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When Vacations Attack - or - Broken Leg on the Beach in Jamaica


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This is just going to be a short 'review' of our recent Pearl cruise.

(11/27 - 12/4) I've been way too busy to even unload cameras or type up the proper review - perhaps in the days / weeks to come, there will be more time.


We had an awesome 2 week adventure planned - drive to Miami from Rochester, NY - take a 7 day cruise - drive back home after cruise. Sounds simple, right?


My DH & I got out of work a little early on Wed 11/23 - and hit the road!

Everything went exactly according to plan...until exactly one week later.


Wednesday, 11/30 - we were in Jamaica. We had booked an excursion thru NCL (as we ALWAYS DO - and now, ALWAYS WILL! ) It was tubing on the White River & then time at the Bamboo Beach Club. Tubing was awesome & fun! We had a great time!! We then went on to the beach. Very nice. We sat in chairs that sunk way into the sand (well, we are XL people, that may have been part of the reason! LOL) DH went into the water for awhile. We were served food & beverages - we got the N/A Lemonade (we truly are not drinkers - our CAS drink card was pretty much wasted on N/A drinks).

Food was good - mac salad, sausage, chicken, rice dish. All served by our hostesses Tracy & Ann Marie - great girls! Then I wanted to go into the water.

DH said he had a hard time getting back out...I should have listened. The beach was very steep, sand like quicksand - waves were pretty strong - I soon was on my butt. Not sure if DH was trying to help me up, or sit beside...but next wave crashed us into each other...and he was then immobile. :(


Guys on the beach were RIGHT THERE to help him get up out of the water..and sitting on a chair on the beach We then saw the medic, once he was helped up the slope. Apologies to everyone else in our group that had to wait on us - getting DH into the van and all. :o


Back to the ship, where a wheelchair awaited. Right into the medical office on-board. Pain killers were given, x-rays were taken, leg was wrapped w/ ace bandage..and we were escorted via wheelchair back to our cabin. Couple hours later, Dr. called and made a cabin call! They found an 'impact fracture' on the x-rays. He brought more pain meds and put his leg in a foam / velcro wrap type splint.


We were told that we could leave the room - wheel chair assisted anytime we wanted. We couldn't use the wheel chair without an NCL staff member to push. Wow, what great fun this will be for the rest of the week. And we thought we had it bad with an over-attentive butler last year on the EPIC. (totally understand about the liability for NCL - doesn't' mean I had to like it! lol) THANK YOU Garvin! You were an awesome wheelchair driver!!


Well, DH spent the first afternoon and all night in a LOT of pain. Called for escort and back to Dr. the next day. Spoke w/ nurse who said DR. OOO until later that day. Meanwhile, we got a note 'excusing' us from our pre-booked & paid for excursion in Cozumel. (got OBC for that)

Went up to the Spa to see if we could get DHs spa pass $$ back, as he hadn't used it yet, and obviously wasn't going to. The AWESOME SPA MGR (sorry, haven't come across her name in my unpacking yet) Gave us both a refund, even tho I had already used my pass. She was great! Ran into her later at Silver + party and she inquired to how DH was doing.


Back later to see DR. who gave B12 shot..and more meds. Bit the bullet and asked how much all this was going to cost us. Holding breath awaiting the answer. Have heard soo many horror stories of how expensive medical treatment on-board is. Well, much to our delight - no charge. Yes, that's correct - no charge! Seems this is just one more perk to booking excursions through NCL. Awesome!


Fast forward to Sunday am - getting off ship. We had asked where to get crutches in Miami (at the Dr. office onboard) and were told to go to Walmart. Okay. We had visited Walmart near our hotel prior to cruising. Wheelchair assist off ship - asked if we had a ride coming - then across to median - asked people sitting on bench to move - assisted DH onto bench - and away went the wheelchair. Yep. That is the last we have heard from NCL.

We had ride coming to take us back to our hotel to retrieve our car. Port workers were not going to let the van come curbside - until we yelled at them that DH had broken leg and could NOT walk to other side (over 3 lanes) to get into van!

Went to Walmart - ummm.. no crutches. only place to get them in Miami was at a medical supply place - and they were all closed on Sundays. Great.

Off to our LONG ride home.

Good thing I can drive. I felt like crap that day - think I had a 24 hr bug of some kind. I was fine Monday am - went to Hilton Head Island Walgreen's to get crutches.


This story has gone longer than I anticipated. Sorry about that. To finish up:


We arrived in Rochester late Tuesday night. Spent 9 hrs at Medical complex - x rays, bone specialist, sonogram - thought there was blood clot - fitting for new brace on leg. Friday went for cat scan on leg. Next appt. w/ortho on Monday afternoon - who had previously said thought they were going to have to operate on knee...but needed cat scan first.


(me back to work part day on Friday - triplet grandsons' 4th bday party Friday evening -unpacking, laundry, several trips for prescriptions at pharmacy, grocery, etc, etc.)


Here's my 'mixed feelings' about this whole thing. It was an accident - no one's fault, I understand that. Part of me feels that NCL went above and beyond with helping, part of me feels it would have been nice to have had someone go out of thier way to offer a bit more. Maybe expanded room service menu - since leaving the cabin was more trouble than it was worth. Maybe DVD player / movies...maybe contacting someone in Miami earlier in the week to at least have crutches waiting when we got off ship? Would have gone a LONG way in our comfort. Maybe a call from Dr on Friday, Saturday to see how he was doing? something??!?


Thoughts & opinions would be welcome from our CC community on the situation. Thanks! :)

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Being the DH with broken leg I must add. With no crutches or walker getting back and forth from the bed to the bathroom posed a difficult and PAINFUL task. And some followup by the medical staff would have gone a long way in customer relations.

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I appreciate your positive attitude in recognizing the steps NCL took to care for you, and at the same time, I understand your wishing for maybe a little bit more. Did NCL do the least they could do? No, they could have done a lot less. Could they have done more? Likely they could have. IMHO, pretty much it sounds like they hit the middle ground. I hope your husband heals quickly without surgery and your next cruise is trouble free!

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Hard to believe the ship didn't have any crutches. Did you ask? As for arriving in Florida without crutches, did you ask at the service desk if they could locate someone in port that could provide a rental scooter or at least crutches? Although, the ship could have done more, you needed to speak up and make sure you could get things taken care of. Phones and internets work on ships.

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I was happy to read your review of how appreciative you were of them helping you out but then I got to the end.


I don't think I would have ever expected anything of NCL and I certainly don't think they needed to arrange crutches for you in port - as the others said, did you ask?


In regards to the phone call after the fact, I'm sure they had other folks that needed their medical attention. Sure a phone call would have been nice but hardly expected.


Sure its an inconvenience to you to have your vacation hampered but I think NCL certainly exceeded expectations.


Hope your DH heals quickly and doesn't have any further complications.

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I feel for you and your husband. Rough trip.


I was expecting to read that you were stuck in Jamaica in some poor hospital without your luggage, etc. That could have easily been the situation.


Looks like NCL did a bit more than they needed to. They could have done more, but what they did sounds pretty good.


A little more help getting to cab or van would have been good, but, they did a pretty good job.


Arrangements with a company that does medical transport might have helped.

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I fell down the steps on the Gem and my tore a ligament in my ankle. The Dr. would NOT give me crutches on the ship. She said they cause more problems then having nothing. They also told me to call for the wheelchair escort when I needed it, which was a PITA. I had a folding cane I take in my suitcase (after falling in the sand in St. Maarten and nearly fracutring a hip)that I used to get around.


They claim that crutches on a ship that is rolling is dangerous, which is why they would not give them out.


Hard to believe the ship didn't have any crutches. Did you ask? As for arriving in Florida without crutches, did you ask at the service desk if they could locate someone in port that could provide a rental scooter or at least crutches? Although, the ship could have done more, you needed to speak up and make sure you could get things taken care of. Phones and internets work on ships.
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I fell down the steps on the Gem and my tore a ligament in my ankle. The Dr. would NOT give me crutches on the ship. She said they cause more problems then having nothing. They also told me to call for the wheelchair escort when I needed it, which was a PITA. I had a folding cane I take in my suitcase (after falling in the sand in St. Maarten and nearly fracutring a hip)that I used to get around.


They claim that crutches on a ship that is rolling is dangerous, which is why they would not give them out.



Absolutely understand why the ship does not 'give out crutches'. Most cruisers would have difficulty using them on a moving ship - perfectly understandable, from a liability aspect.

Also understand and agree about the wheelchair escort being a PITA! :D

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I agree with the others...sounds like NCL hit about the middle level of what they could have done. I too would like to have read that they helped arrange things for you once you were off of the ship...rather than dumping your DH on a bench.


I agree...NCL did SOMETHING - which was WAY better than doing NOTHING - which they very well could have! I understand.


Did we ask for help - YES. We did what we were then told to do. We have never had the need for crutches - we had no idea where to even begin to look for them. We had NO CLUE you could buy them in a drugstore! (let alone Walmart!)

I was simply commenting that I thought a 'little extra' would have been nice. That's all.


BTW - We DID purchase a cruise reward - after the leg injury! :D

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I appreciate your positive attitude in recognizing the steps NCL took to care for you, and at the same time, I understand your wishing for maybe a little bit more. Did NCL do the least they could do? No, they could have done a lot less. Could they have done more? Likely they could have. IMHO, pretty much it sounds like they hit the middle ground. I hope your husband heals quickly without surgery and your next cruise is trouble free!


Thank you. I hope our next one is uneventful, too! :D

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Hard to believe the ship didn't have any crutches. Did you ask? As for arriving in Florida without crutches, did you ask at the service desk if they could locate someone in port that could provide a rental scooter or at least crutches? Although, the ship could have done more, you needed to speak up and make sure you could get things taken care of. Phones and internets work on ships.


YES, we did ask what could be done - what we should do and how. We were directed to Walmart for crutches. We assumed that people in these positions ( doctors / nurses / cruise staff) deal with these things more often that we do.

We followed the instructions we were given. We definitely spoke up.

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I was happy to read your review of how appreciative you were of them helping you out but then I got to the end.


I don't think I would have ever expected anything of NCL and I certainly don't think they needed to arrange crutches for you in port - as the others said, did you ask?


In regards to the phone call after the fact, I'm sure they had other folks that needed their medical attention. Sure a phone call would have been nice but hardly expected.


Sure its an inconvenience to you to have your vacation hampered but I think NCL certainly exceeded expectations.


Hope your DH heals quickly and doesn't have any further complications.


Thanks for you input & well wishes! :)

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Still trying to figure out how your husband got the impact fracture -- was it just from you and he being knocked into each other from a wave in the ocean?

Hope he has a speedy recovery.


Apparently that was it. Unless there was a rock or something that the waves crashed into him...but there was no broken skin. <shrugging> The waves were pretty strong.



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I feel for you and your husband. Rough trip.


I was expecting to read that you were stuck in Jamaica in some poor hospital without your luggage, etc. That could have easily been the situation.


Looks like NCL did a bit more than they needed to. They could have done more, but what they did sounds pretty good.


A little more help getting to cab or van would have been good, but, they did a pretty good job.


Arrangements with a company that does medical transport might have helped.


Thanks for your thoughts. Yes, we were pleased that NCL Pearl staff did help. They could have done nothing. I agree.

(Or they could have charged us an arm and another leg! LOL)


Since we had never experienced anything like this - we were just wondering what other's opinions were. Thanks for sharing yours. :)

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I'm sorry your husband broke his leg on vacation. Having done that (alone on a vacation in Italy), I understand the position you were placed in. While my travel insurance company took charge of my hospitalization and my transport to the airport, I took it upon myself to get everything else done. With my trusty cell phone, I spent hours on the phone back to the States. My ex helped me with getting my flights changed and wheelchair service scheduled so I could come home early. With the fortunate help of his French boss, I was able to get my hotel reservations at the Sheraton CdG changed, an accessible room assigned to me, a wheelchair provided at the hotel (I think that, because I had a Frenchman doing my bidding, things went smoother - I had exceptional service from the Sheraton), and wheelchair service from the plane all the way to the hotel and back. The one hiccup was, you guessed it, with crutches!! All the other times I had needed crutches here in the US, I was always provided with them at either the doctor's office, ER, or post-op at the hospital. I assume it would be the same at the hospital in Italy. WRONG! When I asked about the crutches on my last day, I was told that I had to have someone go out and buy them for me at a supply store. Well, it was too late for that, and it was also the Italian "siesta" time, so businesses were closed. I was lucky enough to have all that wheelchair service set up and nice flight attendants to help me down the aisles. I had surgery the day after I arrived back home.


While NCL did what they thought they should have done, I also believe that you needed to be proactive wherever you could. I don't know what resources you had at your disposal, so I won't comment on that. File the experience under "oops" and know that, if you have something like this again, you will be better prepared to act on your own. A cell phone, regardless of how expensive the time is, comes in mighty handy in an emergency! You perhaps could have gotten on the Internet, found the phone # of a local Wal-Mart or medical supply (or even a hospital ER), bought the crutches over the phone, and perhaps could have arranged for a local taxi company to pick them up and deliver them to the port for you. Hindsight...


Oh, besides taking those ships' excursions, be sure to get TRAVEL INSURANCE!! This was the first time I took it (my first solo trip post-divorce), and I was truly glad that I had it. The hospital bill in Italy was 10,000 EU!!!!! I won't travel without it anymore when I leave the country.

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Here's my 'mixed feelings' about this whole thing. It was an accident - no one's fault, I understand that. Part of me feels that NCL went above and beyond with helping, part of me feels it would have been nice to have had someone go out of thier way to offer a bit more. Maybe expanded room service menu - since leaving the cabin was more trouble than it was worth. Maybe DVD player / movies...maybe contacting someone in Miami earlier in the week to at least have crutches waiting when we got off ship? Would have gone a LONG way in our comfort. Maybe a call from Dr on Friday, Saturday to see how he was doing? something??!?


Thoughts & opinions would be welcome from our CC community on the situation. Thanks! :)


OK you've asked for thoughts and opinions. First I wish your DH a speedy recovery. That really puts a damper on I'm sure a well deserved vacation, I feel for you.


As for what NCL did or didn't do. I don't think I would have expected more as matter fact I think they went a little above what was necessary since this was an accident in port and not on the ship. Could they have done more, well really people can always do more. Do I feel they should have, no not really.


As for the call from the doctor. The doctor is basically an emergency care doctor and anytime I've visited an emergency doctor, they did not follow up on my situation. The just advise me to seek council with my own family doctor.

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JMHO, hope dh is fine. But you asked so here I go, NCL did more than they had to. If they gave you better room service or dvd's they would open up a can of worms for every passsenger who gets hurt, sick etc. Whilen you were on an NCL excursion they did not contribute to the injury so I say be thankful for what help you received and that the injury wasn't worse. Hope next cruise is better

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Feeling like I 'got what I asked for' here. :rolleyes:



Guess it's better to keep my 'mixed feelings' to myself.


I didn't say I was 'expecting' anything.




Thanks again for the opinions I obviously asked for.

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Don't pay attention to negative posts. I thought your post was positive overall.


Unless you have had many accidents or surgeries, you sure wouldn't know that CVS or Walgreens sells crutches - don't feel bad. Maybe the Dr. meant to say Walgreens for the crutches. I also know how frustrating it is getting off the ship when you can't step on your leg and hundred of others are trying to rush to get off the ship and into a cab or on their buses. I had the same issue but at least had my cane so I could walk.


I also can understand your feeling about room service and the t.v. issue. Other lines will also allow you to order off the regular menus and have food delivered to your cabin if you are confined to it for a medical reason. I also wish NCL could do that, as their room service menu is limited.


And having been layed up in bed with my ankle. I know exactly what you mean about the t.v. They should have a movie channel and a cartoon channel for the kids. There are 6 stations with the same junk over and over. On our Gem cruise, a lot of people were seasick for the first two days, and then later on in the cruise, we missed the stop to the private island and the pools were closed another day because of the high waves. There were almost 1000 kids on the ship and I heard so many people complaining about the t.v.


Adults who were confined complained and the parents with little ones complained, saying if they at least had cartoons they could have let the kids stay in the cabin and watch t.v. for awhile. The cruise director told us that NCL recently changed their entire package cruise wide and dropped the movie channels and the channels with the old t.v. shows. Another cost saving measure I guess.


I think NCL did an okay job - hope your husband is doing well and heals quickly.



Feeling like I 'got what I asked for' here. :rolleyes:



Guess it's better to keep my 'mixed feelings' to myself.


I didn't say I was 'expecting' anything.




Thanks again for the opinions I obviously asked for.

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@pcreek -

No judgment, just an honest question:

Having exhausted the room service menu, did you ever consider going to the buffet yourself to get different food for your husband?




I think you could have also gotten meals to go from the MDR.

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My friend fell while we were on the way to the Mystery dinner, while being led by NCL employees to our destination. We received all the help that you did with the same limitations. So they did what they do and did not offer you anything "extra". The reason the medical care was free was that you were on a NCL excursion and they are liable for your safety. I totally agree about travel insurance which was a tremendous help with extra expenses. We ended up with a claim against NCL and after a lot of time and trouble they admitted their fault and paid for some of her financial loss. It is a long story but definitely NCL's fault which they did acknowledge.

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OK you've asked for thoughts and opinions. First I wish your DH a speedy recovery. That really puts a damper on I'm sure a well deserved vacation, I feel for you.


As for what NCL did or didn't do. I don't think I would have expected more as matter fact I think they went a little above what was necessary since this was an accident in port and not on the ship. Could they have done more, well really people can always do more. Do I feel they should have, no not really.


As for the call from the doctor. The doctor is basically an emergency care doctor and anytime I've visited an emergency doctor, they did not follow up on my situation. The just advise me to seek council with my own family doctor.


I couldn't agree more with your comments. Although I do hope her DH has a 100% recovery, it never seizes to amaze me how people always expect more. :confused:


The injury was not on the ship, it was on (a NCL) an excursion so I feel NCL went above and beyond what would be expected of them. As someone earlier posted, you could have gotten stuck in a hospital in port with major hospital bills and the expense of either getting to the next port or back to the US, but instead you got proper medical assistance from the (ER) ships doctor at no charge and told you could have an escourt every time you wanted to leave your stateroom. I think you should be happy with how things turned out. Just my opinion, you asked for it.

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