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Why is CCL making it hard to tip?

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I'm sorry to say a lot of you people are rude. A tip is something extra for good service, not a requirement. I just got back from our frist cruise and yes we left the auto-tips on and we also tipped our waiter andhis two helpers and our room steward extra as we felt they went above and beyond on our cruise. But, even with saying that I totally understand what some people are saying about taking off the auto tip and doing their tipping on their own. Are thes tips still going to be split between others that you never saw? I would assume so, if the people getting those tips are reporting them. I have no idea how that works with Carnival. I would hope that my extra tipping to the people that deserved it would not be distributed to others because I specifically wanted those people to have extra. As for extra tipping of the Maitre'de - we never even saw him the whole time we were there! We had anytime dining and never saw him once. We did hear him on the microphone once but that was it.


While I do believe some people are beating a dead horse with this issue, I think it is wrong to call some people cheap when they want to be able to tip the ones that they know took care of them and then possibly give another envelope with some extra to all the behind the scenes people. There is the possibility that these people are tipping more than if they left auto-tip on.


But, I have a real question - do we know for a fact that everyone on the cruise ship is making below minimum wage? Do we know for a fact that all these people need those tips? If someone is getting below minimum wage (like a server in a restaurant), then they do deserve tips if they do a good job. But, when I go into a deli and the counter person is making minimum wage, why is there a tip jar? You are doing your job and getting paid well, why should I tip you for that? I am not cheap, but I work very hard for the amount I make and no one tips me for doing my job. I am a very good tipper when it is deserved but I resent seeing tip jars popping up everywhere I go. Do I need to put one on my desk at work?


Unless you know that a person is taking tips off their auto-tip so they can tip less or not tip at all, it is not right to start calling these people out and calling them names.


I will ask again. If they want to leave more then why can't they leave the auto and give more to whom they feel deserve it? That has nothing to do with tipping more.

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Auto tips takes away the hassle of getting change for large bills. For some it could be cheaper - would you give the waiter $48, most would round up to $50. Same with bar drinks - if the 15% is .85, most would round up to $1.00.

The auto tip is posted on the S&S on a daily basis, but nothing is charged to your credit card until after the cruise - you only get 1 bill for the entire cruise, you do not get 7-8 postings to your credit card.

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When ever anyone wants to tip in cash I always read a reply that states if you remove the autotip,the behind the scenes people lose out.


Well if the autotip is for MY convenience,then why is it so inconvenient to tip the behind the scenes people?


I am free to tip in cash,but with the new tipping,who exactly does it go to and what percentage.


I hate to ask, but what is it about you and tipping? You have started numerous threads on this. Let it be...

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I will ask again. If they want to leave more then why can't they leave the auto and give more to whom they feel deserve it? That has nothing to do with tipping more.


I guess we will answer again. The auto tips now include entertainment staff and guest services as well as hotel staff. This is a change from before this increase. Some feel that these people should not be tipped as they are salaried employees.


They are electing to opt out of auto tips so they can direct their money to those who directly serve them and who they feel deserve it the most.

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NO, being mislead.




For your convenience, we automatically charge the gratuities for dining and stateroom staff to your onboard Sail & Sign account. The total amount is $11.50 per guest, per day as follows(our recommended guideline effective voyages departing December 1, 2011 and onward):


It does not ell us where the other is going.They can state in an unofficial way where its going but until its on the website (and you will note they got the amount right $11.50 but have taken no official position on the rest)


But like I stated before,I want to tip in cash,who exactly do I give it to and what percentage.

I know the Steward,Waiter,and assistant amounts.What are the others since I don't want the Convenience.


Remove all tips when you board. Tip who you want when you want. Auto tips make servers etc lazy!

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If you want to tip - tip

If you don't want to tip - don't

if you want to give cash - give cash

if you want to auto tip - then leave it on


It seems that the CCL board has more problems with tipping than the other boards.

I don't think that the many attempts to change what people do or don't do will ever change them.

Everyone one has their opinion and believe that they are right. To try and influence others to this opinion is a losing proposition.

Do what you feel is right and how you would want to be treated if you were on the other side.

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If you want to tip - tip

If you don't want to tip - don't

if you want to give cash - give cash

if you want to auto tip - then leave it on


It seems that the CCL board has more problems with tipping than the other boards.

I don't think that the many attempts to change what people do or don't do will ever change them.

Everyone one has their opinion and believe that they are right. To try and influence others to this opinion is a losing proposition.

Do what you feel is right and how you would want to be treated if you were on the other side.


you must be missing the revelation posts, where people are starting to see about the underhanded sneaking in of tips to non service, full salaried personel.


whether they do anything about it, refer to your chart.

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Something to keep in mind....




When you pull the gratuities from your Sign and Sail card, you do endanger the very people you are trying to help. Since the home office pretty much goes by accumulated data, it is presumed that the passenger(s) pulling the tips is unhappy. The waiter, his assistant, room steward and his assistant all are gigged for this. When it comes time for a new contract, those who have had this happen more than the norm may not be offered a new contract. That is fact. Expressions of dissatisfaction from the passengers are a major negative in the lives of the people who serve you.
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you must be missing the revelation posts, where people are starting to see about the underhanded sneaking in of tips to non service, full salaried personel.


whether they do anything about it, refer to your chart.



CCL gave full disclosure of how they tips would be distributed - not sneaking in. you assume that the others are full salaried - you do not know this nor do I know they are not. We are are privledged to see CCL's payroll books.

You are very negative about this policy, and you have a right to your opinion, but attempts to change others is somewhat futile.

I would prefer CCL charge more and go back to serving better food, but that is a different topic.

If this bothers people so much, go on another cruiseline. Losing business is not what the cruiselines want. If enough people do this, CCL would notice. If it is a small number, it will not influence CCL.

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CCL gave full disclosure of how they tips would be distributed - not sneaking in. you assume that the others are full salaried - you do not know this nor do I know they are not. We are are privledged to see CCL's payroll books.

You are very negative about this policy, and you have a right to your opinion, but attempts to change others is somewhat futile.

I would prefer CCL charge more and go back to serving better food, but that is a different topic.

If this bothers people so much, go on another cruiseline. Losing business is not what the cruiselines want. If enough people do this, CCL would notice. If it is a small number, it will not influence CCL.


i really don't care what others do. my tipping is between me and whom i choose to tip, which are basically people performing something for me.


discussing on a message board is another thing entirely.


and ccl gave disclosure AFTER the cat was out of the bag, and even the brand ambassador did not know about the change.


and if there are people on board that are performing non service duties all these years, and collecting less than "full" wages, well, that's their problem, eh?

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I guess we will answer again. The auto tips now include entertainment staff and guest services as well as hotel staff. This is a change from before this increase. Some feel that these people should not be tipped as they are salaried employees.


They are electing to opt out of auto tips so they can direct their money to those who directly serve them and who they feel deserve it the most.


Been away from all this fun and frivolity the past 3 days.


Has a definitive answer been brought forth yet as to who now is receiving tips that weren't before? I am aware of the new wording of the policy, just wondering if JH actually answered this question or did he conveniently bypass it:confused:

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Been away from all this fun and frivolity the past 3 days.


Has a definitive answer been brought forth yet as to who now is receiving tips that weren't before? I am aware of the new wording of the policy, just wondering if JH actually answered this question or did he conveniently bypass it:confused:


all i saw him answer was, "yes, they are additional people getting tipped from the auto tip that previously did not" <====paraphrased as i cannot access facebook.

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So they put a new tipping policy that is designed to screw the behind the scenes people then?



I just love the way that 2 + 2 = 7 in your mind.


Get over the tipping issue. If you want to tip in cash then take your tips off and don't worry about it. If you want to use the automatically added service charge then leave it alone and don't worry where it goes.

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Why do you worry about it? Don't you think the cruise line actually knows how to distribute gratuities so everyone gets a fair share? At restaurants to you take it upon yourself to override their system and extend gratuities to the bus boy, dishwasher and server? They came up with the split to be fair to everyone and make it easier on the guest. Go with it.


Sorry, I'm getting a good laugh out of this one...:D

The message I got was.....like the government, and many CC posters, Carnival knows what is best for you, because you are too dumb to figure it out yourself. So be a good little passenger, and do as you're told. ;)

I liked the old envelope system.....and found that I got better service, all around, when the help knew their gratuity depended on the service they provided.

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everyone is entitled to their opinion. Those who think its cheap to remove tips and those who are speaking up saying it is on principle. Each of us is entitled to our comments!!!


Those who believe its cheap are still thinking... its cheap!!! (and a bunch of lame excuses).


I posted on the forum of the TA who books my group cruises, some of these excuses and said please dont remove tips, lets make our TA proud of us. Wouldnt it be awful to sit at a dinner table with a bunch who removed tips and the waiter knew it? I dont want to be associated with folks who are this cheap. Tip extra if you feel people are being slighted .. but removing all tips.. yep to me its cheap. Its my OPINION to which Im entitled.


none of these people are suggesting to add extra tips ...just saying remove tips!!! some are taking names too Ill bet of those who are leading this rabble rousing.


For the record, most people on here think Im anti Carnival and a RCL cheerleader ... but in this Im behind Carnival 100%


I also can see why John decided not to answer... I think people would find another excuse to remove tips ... no matter what he said, it would be picked apart.


Thanks right FIREFLY we all have a right to our own opinion.. so why not let me have mine instead of jumping down my throat.. did you not notice that I was replying to user BOUGIET.. and I was doing that because I can't believe how rude this person is at people who wish to take there auto-tips off and tip the way that makes them comfortable.. why would this be a spoiled person or cheapskate.. as for your comment "TA would be proud of us".. are you even being serious?.. who cares what a TA thinks.. happy cruise'in

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everyone is entitled to their opinion. Those who think its cheap to remove tips and those who are speaking up saying it is on principle. Each of us is entitled to our comments!!!


Those who believe its cheap are still thinking... its cheap!!! (and a bunch of lame excuses).


I posted on the forum of the TA who books my group cruises, some of these excuses and said please dont remove tips, lets make our TA proud of us. Wouldnt it be awful to sit at a dinner table with a bunch who removed tips and the waiter knew it? I dont want to be associated with folks who are this cheap. Tip extra if you feel people are being slighted .. but removing all tips.. yep to me its cheap. Its my OPINION to which Im entitled.


none of these people are suggesting to add extra tips ...just saying remove tips!!! some are taking names too Ill bet of those who are leading this rabble rousing.


For the record, most people on here think Im anti Carnival and a RCL cheerleader ... but in this Im behind Carnival 100%


I also can see why John decided not to answer... I think people would find another excuse to remove tips ... no matter what he said, it would be picked apart.


Thanks right FIREFLY we all have a right to our own opinion.. so why not let me have mine instead of jumping down my throat.. did you not notice that I was replying to user BOUGIET.. and I was doing that because I can't believe how rude this person is at people who wish to take there auto-tips off and tip the way that makes them comfortable.. why would this be a spoiled person or cheapskate.. as for your comment "TA would be proud of us".. are you even being serious?.. who cares what a TA thinks.. happy cruise'in

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Hah, me rude ha!! No people who adjust or remove tips are rude. Give me a break!! Want to pay them in cash huh? Why exactly, if you want to give then give more with a cash tip. Puuhhllease. It should not be allowed. Bloody, I'm not bloody:eek:


sometimes you just hit nasty people in life and even over blogs.. people can't let others have there own opinion.. its sad really.. just a little insight for you bougiet.. I never remove my auto-tips and even tip on top of that.. for me this is a matter of principal.. like free speech ;)

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very unwise to tip for fear tactics.


care to reveal the source of that quote?


Just as you use fear to keep people from tipping all of those full salaried employees, right;)? If the company was pocketing any of this then we would be in complete agreement. That CCL has or is now deciding to augment the salaries of some of their employees is between them and their employees. As long as you come on here talking about full salaried employees who don't deserve to be tipped I will come on saying that said employees are receiving extra pay for work being performed outside of their job specialty, such as moving luggage around (something most agree is worthy of a tip).

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Sorry, I'm getting a good laugh out of this one...:D

The message I got was.....like the government, and many CC posters, Carnival knows what is best for you, because you are too dumb to figure it out yourself. So be a good little passenger, and do as you're told. ;)

I liked the old envelope system.....and found that I got better service, all around, when the help knew their gratuity depended on the service they provided.


If you liked the old system, then hand out envelopes. If you want to follow the autotips, then do that.

Because people disagree with your outlook and opinion, does not make them wrong. They are entitled to their opinion and they think you are wrong.

Both sides think they are right. that's life.

Spending energy to try and change the opinions of others - not going to happen.

These boards have great entertainment value!


Don't go to Atlantis - they have 3 different services charges that are mandatory. They tell all the dumb people how to tip.

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i really don't care what others do. my tipping is between me and whom i choose to tip, which are basically people performing something for me.


discussing on a message board is another thing entirely.


and ccl gave disclosure AFTER the cat was out of the bag, and even the brand ambassador did not know about the change.


and if there are people on board that are performing non service duties all these years, and collecting less than "full" wages, well, that's their problem, eh?


I guess you have the payroll records and can tell us who makes how much every person makes and the source of all their income.


Tip or stiff whoever you want

Assumptions are just that - assumptions

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When you pull the gratuities from your Sign and Sail card, you do endanger the very people you are trying to help. Since the home office pretty much goes by accumulated data, it is presumed that the passenger(s) pulling the tips is unhappy. The waiter, his assistant, room steward and his assistant all are gigged for this. When it comes time for a new contract, those who have had this happen more than the norm may not be offered a new contract. That is fact. Expressions of dissatisfaction from the passengers are a major negative in the lives of the people who serve you.


If you remove your tips before you even cruise how is that gonna make someone lose their job? This above quote is totally ridiculous and is definitely scare tactics. No one is going to get fired because you take off the tips.

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