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All things EARTH...

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We were hanging out in the hotel lobby.


Mom and Dad's room wasn't quite ready yet...


Mom was ready to rest. But both Mom and Dad were thinking that I should see more of Barcelona...and so it was decided that Dad and I would walk down to the big outdoor market and check it out. Mom would continue to hang out in the beautiful hotel lobby...


She had her iPad.


Dad and I took off.


But the market was closed...


So we headed back to the hotel. What was the deal? Why were so many things shut down?


International Worker's Day.


It's the European equivalent of Labor Day. Celebrated annually on May 1.


Can you believe?


Their room was finally ready. We decided that we would enjoy the basement.


Enjoy the basement?


The basement level is where the pool and spa are located. Also the fitness center. I adore how easy it is to get info on the internet sometimes...especially when you know that the info is reliable. THIS is a great virtual tour of the basement pool area:




Follow the instructions and click on the words Hide in the gray box. And then work your way around the room.


The depiction is entirely accurate. Such a fun place.


Mom and Dad have stayed at Hotel 1898 a couple times. Never have they enjoyed this amenity before. Other things were deemed of more important than just staying at the hotel...so this was a new experience for them.


Funny how that can be.


And I've determined that for those that enjoy TA cruises...this is the great appeal. FINALLY, you are forced to enjoy the amenities of your "hotel." The outside world doesn't beckon...there is only water there after all...and so all there is to do is to enjoy the place where you are. There's no where else to go.


As much as it is appealing to stay in a nice hotel...the surroundings beckon and it can seem like such a waste to just stay at the hotel when you could be seeing the ancient and the beautiful and the sacred and the country and the people and the landscape surrounding the hotel...


A TA cruise removes the temptation and forces you to stay put so to speak.


And so...with International Workers Day...with few choices and options...we were almost forced to stay put.


And relax.


And swim.


In this amazing pool in an underground wine cellar atmosphere:




The waterfall faucet offered a great massage:




There were lounge-like seats in the pool where you could activate the bubbles:




Steam room. Sauna. We spent some time in the sauna. Ahhhhhhhh.




And we hung out on these chairs afterward...bundled up in towels to cool off without getting too chilled:




Behind the chairs is the fitness center...


And here you can see our lovely self manicures from yesterday:




If you use the virtual tour...you can see the stone flooring and walls for all the "spa" amenities. The pool seems more "rugged" in the rough surface rock...with the polished stone and beautiful finishes in the spa nearby...there's a pleasing contrast that somehow blends together to create a peaceful, mostly quiet (the sound of the water could be quite loud in the midst of all those enclosed hard surfaces) place to relax and just be for a bit.


Time was ticking.


As in...dinner time was approaching. We had reservations.


After our time of relaxation...likely inspired by our Thermal Suite experiences onboard...we headed back to our rooms to get ready for dinner.

Edited by Anita Latte
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LOVE that pool area at the hotel, Anita! Reminds me of something Romanesque. I wish I could go places and just hang out and relax. I just can't do it. Too many things to see and I'm afraid I will miss something. My DH says he sometimes needs a vacation after our vacation. That's just me I guess :)


Laurie, the brown dress looks great on you! I agree with Anita, after seeing that dress the others just don't match up. Sometimes I just hate that feeling. I WANT to like something so much but, sometimes it just doesn't work :( And, I need to acknowledge that. It's nice to change things up a bit with clothing sometimes but, it seems like when I try to do that and go too far off, it just isn't right. Then I have to either accept that it is not great or give it up.


Really enjoying both trip reports.

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When Mom did her trip report last year, I looked forward to the scenes where you could see the groups of people...I would stare and study all the different outfits of the people in the pictures. Kind of a game to see if I could determine who was a tourist...who was a local...who was American.


I also really enjoy looking at Chicisimo...especially when I can tell that the girls are not American. I just love seeing what they are wearing...and how they pull their outfits together.


With that in mind...


On our walk to dinner...


I decided to walk with my camera at chest level...and I just took pictures in the general direction of outfits and people that caught my eye.


Some of these pictures, therefore, are a bit blurry...NOT quality photography...BUT...I do think it is an interesting thing to not only see "real" people in Barcelona, be they locals or tourists...but also get a feel for what it's like to walk along La Rambla as the scenery around the photos changes...


I hope you enjoy this walk...


Here my eye was caught by the woman wearing the pop of red. The neutral pants and lighter neutral hoodie. The red shirt, sneakers and bag. This seemed like a great example for how a Fire could wear their bright colors.


Also, in general, notice the layers many are wearing. Springtime evening in Barcelona.




More layers...and a scarf:




The cute blue dress...with SNEAKERS:




The focus of this photo is actually the woman with the man pushing the stroller. She's wearing a gray slim semi-fitted medi skirt with sneakers. She is also wearing a top and black jacket.




Another way to wear a pop of color. The woman in the neutral dress with the bright orange jacket:




This is another repeat of the look I mentioned before. Skinny pants, top with a long cardigan like layer with a jacket on top and a scarf. Instead of sneakers though...this woman has on short boots. I also found the mix of faded black, black and brown to be really attractive:




I also like her man. Jeans and a sport coat with retro sneakers.

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There is a university in Barcelona...a lot of the people with backpacks seemed to be university students. These young ladies in this photo...I was struck by the one with the scarf, of course...sneakers, jeans, a sportcoat-like jacket and a scarf. Her crossbody bag worn under the jacket:




Another Mom looking cute. The ballet flats and the slim jeans. A simple shirt with an overshirt...even with the sunglasses tucked in to her neckline...the scarf...she looks so put together. Especially impressive to me considering the two strollers:




I got on a Mom kick...heres another one looking looking casual but still like she took some time to take care of herself and dress attractively. It doesn't take more effort to put on more flattering clothing than unflattering clothing. She looks like an Earth mom in her brown and jeans:




The surroundings really change here...


This woman had such a fun outfit...such a fun mix of patterns! The plaid was hoodie-like minus the hoodie...the boy is her companion, I would assume her son:




I caught this woman in an unhappy face moment...but again...how to wear color...textured dress with a modesty undershirt...neutral jacket...striped espadrilles:




I loved the patchwork nature of this woman's vest...it IS a vest with a long sleeved shirt that blends under...again...the silhouette is straight slim jeans and sneakers:



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Kim...exactly what you were saying about "relaxing." Why I think it was somewhat fortuitous that it was International Workers Day...so many things were closed.


I've come to think of "vacation" in two ways. First, there's travel. Travel is hard work. It takes a lot of planning. Early mornings. Schedules. Potentially physically demanding. Travel can leave you feeling like you need a vacation after your vacation.


Then there's holiday...my British ladies use that term. They are going on holiday... I think of holiday as taking a break. It isn't so much about sightseeing, etc., as it is about getting away from the everyday and taking some "personal time" to relax and rejuvenate...and hopefully come home feeling refreshed.

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By the way, I took them all back this morning except the brown one. I did, however, order the animal print one size up. You don't see it, but there are darts in that dress as well as seaming (vertical) at the waist in both the front and back. I think I can make that have a better look.


I'm enjoying seeing how people dress, Anita. It seems like I don't see much ingenuity in clothing styles here except for near Syracuse University and the downtown area. But skinny jeans with sneakers or ballet flats are absolutely everywhere.

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That seaming detail will make that dress more flattering than my blue/orange one! Mine just hangs straight down... I still love it though. It's a no brainer dress for me in warmer weather when I want to look nicer but still be super comfortable.


I saw a quote from Issac Mizrahi, "Wearing a dress is just as easy as putting on a pair of jeans. Slip it over your head, and that's it. Talk about instant outfit!"


It's important to have good dresses that you have pegged for different occasions.


I hope you can get that animal print to work...

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Anita, love your posts and seeing the European flair for dressing. Pretty easy to spot the locals vs the tourists. My dream is to be able to live in Rome or another city for around 3 months and live like a local, if that is possible.


Laurie, try the animal print in the new size and show us. We will lovingly give you our opinions. Sometimes it is hard to see how something looks on us but family and friends can be more helpful.


I am on the hunt for a dress to wear to an outdoor wedding, casual setting. Slim build, 5 feet 2 inch, 65 young lady!😀


Not sure if I am an hourglass or rectangle, etc?

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One of the things I like about posting pictures and getting feedback is that the comments help me to sort why something doesn't work. It really helps me immensely.


Melody, your clematis is beautiful. I had it at my old house but I don't have it here yet. That purplish tone looks like a fire color. It reminds me of Pam's shirt in some of Anita's pictures.

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You sound petite, Cruzisme. I have a daughter around that height who looks best with a hemline a little above the knee. How defined do you feel your waist is? If you are very straight then one of those flowy dresses may be a good choice for you. If you gave curves then a sheath or fit and flair dress may work good for you.

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The next day was our first to be in San Francisco. I am very thankful to have a husband with normal hearing, because he catches all those announcements and so forth. The captain came on the PA system, and was talking about arriving in San Francisco. This is when I realized we were actually going to go under the Golden Gate Bridge. I probably should have figured that out anyway, but I was not thinking that way.


We knew it would be a little while before we got there, but we decided to get ready and head on up to where we wanted to be. They were calling for around 60 degrees, but it was quite a bit cooler than that. I wondered if it would warm up a lot as the day went on? But this is where layers are good. You can adjust with layers.


This was what I chose for our first day in San Francisco:




I was hoping that being able to button up the jacket and having a scarf on would keep me warm. This jacket is warmer than a shirt, but not what you think of normally when you are thinking jacket. It wasn’t as heavy as twill. It was really just this in between layer. I thought it would be a good choice.


When we got outside, we could see the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance. It was foggy and overcast. At one point, I could see something going on in the water…just some movement, and then a spray of water. Could it be a whale???


It was. And it was exciting! It became difficult to get a picture, as hard as we tried. But I realized it was more important to see it with my eyes, and create a memory. I may not have been able to press the camera button at the right time, but I did get to see a whale. And another. Here is my best shot, and it may take you a while to see any signs that a whale is even there, lol.






I realized at that point that I was so excited, I wasn’t paying any attention to the cold. More and more people were working their way onto the deck now, especially with all the commotion about the whale sightings. This is when I started to think about the weather…there were people dressed for winter. There were those puff coats, gloves, heavier scarves and so forth. It was definitely cool. I think it was 49 at this point? But with the weather we get, I didn’t feel the need for all that because there was no snow to deal with.


Then we saw these little guys:




And the bridge! It’s almost here!

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Right around now, I noticed that the deck was really getting mobbed. I will admit that when it came time to go underneath, it looked like we would barely make it. Both my husband and I just stopped, and watched. It was amazing, I would have loved to have been at the very top of the ship to see exactly how much room we had!








And you know, how can you NOT take a picture with Alcatraz lurking in the background?!?




I do want to say, that jacket seemed so much like a brick red, an earthy red. But once I was outside, it didn’t seem that way. I still love it because it’s red, and I have a thing about red…but it was kind of sad that it isn’t the right red. Or was it?

Edited by laurspag
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For our first day, we had a hop on, hop off pass. What is nice is that it goes to a lot of areas, and you can got off and on whenever you want. We started with Fisherman’s Wharf. We really just loved walking and wandering and looking.


I’m having trouble finding a picture again, but we went to a place called Lou’s Fish Shack for lunch, and the food was really good. My husband likes basic fish and scallops, but that is about it for seafood. I went with a crab cake sandwich made with sour dough while he had fish and chips.


While eating, we reviewed the map and figured out where we wanted to go in order to take a ride on a trolley. We wanted to make sure it was an oldie but goodie, as they say. We got on the bus and got off at another stop, then walked two blocks. We ended up on the corner of Mason Street, which was pretty funny to us because one of our dogs is named Mason.






You could tell when the trolley was on its way, even if you didn’t see it. My husband could hear it, and I could feel the vibration. This is the trolley we ended up on. It was an awesome experience.






Where our trolley left us off was called the Marketplace area. That worked out well, as we went to Macy’s to get my husband a pair of Dockers, since he forgot to pack them. He had many conniptions over the price. I simply told him to either buy them, or wear his cargo pants on the non-formal nights remaining. He bought them, lol.


We then got back on and headed towards the park that is at the Golden Gate Bridge.


I do want to talk a bit about San Francisco. It is this huge city, with all these little micro areas within it…Chinatown, the high end stores, Fisherman’s Wharf…but there are a large number of homeless people. In some ways, I don’t want to call them homeless, because they seemed to very much be content with calling the city their home. You could see that they staked out areas that they lived in. They didn’t bother anyone, but it was noticeable as there are a lot of people who live on park benches, little homemade tents and so forth.


It didn’t bother me, but I mention it only because it was something I did not know about San Francisco.

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Laurie, love that you enjoyed San Francisco-- we also enjoyed crossing under the GG Bridge.

I think that red looks great on you too.

My DH likes seeing me in fitted sheath like dresses. And above the knee is a good length for me, even though I haven't always followed that advice.

Budget? Looking more for ideas but I guess $100 would be my limit.

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Ahhhh. I haven't lived in CA for years and years...but those pictures still have an element of home for me. So many iconic things there...good memories. Your day there is so typical...that's what SF looks like...all gray and overcast. Just so typical...a clear day is a rare thing.


Too funny...after seeing your pics of the cable car, I got the "Rice. A roni. The San Francisco treat" jingle stuck in my head. And the bell sound.


Very exciting about the whale siting!


I wouldn't call the red of your jacket a brick red...it looks good on you! Nice combo with the scarf!

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We've walked ourselves up La Rambla and into what feels like a more modern area...not that it feels MODERN...no...there is still that historic atmosphere...just a couple hundred years newer than where we were earlier in the day...


The streets are wider...and more defined...with clear sidewalks, curbs, and traffic signals:




And the elements of modern living adorning the historic:






This is still all very pedestrian friendly though. HUGE sidewalks. Trees. Benches.




We've made our way to the "Placa de Catalunya"...a large open area that is like a cross between a park and a courtyard...paved walking paths...some trees...benches...and of course...a fountain:




I thought these bicycles were so graphic:




They are a park of the public transportation system in Barcelona...designed to try to reduce the number of automobiles on the road. They are intended more for residential use. Residents can subscribe to the service, which is called "El Bicing" pronounced "bee-sing"..."Bicycle Borrowing in Barcelona."

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Continuing on to our restaurant destination...I couldn't resist one more fashion photo while we were waiting to cross the street:




Just another example of the multi-layered dress all over.


Mom is pretty all sure about how to get to our destination. But again...we are kind of "winging it" and walking in the general direction of our goal...with Mom kind of recognizing things along the way...picking which way to go based on a combo of having refreshed her memory by looking at an internet map and reality sparking memory.


It's the way to go because you really can't rely on being able to see street signs. Case in point...A young American woman...obviously backpacking her way around...because, hello, she and her companion were both sporting big HUGE backpacking style backpacks...she asked me if I knew what that street was?


She must have thought we might know because we seemed to know where we were going...


The ONLY way to answer her question...was to ZOOM in with the camera and take a picture:




From our vantage point...there was NO WAY you could read that without assistance.


So here we are on Passeig de Gracia...




The windows of the closed stores are BEGGING for more attention:




FRINGE!! From:



Earthy delight:







With all the talk of shorts v long pants, etc...I thought this was interesting:



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We could have admired the windows for a while...


But we had dinner reservations...so we pressed on...




Discovered that we had made it to the right street...but were on the wrong side...




And finally, we arrived at the long anticipated dinner destination...very, VERY excited to eat at:




Warning...food pictures on the way...but first...I myself must eat something...

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From their website:


In Patagonia Beef & Wine you will find an elegant and cosy ambience with the best meat from Argentina charcoal grilled, and a select offer of spanish and argentinian wines. Located in ‘el Eixample’ in the former jewelry “Sunyer”, with capacity for over 100 persons, a private dining room fitting 12 and an “Imperial Table” for 16 persons.


Please do not hesitate to contact us for bookings to both corporate and individual needs.


Note: I did not correct their spelling or punctuation. Here you find that phraseology Mom mentioned...that is, the use of the word "persons."


Mom made our reservations online before we ever left on our vacation. She might chime in and share how she did that...


I don't recall the exact time of our reservation...we were the first group of persons to be seated in this area:




The restaurant looks small...but it meanders through smaller rooms. Except for the one room where there may have been a bar?, each room is like the descriptions reads...cozy.


Mom and Dad in the booth:




Bread for the table with 3 sides:




Only one of these sides is intended for the bread. I believe it is an olive tapenade type condiment that is intended for the bread. The very special sauce...I believe it has the red hue (which makes it unique for what it is)...it is called "Xixixurri"...sounds like "Chimmichurri."


OMG. LOVE me some xixixurri on my steak...


But I get ahead of myself...


Bottled water, of course:




We ordered an appetizer to share.


I knew from this little Argentine bakery how wonderful empanadas can be...they are something of a signature Argentinian dish...so we ordered an assortment dish...2 each of 3 different kinds:




Unfortunately, I don't recall all the flavors...I think ham and cheese, I think spinach and cheese, and ground meat of some sort.


I'm something of an expert on figuring out how to share things 3 ways now. This is what we did...everyone picked one to have whole...and then we each got half of the other two we didn't pick. So everyone got at least a bite of each flavor. I don't recall, but I think the ham and cheese was the winner...Mom? Dad?

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We each ordered the same main...the filet.




Just. Yum. Tender. Juicy. Wonderfully seasoned. Pretty tasty all on its own...but when you added the herby xixixurri sauce...it brought it to a whole new level...kind of like when they finish steak with an infused butter? Kind of. I think better than that.


We ordered our sides for the table and we all shared...


Artistically plated French fried potatoes:




Typical steakhouse side of baked potato:




And the STARS of the sides...vegetable purees:




Mashed potato, spinach, and the middle was a blend, I believe, of butternut/winter squash and yam? maybe even pumpkin? IDK...the orange one was the BEST ONE.




One thing I know from that Argentinian bakery...CARAMEL and/or dolce de leche is THE THING for dessert...


So I ordered accordingly...the namesake dessert, Patagonia:




This is DH's fav. DH likes caramel the way Dad likes chocolate...I said, "DH is so jealous right now but he doesn't even know it..."


Dad ordered Trio de Chocolates:




He said it was outstanding.





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This is making me very hungry, Anita! :rolleyes: The sad thing is, I just got done with dinner a little while ago, lol. That looks like such a wonderful place to eat.


I don't eat steak very often, but I do love it. I had a filet mignon at Chops when we were on our cruise, and it was just heavenly. I made NY strip yesterday for Father's Day, and although it was good, it didn't come close. I like how they serve the sides, where you can all share. I think it creates a more intimate dining experience.


Was there good wine to go with it all too???? I'm thinking a pinot noir would go great with it.


That one store with all those earthy looking outfits in the window just stopped me in my tracks. How often do we get to see great earthy colors, and that many together at once?


I love my red jacket, but it does look quite different out in natural daylight than it did at home. The scarf had great colors in it though, and the shirt underneath was a great muted golden yellow. I would refer to it as heathered. I should mention that when walking, it wasn't too bad, but when we were riding on the open top level of the bus, it was pretty darned cold. We were too excited to care.


I kept thinking of Rice-a-roni too!

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