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Cruising w/ kids - Is it worth it?


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We are planning our next cruise for Spring of 2012. We're about to go on our first cruise and the little ones will stay with their grandparents. I'm considering bringing them along for the 2012 cruise. At that time, they will be 4.5 and almost 3.


My questions are for those of you who have cruised with small children before.


1) Did you truly find it enjoyable?

2) Did you get home and feel like you had a real vacation?

or was it so stressful, you wound up being exhausted when you got home?

3) Did the kids, at such a young age, get anything out of it/enjoy it?


Thank you in advance! :)

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We have taken our girls with us on cruises, since they were born in May 2005. So as you can see from my signature, they have been on a few cruises. When they were smaller and in diapers it was more work & although we had a good time, it was some work.


But our last cruise was enjoyable for both them & us. They still talk about the kids club and how much fun they had there & want to go back!


We took them on shore with us at the ports & that was easy & fun.


While on board the ship they did the kids club a lot & we got to relax by the pool, go to casino, or do the ships activities.


It was a GREAT vacation for all of us!

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Let's put it this way: I wouldn't cruise as a family:

1. without the grandparents with us


2. without a suite that has a completely separate bedroom and livingroom (for example NCL's 2BR Suite)




It's absolutely great to cruise as a family but I really do need some "just the two of us" time while on a cruise. I'm sure everything will be easier in the future but as for now we really do need the grandparents and a full suite to cruise (DD is 2yrs 11mths).


Cruising again next week! :D

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You will probably have a better idea after your cruise since you will know what you most enjoy and will be able to judge if you would still be able to take part in those activities with the kids along. As long as the youngest is potty trained, they can spend a good part of the day and evening in the kid's club.


We have taken our DS, now 17, since he was 18 months. For me, someone else is cleaning the bathroom, changing linens, making all the food and doing all the dishes. Not much of a down side.


I know I always enjoyed going snorkeling but my DH does not so he would take DS and I could go off on a tour. Look at the ports and decide what you would want to do there. Could you still do it?


Also, your kids personalities play a big part. Are they independent? Do they need routine (& naps)? Are they comfortable in crowds/with strangers? Are they afraid of the water? How long a flight is it to get to the cruise - that can wear you out before you board!


We always had a great time and no regrets but you really have to look at all the aspects of the cruise and your individual personalities before deciding.


Enjoy your cruise! You will come home with a much better perspective.

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My kids are still on the younger side - oldest is 8.


We've cruised as a couple and with kids. Clearly, you have the most freedom when you are without the kids. The most restrictive time to cruise is when your child is too young for the kids club, followed by old enough for the kids club, but still napping.


I always respect the nap, otherwise the baby seems to sleep terrible at night and that means the rest of us sleep terrible at night - as a result, we avoid long excursions and any excursions where we may find ourselves "trapped" with an, well, let's just say - unhappy - toddler. So fishing, snorkeling, etc. We look for a beach or a aquarium or something similar. Some day we'll feel comfortable with an all day excursion, but not yet since our youngest is not yet 2.


1) Did you truly find it enjoyable? Yes, but it's a definite trade off. The relaxation of cruising alone vs. the family fun of being together.

2) Did you get home and feel like you had a real vacation?

or was it so stressful, you wound up being exhausted when you got home?

Some parts are stressful, particularly the fact that every single meal is eaten "out". It's nice to get home and have all the kids' things nearby. But it is not exhausting by any means. With an almost three year old, you will have some options for kids clubs for both of your kids - Carnival, NCL and certain RCCL ships will have options for care for your youngest. If you are neutral as to line choice, choosing a line that has care for your youngest will go a long way towards reducing the stress level.

3) Did the kids, at such a young age, get anything out of it/enjoy it?

This is a huge YES. The kids love cruising and can't wait to go again. They remember so much more than you would think.

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For us vacation is about time with kids, we took them everywhere we went, You can debate was it a vacation, was it just tiring and exhauting, we called it the most special of vacations, YMMV.


Will kids get anything out of many things, LOL. You do it because you want to do it with them, to start debating will they remember, enjoy, is it worth it, might as well leave them with the Nanny all the time :D


We are planning our next cruise for Spring of 2012. We're about to go on our first cruise and the little ones will stay with their grandparents. I'm considering bringing them along for the 2012 cruise. At that time, they will be 4.5 and almost 3.


My questions are for those of you who have cruised with small children before.


1) Did you truly find it enjoyable?

2) Did you get home and feel like you had a real vacation?

or was it so stressful, you wound up being exhausted when you got home?

3) Did the kids, at such a young age, get anything out of it/enjoy it?


Thank you in advance! :)

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If you are trying to decide between cruising with kids or without, the difference would be the same no matter where you go for vacation land or sea, a vacation without kids is less stressful. When planning a family vacation, we found that a cruise is the least stressful and relaxing and here is why:


Food - no planning, no cleaning, everyone finds something they like

Entertainment - shows, pools, sports, games, kids club

Babysitting - available when you need it

Ports - easiest way to go to several places on your vacation and still have your cabin as home base

Cabin - no cleaning


Go on your cruise and enjoy. Take a peek into the kids club and see if you think your kids would like it. We love cruising as a family because for us it is the best of both worlds, family time and couple time.

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Thank you all so much for the information and advice. It was all very helpful! I agree that I will have a much better perspective after we get home from the upcoming cruise. Never really thought about it that way.... "someone else is doing the dishes, preparing meals, making the beds, etc..." I guess it sure would be easier in many ways than being at home.


We don't fly to port (I don't fly). We go out of Norfolk, Baltimore or NY. At most, it would be a train ride to NY but I'm aiming for something within driving distance. The kiddos are used to long car trips.


Thank you again -- so helpful! :)

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1) Did you truly find it enjoyable?

2) Did you get home and feel like you had a real vacation?

or was it so stressful, you wound up being exhausted when you got home?

3) Did the kids, at such a young age, get anything out of it/enjoy it?


Thank you in advance! :)


I cruised with my son for the first time last June when he was 9 months old. I had such a great time on that cruise, a better time than when I have cruised alone. I am a stay at home mom so I am used to being with my son 24/7. So although a break from the normal "mom life" would of been great, I would of been a nervous wreck wondering what he's doing back home & what not. I'm completely attached to him, he goes everywhere with me. But that cruise was so enjoyable since I got to enjoy nice weather with him, experience new things, didn't have to cook or clean for a week, and spent our port days at the beach. Our son was wonderful throughout the week, especially at dinner. He was still in diapers and drinking formula, but changing his diaper and making him a bottle was not any harder than it is at home.


I came home & definitely felt like I had a wonderful vacation. Every time I look at the scrapbook I put together, I instantly smile & think of so many wonderful memories. We have a cruise booked for this coming June, he will be 21 months & coming along again. I can't wait since he will be able to do more this time around.


My son being only 9 months at the time probably didn't get the same experience as a toddler or young boy, but I know he had a lot of fun. And I have memories that I will remember forever. Cruising with little ones is just a different type of vacation than when you cruise without them present. "Work" is involved, but since your kids will be older, they will probably be interested & occupied in the kids clubs, pool, slides, and activities. You won't be able to do or see everything on your to-do list, but you can work around it to make it work for you & your family.


Luckily, my mom & aunt were with me, and will be for this coming cruise, so we take turns seeing shows & playing in the casino. My fiance and I will catch the early show while my mom watches our son, and then she will watch the late show while I'm with my son. Have you thought about maybe having some family members join the cruise vacation?? Its always nice to have extra hands, especially since you have two children. I didn't turn my mom's vacation into a babysitting ordeal by any means, she loves spending time with my son & we all got to do & see what we wanted.


Hope some of this was helpful to you. And I hope you take the chance & take your kids along on the cruise. I am sure they will love it, as you will too.

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You're a family. If it's a family vacation you want, then this will do the job.

No "family vacation" is relaxing....you still have to take care of, and deal with children.


I guess it's all up to what you want from a vacation! If it's a time away from the kids, leave them home, and have some adult time. Otherwise, a family vacation is your family vacationing!!!

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we just got back from a cruise with our 4.5 yr old and our friends brought their 5 yr old and 4 yr old. Our son is VERY easy going he can sit for 10 min at a restaurant while waiting for the food. One thing though, he HATED the kids club. At first I thought he just didn't want to leave me (his mom) We tried to get him in 4 times but everytime he would scream cry and run! We got soo stressed that he didn't want to join in the "fun". But then I thought I would spy on my friends kids in the kids camp....after watching 30 kids in one small room I understood why my son hated it. They were spossed to be pirates and run around looking for burried treasure and get face painted..... the 2-5 yr olds didn't get to do that the 6-9 yr olds did! the younger kids watched sponge bob on tv.


But after we figured out that he really didn't want to do the kids club we had a great time!! We went to the earlier shows (usally family friendly) we hung out on our balcony drinking beers while he watch scooby-doo (for down time) Daddy sleept with him while I hit the casino then I woke upi daddy and then he went. for the few days you are at sea family time will be perfect!

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Personally I wouldn't even want to cruise without my kids. They love it!


Now, having said that... there will be four of you in a cabin, which is tight and will feel cluttered if everyone doesn't put things away etc. The tight quarters end up getting on your nerves. Also, I personally would wait until your youngest is three and will readily go to the youth program so that you do have some alone time with your husband.


I would wait until your youngest turns three and is potty trained and book connecting cabins (insides will be fine) this way you will have two tvs and two bathrooms.

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I went to all my cruises with the kids and I enjoyed all of them. Will I enjoy it more if they aren't with us? I don't know as I have never tried and I don't think I will try as long as I want them to travel with us and they want to come with us.


Was I exhausted when I got home? After any vacation I usually got a bit sad :( and tired after getting home, particularly one involving air.


And did my kids enjoy it? You bet.;)

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We have already done a couple of land vacations with our DS, now 16 months. A huge advantage to the cruise over a land vacation has been mentioned above - food, anywhere, anytime. No planning what to eat or how to get there. Very easy to accommodate naps, you're just minutes away from your room. AND, huge for me, your room steward is usually very flexible around the times that you need to be in the room, which was not my experience with a land vacation.


For us, vacation is time to spend together as a family, so we never considered vacationing without DS. We might do a weekend away at a nice hotel/resort nearby, but not a whole week without him.

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I actually find the prep work for our adult getaways more stressful than vacationing with the kids. The sorting out meals, the schedule (4 kids in school and activities), making sure Oma knows what day is crazy hair day at school is a lot of work!


We have travelled with the kids on our winter vacation for 5 yrs now. First trip, one was almost 3. We have made the 24 hour drive to Florida all 5 years, and did Disney two of those years.


Next March will be our first cruise with them. 8 hour drive to NY, which is a cakewalk for us. Kids' programs we have never had the luxury of having on our land vacations. We are thinking this may be our most restful vacation yet!

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Thank you again. I'm sold on the idea and as long as this cruise goes well and I get a better feel for what it would be like to have them around. We will most likely book one for next year... with the kiddos.

I've had some major health problems and surgeries over the last 3.5 years (shortly after my oldest was born) and we've had a lot of difficult times thrown our way. We booked this one without them because they're still very young and we felt like we really needed to get away just the two of us... to re-connect, ya know? I still feel like this upcoming cruise will be just what we need but as things have evened out with my health, etc and the kids are a bit older and easier to deal with, the thought of doing another cruise without them isn't very appealing (surprisingly enough!). I just wanted to see if kids truly enjoy it. Sounds like most do! I bet they'll love it!


I am claustrophobic, so we've booked a balcony cabin this time around. One of you mentioned you cruised with kids and had a balcony. I have this fear that one of them will somehow sneak passed us in the middle of the night and go out there... possibly jump over. I know it may sound silly but I can't get the thought out of my mind. Is there an effective way to secure the balcony door? The kiddos are pretty good at getting around regular locks. I'm willing to consider an oceanview if the balcony thing is too dangerous with young kiddos.

Again, thanks!! :)

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I am claustrophobic, so we've booked a balcony cabin this time around. One of you mentioned you cruised with kids and had a balcony. I have this fear that one of them will somehow sneak passed us in the middle of the night and go out there... possibly jump over. I know it may sound silly but I can't get the thought out of my mind. Is there an effective way to secure the balcony door? The kiddos are pretty good at getting around regular locks. I'm willing to consider an oceanview if the balcony thing is too dangerous with young kiddos.


Again, thanks!! :)


I've wondered the same thing. Perhaps this thread will help put your mind at ease, though I too would like to hear the experiences of people who have been there, done that.



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We are planning our next cruise for Spring of 2012. We're about to go on our first cruise and the little ones will stay with their grandparents. I'm considering bringing them along for the 2012 cruise. At that time, they will be 4.5 and almost 3.


My questions are for those of you who have cruised with small children before.


1) Did you truly find it enjoyable? Yes! DD was 2 1/2 on our first cruise. It was great!

2) Did you get home and feel like you had a real vacation? Yes, At 3 and 4 1/2 the kids can spend some down time in the children's center so you can have a break. I love sitting by the pool for an hr all.by.myself!! I spent the majority of the time with my daughter on the trip but those little breaks are wonderful. I do feel like I've had a real vacation. Someone else makes my bed, cleans my bathrooms, cooks for me while I'm off enjoying the beach or sites!

or was it so stressful, you wound up being exhausted when you got home?

3) Did the kids, at such a young age, get anything out of it/enjoy it? DD has always loved the ships. At that age just going on an adventure with Mom and Dad all by yourself is fun. She loved staying in the room, chocolates at bedtime, waiters doting on her at dinner, swimming in the pool, going to the beach. It was definately worth taking her.


Thank you in advance! :)


I've never wished I hadn't taken my daughter on any of our family cruises. It has been a wonderful experience. I find cruising much easier than road trips at that age.

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Re: balcony doors - you can get a door alarm at Lowe's or Home Depot that you can put on the door and frame, and if the connection is broken by opening the door, an alarm will sound. You could try placing a chair or piece of furniture in front of the balcony door. Lots of parents have cruised with kids and I've never heard of a child going overboard off a balcony.

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DH and I have cruised 4x in total, 2x w/ kids and 2x w/o kids. We thoroughly enjoy both ways of doing it. When it's just the two of us on the cruise we do exciting things in ports (zip-lining, cavetubing, etc.) and we really enjoy going to the shows, especially the adult comedy shows. We tend to nap in the day and stay up late at night. We both enjoy the peace and quiet of sitting on the pool deck reading a book. We usually scope out the serenity deck (adults only) and spend a lot of time there (hot tubs, reading, relaxing, etc.). We usually make friends w/ other couples and go to shows with them or have dinner with them. We find adult trips great for reconnecting as a couple and solidifying the foundation of our family. We miss the kids but we know they're in good hands with relatives so we don't worry about them.


With kids we have a different type of vacation. Our kids were 4yrs and 6yrs the first cruise, then 8mos, 5yrs and 7yrs the second one. First off, we usually choose a shorter cruise (4 or 5 days) b/c we feel this is the perfect length for them. We do excursions in the ports that are more kid-friendly (pirate museums, beaches, walking tours, zoos, aquariums, etc.). We spend our days hanging out by the pool or the waterslides watching the kids play. We send the kids to camp for a couple of hours each day. We look at the camp schedule and decide what activities are most appealing and what times work best with the ports and other things we want to do. The kids enjoy camp and always make friends. DH and I use the time they're in camp to relax and read books. Our kids don't do well staying up too late so they're never at camp past 9pm, even though the camp stays open much later. We usually miss the shows b/c the kids are tired and we are tired too. If the kids happen to nap or have some extra energy sometimes we bring them to the first show. The kids enjoy the buffet and we let them have treats they never have at home (ie. ice cream several times a day, that sugar lemonade stuff, etc.). The kids enjoy things like the towel folding demonstration, the ice carving and of course the waterslides. We always eat dinner in the main dining room and the kids enjoy that experience.


So now to answer your questions, do we truly enjoy it with the kids - yes, it's fun to show them different parts of the world and to do fun things with them. Does it feel like vacation? - yes but we do find it somewhat exhausting. Our kids are well behaved, but they get on each other's nerves when they spend long periods of time together. At home they have breaks from each other quite a bit (school, sports, etc.). Also, at home they can easily go do something else or go to a different part of the house. On a cruise they are around each other a lot. Sometimes the cabin doesn't feel big enough for all of us. There are times when I wish we could just let one of the boys go to his room to have some down time, but that's not possible. We find ways to cope - DH will take one child for a walk while the other one reads or colors or something. Or, we just declare it's quiet time for everyone and the kids find something quiet to do. When the weather is poor it's a lot more difficult b/c you're sort of stuck inside. We've been fortunate to only have one bad weather day at sea and the kids spent a little extra time at camp that day. When we get home from a cruise w/ the kids we look forward to them going to school and getting back into routine. I think they look forward to it too.


In the future we will likely continue to alternate b/w adults only cruises and cruising with the kids.


My main advice would be:


1. consider taking a shorter cruise the first time w/ the kids.

2. bring things to do for the kids during quiet time.

3. pick an itinerary that is kid-friendly and plan out what you're going to do in port b/c it's sometimes stressful to try to just wing it w/ kids.

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We are planning our next cruise for Spring of 2012. We're about to go on our first cruise and the little ones will stay with their grandparents. I'm considering bringing them along for the 2012 cruise. At that time, they will be 4.5 and almost 3.


My questions are for those of you who have cruised with small children before.


1) Did you truly find it enjoyable?

2) Did you get home and feel like you had a real vacation?

or was it so stressful, you wound up being exhausted when you got home?

3) Did the kids, at such a young age, get anything out of it/enjoy it?


Thank you in advance! :)


1.) YES. It's not exactly the same as cruising without kids, but it's equally enjoyable. Especially if you get a cruiseline that provides a good kids' program, then it honestly IS the best balance between family time and a dash of adult time. The best way to vacation as a family IMHO.


2.) No, but I never do, lol. I'm one who likes to go go go on port days and be a slug (but yet get up early to get a decent spot on deck) on sea days. Stressful, no. Action-packed and filled with many fun family memories- yes!


3.) My kids were 6 and 9 when we first cruised, so yes. But on other vacations, when they were younger, I think they did get a lot out of it. Kids who are raised travelling and adapting to new environments and experiencing new things (foods, languages, etc.) can't HELP but atleast ABSORB things like that on the most basic of levels. Giving my kids a wide-open vision of the world and all that's in it is a WONDERFUL gift I'm blessed to be able to give my children, again, IMHO. And even though THEY may not remember it, the memories that YOU make are still priceless.

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I am claustrophobic, so we've booked a balcony cabin this time around. One of you mentioned you cruised with kids and had a balcony. I have this fear that one of them will somehow sneak passed us in the middle of the night and go out there... possibly jump over. I know it may sound silly but I can't get the thought out of my mind. Is there an effective way to secure the balcony door? The kiddos are pretty good at getting around regular locks. I'm willing to consider an oceanview if the balcony thing is too dangerous with young kiddos.


Again, thanks!! :)


As far as this goes, we get connecting oceanview rooms. It ends up being maybe an extra $300 (over adding 3rd/4th passengers to one cabin) and the extra bathroom, TV and space to spread out is MORE than worth it for us. And no worries about kamikazi's off the balcony.

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Regarding the balcony..I researched this for Carnival. The balcony is 45 inches high outside (my almost 5-year old is 42 inches). The doors have a latch on them that is at adult height level out of reach. I am also getting a door alarm that you can stick onto the balcony door frame. Nothing takes away from being always vigilant of course and very very strict...(balcony with adults only, no standing on any furniture ever etc.). But this made me feel better about the decision to get a balcony room.

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As far as this goes, we get connecting oceanview rooms. It ends up being maybe an extra $300 (over adding 3rd/4th passengers to one cabin) and the extra bathroom, TV and space to spread out is MORE than worth it for us. And no worries about kamikazi's off the balcony.

This is a great idea! I will have to look into it. Did you just keep the connecting door open and use the extra room as the "kids bedroom?"


Thanks to everyone for the balcony info. I have those little alarms on their windows here at home but I never thought to use one for the balcony door.

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Your children are a little younger than ours were when we first brought them on a cruise with us. My boys loved it. They would never let us go on another one without them after that!

They enjoyed the ship's children activities and would often ask to stay instead of joining us for dinner. I would recommend checking out the children's program and see what they have to offer. Could they be together in the same group? My boys would rather not be together bacause they enjoyed the time without one another.

Good luck!

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