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Just Back from 2 day Sampler on Quest


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I get where the cabin stewardesses might have been stressed, having to prepare the rooms twice in two days. However I don't see how that has anything to do with poor service in an open seating restaurant. I repeat: if there were a bunch of travel agents on this cruise I did not see them. This was not a cheap cruise. The per diem for a basic veranda cabin was over $400 per person and it attracted a mostly upscale clientele.


It is almost as if some of you are blaming the passengers for accepting Seabourn's offer to go on this cruise. Certainly it was not representative of a two week cruising experience, but the brevity of the cruise cannot explain every deficiency.



Agree with your original post and commend your keen eye and observation skills in detecting the lapses experienced on your recent cruise.


Yes, some of them are blaming you, the paying passenger and reviewer because you rightly thought this forum was named Cruise CRITIC and not Cruise Cheerleader,Apologist or similar. Don't be surprised if some other poster strongly advises you to stay away from Seabourn and go back to Crystal, (just because you had the nerve to cite a couple of CRITICal well described Seabourn shortcomings on Cruise CRITIC !).

Based on Seabourn's marketing and claims of a 6 star luxury cruise line, it should not make an iota of difference whether one is on a 2 day cruise or a 100 day world cruise. World class service organizations focused exclusively on the high end luxury segment should and do deliver CONSISTENT service in product and staff. Ritz Carlton or Four Seasons properties for example, deliver the same product/service to all guests whether for a one night stay or two weeks. Making excuses about crew stress, being a "regular" or the length of the cruise comes across as something a salaried Seabourn corporate hack would offer to sidestep the issues.

Seabourn service based on my observations has been steadily declining over the past 12 months along with the food, beverage selection and availability. Main cause is the creeping HALization focused on cost-cutting

which has resulted in a big turnover of seasoned ambitious crew members as the opportunity to earn better wages and working conditions are elsewhere.The result is hiring inexperienced rookies not suitably screened for the service ethic and personality required for a supposedly 6 star all inclusive lux cruise line. Thus, you have situations in venues that directly relate to passenger service, (restaurants,bars,pool decks), where 50 to 60% of the staff is doing 100% of the work while others do the minimal or are standing around in zombie-like indifference. The real stress is on the 50/60% of the staff carrying the entire workload which inevitably creates the breakdown and inconsistent service levels.

In my opinion and other fellow passengers we've recently cruised with, Seabourn is coasting on a former stellar reputation and slick marketing, but the reality is that it's not better than Crystal, Silverseas nor Regent and close to slipping further as more Holland American initiatives are implemented.

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The OP is entitled to his view of his particular cruise and I respect it. My experience, though not on a two day sampler has been significantly different but be that as it may.


I do however strongly disagree with Neophytus' conclusions which, paraphrasing, say that there has been a decline in Seabourn standards in the last year. I have had cruises on Sprit and Legend in February and November this year. In my experience the booze, notably the wine, the food and the service were superior the second time around. The number of service lapses was tiny. So what Neophytus states as fact I disagree with. To me, the tone of the post is quite bitter but maybe that is just me.

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Neophytus does have some strong views, no doubt about that...


Speaking only for myself, I am flexible enough to be a cruise critic- or is cruise observer more apt?- when I worry about head office making mistakes that detract from the brand and which make no sense. They should know better- but obviously do not- and I presume must sadly learn from their mistakes.


But I am also a cruise cheerleader because I want to promote the best of Seabourn with my writings here. The Quest one-weeker I enjoyed in September with a couple of first timer neighbors was terrific. Now I have 199 days and and I will surpass 250 shortly. Seabourn, as a result of my loyalty, are my home team, and I try to assist the hard-working ship-board staff whenever I can. That's why I am cheering for them and criticizing head office, in this case, for offering 2 day cruises if the Quest, for whatever reason(s), may not compare favorably as far as the Crystal set is concerned in the dining department.


It's up to Seabourn ship-side and land-side management to work together and figure it all out. Obviously. I hope to hear about the game plan from the coaching staff when I am on board again. Staying close to the team has its advantages!

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Digtexas - When I mentioned travel agents previously, I did mean that any two day cruises should be given cheap or even free only to agents, not to the paying public. Much better would be simply to have agents on board for a look round and a meal, and stay docked.


If it is indeed true that there was a high percentage of new untrained staff on board, this is a disgrace - they could not be expected to be efficient, and should have been introduced slowly a few at a time. Unfair on them and the regular staff, and of course the paying passengers. Sadly, the very irritating things - like the rude waiter who has been mentioned - stick in our minds long after the event.

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I for one appreciate the time you took to write your review- you were honest and very fair in your comments. One of the reasons I joined CC was to read others observations on different cruises and cruise lines-and your review will be very helpful to others. I too was surprised at the "make your own toast station" and stood there there the first morning trying to figure it all out! If I had read this previously I would not have looked so confused!


I was on the Quest for 21 days and I witnessed all that you wrote about-the positive and the negatives. I am a loyal Seaboun client but no cruise line is perfect and I think its fair to point out to other readers what you experienced. I agree the sampler was a bad idea as it does take a few days for the rhythm of the ship to set in, but you are obviously very well travelled and you observations were very astute.





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I too was aboard this cruise. The Quest is a beautiful ship. Was impressed that the Colonnade was open for lunch for those of us that arrived before the suites were ready. In general my 1st Seabourn cruise exceeded by expetations with the friendliest crew I have every experienced. Ate at Restaurant2 the first night, the service and food was outstanding, wish I could say the same for the second night in the Restaurant as a 3 course meal for 2 took 1 hour and 50 minutes (no one seemed to care that we sat with nothing in front of us for such a long time). Room service was fast and efficient, with a call to make sure everthing was to your liking and if there was anything else (this was a 1st). Enjoyed both the shows. It was nice to see the crew out and about chatting with the passengers. Was surprised how many knew our names by the second day.


Now that I am no longer a Seabourn Virgin, I'm even more excited about my Holiday Canal Crossing on Odyssey in 9 Days! YES.

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Many years ago Seabourn offered a 3 day cruise to nowhere aboard the Pride ~From New York City, around Long Island ~up the Hudson River and back to the New York Harbor. No ports or stops~ The "Gilligan's Island Three Day Tour" was available for 3 years in Sept. ~ all three years we had a blast! Each year it was a sold-out sailing. Service, food, wines, all 6*'s ~ It was a very popular 'lit cruise ~Captain Toenis T. Soerensen would anchor sometimes near the Statue of Liberty~we'd enjoy a deck party.

I'm guessing a two day cruise aboard one of the larger Seabourn Sister's could not come close to a two or three day cruise on one of the Little Sister's ~ a different experience.

Happy, safe Holidays to all our CC members,

Martita B.

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Some of these arguments are comical imo. If anyone had to carry his/her own luggage on board the ship that is clearly not typical of a SB cruise. And a Four Seasons hotel does not need to turn over the entire hotel at one time. I am not disputing that this was a less than stellar experience. I would have been surprised if it were. My blame goes to Seabourn in the first place for selling a two day cruise. It's stupid!

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Frankly my husband and I very much enjoy two hour dinners in the restaurant . We very much put off when we go to a restaurant and the next course come out before the previous one had been consumed.Sadly many people( especially many of our fellow Americans I am afraid to say) want to eat and run.

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Frankly my husband and I very much enjoy two hour dinners in the restaurant . We very much put off when we go to a restaurant and the next course come out before the previous one had been consumed.Sadly many people( especially many of our fellow Americans I am afraid to say) want to eat and run.


If you read my earlier posts, you would see that we also tend to spend two hours having a leisurely dinner when we cruise. The difference is that when we do so, we are not sitting for 30 to 45 minutes waiting for the main course to arrive. No one who wrote on this thread remotely suggested that we were looking for a rapidly served meal. Paco lived many years in Spain. Do you think that he was suggesting that the courses should have been served on top of one another? Poor service is poor service.

On another point that was mentioned several times by others...I haven't a clue which members of the crew were new and which members had been with Seabourn for years.

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Ok, you win-- you had a crappy cruise with Seabourn and the service in the dining room sucked--however, not everyone has had your experience--some of us obviously have had better service--therefore, we will continue to support Seabourn--- your right is to report what happened on your cruise and your impression of the lack of luxury attention which you were entitled to expect and also deserved--our right is to be a "cheerleader" as long as our expections are met. Let's call a truce and hope each of us will be thrilled with our next adventure regardless of what cruise line we choose.

Happy Sailings to you until we meet again!!!:)

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Ok, you win-- you had a crappy cruise with Seabourn and the service in the dining room sucked--however, not everyone has had your experience--some of us obviously have had better service--therefore, we will continue to support Seabourn--- your right is to report what happened on your cruise and your impression of the lack of luxury attention which you were entitled to expect and also deserved--our right is to be a "cheerleader" as long as our expections are met. Let's call a truce and hope each of us will be thrilled with our next adventure regardless of what cruise line we choose.

Happy Sailings to you until we meet again!!!:)


Amen! (Although I never said that I had a crappy cruise. In fact, we enjoyed ourselves.) :)

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What a lot of responses to the Quest. I was on it and lets get one thing clear these ships turn around that day. They are like airplanes-they leave again ASAP. The fact is this cruise was a problem..the food came cold, the service stunk in the Main Dr and the portions were terrible. My wife was sick the 2nd night and took an Hour for soup--Why.. Several of u said to just order more, well that only works when the wait staff is around to check on you. I know factullay others had it worse than me or Danny. Room service never came or it came 90 minutes late.

The fact is they changed crews and didn't even attempt to show us the service that we were expected to have. Seabourn didn't even bother to ask us what we liked or didn't like. The fact is we overpaid for a 2day cruise. The food portions were meager at best. I've been on Crystal. Oceania, Regent, Royal Carribean and Carnival who owns Seabourn. So Seabourn reps that read this what say u. Why did u change crews and give us the 2nd team?? I go back to Oceania in Feb which got a HIGHer rating on the Marina than Crystal or Seabourn!!

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My wife and I just completed the cruise on Quest from Venice then Transatlantic. We disembarked just prior to the 2 day sampler cruise that was to take place in Fort Lauderdale.


I am shocked at the vitriolic of the folks complaining so vociferously about service aboard the Quest during that 2 day cruise. We didn't see anything but excellence and we spent back to back cruises over a two month period. No one can settle in and enjoy a cruise or the facilities aboard a top liner in two days. You'd have to spend one day unpacking and the next packing to leave!


As I understood it (from staff aboard before we disembarked), that two day cruise was an advertising situation specifically offered to top travel professionals nationwide in the hopes of giving them a taste of seabourn, but everyone is complaining as though they paid through the nose and then didn't receive value for what they got. Perhaps they expected to be carried aboard on an emperor's palanquin.


there are quite a few young new staffers on Quest. Not all of them have refined their skills to deliver the same service that you will find on Legend or the other smaller ships. However, my wife and I (first time aboard the larger ships) found the Bathrooms to be a great improvement, the beds and cabins with true balconies to be wonderful and Seabourn square with the coffee bar and warm ambiance to be one of the places and services we enjoyed the most aboard the ship. I guess it depends on what you want. If you crave small ship intimacy, you'll find it on both ships, large and small. However, if you want to get to know fellow passengers and share a meal with new friends, it's much easier on the smaller ships. The dining room on our longer voyage was populated less than the other venues at dinner. The Executive chef Thorsten Sengutta is the finest aboard seabourn. Quest is new with a new crew and they are still working out the kinks, but overall they are doing an incredible job.


We sailed aboard Holland America's Rotterdam on it's maiden voyage and so many things went wrong that they handed out partial refund checks to the top level suite passengers as we disembarked. When I think of a few small glitches in Seabourn's performance compared to THAT disaster.... I just have to laugh and thank God for Seabourn. Nearly all of the problems we had and others quoted here had, were caused by inexperienced staffers. These kids are young and trying, but it takes a little seasoning.

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Well Gee now, isn't that special how all of you r sticking up for

Seabourn Quest. I was on Crystals Serenity when it was brand new and ya they had major problems too. Quest has been in the water for 7 months and the service issues for the main D. R. And room service are inexcusable. I've been doing cruises since I was 15, I'm 60 now and cruises are big business today

And when it takes 2 hrs for dinner, you can't get room service or coffee at the dinner table it needs fixed. It doesn't matter if the ship has 400 or 4000.. U

Expect service for the $$ u spend.

I sure hope someone from Carnival/Seabourn is reading this stuff because they

Are the ones who have'nt asked how they did!!

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I am sorry for all the attacks of your review on this board. Everyone should able to voice their experience without being attacked. The people that are attacking your opinion maybe able to afford 140+ days with Seabourn, but I doesn't mean they have class. There were pluses which helped overcome the negatives on this cruise. I still had a great time and looking forward to my 16 day cruise. If Seabourn couldn't pull off a quality 2 night cruise they should have not done it.



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I am tired of the tit for tat, and this will be my last word on the subject. We are not travel agents, nor are our friends and acquaintances who sailed on this cruise with us. In fact, I did not even see many passengers who looked remotely like they were travel agents. As I wrote above, the passengers tended to be upscale and mostly from Florida. We paid $425 each per day for a V1 veranda cabin. This rate was not discounted and in my opinion was not cheap.

Perhaps it was a bad idea to take such an abbreviated cruise, and from reviews and postings that I have read on CC, many of you have had wonderful experiences on the new ships, and I am pleased to hear it.

However this does not change the fact that there were serious problems on this particular little venture, and that Seabourn did not do itself proud. As my TA said..."I thought they would try to wow you". She has gotten very positive reports from her clients who have been on these ships, up until now.

Expecting warm food to be served by attentive waiters in a dining room should not be too much to ask from a 6 star luxury cruise line IMHO.

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I agree with WilloGuy. Honestly we're all in agreement that Seabourn did not do a good job in two days of showing you what they are noted for and do well....whatever the reason. It doesn't really matter the reason. They failed to put their best foot forward. And I think we can give it to all who have better experiences on other lines. That's life, and that's why we have multiple cruise lines and individual choices. I think we are beating a dead horse at this point. If I was Dan I would close this thread.

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I am tired of the tit for tat, and this will be my last word on the subject. We are not travel agents, nor are our friends and acquaintances who sailed on this cruise with us. In fact, I did not even see many passengers who looked remotely like they were travel agents. As I wrote above, the passengers tended to be upscale and mostly from Florida. We paid $425 each per day for a V1 veranda cabin. This rate was not discounted and in my opinion was not cheap.

Perhaps it was a bad idea to take such an abbreviated cruise, and from reviews and postings that I have read on CC, many of you have had wonderful experiences on the new ships, and I am pleased to hear it.

However this does not change the fact that there were serious problems on this particular little venture, and that Seabourn did not do itself proud. As my TA said..."I thought they would try to wow you". She has gotten very positive reports from her clients who have been on these ships, up until now.

Expecting warm food to be served by attentive waiters in a dining room should not be too much to ask from a 6 star luxury cruise line IMHO.


Dan, see my post above. You and I were pretty much writing the same thing at the same time!!

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