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List Of Where Your Favorite CD Might Be?? (merged)

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Is Becky no longer on Mariner? Is she on a leave? I hope she returns -- I really enjoyed her.


Yes she is on leave. Kirk Detweiler took over. I thought someone said she is going to another ship when she returns. I can't remember which, but the Liberty seems to sound right?

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With apologies and a huge "by your leave" to mjsshipboy, let's see how this goes. In our M&M thread, we've discovered that the CODE tags can be a big help in formatting text on these boards. The default fonts are proportionally spaced, making it very hard to line things up nice and neat.


So.. taking the idea from what we did there, I have expanded the list of current CDs into a chart that I hope is easier to read, and perhaps more meaningful. I've used the CODE tags, which if you use the Quote button, you can clearly see how it's done, to instruct the board software to display this information as a table.


I also reformatted it a bit, making a separate table entry for each ship, and adding space for the current CD, the date reported and who reported it.


So, now when a new report comes in, it can be added to the top of the list for that particular ship. After a while we may get an idea how these fine folks move around the fleet! Maybe we'll get a little insight into the crazy scheduling process going on at RCCL! :)


Changes and updates to this table can certainly be made just as before, I would just advise that you use the "Preview" button first to make sure the spaces are lined up nicely, then Submit.


I went back a few posts to fill in some of the "Confirmed By" info, but not very far, so many are missing.


New trial chart to follow immediately...



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[b]Adventure                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Richard Spacey              9/3/06       mjsshipboy
[b]Brilliance                 Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Mike Hunnerup               7/2/06 
[b]Empress                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Warren Melhuish (Allen)     8/1/06
[b]Enchantment                Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Paul Rutter                 8/13/06      dbarry
[b]Explorer                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Ashley Kerr                 8/19/06
[b]Freedom                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  James Andrews               7/24/06
[b]Grandeur                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Gavin Brown                 8/13/06
[b]Jewel                      Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Karen Maybury               9/3/06       mjsshipboy
[b]Legend                     Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Marc Walker                 5/5/06
[b]Majesty                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Jimmy Rhodes                6/13/06
[b]Mariner                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Kirk Detweiler              8/28/06      The 4 of Us
[b]Monarch                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Johnny O                    7/30/06
[b]Navigator                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Shane                       8/26/06      firefighterhoop
[b]Radiance                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Pierce Ivan                 7/31/06
[b]Rhapsody                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Dan Whitney                 7/30/06
[b]Serenade                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Matt Sole                   7/3/06
[b]Sovereign                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Chris Armas                 8/13/06
[b]Splendour                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Leo Papa                    7/2/06
[b]Vision                     Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  John Blair                  9/4/06       mjsshipboy
[b]Voyager                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Rico Du Breil               7/2/06

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Added last name for Shane Einspahr on Navigator. I'm a little confused about the Date Confirmed... how have you been doing it? Is it the date that the CD was confirmed to be on the ship, or the date of the report that the CD was on the ship? :) I used the former, the last full day of Seatravelers sailing, as opposed to today, the date of the report that he was on the ship. Is that consistent?




[b]Adventure                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Richard Spacey              9/3/06       mjsshipboy
[b]Brilliance                 Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Mike Hunnerup               7/2/06 
[b]Empress                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Warren Melhuish (Allen)     8/1/06
[b]Enchantment                Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Paul Rutter                 8/13/06      dbarry
[b]Explorer                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Ashley Kerr                 8/19/06
[b]Freedom                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  James Andrews               7/24/06
[b]Grandeur                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Gavin Brown                 8/13/06
[b]Jewel                      Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Karen Maybury               9/3/06       mjsshipboy
[b]Legend                     Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Marc Walker                 5/5/06
[b]Majesty                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Jimmy Rhodes                6/13/06
[b]Mariner                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Kirk Detweiler              8/28/06      The 4 of Us
[b]Monarch                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Johnny O                    7/30/06
[b]Navigator                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Shane Einspahr              9/01/06      Seatravelers
[b]Radiance                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Pierce Ivan                 7/31/06
[b]Rhapsody                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Dan Whitney                 7/30/06
[b]Serenade                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Matt Sole                   7/3/06
[b]Sovereign                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Chris Armas                 8/13/06
[b]Splendour                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Leo Papa                    7/2/06
[b]Vision                     Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  John Blair                  9/4/06       mjsshipboy
[b]Voyager                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Rico Du Breil               7/2/06

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Hasn't been updated for a while...




[b]Adventure                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Richard Spacey              09/03/06     mjsshipboy
[b]Brilliance                 Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Mike Hunnerup               07/02/06 
[b]Empress                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Warren Melhuish (Allen)     08/01/06
[b]Enchantment                Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Paul Rutter                 08/13/06     dbarry
[b]Explorer                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Ashley Kerr                 08/19/06
[b]Freedom                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  James Andrews               07/24/06
[b]Grandeur                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Gavin Brown                 08/13/06
[b]Jewel                      Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Karen Maybury               09/03/06     mjsshipboy
[b]Legend                     Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Marc Walker                 05/05/06
[b]Majesty                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Hamish Davis                09/04/06     dmndlil
  Jimmy Rhodes                06/13/06
[b]Mariner                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Kirk Detweiler              08/28/06     The 4 of Us
[b]Monarch                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Johnny O                    07/30/06
[b]Navigator                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Shane Einspahr              09/01/06     Seatravelers
[b]Radiance                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Pierce Ivan                 07/31/06
[b]Rhapsody                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Dan Whitney                 07/30/06
[b]Serenade                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Matt Sole                   07/03/06
[b]Sovereign                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Chris Armas                 08/13/06
[b]Splendour                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Leo Papa                    07/02/06
[b]Vision                     Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  John Blair                  09/04/06     mjsshipboy
[b]Voyager                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Leonardo Papa               09/15/06     German Wunderkind
  Rico Du Breil               07/02/06

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[b]Adventure                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Richard Spacey              09/03/06     mjsshipboy
[b]Brilliance                 Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Mike Hunnerup               07/02/06 
[b]Empress                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Warren Melhuish (Allen)     08/01/06
[b]Enchantment                Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Paul Rutter                 08/13/06     dbarry
[b]Explorer                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Ashley Kerr                 08/19/06
[b]Freedom                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  James Andrews               07/24/06
[b]Grandeur                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Gavin Brown                 08/13/06
[b]Jewel                      Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Karen Maybury               09/03/06     mjsshipboy
[b]Legend                     Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Marc Walker                 05/05/06
[b]Majesty                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Hamish Davis                09/04/06     dmndlil
  Jimmy Rhodes                06/13/06
[b]Mariner                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Kirk Detweiler              08/28/06     The 4 of Us
[b]Monarch                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Johnny O                    07/30/06
[b]Navigator                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Shane Einspahr              09/01/06     Seatravelers
[b]Radiance                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Pierce Ivan                 07/31/06
[b]Rhapsody                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Dan Whitney                 07/30/06
[b]Serenade                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Matt Sole                   07/03/06
[b]Sovereign                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Chris Armas                 08/13/06
  Chris Arams                 09/15/06     nlcentralchmps03
[b]Splendour                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Leo Papa                    07/02/06
[b]Vision                     Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  John Blair                  09/04/06     mjsshipboy
[b]Voyager                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Leonardo Papa               09/15/06     German Wunderkind
  Rico Du Breil               07/02/06

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Nope... could not edit... but like this??


[b]Adventure                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Richard Spacey              09/03/06     mjsshipboy
[b]Brilliance                 Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Mike Hunnerup               07/02/06 
[b]Empress                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Warren Melhuish (Allen)     08/01/06
[b]Enchantment                Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Paul Rutter                 08/13/06     dbarry
[b]Explorer                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Ashley Kerr                 08/19/06
[b]Freedom                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  James Andrews               07/24/06
[b]Grandeur                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Gavin Brown                 08/13/06
[b]Jewel                      Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Karen Maybury               09/03/06     mjsshipboy
[b]Legend                     Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Marc Walker                 05/05/06
[b]Majesty                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Hamish Davis                09/04/06     dmndlil
  Jimmy Rhodes                06/13/06
[b]Mariner                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Kirk Detweiler              08/28/06     The 4 of Us
[b]Monarch                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Johnny O                    07/30/06
[b]Navigator                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Shane Einspahr              09/01/06     Seatravelers
[b]Radiance                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Pierce Ivan                 07/31/06
[b]Rhapsody                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Dan Whitney                 07/30/06
[b]Serenade                   Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Matt Sole                   07/03/06
[b]Sovereign                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Chris Arams                 09/15/06     nlcentralchmps03
  Chris Armas                 08/13/06
[b]Splendour                  Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Leo Papa                    07/02/06
[b]Vision                     Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  John Blair                  09/04/06     mjsshipboy
[b]Voyager                    Date Confirmed  Confirmed By[/b]
  Leonardo Papa               09/15/06     German Wunderkind
  Rico Du Breil               07/02/06

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