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Everything posted by pcur

  1. I look at prices; I know the latest gratuity amount and add that in; if it looks OK, I book. I have no idea (but, I really do, and I'll shut up about that) why all this nefarious intentions by RCCL are in question here. Not my experience in the last half century, and it's all being accounted for in my text messages from my credit card bank. Also, my account if I choose to look at it in the app or on my cabin TV. (she says, puzzled.......)
  2. Actually, I did have that exact experience with NextCruise when I was starting with my current (amazing) TA. NextCruise tried to keep the current agent from the cruise I was on, and I had to tell them to change it. If I hadn't noticed it (they did not ask), I would have had to wrestle it away from my old TA.
  3. It's RCCL's error with the NextCruise booking. They ALWAYS are supposed to confirm if you want the TA for the cruise you are currently on. Be sure to point this out when you communicate with them.
  4. This is actually what worked for me on the Jewel in April 2024. On another cruise, a friend needed to eat EARLIER every night, and pre-ordered his meals for early arrivals. We both tipped extra for the convenience.
  5. Take the 5pm dining time, arrive at 5:15, which is closer to what you want. Then, check after a few days and find out if 5:30 is OK for the rest of the cruise. To make it easier on the wait staff, pre-order your dinner the night before so they have your appetizers, soups, and salads ready for you. Saves them extra trips to the kitchen at odd times.
  6. (Giggle) I use a Canadian TA who gets group rates.....................
  7. You are docking at Pier 35. Walking out to the Embarcadero (street), to your left at dock 33 is the Alcatraz tour dock. Actually, it's in between 33 and 31. Going to your right from Pier 35 you can walk to Pier 39 which is all restaurants and shops. Directly across the street from Pier 35 at Embarcadero and Bay is the transportation center for light rail (electric buses) and regular buses. There might be pedal cars (bicycles with a cab attached and a cyclist) along there, too. My favorite place is the old (now new since the fire) Ferry Building. It's all restaurants and shops inside now. The ferry to/from Emeryville and Berkeley is right there. (It's my favorite because my Grandma when she was in her 20's used to work in one of the big department stores in SF, and walked through the Ferry Building every work day. She had the day off on 4/18/1906, and watched the earthquake from the roof of her boarding house in Oakland. If she had to work, I wouldn't be writing this today, because at 5:06am she would have been walking up Market St to work. Lucky me!!) In late September the weather should be in the low 70's during the day. There are many days in SF during September that are very sunny, as it's overcast a lot all year next to the Bay.
  8. I have a running joke with my cruise friends and concierges: when it's time to go to dinner (or wherever) I take my "sippy cup" with me. I just pour the drink into a to-go paper cup with the "sipping lid" on it.
  9. RCCL has desalination and purification systems on all it's ships. The tap water is probably more pure than most people's home tap water.
  10. Any bar that has a soda gun will charge you. Except ice water: you can always get that.
  11. Yes. I spent 2 weeks on her Transatlantic in April, and used the hooks and clothesline in the bathroom/shower several times.
  12. I'm not quite sure if this was covered already, but what if you book entertainment first, then dining? Are you blocked from the specialty restaurant because you aren't allowing 4-5 hours?
  13. I agree. I have found the food and service in the CK to be excellent, and several of the lunch menus were exceptional.
  14. To clarify, travel agents ARE allowed to use their business name in their signature. They cannot solicit business on Cruise Critic, or respond to an inquiry on these boards about booking a cruise.
  15. First of all this it my favorite itinerary of all after 51 years of cruising. It's the BEST. Stay in Hawaii a few nights before the cruise, and in Australia a few nights after. Secondly, expand all signatures in all threads you are asking advice from.
  16. It doesn't matter what I'm buying from RCCL, I add gratuities, taxes, etc. into the total before I buy. I go to the last page before booking, so I have the price I'm seeing for my TA when I book, than add daily tips. Go to the payment page so I see the final price of a dining package before I buy, etc. I agree: RCCL is not very straightforward in their pricing practices.
  17. Depends on how close you are to sailing. Keep trying, but if more time slots don't open, then go to the MTD podium on embarkation day and talk to the manager. They are usually there by 1pm, but go and check on the time. I do this on every cruise, because MTD is usually a zoo on the first night. Much calmer to talk in the early afternoon on Day 1. I use the Cruise Planner on my notebook, but mostly because the screen's bigger!
  18. And, do NOT get me started on the fruit pickers.................................
  19. silentbob007, TOTALLY off topic, but what part of Ann Arbor do you live in? My son and his family live there off Eisenhower Parkway. He works for the UofM.
  20. My rule of thumb is to avoid large buses if I can. Too many logistics and too many people jostling to get on, off, and to their luggage. I prefer Uber in Miami and UBER or SAS in Fort Lauderdale.
  21. I will go ahead of the line if the food item holding up the line is not something I want. BUT, there has to be no one at the food item I do want. I have slowly toughened up about people cutting in front of me, etc. It used to bother me, because I am a very polite person. But, I usually just stay calm and never starve.
  22. I am referring to Long Beach Airport to/from the World Cruise Center on Swinford St, in San Pedro. I've never had a problem getting an Uber either way. Just checked (this afternoon) and it was showing $34 with drivers 2 minutes away.
  23. Is it possible for you to fly out of Long Beach? It's a 20 minute drive from the port. Uber is about $30. Tues morning during commute hours is slow to LAX, but you should be OK for an 11:45 flight.
  24. Depends on the cruise. I just booked solo for a 4 night Reflection cruise as an "almost" b2b with my RCCL cruise this September. The Celebrity cruise was $620 in a Premium balcony: $155 / night. This is a group rate, also.
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