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Update on Grand Circle - Paul Gaugin problems!


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I just wanted to update all of you who showed such concern for us last month as we experienced major problems with Grand Circle Travel and their Paul Gaugin cruisetour.


As you may recall, and can get more info from my initial post of Feb. 8, we had final invoices for a June 4 Tahiti sailing, and when we called to pay off our remaining balance, were told we owed an additional $1400 due to Grand Circle's errors on their website and in their computers.


After several days of posts on this website, the public relations manager of GCT called me and confirmed the price increase and THEN offered us a full refund of our deposit. Unfortunately, she said, they could do nothing about the trip insurance we'd already purchased, nor the plane fare to L.A. that one of the couples with us had already purchased.


Needless to say, all of us 3 couples are still disappointed and very upset by the shoddy way this was handled, so I contacted the ombudsman at National Geographic Traveler last week, Chris Elliott. Basically, I wanted to know what we had done wrong in booking, and how we could avoid this happening again.


Well, I can't say enough great things about Mr. Elliott! He immediately e-mailed back to me, saying he had forwarded my letter of complaint to GCT and to let him know if I heard from them. Several days later, he said he'd gotten a response from the public relations director (whom I'd had conversations with previously), and that the company "felt terrible" about the pricing error and wondered if we'd consider goodwill vouchers for a future trip. I was hesitant, but suggested he see what they had in mind.


Several days later, I received a package via UPS marked "urgent message" from GCT, which contained 3 brochures of travel packages, a copy of the letter sent from GCT to Mr. Elliott, and a handwritten note from Ms. Nichols, the PR director, who offered to help me select a future trip in our "pricerange", which she had highlighted in the brochures. No vouchers, that was it. An apology for the "pricing error" and an offer to help me select another trip with them which we could "afford".


I immediately relayed this info to Mr. Elliott, who was not happy by now. He said he would e-mail his contact with an "is this your final offer?" and let me know what transpired.


Well, today I got a call from Mr. Elliott. Seems that now GCT is saying he "overstepped" his boundaries by suggesting a goodwill voucher, and that they became increasingly beligerrant with each contact. Downside is, GCT is not willing to do anything to correct THEIR mistake, upside is this ombudsman is really working for the average traveler out there. Hooray for him and for National Geographic Traveler! He's writing this up in his column for next week, which evidently runs in various newspapers. We live in Florida, and he mentioned it would be in the Palm Beach Post, among others.


I can't give enough praise to this man. He responded to my problem promptly, sincerely felt sorry that he couldn't help me resolve it, but did everything he could on my behalf. There are still good people in this world!

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I think I'll start buying National Geographic Traveler. Good for Mr. Elliot. As far as GCT, they should be avoided like the plague.


Sorry you didn't get anything tangible from GCT as an offer of "goodwill". OTOH, it might be the best thing that happened to you. If you had gotten some goodwill vouchers you would have been drawn into business again with this low rent organization. Who knows what they would have pulled next time?

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This is an amazing story! I have to say I'm stunned that GCT never did do the right thing by you, even with the involvement of the NG travel ombudsman. And the amount of negative publicity this is going to get them! Don't they realize how many thousands of dollars in business they are going to lose? It's just astonishingly bad judgement on their part.


MAJOR kudos to you for pursuing this as far as you did. The only way that we consumers can insure fairness from companies that tend to exercise unfair businesses practices is to fight them when they don't, and to educate other consumers. Because otherwise they'll do it with impunity. I don't believe that ALL companies are like this, but clearly some do operate that way, from the top down.


I try to make a point of learning how a company trends in its treatment of its customers before I give them my money. I for one have learned an important lesson about this one particular company to avoid, as I'm sure many others in here have. I will be sure to steer my friends away from them as well.


Thanks for keeping us updated! I was wondering what the outcome was. If and when you see their article, it would be great if you could post a link to it here.



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I see they have a number of complaints at BBB which is available online. For what its worth, you might want to file a complaint there as well.


Also, I don't know how proactive the Atty Genl of Florida is, but you might also complain to them. Some states heavily regulate sellers of travel, in general, and consumer con artists in particular.

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Have you considered also going to the Conde Nast Traveller's Ombudsman? I've read their column for years and this seems like just the thing they look for. I doubt that they'd ever mention the NG Traveller Ombudsman's efforts but be sure to let them know you tried him...

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I rarely post here, but I read this forum often. Back in January, I don't remember the exact date, I saw the Paul Gaughin listed on Grand Circle's website listing very good prices for this June sailing. I recall them being around $2,000 lower per couple than booking through RSSC. I was looking into going in November, but I just had to call Grand Circle to confirm the prices they listed. I called them THREE times to confirm the lower prices and all THREE times they confirmed the prices on the website. I didn't book with them because I wanted to go in the fall, but kept watching their website hoping to see the same lower prices for the fall. I'm SO HAPPY I booked with my TA through RSSC. It just goes to show you, if it seems too good to be true, it's most likely not!

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Jan, yes all three couples most definitely cancelled the trip.


Ishmael, I've already filed a complaint with the Fl Attorney General, and have downloaded the file to fill out for the Mass. Att. General. It is a lot of work, but we should have some protection against things like this happening.


Sad to say, but none of us has found another trip to replace this one, as yet. Our hearts just aren't into it. We're all pretty bummed!


Thanks to all for the encouragement - this is such a great site for sharing information!

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Have you kept RSSC apprised of the way this reservation was handled? While they aren't responsible for GCT's actions, it does reflect on the cruise line as well. I don't think they want angry cruisers, or people who won't book because of the connection to GCT as new owners of the ship.


It also seems important to stress that this is NOT a price increase, which they could do, but the last minute correction of their error. I'm not a lawyer and didn't sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but when they offered the pricing and you accepted it, you both entered a contract. At the very least it is a bad business practice. I can assure you I don't want to do busines with a company that treats their customers that way.

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I agree that RSSC should be apprised of this entire situation. I ASSUME that RSSC has no real responsibility in this matter --- but then again I am not privy to the agreements between GCT and RSSC. My assumption could be wrong.





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Thank you for taking the time to post on this issue. I had recently asked GCT for a brocheure, and planned to book with them in the future. Your experience definitely changes my mind about that!

Grand Circle, if you are monitoring this board, please note that you have lost me (and I average 3 cruises and 1 ground trip a year), a future customer because you don't honor your own mistakes!!!

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Please understand that if you get a good TA and book the PG directly with Radisson (leaving GCT out of the loop) you won't be subject to these problems. The PG is owned by others and leased to Radisson, as it has always been. The only unfortunate change with the recent change of ownership was that GCT was part of the new buyer organization, and somehow reserved the right to book PG cruises (in addition to Radisson bookings) on certain cruises, and to "package" these with air and land stays. Radisson is fully in charge of operating the ship.


We, as "mere customers" aren't furnished with any of the contractual documents between Radisson and GCT, so we can't tell if Radisson has any responsibility in the GCT pricing fiasco or not. But in any event, I make two comments. First, don't let the GCT fiasco keep anybody from booking the PG. Just get a TA and book through Radisson and NOT GCT. Second, everyone who was impacted by the GCT fiasco should notify Radisson about the Problem. Such dealings are not Radisson's style. At the minimum, Radisson will want to insure no repetition. At the maximum, who knows?



Richard:) :) :)

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I would inform RSSC of this problem. If this phenomenon is chronic, as complaints to the BBB and AG's office might suggest, RSSC could always drop GCT from their list of authorized agents.

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Guest Jancruz



I believe..I wont swear to it.. the price is higher booking through an agent and RSSC than through GCT..Anyone that was going to Tahiti might consider Oceania's 12 day Miami to Miami...they do small boutique Islands where you do not run into the mass market ships..or of course there is always Princess in Tahiti using the Ren ship..



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I believe..I wont swear to it.. the price is higher booking through an agent and RSSC than through GCT..


You can't compare one to the other because GCT (and Vantage) are packagers of travel rather than agents who will sell what the customer wants. For example, the PG cruises included hotel stays for two nights at the Radisson Plaza on Tahiti. If you didn't want to stay two extra nights or stay at that hotel or on that island, you would not be able to modify the GCT package.


If the exact package is compared, then GCT's price is better (if they were to honor it) because they are packaging at group rates as well as not paying out commissions.


They do claim to allow customers to lock in the rates by paying in full (" If you take advantage of Grand Circle's exclusive Good Buy Plan, you'll guarantee your trip price"). However, even that Plan is subject to a few exceptions: "your Good Buy guarantees that the land, cruise, and international airfare portions of your trip will not be increased (except for air tax increases, air surcharges, and fuel surcharges that go into effect prior to your departure)." And the fact that they have this Plan indicates that they are prone to adjust their pricing upward.


GCT was originally started as part of AARP in 1958 but sold in 1985 to Alan Lewis. Lewis and his brother split; his brother started Vantage.


While GCT and Vantage own the PG, RSSC operates and controls some aspects of it. (The overall arrangement is not unlike many hotels where the label may say Ritz-Carlton or Marriott but the actual property is owned by someone else).


In early Feb, I spoke to high level crew members who made it clear that RSSC does not control the executive staff nor the maintenance crew, but does apparently still control the "hotel" operations. However, their were representatives of GCT and Vantage on board who seemed to be heavily into their spreadsheets.


It doesn't hurt to let RSSC know that their reputation is being tarnished as a result of this arrangement. It's unlikely they can do anything about it now, but they can use the information in the future when deciding whether to extend or renegotiate the contract for operation of the PG.

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All I can say is that GCT is going to wish that they would have eaten the cost of their price error because the amount of negative publicity National Geographic Traveler will bring will cause them more problems in the future.


It is good to know there are great people out there like Mr. Elliot!

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Was it your understanding that the Captain and officers thereunder (except the Hotel director and officers under him/her) are now GCT employees on the PG? This, coupled with the maintanence crew being GCT employees would mark a substantial change in the traditional operation of the PG, wherein the ship used to be merely leased by RSSC, and then run totally by RSSC.




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We were informed (by other staff) that Captain Brossard, who has been captain since the PG was launched, has been given notice of termination. Brossard gave my wife and me a private bridge tour one morning and he made some oblique references to dealing with changes.


While on the bridge we saw a man in civilian dress enter the bridge unaccompanied. We were later told (not by Brossard) that the man we saw was a back-up in case Brossard left early due to his firing. (Very unlikely as Brossard is totally professional, devoted to the sea and his ship.) Brossard's mother was on the sailing (first time) and the staff captain had his father on.


The hotel staff we spoke to were astonished and dismayed that Brossard was being let go. They professed a desire to follow him rather than stay on the ship when their current contracts expire. They also seemed to feel that big changes would occur eventually throughout the ship including the "hotel" operation which would likely not be for the better.



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This all has me worried now. We are booked in on PG in September. When is Bossard's termination date? Is this a matter of the new owners bringing in there own people? Is this going to negatively impact the experience?



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Wandering and all:


Here's my take with what we know right now. We're booked on the PG in 09/05 also. We've spent three total weeks on the PG in the past, and found those experiences to be the best cruises in the world, period. We booked our 09/05 cruise as we had some credits to use up and were a bit pressed to find another itinerary we liked, in light of RSSC's ever-shrinking fleet. And based upon our past experience, we wanted to cruise the PG one last time before she too leaves the RSSC fleet. Based on the "hard info" this will be at the end of '06. But one must recall how the departure date of the Diamond was moved up. And based on current info, there will be NO all-French Polynesian cruises at all after the end of '06. The Tahitian Princess is scheduled to pull out then too, and Windstar is already gone. We don't even think the TP is a viable alternative to the PG anyway. So, of greater importance, we also wanted to cruise FP one more time.


I know of no reports of "bad on-board experiences" on the PG at this time that would cause us to cancel. And, of course, we avoided GCT booking like the plague. But we know that RSSC seems to be in some kind of a state of transition. This includes loss of the Diamond and sale of the PG, terminations of some executives and the Captain, and negative changes in its "past cruiser" program on cruises booked after sometime in May '05. We've got a little time before our "penalty period" starts, and this and other boards report on cruise-related events so fast, and this is good. We'll be monitoring the boards closely between now and the start of our penalty period.




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