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Why do we pay more for the SAME cruises?


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OK - I want to book a number of cruises with HAL (2 star mariner)


Would HAL like to tell me WHY - because I am in Australia - I have to pay $500 $A more for a cabin of the same quality than my US friends for the same cruise in Alaska on 11 Jul out of Vancouver.?


This is particularly annoying during the times when OUR dollar was 107 to A$1 YET - we still have to pay more AND we are 'not allowed' to buy last minute via vacations to go. Seems to me like Australian Travel Agents have the market sewn up with a commission that we are forced to pay. I'd call that collusion - but my mind can be changed by way of reasonable explanation.:rolleyes:


The HAL site says something like - local laws of your country apply - well - WHAT ARE THEY? Can someone tell me exactly what these laws are and why I should pay more so I can book through a 'travel agent' in Australia, to pay their commission?


Any answers appreciated - especially from a HAL representative.




PS - please don't bother to reply unless you have AN ANSWER to the questions I asked

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Sorry I don't have an answer, but I do have a question.


Are you not able to use a US travel agent to book a cruise? I know several people in the UK who do this. And my TA has told me she has clients from many other countries because the US prices are lower than those of other countries. Also, we can get our deposit back if we cancel before final payment, something that doesn't happen in Australia and the UK.


I don't know why your prices are higher, but it isn't just Australia. It's Canada and the UK, too. It has been this way for many years. Yes, it's unfair, but it's what they do. I have no idea why. Don't blame the Australian travel agents. The prices are set by the cruise line, and a TA shouldn't charge you more than HAL does. (Can you book directly through HAL? Is that any better than using a TA?)

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OK - I want to book a number of cruises with HAL (2 star mariner)


Would HAL like to tell me WHY - because I am in Australia - I have to pay $500 $A more for a cabin of the same quality than my US friends for the same cruise in Alaska on 11 Jul out of Vancouver.?


This is particularly annoying during the times when OUR dollar was 107 to A$1 YET - we still have to pay more AND we are 'not allowed' to buy last minute via vacations to go. Seems to me like Australian Travel Agents have the market sewn up with a commission that we are forced to pay. I'd call that collusion - but my mind can be changed by way of reasonable explanation.:rolleyes:


The HAL site says something like - local laws of your country apply - well - WHAT ARE THEY? Can someone tell me exactly what these laws are and why I should pay more so I can book through a 'travel agent' in Australia, to pay their commission?


Any answers appreciated - especially from a HAL representative.




PS - please don't bother to reply unless you have AN ANSWER to the questions I asked


For one thing, your consumer protection laws are a lot more stringent than those for the USA.

For another, I thought your price included everything: port charges/fees etc. Prices given for US do not include those fees which are added on and make the total cost more.

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Sorry I don't have an answer, but I do have a question.


Are you not able to use a US travel agent to book a cruise? I know several people in the UK who do this. And my TA has told me she has clients from many other countries because the US prices are lower than those of other countries. Also, we can get our deposit back if we cancel before final payment, something that doesn't happen in Australia and the UK.


I don't know why your prices are higher, but it isn't just Australia. It's Canada and the UK, too. It has been this way for many years. Yes, it's unfair, but it's what they do. I have no idea why. Don't blame the Australian travel agents. The prices are set by the cruise line, and a TA shouldn't charge you more than HAL does. (Can you book directly through HAL? Is that any better than using a TA?)


Thanks - but you do have an answer - sort of.. These prices are directly on the HAL website. thanks again - it's good to know that I'm not alone..lol

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For one thing, your consumer protection laws are a lot more stringent than those for the USA.

For another, I thought your price included everything: port charges/fees etc. Prices given for US do not include those fees which are added on and make the total cost more.


Thanks for your polite reply;

For one thing - that's a good answer

For another; that's also a good answer. I'll ask my US friends if that is the case.



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Sometimes people pay less for the same cruise; but how would one know?


If you compare the rates on the different countries' websites, you can see the difference. Years ago, during a QE2 cruise, my friend and I were taking about taking another cruise. We had picked up brochures from the onboard booking office. There was a cruise that she liked, but she said it was too expensive. I didn't think the price was all that bad. Then we discovered she had the brochure priced in pounds, and I was looked at the brochue showing US dollars. We checked her math, and she was converting the money correctly. The UK prices were considerably higher than the US prices.


Nowadays, the way the rates go up and down, it's harder to compare, but Austrailia and UK passengers have higher prices than US passengers.

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cjcpopnan, I post on another cruise board (can't mention the name) where we discuss this issue a lot.


The CEO of a travel company (again, can't name it - it lets travel agents bid for your cruise business) posted on that forum. He reported U.S. agencies bid for Australian customers all the time. If the cruise line (such as HAL) discovers the passenger is resident in Australia, and "should" have booked at those higher prices, the agency may lose their commission. However, he said the passenger takes no risk - only the agency does.


It is not your citizenship which is the issue - just your residence.


As for consumer protection....we Canadians have it softest of any nationality. Not only do we have the same kind of consumer protection against travel agent fraud/bankruptcy as the UK/Australia/New Zealand, but we can book at U.S. prices. Often the Canadian dollar price is higher, but if so, we can bypass that. (We do get stuck with more taxes on the fare, however!) But, I've just booked directly with HAL at U.S. prices, and even bypassed those taxes.


It's unfair I have it so easy, and you have it so tough.


I have no problem with free enterprise, companies charging what the market will pay, and HAL making money. However, I think globalization is going to end this form of free market pricing very soon. The Royal Caribbean group has flirted with ending regional pricing over the last couple years. They keep changing their mind - can't keep track of how things stand right now!


In the meantime, I urge you to look into booking with a U.S. agency. You will lose that consumer protection (travel contract will be under U.S. law). You will need to look carefully at cancellation/insurance coverage, because most policies offered by U.S. travel agencies are unsuitable for foreigners with national health care. I just got my insurance at



I recommend them.


Sorry for the long answer.

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A Prada bag in may cost the equivalent of $6000 in Paris, $6500 in Tokyo, and $6700 in Moscow - but that same bag in New York is $5000.


Heck - I saw a $98 pair of Levis in Norway for the equivalent of $200!


Not saying it's right, but it happens all the time.

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As for consumer protection....we Canadians have it softest of any nationality. Not only do we have the same kind of consumer protection against travel agent fraud/bankruptcy as the UK/Australia/New Zealand, but we can book at U.S. prices. Often the Canadian dollar price is higher, but if so, we can bypass that. (We do get stuck with more taxes on the fare, however!) But, I've just booked directly with HAL at U.S. prices, and even bypassed those taxes.


Hi fann1sh, what do you mean - "we get stuck with more taxes on the fare?" When I pay my US discounter or Canadian discounter in US dollars, the taxes are the same. How do you "bypass those taxes?" HAL has the same taxes for the fare.

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I seriously doubt you will find a US Travel Agent that will book your cruise unless one when you do your on line check in you state you have a US or Canadian residence and can prove it when you state you have a Australian Passport. Holland America is extremely strict with their policy oof not paying any commission to agencies that sell out side the US. I have had to go as far as getting utility bills and library cards to prove that a passengers was in fact a resident of the US even though they carried a Passport from a country that was not US or Canada.


I wish I could tell you the reason why, this same policy holds true for Princess but I am hearing rumors that Princess may lift this in the very near future. If that happens I can guarantee you that Holland America will follow ;)

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I wish I could tell you the reason why, this same policy holds true for Princess but I am hearing rumors that Princess may lift this in the very near future. If that happens I can guarantee you that Holland America will follow ;)

"Near future" is not soon enough!! lol



Thank you all who have replied - you have been most helpful.


The analogy with the Prada bag just highlights the blatant ripoffs that consumers are dealt.


(on another note:It's all starting to make sense.........Australia has one of the the best economies in the world right now - so we can afford to pay more?? Yes??? That's IT!! of course. That explains everything. Let me say 'tho - there's not too many Australians who don't realise that our current "World's Best Treasurer" (Pfffttt - what a crock) inherited a LARGE surplus from the former government and in 2 years or so have managed to turn that into a HUGE deficit. It's only a matter of time for us.


Maybe then we'll see our price parity with other countries when cruising and buying Prada bags (if that floats your boat. Pardon the pun. One can only hope) :D:p

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The Prada bag analogy falls down a bit when you try to book a future cruise on board. We were quoted nearly AUS$4500 (46%) (for 2) more than the US price for a 14 day Alaskan trip while on board the Noordam recently. We were able to check this by using the computers on board which gave us the HAL American prices. Same 'shop' - just different pricing as we were only allowed to pay in the currency we had used to book the cruise we were on.

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I seriously doubt you will find a US Travel Agent that will book your cruise unless one when you do your on line check in you state you have a US or Canadian residence and can prove it when you state you have a Australian Passport. Holland America is extremely strict with their policy oof not paying any commission to agencies that sell out side the US. I have had to go as far as getting utility bills and library cards to prove that a passengers was in fact a resident of the US even though they carried a Passport from a country that was not US or Canada.


I wish I could tell you the reason why, this same policy holds true for Princess but I am hearing rumors that Princess may lift this in the very near future. If that happens I can guarantee you that Holland America will follow ;)


In the past we have booked cruises with HAL Seattle by phone from The Netherlands, we paid in US$ and possible changes in exchange rates were our risk. But since a few years that isnot possible anymore, I think because HAL opened a sales office in The Netherlands.

It indeed it is strange that many cruises are more expensive in Euros then in US$ and we have no choice in which currency we want to pay.

In the past we also booked cruises with Celebrity with an agent in the USA, but as far as I know that also isnot possible anymore.

Hopefully we can book again in the near future in the USA.

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The Prada bag analogy falls down a bit when you try to book a future cruise on board. We were quoted nearly AUS$4500 (46%) (for 2) more than the US price for a 14 day Alaskan trip while on board the Noordam recently. We were able to check this by using the computers on board which gave us the HAL American prices. Same 'shop' - just different pricing as we were only allowed to pay in the currency we had used to book the cruise we were on.


Thanks Charlie - that's exactly what I'm on about. Our friends in US are quoted 1049 and we get 1549 for the same cabin on the same cruise AND this was when OUR dollar was 107:1 How can this be?


This really is not fair. At least with no explanation - it's not fair.



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For information:


Quote taken from a well known US discount website:


We are able to offer the deeply discounted U.S. rates of most of the cruise lines we represent to citizens of other countries. However, the following cruise lines now prohibit all U.S. travel agencies (including Vacations To Go) from selling cruises to citizens of countries other than the U.S. and Canada, unless they have a residence in the U.S. or Canada. This is not a Vacations To Go policy or a U.S. government policy, it is a corporate policy instituted by each of these cruise lines.

Costa Cruises


Holland America

Oceania Cruises


Royal Caribbean

Star Clippers




Looks like only SOME cruise lines (including HAL) prohibit US travel agents from booking other than US or Canadian residents. Why?? :confused::confused:


As an Australian I find it disgraceful that we have to pay so much more for the same cabin as US residents (even when booking on board a HAL ship).:(


After 2 cruises this summer, we are now 3 star mariners but starting to rethink if it is worth travelling with HAL. I understand from my travel agent that HAL has recently opened a Sydney office on a trial basis, but still higher prices for Australians apply. Why??:confused:

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I sent you a friend request - but I want you to know that I'm NOT a stalker - I have a husband of 36 years and 5 grandchildren. There is nowhere to say that in the 'private' sections of this forum - so - now you all know......



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I seriously doubt you will find a US Travel Agent that will book your cruise unless one when you do your on line check in you state you have a US or Canadian residence and can prove it when you state you have a Australian Passport. Holland America is extremely strict with their policy oof not paying any commission to agencies that sell out side the US. I have had to go as far as getting utility bills and library cards to prove that a passengers was in fact a resident of the US even though they carried a Passport from a country that was not US or Canada.


I wish I could tell you the reason why, this same policy holds true for Princess but I am hearing rumors that Princess may lift this in the very near future. If that happens I can guarantee you that Holland America will follow ;)


I agree with the OP when I looked at HAL and Princess and Celebrity I couldnt book through the US - I have found that booking MSC doesnt apply these rules and I was able to book my cruises through a TA in the States and get the same low prices at the rest of the passengers in the US - so I'm sure it is the cruise line policy that is the problem not the TA.

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We have the same problem. We are from the UK with British passports but are currently living in Spain.


HAL will not let us book direct without a UK address. We have to book with a Spanish travel agent - and most of them are useless. Luckily, although mainly resident in Spain, we do have a UK address at the moment so book with HAL UK.


Although the people we book with are Holland America (SeaVacations UK Ltd) they are treated by HAL as if they were a travel agent. We cannot access our booking on HAL website.


As far as pricing, yes we pay more than US passengers but, as others have said, we are covered by ABTA (Association of British Travel Agents). Do you have similar in Australia?. Also, do your prices include the Hotel Service Charge/gratuities?

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In the UK , when we book with a TA, we are afforded protection in case the TA or holiday company goes bust. With cruises, when we pay a deposit it is immediately non-refundable so we have to be pretty sure this is the cruise we want. No changing our minds to a different sailing or ship. Also if there is a price drop we do not get it, we have to pay our original agreed price.

Some cruise lines will allow you to book through a US TA but HAL is not one of them.

It is so frustrating reading on these boards about your price drops!

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We have the same problem. We are from the UK with British passports but are currently living in Spain.


HAL will not let us book direct without a UK address. We have to book with a Spanish travel agent - and most of them are useless. Luckily, although mainly resident in Spain, we do have a UK address at the moment so book with HAL UK.


Although the people we book with are Holland America (SeaVacations UK Ltd) they are treated by HAL as if they were a travel agent. We cannot access our booking on HAL website.


As far as pricing, yes we pay more than US passengers but, as others have said, we are covered by ABTA (Association of British Travel Agents). Do you have similar in Australia?. Also, do your prices include the Hotel Service Charge/gratuities?

Probably are covered by something like that - but would someone with a little more knowledge than me on the subject like to confirm that. It's certainly not stated clearly anywhere that I have read on any site/ticket.




AND our price DOES NOT include gratuities or Hotel Service Charges - these are ON TOP.

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I looked at the list to see if I could find a pattern. It looks like not all are under the same holding company, and not all cruiselines of any company have the same restriction.

The only solution would be for all Aussies (Spanish and others) to cruise with the lines without the huge price difference for a year or so. A letter to the line to the effect 'We just booked two OVs for Alaska from xxx due to their fair pricing policies' might help.The lines would probably decide US rates were better than no pax.

You already have a large flight cost to get almost anywhere.

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