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Would you notify the cruise line if you had to cancel last min?


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And you had the nerve to post on the thread of the person desperate to find a last minute cabin as they forgot to add their aunt to the booking. You get some strange pleasure and that family is crushed. What is this world coming too. :mad:

Oh my get over yourself. I can care less who less added or forgot to add their aunt, they are just playing stupid. I am not going to "forget" to go at last minute and pay for ANYONE .

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Oh my get over yourself. I can care less who less added or forgot to add their aunt, they are just playing stupid. I am not going to "forget" to go at last minute and pay for ANYONE .


WOW. I see the internet thug phenomenon is alive and well in this thread....


As the OP of the thread referenced above, let me just clarify: I didn't forget to add my aunt and sister; my father and I miscommunicated. He thought he'd told me to add them to this reservation (which he didn't), and I assumed they'd purchased their own cabin.


Anyway, to answer your original question: I would most certainly inform the cruise line that I needed to cancel my reservation. Because my momma raised me better too. And because it's the right thing to do. And because someone else could be waiting on that last minute cabin to come available for their family. And wouldn't that be great if I could give a gift like that to someone else in the middle of my own not-so-great situation?


Human compassion. You should try it sometime :)

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WOW. I see the internet thug phenomenon is alive and well in this thread....


As the OP of the thread referenced above, let me just clarify: I didn't forget to add my aunt and sister; my father and I miscommunicated. He thought he'd told me to add them to this reservation (which he didn't), and I assumed they'd purchased their own cabin.


Anyway, to answer your original question: I would most certainly inform the cruise line that I needed to cancel my reservation. Because my momma raised me better too. And because it's the right thing to do. And because someone else could be waiting on that last minute cabin to come available for their family. And wouldn't that be great if I could give a gift like that to someone else in the middle of my own not-so-great situation?


Human compassion. You should try it sometime :)

How can anyone forget to add anyone til last week , what did he think they were going for free? They were not in his documents. This group wanted to add them at the last min, and came on here to ask how to do that. I can care less what you think of what I would do in the situation of last min. You are all so much better than I??? I would LOVE to see that happen, something tells me you would do the same , and let the room go ... and you know it. THOUGH I can care less what you say you would do. I read , and laugh, and have others laugh at what you pretend you would do.

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How can anyone forget to add anyone til last week , what did he think they were going for free? They were not in his documents. This group wanted to add them at the last min, and came on here to ask how to do that. I can care less what you think of what I would do in the situation of last min. You are all so much better than I??? I would LOVE to see that happen, something tells me you would do the same , and let the room go ... and you know it. THOUGH I can care less what you say you would do. I read , and laugh, and have others laugh at what you pretend you would do.



EDJACK999 used a word in his post that you are evidently not familiar with. I will copy the sentence here and you can figure the word I refer to ------(you should always afford the other party the courtesy of a notification.)


In case you missed it, it is COURTESY !!!

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How can anyone forget to add anyone til last week , what did he think they were going for free? They were not in his documents. This group wanted to add them at the last min, and came on here to ask how to do that. I can care less what you think of what I would do in the situation of last min. You are all so much better than I??? I would LOVE to see that happen, something tells me you would do the same , and let the room go ... and you know it. THOUGH I can care less what you say you would do. I read , and laugh, and have others laugh at what you pretend you would do.


I'm not laughing. Family miscommnication happens all the time. I usually handle all the details for my mom and myself. Luckily no mishaps yet. But as parents get older there seems to be a lot of "I was sure I told you before".

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I may be wrong . . .but isn't there a TSA rule that the ships manifest is closed to additions 72 hours prior to sailing?


So if you decide the day of the cruise that you can't go, the cruise line could not resell your cabin anyway.

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I may be wrong . . .but isn't there a TSA rule that the ships manifest is closed to additions 72 hours prior to sailing?


So if you decide the day of the cruise that you can't go, the cruise line could not resell your cabin anyway.


The cruise line can't make any changes to the manifest within one hour of sailing. They send a preliminary manifest 72 hours ahead.

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God forbid this happens.. but, I have to be honest , I would not. If I was going to lose all my money, I would not want to give them any chance of rebooking that room for even more money. I think to avoid this they should still give back something til last day however so little. Anyone else think this way? I am just curious seeing the thread of the person trying to get two onto a cruise that is already booked in full. I would bet there are openings the day of , if anyone else thought as I do.


How can anyone forget to add anyone til last week , what did he think they were going for free? They were not in his documents. This group wanted to add them at the last min, and came on here to ask how to do that. I can care less what you think of what I would do in the situation of last min. You are all so much better than I???[/COLOR] I would LOVE to see that happen, something tells me you would do the same , and let the room go ... and you know it. THOUGH I can care less what you say you would do. I read , and laugh, and have others laugh at what you pretend you would do.


Then why did you start the thread?

If you define most people being better than you by doing the courteous thing and notifying the cruise line then yes apparently that is true. I think that most people would but of course you are entitled to your own opinion. I believe most of us were brought up to be courteous but either you weren't brought up that way or have decided to do differently. That again is up to you.

I would tell them as it apparently could be something that would help someone out who may have not been able to if I hadn't and if that helps NCL also to make more of a profit why not? I happen to love NCL and want them to prosper and keep going so I can keep sailing with them. You of course can believe what you want as it makes no difference to me.

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I would probably call them but I wouldnt want to have to make that call to say im not going! I would be desperately trying to pull something out the bag so that I could go and would leave it till the last min to tell them just so that they didnt wait for me, its just courtesy. My ex boyfriend thinks the same way as the op, he would rather see the room go empty than someone else have it, I dont begrudge anyone else making money or getting a cheap deal so i would be happier if someone else got the room rather than it go empty. When we go on vacation and buy beach toys and floats we pass them on to other kids at the hotel when we leave, when im finished with my travel card for the day i give it to someone else to use if i dont need it. I offer up my seat if someone else needs it more than me, and I would rather give things away than throw them in the trash, why not let someone else use it? And even if I had to cancel a cruise, why would everyone else have to cancel they can go without me! I wouldnt want to spoil it for everyone if they could still go.

You acheive nothing by cutting off your nose to spite your own face!!!

I would also try desperately to get a message to all the people on my rollcall that I unfortunately would not be coming on the cruise!!! I would be gutted if I had to cancel, but wouldnt want people wondering what on earth had happened so Id let them know.


wow I am alot more considerate than I previously thought lol I can actually see the ops logic, I wouldnt call just so that NCL can make money and id be gutted if I couldnt get a refund yet they sold the cabin twice, but hey, at least someone got a cheap deal.

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Interesting question. People keep saying it is common courtesy to let the cruise line know so they can re-book the room. Well if the cruise line re-books the room it seems a good business practice to refund SOME portion of my money. Not saying all of it but some. Not sure what I would do but it would be very hard to inform the cruise line if I knew they were going to make nearly 2x on the cabin off of what is likely my misfortune.

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I'm not laughing. Family miscommnication happens all the time. I usually handle all the details for my mom and myself. Luckily no mishaps yet. But as parents get older there seems to be a lot of "I was sure I told you before".



Tell me about it mishaps can happen all the time! I hope whoever is looking for an extra cabin gets one. Even when people decide last minuit they want to join you, its a bummer when its sold out and they cant come. Just about every vacation ive ever booked someone wanted to join us nearer the time, a few times theyve had to be at a different hotel because nothing was avaliable, and on my last cruise it wasnt sold out but prices went right up and so did airfare, so my friend couldnt make it. They dont always sell last minuit cruises at bargain prices, Ive seen it become more expensive nearer the time.

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Interesting question. People keep saying it is common courtesy to let the cruise line know so they can re-book the room. Well if the cruise line re-books the room it seems a good business practice to refund SOME portion of my money. Not saying all of it but some. Not sure what I would do but it would be very hard to inform the cruise line if I knew they were going to make nearly 2x on the cabin off of what is likely my misfortune.



that would be nice if they gave back some of what they got from selling it twice

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I would notify the cruiseline.


We buy travel insurance, so I wouldn't worry about the money.


When we went on a Hawaiian cruise I wanted to add a person to our cabin. The ship was full, so we couldn't. I hope a cabin didn't go empty that cruise. I would have liked the opportunity to have booked it, if possible. It turned out that that was the only time the person I wanted to add would ever get to go on that itinerary. In hindsight, I should have booked her with us from the very beginning, then there wouldn't be a lifetime of regret.


I'd rather the cruiseline get the chance to sell the cabin to someone else. Never know if it may be the only time the person/people who do get to use it can go on a cruise, or go on that particular itinerary.


The cruiseline should get the opportunity to sail full and make the most money possible. They've made sure there would be food and supplies for people in that cabin, why let that go to waste. They also counted on making some money from onboard sales and excursions, so why not let them get a chance to make some from people who can be there.

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WHy would you have to lose a penny? Just buy travel insurance! Travel insurance would reimburse you if you cancel for a covered reason. No need to be vindictive. Why even worry about losing money? Just buy insurance.


God forbid this happens.. but, I have to be honest , I would not. If I was going to lose all my money, I would not want to give them any chance of rebooking that room for even more money. I think to avoid this they should still give back something til last day however so little. Anyone else think this way? I am just curious seeing the thread of the person trying to get two onto a cruise that is already booked in full. I would bet there are openings the day of , if anyone else thought as I do.
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Why? That is why the cruise line sells travel insurance - so the client who has to cancel at the last minute gets reimbursed. Reimbursing someone who was didn't opt to buy insurance is rewarding them for not buying it.


No one has to lose ANY money - just buy insurance.


Well if the cruise line re-books the room it seems a good business practice to refund SOME portion of my money. Not saying all of it but some. Not sure what I would do but it would be very hard to inform the cruise line if I knew they were going to make nearly 2x on the cabin off of what is likely my misfortune.
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It's not about the cruise line making more money. It's about allowing someone else to enjoy themselves even though you can't. Not telling them for the reasons you stated is petty and inconsiderate. It's also completely uncalled for to attack the OP from that other thread faced with the "not enough room" dilemma. Miscommunication happens.


Just my two cents because you asked

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Suppose someone didn't buy the insurance and now can't go, if the cruise line wants to know so they can resell the cabin, it does make sense to refund some however little to encourage people to notify the cruise line, with a clause that if the cabin does get resold.


For example a policy can say if the room resells, the original travel can get a small (like 3% or 5%) refund.


Under the current policy, there is no real incentive for people who need to cancel last minute to notify the cruise lines. I can understand some just won't bother.

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Make sure you call the cruise company and tell them to tell the ship you'll be catching up to the ship at the next port. Actually, say you'll catch up at the last port. That way, they won't give your stateroom to another passenger as a complimentary upgrade!


So, again...why do you care if they upgrade someone into a nicer room or allow someone to cruise who wants to? You're not going anyway. Why not let someone else enjoy themselves? I just don't get the reason behind the selfishness.


Would it be nice if the cruise line would give back part of your money if they could fill the room? Sure. But the fact that they don't doesn't mean people should be selfish with the space in my opinion.

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Though I would love to 'stick it to them",I would not.


As to the room being empty. Sometimes they overbook and I have seen stories posted here about people actually boarding, and departing and still not having a cabin. If you had not checked in, they would give your cabin to them.


Same goes for folks in cabins that have a "problem" that need to move someplace else. Doubt they would sell if truely LAST MINUTE, but you never know.

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So, again...why do you care if they upgrade someone into a nicer room or allow someone to cruise who wants to? You're not going anyway. Why not let someone else enjoy themselves? I just don't get the reason behind the selfishness.


Would it be nice if the cruise line would give back part of your money if they could fill the room? Sure. But the fact that they don't doesn't mean people should be selfish with the space in my opinion.


It depends on the situation as to "why I would care" or "why not let someone else enjoy themselves". I just wanted to point out that if one merely doesn't show up and give the cruise company prior notification, someone else still might get their room.


From personal experience, when I showed up at 4:15pm and was denied boarding on embarkation day, I was pressured by the agents to hurry up and decide if I could afford to catch up to the ship and in which port, because, otherwise, they were going to give someone a complimentary upgrade. Let me add that I was 4 hours from home on a Sunday and they were trying to sell me tickets from LA to Cabo for almost $400 per ticket through some partner airline company. (I ended up getting 2 tickets for $310 total via Alaskan when I could do my own research) If I decided to not catch up to the ship, do you think I was going to deal with crap customer service and assist them in letting them provide good customer service to another customer? So, it wasn't so much that I "cared" what happened to some other paying customer. I cared what happened to this paying customer (me).


Quit thinking about some third party victim. Next thing ya know, someone's going to be sad about poor Pepe whose father made less money driving his cab around because the cruise company that came to town that day had one less occupied stateroom. The cruise company has their rights to not refund money, and the customer has rights, too. That's how the game of this business can work.

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From personal experience, when I showed up at 4:15pm and was denied boarding on embarkation day, I was pressured by the agents to hurry up and decide if I could afford to catch up to the ship and in which port, because, otherwise, they were going to give someone a complimentary upgrade. Let me add that I was 4 hours from home on a Sunday and they were trying to sell me tickets from LA to Cabo for almost $400 per ticket through some partner airline company. (I ended up getting 2 tickets for $310 total via Alaskan when I could do my own research) If I decided to not catch up to the ship, do you think I was going to deal with crap customer service and assist them in letting them provide good customer service to another customer? So, it wasn't so much that I "cared" what happened to some other paying customer. I cared what happened to this paying customer (me).


How is this relevant to this discussion? You missed the ship. It wasn't a matter of you knowing in advance you weren't going but not telling the cruise line. If I were in that situation I'd be worrying about ME too...do I want to pay more to do the cruise or pack it in and take my losses. But back to the point... if you knew in advance you were not going to sail, would you let the cruise line know? If not, why not?

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I may be wrong . . .but isn't there a TSA rule that the ships manifest is closed to additions 72 hours prior to sailing?


So if you decide the day of the cruise that you can't go, the cruise line could not resell your cabin anyway.


They can still sell or give upgrades to someone already booked.


OP, yes, I would tell them because I am pretty sure that I would need that notification in order to file my travel insurance claim.

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It's relevent because "I" brought it to the discussion! And like I said, it depends. It depends on the situation. It depends on my emotional state. It depends on how close to the cruise.


Ok, so your answer is "it depends". Fair enough. However, just because you bring a situation to the conversation doesn't make that situation relevant to it. Guess it depends on how angry you are at the cruiseline, if I'm reading this right

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