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Caribbean-Cruising Fashonista


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Okay ladies I need your opinion. I have a small rolling rack that I want to put in my room. I wanted to start getting my outfits ready for my cruise on Feb 6.

Well my kids and husband are teasing me saying it is too soon to be getting your outfits together. Do any of you start planning 3 months in advance?


Yes, yes, yes! (For my World Voyage I started planning two years in advance!)

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When you live in a cold climate and have a winter tropical cruise planned - it's smart to start organizing outfits early.


1. If there are summer clothes that you want to take, it' easy to set them aside (in case they need cleaned, altered, etc.).


2. Trying on summer clothes is more fun when the weather is warm. If I'm choosing cruise attire during winter months, a portable heater goes in the Cruise Room to bring the temp up to tropical!


3. AND - if you need something, there's a good chance that there are still sales.


My CCF shopping gene has gone into hibernation since stores are now filled with wool and fleece - not my favorite Caribbean fabrics;)!


So footballbabe3: Ignore those who make fun of your early prep. You're doing yourself a favor by starting early:cool::).

Edited by indiana71
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As much as the Cruise Room still needs a bit more attention (DH is lagging, suitcase items still needed...), I am focusing on Christmas To Dos this weekend. Seems appropriate with snow covering the grass:rolleyes:!


Wrapping gifts, finishing Christmas cards, choosing recipes is the order of business today and tomorrow...BUT come Sunday - it's back to Caribbean music and a glass of something tropical. Meantime, hot chocolate and Jingle Bells:cool::)!

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As much as the Cruise Room still needs a bit more attention (DH is lagging, suitcase items still needed...), I am focusing on Christmas To Dos this weekend. Seems appropriate with snow covering the grass:rolleyes:!


Wrapping gifts, finishing Christmas cards, choosing recipes is the order of business today and tomorrow...BUT come Sunday - it's back to Caribbean music and a glass of something tropical. Meantime, hot chocolate and Jingle Bells:cool::)!


Great idea to get a heat start on Christmas. My gifts (all but my three little grand nephews) have been wrapped and mailed in Oct. Did not want to take them down south with us and then have to mail them. My family holds them until Christmas.

I have never thought of choosing Christmas recipes ahead of time. Good idea!

It has cooled off here in Fl today. But still warm compared to the rest of the cold north.

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As much as the Cruise Room still needs a bit more attention (DH is lagging, suitcase items still needed...), I am focusing on Christmas To Dos this weekend. Seems appropriate with snow covering the grass:rolleyes:!


Wrapping gifts, finishing Christmas cards, choosing recipes is the order of business today and tomorrow...BUT come Sunday - it's back to Caribbean music and a glass of something tropical. Meantime, hot chocolate and Jingle Bells:cool::)!


I used to have a Caribbean Christmas music CD. I could feel Christmas-y and enjoy steel drums at the same time!:D:D

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Scrapnana: What a good idea!! Since we have a pre-Christmas cruise booked for next year, too; I'm going to follow your lead and get a Caribbean Christmas CD - yes, that's right...no ipods in our house...we still do the CD thing:cool::)!


My suitcase is DONE...now do I dare weigh it:confused:??? Never had one too heavy, but there's always a first time...okay, okay, I'll do it before the end of today...

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Scrapnana: What a good idea!! Since we have a pre-Christmas cruise booked for next year, too; I'm going to follow your lead and get a Caribbean Christmas CD - yes, that's right...no ipods in our house...we still do the CD thing:cool::)!


My suitcase is DONE...now do I dare weigh it:confused:??? Never had one too heavy, but there's always a first time...okay, okay, I'll do it before the end of today...


I am so gonna hunt a carribean cd.

My bags were at 48.5 Nov 1st when I got off the Glory getting on Southwest. Um, after some gifts from carnival players club,,,,4 beach towels and 3 coffee stainless steel mugs,,,,,,,I was doing the bag dance in the airport bathroom:D;). Quite proud when I got both suitcases to 48# and no overages. Had to toss some toiletries to do it,,,,;) but I did it.

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I am so gonna hunt a carribean cd.

My bags were at 48.5 Nov 1st when I got off the Glory getting on Southwest. Um, after some gifts from carnival players club,,,,4 beach towels and 3 coffee stainless steel mugs,,,,,,,I was doing the bag dance in the airport bathroom:D;). Quite proud when I got both suitcases to 48# and no overages. Had to toss some toiletries to do it,,,,;) but I did it.


Oh, you have GOT to get one of these:




You can do the bag dance right in your cabin! :D

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Oh, you have GOT to get one of these:




You can do the bag dance right in your cabin! :D


Thanks! great minds think alike.

Mine scale is made like that and it came from amazon too. We had a Halloween party the night before and I messed up and left way too much stuff out of my bags. Fellow cruise critics from the meet n mingles - using up the last of the alcohol and then went dancing.

So I had like 4 carry-ons - walking off the ship. Too many fun ship specials and kiss on the lips that last night - messed me up. I don't normally drink - so I was a light weight. So I had to do the dance at the airport - due to stupidity:o - with a slight hang over.

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Whew! Suitcase weighed 38.5 lbs, so I added a couple of DH's shirts (since there was still room). DH will add a two pairs of shoes to his suitcase - and they are heavier than my nine pairs:rolleyes:. So, if his suitcase is 50+, there's room in mine.


QUESTION: We talk about who packs the luggage pre-cruise (I do, DH packs his own, etc.), BUT - who does the unpacking onboard?


We have a procedure that works well for us: Suitcases are opened on the bed. DH takes his station in front of the closet. I hand him items to hang up and shoes to put in the shoe bag on the bathroom door. All shelf & drawer items are mine to put away.

It doesn't take very long and asap, my suitcase is under the bed, and DH's is used as the hamper.

Edited by indiana71
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Whew! Suitcase weighed 38.5 lbs, so I added a couple of DH's shirts (since there was still room). DH will add a two pairs of shoes to his suitcase - and they are heavier than my nine pairs:rolleyes:. So, if his suitcase is 50+, there's room in mine.


QUESTION: We talk about who packs the luggage pre-cruise (I do, DH packs his own, etc.), BUT - who does the unpacking onboard?


We have a procedure that works well for us: Suitcases are opened on the bed. DH takes his station in front of the closet. I hand him items to hang up and shoes to put in the shoe bag on the bathroom door. All shelf & drawer items are mine to put away.

It doesn't take very long and asap, my suitcase is under the bed, and DH's is used as the hamper.


We have a rule of thumb: if we care what it looks like, then Peggy (that's me) does it. :D


I pack, and I unpack. I spritz our clothes with a spray bottle that I bring empty and fill in the cabin bathroom. Then, all the very slightly damp clothes end up hanging and drying out with the wrinkles falling out.


When it's time to pack to go home, hubby does ALL the packing. Every single last little thing.


We take our luggage scale (the new digital one I posted above will now come with us), and he makes sure both suitcases are within the weight limit.


Moi? I lay on the bed and read my book. :D:D

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Yes! The digital luggage scale is a godsend! The old method of standing on the scale, getting off, holding a suitcase, getting back on - is SO not reliable!icon13.gif Besides, that only works for one way. We still need to re-pack and get that luggage home. And the luggage scale is small and light - no problem taking it along:).


pcur: Loved your Packing/Re-Packing story! We want everything to be perfect for the Pre-Cruise...but coming back - it all gets laundered/dry cleaned anyway:rolleyes:. Laying on the bed, reading a book is the best idea!



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Yes! The digital luggage scale is a godsend! The old method of standing on the scale, getting off, holding a suitcase, getting back on - is SO not reliable!icon13.gif Besides, that only works for one way. We still need to re-pack and get that luggage home. And the luggage scale is small and light - no problem taking it along:).


pcur: Loved your Packing/Re-Packing story! We want everything to be perfect for the Pre-Cruise...but coming back - it all gets laundered/dry cleaned anyway:rolleyes:. Laying on the bed, reading a book is the best idea!




I came up with our "packing system" after one cruise where I insisted he do his own packing. What a mess! No offense intended to my darling husband, but he's just not inclined to be fussy about anything but his tools, and they reside in pristine toolboxes with lined drawers!!


At home, I rotate his shirts, since he has a habit of going to the one in the closet that is most familiar. This means he will wear the same shirt constantly as fast as I wash/dry/hang it back up. We eat out a lot, so he puts on a nice shirt, wears it for an hour or two, hangs it back up, repeats ad nauseum until he decides it needs washing. I have to look at the same shirt over dinner for what seems like eternity. That's when I just arbitrarily decide it goes to the dirty clothes hamper, regardless! :D


So, I took over the "inbound" cruise packing, and he gets to just throw the stuff in there on the "outbound". :D

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I came up with our "packing system" after one cruise where I insisted he do his own packing. What a mess! No offense intended to my darling husband, but he's just not inclined to be fussy about anything but his tools, and they reside in pristine toolboxes with lined drawers!!


At home, I rotate his shirts, since he has a habit of going to the one in the closet that is most familiar. This means he will wear the same shirt constantly as fast as I wash/dry/hang it back up. We eat out a lot, so he puts on a nice shirt, wears it for an hour or two, hangs it back up, repeats ad nauseum until he decides it needs washing. I have to look at the same shirt over dinner for what seems like eternity. That's when I just arbitrarily decide it goes to the dirty clothes hamper, regardless! :D


So, I took over the "inbound" cruise packing, and he gets to just throw the stuff in there on the "outbound". :D



Lol...my laugh for the day.

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It must be a guy thing! My DH wears a shirt a couple hours, hangs it up...wears it again. I know it's been worn because he doesn't bother to button the top button, and after washing & ironing, I always button;)!

And as long as I'm dissing the guy...he's in his recording studio working weeks ahead (so his shows go on while he's away)...but he can't understand why I want the packing done ahead:rolleyes:.

He IS doing better this time. And since we're flying, it's all about the weight. My suitcase is done and is just over 42 lbs. His needs a few more items, and right now weight is 38 lbs. Nice to know the packing procedure is winding down:cool::)!

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It must be a guy thing! My DH wears a shirt a couple hours, hangs it up...wears it again. I know it's been worn because he doesn't bother to button the top button, and after washing & ironing, I always button;)!

And as long as I'm dissing the guy...he's in his recording studio working weeks ahead (so his shows go on while he's away)...but he can't understand why I want the packing done ahead:rolleyes:.

He IS doing better this time. And since we're flying, it's all about the weight. My suitcase is done and is just over 42 lbs. His needs a few more items, and right now weight is 38 lbs. Nice to know the packing procedure is winding down:cool::)!


It's all about priorities, honey, priorities! :D

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The To Do List has lots of checkmarks! Chores are being crossed off. Many times the last 2 weeks before a cruise drag on and on...but NOT this time! Whew! Thanksgiving and the day after are wonderful. Our family will be together, except for DS & family in Minneapolis:( but Skype, at least gives us a chance to chat face to face - even though it gets loud as all 25 of us try to give holiday greetings at the same time:rolleyes:.


Tomorrow evening is our small town's Light-Up Night. It's going to be in the low 20's, and shops will be open...I might have to go inside to get warm...and who knows, maybe find ONE MORE FUN ITEM to tuck in the suitcase:cool::).

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Yes, it was cold for Light Up Night, but not windy (thank goodness for small favors!). Before the parade, I stopped in a couple shops...and found a bracelet that should be perfect for Formal Night #2. I'm wearing a black LBD, silver heels and silver evening bag. Necklace is red stones on silver (was my mother's), red & silver dangly earrings...and now a red stones and silver bracelet (nothing that needs to be insured, just a fun piece of jewelry).

I wanted to be seasonally festive without going over the top. (Will hopefully remember to have a photo and others after The Cruise.)


SailAway is in TEN Days!! DH's Countdown Clock shows when we leave for the airport, and that's NINE days:cool:. Lots to do in the next week.

Yesterday we had almost tropical weather - 60+ on the thermometer, so took advantage and put up outdoor decorations. And finally, all the leaves are down and we filled one last bag.


Whew! Down time today. Hair and eyebrow wax appointment tomorrow...

Edited by indiana71
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I came up with our "packing system" after one cruise where I insisted he do his own packing. What a mess! No offense intended to my darling husband, but he's just not inclined to be fussy about anything but his tools, and they reside in pristine toolboxes with lined drawers!!


At home, I rotate his shirts, since he has a habit of going to the one in the closet that is most familiar. This means he will wear the same shirt constantly as fast as I wash/dry/hang it back up. We eat out a lot, so he puts on a nice shirt, wears it for an hour or two, hangs it back up, repeats ad nauseum until he decides it needs washing. I have to look at the same shirt over dinner for what seems like eternity. That's when I just arbitrarily decide it goes to the dirty clothes hamper, regardless! :D


So, I took over the "inbound" cruise packing, and he gets to just throw the stuff in there on the "outbound". :D


So true! My dh does this as well. In fact I just rotated his shirts yesterday. Pulling something else to the front of his shirt section. Tools - they are in a lined drawer as well. Not touching either! Perfectly spaced.

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Looks like next cruise I'm going to be having this shiny accessory... I got engaged this weekend! Having such a beautiful ring definitely is making me want to step up in the rest of my fashion. I feel so weird wearing it while in my pajamas. Lol. It was 100% a surprise, and it feels weird wearing it since I don't normally wear anything, but I know that will change.

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Looks like next cruise I'm going to be having this shiny accessory... I got engaged this weekend! Having such a beautiful ring definitely is making me want to step up in the rest of my fashion. I feel so weird wearing it while in my pajamas. Lol. It was 100% a surprise, and it feels weird wearing it since I don't normally wear anything, but I know that will change.


Congratulations. Beautiful ring!

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