you agreed to the contract which has everything clearly spelled out)


If Carnival has fed you, housed you and entertained you for that cruise, then they have delivered what their contract said they would deliver.


Don't want to deal with disruptions of any kind for any reason on a cruise ship....then don't cruise. Problem solved.

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No, the mistake people make is they expect to get the vacation that they paid for. When it is less than what they expected and paid for, they are upset. No amount of rhetoric, inaccurate "official" statements, one sided take it or leave it cruise contract quoting and cheerleader bandwagoning is going to make them feel better.


And this had nothing to do with weather at all, it was mechanical failure by a Carnival ship that caused the problems.



Sorry to say, it's spelled out in the contract, the contract that everyone agrees to when they pay for the cruise.

The statement provided to me by Carnival was accurate. I don't know how you can dispute that.


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Truer words were never spoken.


And Mach, when engines quit on an airplane you can bet money changes hands! Millions.


I guess we're fortunate that Carnival is not in the airline business?



That's not the comparison I made. When the airports were closed (no fault of the airlines, of course...) thousands of people were stranded for days. Did the airlines pick up the tab for hotel rooms or comp them their next trip? Nope...


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Sorry to say, it's spelled out in the contract, the contract that everyone agrees to when they pay for the cruise.


The statement provided to me by Carnival was accurate. I don't know how you can dispute that.



Perhaps the 'contract' would be easier to swallow if CCL played on an even field - make a rule and stick by it. Don't make it all up as you go along using said 'contract' to fall back on and hide behind. I know I just want to be treated the same as any other pax onboard one of their ships.


And sadly, I don't nor do I feel the OP does either.

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Don't want to deal with disruptions of any kind for any reason on a cruise ship....then don't cruise. Problem solved.

I'll say it again, that is a very easy thing to say when given the opportunity to cruise as much as some on these boards. Not so much for the once a year+ cruisers out there who truly enjoy being on the water but also want to enjoy an island or two. That is one of the reasons cruising is so popular - you board, unpack once and visit many different places in the course of a week. That to me is cruising. End of my story:)

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I find it interesting that all of this conversation started because the Elation missed a port (Calica). Cruises to private islands in the Bahamas miss nearly 50% of the time during this time of the year(bad weather time). Does it really matter if it is weather or mechanical issues? Not really. Airlines cancel flights all of the time because of mechanical issues. If this happened to cause to you miss a cruise because you had to take the next flight, do you think the airlines will pay for your lost cruise? No way!!!! Will they refund your flight? Maybe, only if you don't go at all. When a cruise misses a port, you are still traveling and still eating and still sleeping and still out of the bad weather at home (and not sleeping in an airport).

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Perhaps the 'contract' would be easier to swallow if CCL played on an even field - make a rule and stick by it. Don't make it all up as you go along using said 'contract' to fall back on and hide behind. I know I just want to be treated the same as any other pax onboard one of their ships.


And sadly, I don't nor do I feel the OP does either.




How do they change the rules? I think everyone knows that they really owe you nothing if you miss a port.

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I have truly enjoyed both of my carnival cruises. I am a little nervous about our upcoming cruise, mainly because I recommended it to my BIL and SIL. I have heard a lot of opinions on what has happened to them. I was disappointed when they took dominica off of our itenerary. I have seen and heard a lot about the cutbacks. I don't like the direction this company is headed or seems to be headed.

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How do they change the rules? I think everyone knows that they really owe you nothing if you miss a port.

Based on this 'contract' that is being thrown about right now, it should be exactly as you said. They owe you nothing. It simply isn't the case though.


There are many accounts on these boards, in particular, about one cruise getting no compensation, another getting x amount and then others getting x ++++. It makes no difference what the issues are to begin with. It seems to be a case by case review on the part of CCL to decide on what, if any, compensation is offered.


That is changing the rules to suit your own needs to me.

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wow.. that was alot of reading. We are leaving on the 20th. As of right now, what does that status look like? My eyes were going crossed but I believe it has left Mobile and is heading 'somewhere'. We are planning on going and having a good time no matter the situation or weather. We cruise once a year if lucky... its a nice time to enjoy with the hubby and NO kids :)

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Technically, even if a Carnival cruise ship just goes in circles for the entire cruise.... you got what you paid for.


(since you agreed to the contract which has everything clearly spelled out)


If Carnival has fed you, housed you and entertained you for that cruise, then they have delivered what their contract said they would deliver.


Don't want to deal with disruptions of any kind for any reason on a cruise ship....then don't cruise. Problem solved.


I guess if you are a traveller and sit at home all year planning multiple cruises every year, a few "disrupted" days don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. When you get one cruise per year as a "tourist", a disruption is a big thing.


Sorry to say, it's spelled out in the contract, the contract that everyone agrees to when they pay for the cruise.

The statement provided to me by Carnival was accurate. I don't know how you can dispute that.



What you posted as the "official" Carnival statement is quite different than what the OP posted as what "actually" transpired.


And yes, I agree, the contract clearly spells that out. In reality though, most contracts I have negotiated in my lifetime, aside from the cruise contracts, involve some type of negotiation. This negotiation takes out clearly one sided clauses that allow one party in the agreement to do whatever they want with no recourse.


In a fairly negotiated contract one party does not have all the balls and one party is a eunuch.

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I decided to go ahead and book the Feb. 12 (Valentines) Cruise on the Elation.


A couple of years ago, we did a B2B on the Holiday.


On our first trip (4 days), we also were very late to Cozumel. We had to turn around twice for sick people on the ship, and ended up getting to Cozumel at 3:00. I made my lemonade by realize we got to see Cozumel at night, and especially just a week after Christmas with all the lights still up. But, a lot of people missed swimming trips etc.


As a result, we were very late getting back to Mobile, and did not arrive until noon. The parking deck was full, and the line was back. We did not load until about 2:00 and leave until after 6.


We got to Cozumel and could not tender because of bad weather (the docks had not been completed and with 15 foot seas we could not tender in.)


The OP talked of going in circles...all we did was go up and down the bay between Coz and Calica...to stay away from the storm. The ship would dip to almost 45 degrees while making a u-turn. Lots of barf bags appeared by the elevators.


I felt sorry for our table mates who had traveled a long ways only to miss their children getting to swim with the dolphins. We did make it to Calica, which is a much better stop than most think.


Then...we were schedduled on the First Fantasy cruise from Mobile...and six night special...but a fread October Hurrican hits....and we only got five nights.

Every cruise from Mobile has been a disaster...but do I blame Mobile or Carnival. I am experienced and know problems will happen.


So, I think I will try Mobile again.


BTW...I cruise for the cruise...not the destination. If Cozumel or any other port were that important to go to, I would fly there and spend a few days, not plan on just a few hours.

A five day cruise to no-where would be fantastic to me.



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Just curious, can I ask what category you booked? Inside/OV/Suite? On that cruise and keeping an eye on what rooms are being booked. Thanks!


I always book interior....I can walk a couple hundred feet and see the ocean if I want....

rooms are nice and dark...


I turn 55 next week, so got some great Sr. Citizen rates.


And Fire...i already am on the roll call.

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kerrytens, you are missing LHP's point. I only get a week a year also. The point is to go into each and every vacation hoping for the best, expecting the worst, and going with whatever happens. If I set my expectations that each and every trip I go on is going to meet or exceed my every idea of bliss, well, then I am setting myself up for a very hard fall indeed, if something goes wrong. It is completely unrealistic to expect that anything mechanical (be it plane, train, ship or automobile) is not going to break. It is unrealistic to think that pipes can't break and flood an entire floor of a hotel. I could go on, but you get the idea. Caca happens. It's called LIFE. That is how tourists travel. Travelers go into each and every trip knowing that, from the minute they leave the house, anything can happen. If something does, they try to figure out how to make the best of it, and see it for the adventure it is.


I heard a saying once that seems apropos in this situation: expectations are pre-planned resentments. How true that appears to be.


What a great explanation. I would say I can handle most wrenches thrown at me if I know about the, I would have been frustrated with the lack of Info as well. But a vacation is what you make of, I do not care how much you pay. You decide what you want to do and you can control your mood.

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I always book interior....I can walk a couple hundred feet and see the ocean if I want....

rooms are nice and dark...


I turn 55 next week, so got some great Sr. Citizen rates.


And Fire...i already am on the roll call.


Thanks! Hope to see you on the cruise!

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In a fairly negotiated contract one party does not have all the balls and one party is a eunuch.


A cruise contract is non negotiable and is not fair to the consumer, but if you want to cruise, you sign on. If you sail with Carnival enough, you will come to find that they DO have all the balls, and you will discover your inner soprano. :)

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