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Here are shoe options. I don't plan to bring them all. For formal night and most of the nights I'm wearing dresses, I will wear the gold sandals.






Remember the gold/ivory dress I showed a few posts back? These are the gold sandals with it and necklace I plan to wear. I found out that the Etsy vendor I bought the necklace from had the matching bracelet also so I ordered it.


This is the rust colored dress I'm debating about taking, also to be worn with the gold sandals and this necklace:



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And this will be the last post today. :p Sorry, I get so much feedback from all of you, and I enjoy the process of planning my wardrobe.


I am lost on what shoes to wear with this dress. My favorite sandals that I planned to wear with the dress recently broke! I don't think I will go with the gold sandals, as I think the dress needs something more casual. The dress is much warmer than it looks in this picture.




Finally, I get a little cool in the evening, and these are some options to change into after dinner:





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Hey Laurie!


I've been MIA because I went to visit Mom and Dad in AZ during the first full week of November...and I was busy getting ready prior to and getting back into the swing of things after... I'm trying to watch my computer usage lately...I can totally lose my day to the computer if I don't watch myself.


It's so fun to other people clothes! I think it's a really good idea for you to be looking at all this right now...your cruise is going to come so much faster than you think after the holidays. If you can nail down your clothing, then you can have more fun with the accessories because you will have the time to figure them all out.


Dresses...your husband and daughter were SO RIGHT about that dress!! It looks fabulous on you. It is a very flattering style. I can just imagine you with your hair all done...and some fun jewelry on...maybe a fun little clutch...I love this dress.


The dress you think is just okay? But nice. It exactly that IMO. That dress needs a belt. I don't know what kind of belt? The neck line is really beautiful with the treatment on it...it totally calls attention to your face, which is always a good thing...but the way the fabric hangs...I bet it's pretty comfortable, but it adds visual weight because you can't see a waist...therefore, it needs a belt, so you can see your waist. Belts I have seen on dresses like this are usually made of the fabric of the dress and the buckle is usually somehow neutralized as well. I'd have to go picture shopping to see examples of what would really look good, but it would be worth doing since you have so much time. It would be worth it too because the color is wonderful and again...that neckline is really flattering. AH...I just read how you are having it tailored. I bet it will be an improvement. The fabric doesn't look this it is the kind that is generally used in more tailored clothing...not like the other dress you took a picture of...so even with the tailoring...it might still be worth it to think about a belt.


What's up with the cream lace dress? It isn't in the dress picture and you don't talk about it at all.


I really like the fabric on the golden metallic dress. That dress has a belt! LOL.


The high-low dress is beautiful. That kind of wrap bodice style is usually so flattering if you have the right foundation garments. It can be difficult to find that right one that makes you perky enough for the fabric to stay put and not be too revealing but also is low cut enough to not be seen. Have you found a good bra for that one?


I LOVE the print dress. And I agree that you need more casual shoes with that one. I like the wedge shoes that you picked out. They blended into the picture for me at first so I didn't realize they were there and funny enough, they were the ones that I was going to suggest first. I think this fun dress could use a bit of a heel with it...and that wedge seems the best option. The necklace is really nice and totally matches. I wonder if it matches too much? I think it works, don't get me wrong...and maybe it's just my style? but with a print like this one...I would pick out one of the accent colors of the dress and have the jewelry be more predominantly that color. Maybe you could do that with the earrings though? Do you wear earrings?


My DS just woke up! Can you imagine? I'll post more comments later...

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I did some a quick internet search for "belted formal dress"...to see photos of dressier dresses with belts. There are so many great pictures. I think that I am most drawn to the ones where the belt blends into the color of the dress. I saw several that were leather or leather like that were in the same color tone as the dress and it was very attractive. Usually the belt was slimmer in width... There were also typical black belts...and metallic belts. But I think that these looked best on the dresses that were otherwise unadorned. Your dress has the neckline detail and so I think that if you tried to ALSO add an accent belt...the belt would fight with the neckline...BUT if you just added a belt that blended into the color, just to add shape to the dress...it would do just that...add shape without adding an accent.


Your comment about skirts on the ship was very funny to me...I totally flashed the pool deck one day when I climbed the outside stairs up to the rock climbing wall and the wind caught my full skirt and it went flying! So embarrassing! Very good thinking to plan for all the straight skirt styles.


I personally can't wear denim skirts...which is a bummer because if you have one you like...they can go with everything. Mine always lift in the front in a weird way...not necessarily up but out...I don't know why...maybe from sitting? I just hate that profile view on me with the bottom front of the skirt forming a tent...LOL. The yellow is fabulous of course.


As for that light colored neutral...I think you should get a summer/spring weight scarf for that shirt. I've been having so much fun with scarves lately so naturally, I'm going to suggest that. You will need more color near your face with that shirt. This is still a pretty pricey scarf, BUT...if you would wear it a lot...it's not a bad price for a great accessory, here's a scarf that I think would complement that outfit:






You could also wear this scarf with several other shirts you posted, including the yellow one...


What accessories were you thinking of wearing with your skirt outfits?


I have discovered that as much as I admire chunky or statement necklaces on others...they bug me. There are only a few that I really like and wear...the others...well...I look at them and put them on, think they look good, but know they will bug me...so that's one reason why I've been having fun with the scarfs. To me, they are just as much a statement, but since they are so flexible...I can change them up if they start to bug me around my neck. LOL.

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Laurie, dresses and shoes! How fun! I'm too jet-lagged to comment so I'll have to come back.


I have some pictures of my evening outfits, very little of my daytime clothes, and when I sort through everything I'll post a few. We had an amazing time! It was full and busy, yet relaxing and slow at the same time. I don't know how to describe it. But, here we are in OZ, and the second one is DH's best shot of the solar eclipse:



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Anita! Margaret! It's great to hear from you both.


Anita, I fully agree that the dress needs a belt, or something. If it had a zipper, I'd be more inclined to to change it up a bit style wise. Mostly, I think I'd try some sort of tapering. However, since it goes on over my head, I can't do too much. I think I;ll start trying it on with some belts and see where I head with that.


The cream dress...I love it. However, it has a similar fit problem as the other. This one has a zipper, and since the styling is a bit different, I took the chance to see if I could have a few little darts/pleats put in. I will let you know how it came out when I get it back. I sew, but I've been getting a bit nervous lately about alterations. I think it's because I don't sew as much as I used to. When you see all those shorts I took pictures of, they went to the top of my knee and Curt has suggested I go shorter than that. I hemmed all of those.


The cream dress is an option to take in place of the rusty colored red one. I actually have a few other options to consider as well.


You know the necklace that looks matchy matchy with the print dress? It's attached. :-) Most of the time, you don't see straps with that style of dress, but this one had them. I love the dress on.


The high low has a fabric insert across the front, so it doesn't actually cut low. Here is a picture of me wearing it. What do you think?





The denim skirt is actually a skort. For that reason, I think it lays better. The other two skirts are lighter weight, so I think they will work out well.


I guess we all have a fetish, and mine is necklaces. I am starting to look a lot more lately at cocktail rings too. I can get a bit fussy though - I like things to be different and noticeable, but I don't want it distracting. It's like that necklace I found for the olive formal dress. It was just right.


I didn't think if scarves, but I'm glad you mentioned them! That could be an excellent option and accessory.

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Margaret! What an amazing trip you must have had! I'm so looking forward to seeing your photos!


Laurie, I LOVE the high low dress. Nice nude shoes too. I'm really studying the picture you posted. I'd like to see you try to put those shoulder straps wider and down your shoulders a bit so that those wide straps cover the very tip of your shoulder. Like what I think is called a portrait collar. Like this photo:




I'm noticing that the seams that connect the top of the bodice to the straps are on an angle? They aren't straight across...so I think that the straps should be perpendicular to that line which means the dress would go slightly off shoulder as opposed to the way that you are wearing the dress in the photo. If this creates difficulty with your bra straps, try using a product like this:




I bought a combo pack from Target that had several different bra strap solutions in it, including this one. I can tell you that it is really effective for keeping bra straps right wear you want them. The fabric insert is very helpful! And I think having it will make it that much easier to wear the straps the way I'm talking about.


Since you sew...what if you just made a sash? You could find a complementary material...doesn't have to be a perfect match. You could experiment with where to tie it for the best look. Like this:




I owned a dress that had a sash like belt...but I didn't know how to make that knot that lies flat like in that link...so I had to ask a sales associate to teach me how. Maybe you do...regardless...for the benefit of all...it's a double knot...you tie the second knot in the opposite way that you tied the first one, so if you crossed the right over the left for the first knot...cross the left over the right for the second one. Then you get that pretty looking knot with ends that hang out the sides instead of the top and the bottom. I hope that makes sense.


The cream dress is a very flattering cut...but I think I prefer the brick color on you better. And I'm thinking how you would be wearing these dresses to dinner? And I'm thinking that for the majority of the time you would be wearing the dress, you would be sitting? And that neckline on the brick colored one is so flattering...you'd look fabulous sitting there in that dress at the table. Granted...it isn't as flattering yet because the belt issue is unresolved...HOWEVER...I bet that dress is very comfortable. LOL! And I truly believe you can make a sash that would do the trick to help the shape of the dress.

Edited by Anita Latte
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Anita, I love portrait colors. I found a dress that was a cocktail dress in a nice satiny fabric, that had a retro feel and a portrait collar. I am going to try that with the dress, and see how it works!


I have a handful of different things around, so I am sure I can get some ideas for that dress. A thought I had is that if I created a pleated look with a belt and it looked good, how would I keep it from moving around and getting messed up? If I decide to go that route, I think I would pin the pleats while I had it on and see if it would still go over my head. If it did, I could so the pleats in, and then the belt would be there...not sure if it would work, but since I would just be pinning it to start with, I could see if it was a viable solution or not.


I actually love the portrait collar dress. Very cute!


A friend who used to do crafts always told me that when you tie something, "left over right, then right over left". You can do it the other way around, as long as you rotate the sides, and it works very well.


I love the color cream, but it doesn't do amazing things for me. I do better with deeper earth tones, over all. At least with the rusty colored dress, the neckline scoops a bit. On the cream one, it does not and that is a big factor for me in looking proportional.


I have a few other dresses that are options, and I will take a few pictures to show you. Actually, I think I have a few photos already; I will check later for them.

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Happy Thanksgiving Ladies! I hope everyone has a wonderful day today. I know that I am thankful for all of you and the fun that we have discussing our colors and clothing here on our threads. When I think about it, it seems such a silly thing, but I really do enjoy our cyber friendship. Blessings, Anita.

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Happy belated Thanksgiving to you, Anita!!! It's been a bit crazy these past few days and I haven't been at the computer much. I love cooking for the holidays. We did some shopping yesterday and had a good time. We are following our usual tradition of getting a gree today. We need to go out and pick one before the snow starts, as we will be getting about 3 inches of snow. Normally, we leave it up overnight, and spend all day Sunday decorating. Of course, dinner is leftovers from the big meal!


We have both our daughters working tomorrow, so we are going to do the tree today and the rest tomorrow, before they go to work.

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Anita, love your new shorter haircut!

Laurie: love looking at how you accessorize your outfits. I also agree with Anita re your rust dress and somehow belting it, to create the waist effect. Your other shorts/tops outfits look very nice.

Ivory dress: not your best colour IMO but maybe with gold jewellery it might 'spark' it up a bit.

I am not Earth but rather Ice, but since there is no Ice thread, I like popping in & seeing the lovely fashions posted here.

A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you all and hope the snow holds off too.

Living up here near Vancouver BC Canada it was sunny and any snow we have is up on the ski hills.:)

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The next dress is a great shade of red, although the satin quality throws it off in pictures a bit. I did a lot of comparing in the store and against my color cards to be sure. I debated about the dress style a lot, and finally my husband and daughter told me to take it home, put it on with my dressy sandals, and take a picture. Once I did that, I felt much better about it. I loved the dress, that wasn't the problem. I don't always love my body! Here is me wearing it. What do you guys think?




My dog is cute isn't he??


Laurie, I love love love this dress on you. The color is beautiful, and the fit is perfect. I think it is a bit scary to wear something fitted that confronts us with our body in all it's perceived imperfections. I say perceived because we are all beautiful shapely creatures and we need to appreciate our beauty in the form it has been given to us. It is useless to measure oneself against someone else's made-up ideal. You know, minority women have a much, much smaller incidence of anorexia because they don't buy into media hype about shape. I think in this dress you've found the perfect combination of form and color that I've been struggling with for over a year now.


Your dog is a cutie!





I like your dress lineup. Mine helped me choose in what order to wear them on the cruise, since I had two brown dresses that I didn't want to wear close together, and I wanted to alternate my two pairs of evening shoes.


You will see in some of the pictures I'm going to post that my wardrobe is still a hot mess. I know it, and I know why it's that way, but it's still hard to look at! Ladies, learn from my mistakes for they are legion.;)


Sometimes when I look at my pictures I hear Anita's voice in my head, and I thank you very much for that! It's very helpful. I think my problems fall into two major categories: first, choosing either fit or color while ignoring the other; and second, buying in last minute desperation to fill a functional need and not having the time (or caring enough) to find the perfect thing. I think once I meet my weight loss goals I will take the time to really fine tune my wardrobe to work well AND look good. For now I'm being frugal and I don't want to spend a lot on clothes that won't fit in a few months, so I'm making do with a lot that doesn't really work for various reasons.


So, this last year has been a big period of transition for me, and it's well reflected in my clothes, as you will soon see!

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Cruzisme, stop over and chat with us anytime! I like to see how we all approach our color situation. I've always felt that someone who is an ice would have it easy, since black is everywhere. However, when you aren't looking for black, how hard is it for you to find what you are looking for? I have seen people post that black is practically all they wear. I can't imagine wearing only one color...it feels limiting to me.


I do have fun planning out the cruise wardrobe. I know that I will have to decide what will make the cut, and what won't. I would say that my dresses are set, with the rust colored one still in limbo. I have been pretty busy this past week but I hope to try it on with a belt today. As Anita has said, the neckline is really nice. I tried to choose a necklace that would be small scale and not draw away from the pretty neckline. The necklace chosen has a lot of gold to it along with the different color beading. I am thinking of starting out by trying on the belt that goes to the ivory/gold dress. In addition to solving the full dress problem, it may work to just unify the outfit, since the neckline will have some gold, then the waist, then the shoes.


I am on the lookout for scarves too! I may have a couple already that aren't heavy or wintery to try. I will look in the closet when I try on the other dress with the belt. If not, the local Marshalls often has a great selection of scarves to choose from.


Margaret, I understand fully what you are talking about with your wardrobe, as I have had a similar issue. I found myself buying and wearing clothing that didn't look good on me because it was the right color. It is a slow process.


My husband saw me glance at the ivory/gold dress in JC Penney, and he bought it for me. I was on sale and he had a coupon (before the new store format) and it ended up being $21.00 with tax, or close to it. The high low dress was a clearance item I recently purchased. I tried a few different dresses and had the prices a bit mixed up, but it turns out that particular dress was $14.00 before tax. The red dress I had a coupon for, it was $52.50 in Dressbarn. The rust dress, was incredibly cheap on clearance, but I'd have to go back and find the price. I forget now ~ I believe it was under $20.00.


All in all, most of my purchases were incredibly cheap. Even two of the shorts I'm bringing along were last minute 50% off clearance purchases I got for $10.00 each. The rest is all things that I've been building up.


One thing that helps me a lot with cruise planning is to only look at what works, both style and color wise. Then I try to put them together as outfits. I literally ignore the rest.


Unfortunately, getting ready for work in the morning is not so easy. I am doing better all the time. I make it a point to take the replacement attitude. I found a wonderful V neck sweater. I can add it to the wardrobe. However, that sweater I've been holding on to in the wrong color? I have a replacement now, so it can go to the Rescue Mission or Good Will.


The cream dress that is so iffy...I know the color isn't quite right, nor the fit. However, it is new, and was $40.00. That is why I'm making the adjustments to the dress, and then since it is washable, I may try to tea stain it. I just can't part with it being brand new. I have a blue dress too that is borderline air/earth....you know, you aren't sure if it is warm or cool? Well, the neckline is all wrong, but overall, it's a decent dress. I didn't include it in the dress line up, but I can't seem to part with it yet. The longer I don't wear it, then slowly buy new things, the easier it will get to give it a way.

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Oh, and it's cold here with a dusting of snow. It was ver windy yesterday, making it much colder than it already felt. Brrr! But we've been decorating the house for the holidays, which I love.


Anita, let me know if you know of some places that I can check online for scarves. I am not sure if the Sam Moon website is back up yet. They were revising it and said it would be a while before you could shop online again.

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I feel very good about all the dresses, but I am not sure about the first one. The best way to explain it is that I think it will look okay. Not great, but nice.


I have an alterntative, and a photo of me in the at first dress:






I agree with the others that the color and the neck detail on this dress are lovely, and with your statement that it is nice but not great. I think I would also make that statement about shift dresses in general, because they are made to flow or drape over the hip and not really designed to be form-fitting. It is both their blessing and their curse. :rolleyes: They are best seen in motion when the fabric can move and don't really photograph well, I think. You can try a belt or sash but I find that the extra fabric that makes a dress drape, and makes it comfortable, also makes for a lot of bulk around the waistline if you cinch it. If you are long-waisted it will probably look nice, but for someone short-waisted like me, gathers at the waist are the kiss of death. For me I would try a sash under the bust for an empire style, or forego the belt altogether. I"m not trying to be contrarian, but I just dealt with this issue with one of my dresses which I'll post below.


Anita mentioned in an earlier post, after her cruise, something to the effect that detail on the bottom got lost at dinner when only your upper body gets seen. At the Costume Institute show I saw earlier this year, Elsa Schiapparelli was quoted as saying how she designed for cafe society women so she was primarily interested in detail above the waist. You might consider this when you accessorize this dress, and focus more on hair, jewelry, and makeup to draw the eye up. JMHO.


For what it's worth, a looser dress like this can be a great alternative when dealing with flight bloat, pms, overindulging, excessive heat, a desire to boogie all night in the club, or a general desire for easy but attractive comfort one night.


Here's my shift dress. I bought it several years ago when I needed something cool to wear in Vietnam for both a night out and the Captain's Dinner (a very casual cruise). As usual, it was a last minute desperation purchase and was the best I could do at the time. Things that I think are wrong: It is a 14W so now it is way too wide in the waist for me, it makes me look bigger than I am, I think the length is all wrong, and I wish the ivory was a little darker. Things I like about it: the green satin collar with my green shell dangles and green lizard sandals kick it up a notch, and it does look nice while seated. It is very cool and comfortable. Would I buy it again? Probably not. Also, I do prefer the wider neckline on your dress.



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Margaret, there is an elegant beauty about your dress. I love the fact that it throws a curve with the neckline being a different color. It doesn't look mundane or generic.


Lengthwise, I think it would be better if it were shorter on you. I can't say for sure, but I was thinking top of the knee, perhaps. Getting this hemmed may be a wonderful thing to do! Plus, you can hem it up without making a permanent alteration so that you are sure of where you want the length to be.


Does this have a zipper? I think you could probably have it tapered a bit so it doesn't seem as big on you, but if it has a zipper, a good seamstress may be able to take it farther.


The big thing with alterations is that a little nip here and there can perfect something, but changing the overall dress may end up changing the dress so that you don't feel the same about it anymore. Especially with the layout of the print.


All that being said, I do like the dress on you. If you plan to keep it a while, I would certainly get it hemmed up.


I too, am worried about having too much fabric in the waist area with a belt. That is why I was considering pleats. If the dress had a zipper, I think I would play a bit and pin it very, very well, then give it a try myself. I mostly just hem things these days and make very minor alterations. I leave the more important stuff to a very trusted tailor in the area.

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Laurie, it is windy here with flurries. We came up to our lake house to check on the progress with the trees that fell down. Between us and the neighbors we lost five of the eight 100+ year-old Norway spruces that were planted by the people who originally owned the land. Fortunately the two tallest ones landed between the two houses, so no damage. But I am sad to lose such beautiful trees.

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Here are some nice scarves I just found over at the Sam Moon website. What are your thoughts?


This one might look nice with the gold shirt and denim skort:




This could work with the same outfit as well, or one of the others:




I'm liking this. I need to double check the colors a bit, just to make sure my monitor isn't playing with my eyes.




How about this one? I like that it has some blue in it. I tend to migrate towards certain things, and this is a bit different for me.



This would be a tricky match online, but with the salmon skirt and peach top??



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I'm sorry you lost those trees, Margaret. We have a few here that we love. One is farther back in the yard and on the incline of the hill, but it is huge and so well balanced and beautiful. We always hope that it won't need to come down in our lifetime. It is good news though that your home wasn't damaged.

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I tried on the rust dress with a belt, and let's just say it wasn't worth taking a picture of. The dress has a lining, and it even thought it didn't end up really full, it was thick in the waist area, so to speak. It looks better without the belt.


In terms of grading, the rust dress wins over the cream. The cream dress has three strikes against it: 1) the color isn't my best, 2) the sheath styling isn't flattering, and 3) the neckline is too high. It adds weight to the top part of my body.


The rust dress is a sheath style. That is one strike. The neckline and color are good.


I have some other options, but I don't like to wear work like dresses on a cruise. For example:




I apologize for the strange expression on my face.

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Here are some nice scarves I just found over at the Sam Moon website. What are your thoughts?


This one might look nice with the gold shirt and denim skort:




I think this one would look nice with the yellow and denim...it is also what would be good with that neutral shirt that needs some help...unfortunately...it's sold out. :(



This is a nice scarf...the tone on tone coloring is nice. This could be very fun with the yellow shirt outfit...I'd have to see it IRL to judge how it would work outside the brown and yellow color tones.


I'm liking this. I need to double check the colors a bit, just to make sure my monitor isn't playing with my eyes.




I believe this is a good possibility...it says beige, not off white...and even though it says pink in the color...the other color available for this scarf is called pink and it's very different on my screen. I think it would be great with that tone on tone peach and coral outfit.


How about this one? I like that it has some blue in it. I tend to migrate towards certain things, and this is a bit different for me.



This is the first one that went electric on my monitor. I don't think this is showing as EARTH...the yellow is electric and it says white...could be fine IRL...



Fun print for the tone on tone outfit. I like how it has the suggestion of an animal print but isn't brown.

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Anita, I went ahead and ordered a few of these scarves. I ordered before I saw your comments, and interestingly enough, I avoided the one you referred to as electric. I looked at it again, and said "that's not right". I bypassed the one listed as pink that showed rather peach like. Mostly, I just wanted a few of them, so I chose my favorites.


The one that is now sold out? I think I got the last one then. :D It's showing as having been shipped! I look forward to trying the scarves on with the outfits.


My husband told me today that he's going to look like a bum next to me on the cruise. That was a sweet thing to say, and it really boosted my confidence on the clothing choices I've made lately.


And I know he won't look like a bum. ;)

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