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I will never cruise with Carnival again, and here's why...


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I had a similar experience on another CCL ship the trip before dry dock. I swear we had hotdogs every day and no fresh fruits or veggies because it seemed they were cleaning out the freezers. I even fell because a seat on deck was not properly secured. I was concerned what would happen if someone elderly fell in a similar manner and the manager just said "That will be fixed in dry dock". We had the TV's and everything removed from the cabin mid-cruise to prep for dry dock.


I had sailed ONLY on CCL and it was my 14th trip. I sent a polite letter to corporate and got no reply. From then on NCL or Princess has gotten my money. Alas, NCL does not sail in the summer through the Caribbean so here I am booking another CCL cruise for us and the 6 kids hoping that it works out.


I'm pretty easygoing but the short and curlies on the bed would NOT make me happy. I'm wondering if they even changed the sheets for you. GROSS!

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I'll answer it for you myself. I feel that over the last year the quality of product has degraded to a point of where i don't believe CCL is deserving of my hard earned money.


I spent $1700 for our stateroom(balcony, empress, starboard, aft) for both myself and my wife... with tip. Additionally we spent ~$700 on board on jewelry, 2 new watches, an excursion in nassau, and miscellaneous other items. we spent $100 in gas to drive from houston to new orleans and spent another $180(split between us and her mom who sailed in the cabin next to ours) for a hotel room/parking package.


it wasn't a "cheap" vacation, especially since i'm the only one between us who has a job at the moment, but it was something we both needed and we used it to celebrate her receiving her bachelors in december.


I think for the price we paid we would have been able to pull off a better vacation, but hindsight is 20/20.


Okay, this makes sense to me. Overall Value for $$$ spent. When you find a cruise line that gives you what you believe is value for your $$$, regardless of the actual $$$ spent, I hope you come back and let the rest of us know. Thanks for sharing your opine!

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not having a good day.


the company that makes twinkies is going bankrupt. :eek:



I read some where..... many years ago, that the only things that will survive a Nuclear Holocaust are cockroaches and Twinkies. Start hoarding! :D

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I hadn't seen your mea culpa at the time I posted. Sorry.


I was in Manila and Subic Bay back in the day and know exactly what you're saying. :D



Oh Yeah banana bags for the sick bay commandos in the mornig

Or having to swab for GC a couple days later. The reason they called us 'PCs':eek:

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I could't agree more OP. To each their own! If you were't happy, who the heck is anybody to tell you that you should have been! Rock on with your review. I've not been disappointed on any of our cruises, but I've never found furry friends on the bed either! Too bad your vacation was a bust.

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i hate steak. flat iron steak, ground steak, rib eye, t bone, porter house, well done, raw..with ketchup or without..it is all gross! LOL


If I got steak on a cruise or beef in general I would probbaly yell and scream and stomp my feet OHH THE INJUSTICE OF IT ALL!!


Ohh wait..never mind..I just dont order the gross stuff!

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Actually, I would also take offence to any prepackaged, brand anything being served in the MDR...I would expect something freshly made to be served in the MDR.


Me too..dining room should match whatever is best on the ship and Costco has fresh premade salsa..anything but out of the jar...but again OP has said these are not all complaints..


To all readers..we have to give him time...carrey on OP...many of us understand a conglomeration of things....equals too many..I like to hear good and bad....sounds almost like someone snuck into your room first??? This dirty room thing I have read recntly...in a suite...dirty washrags...bad dirty.....someone is getting in and using before new passenger it sounds like...Sarah

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So have we gotten to the main reason why the OP won't be sailing with CCL again? I can't keep up:o.


I was just reading all 8 pages of posts (or whatever it is up to) from the start and I had the same thought, but I see the OP provided a reply, if not an answer, below.


The embarkation thing is a bit of a pet peeve of mine, so I have some sympathy there -- particularly because I've seen it done well, by other lines or sometimes at other ports. Usually it is just a matter of adequate staffing.


The hair thing is kind of gross, although I think I'd get over it once it was fixed. The TV, salsa, chips, decor, steak might be "comments" in a review, but not "why I will never sail again". The itinerary change is not generally within the ship's control. My only complaint about an itinerary change is the manner and timing by which it is communicated. I have seen Carnival completely fail at the communication aspect.


I think most telling was the OP's comment that he sees everything as black or white, so a product or service is only ever 1-out-of-7 or 7-out-of-7 (at least I think that was his point, there were a lot of posts and I was skimming). In my reality, about 99% of the world is various shades of grey. Most things aren't all great or all bad, they are usually pretty good with some things that made them somewhat less than perfect. I think this cruise experience fits that pretty well.

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Oh Yeah banana bags for the sick bay commandos in the mornig

Or having to swab for GC a couple days later. The reason they called us 'PCs':eek:


I was on the USS Mitchell troop transport carrier from San Francisco to Korea. Shortly after we left Oakland, a storm came up just as dinner was served. Being of next-to-no rank, my job was cleaning the dinner trays in the galley. They started coming back filled with bommit and I had the privilege of hand-cleaning every one of them. I had never been on a boat larger than a Chris Craft on the lakes of East Tennessee, so my thought was that if I survived that experience without getting seasick, I would probably never get seasick. And that's what has happened. :)


On a trip to Bermuda a few years back, the water was so rough that on the first formal night, I was at a table for eight all by myself. All the others at our table were seasick. I got all kinds of special attention and the waiters would sit with me when they weren't busy, as would the wine steward, and the ship's hostess (Mahalia on the Celebrity Horizon) came and sat with me for almost an hour. She was absolutely gorgeous, and a great conversationalist. I was in heaven, even though I knew they were throwing a pity party for me because I was having to eat by myself. :)


The next day, there was an invitation to the Captain's Table in our cabin for the next formal night. It was a very nice experience.... lots of free wine, free cocktails, great conversation, a fresh red rose for each of the ladies, and an 8 by 10 color picture in a folder for each of us.

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I'm still amused how pissy people get over something as silly as a single appetizer or entree ... I have had some BAD cruise food, but never been on a ship where EVERYTHING was inedible and disgusting (and I am allergic to seafood and dislike fish - so my options are just about cut in half) ... Carnival cruising to me is not "cheap" If I divide out my average cruising costs, after removing taxes and fees, and taking out the portion I would call "hotel costs" ... the food portion leaves about $30 per day, per person on average for a 7 day cruise. I feel the food quality and quantity received, as well as the service received on both the Lido and MDR far exceeds $10 per meal per person. If I get a meal I do not like, I send it back and ask for something else.


And yes, for the person who asked - you can request a table during anytime dining if a table to your liking is available or if you are willing to wait, you will be seated there. You can make this request with the MD during the available hours on embarkation day, or just ask for "a table by the window" etc. when you get to the dining room. Don't expect to be seated immediately though - they can't hold a table for you all night.


That being said, I have never had FOOD ruin my vacation. The maddest I have ever been on vacation is when we discovered a broken hotel window when my then 3 year old nearly fell through it in a Miami Beach hotel. *That* is a real issue.


I would say pubic hair anywhere in a cabin is a concern, and this should never have occured. I would also say that it is an isolated concern, and not reflective of the housekeeping that seems consistently solid on Carnival. Sometimes you get a bad room steward. It happens. It sucks, but you shouldn't let it ruin your trip. Learn to roll with the punches a bit and not let the small complaints get you down. Ask for what you want, and you will get the service you expect.


Also, crew tend to go out of their way for people who are kind and polite - I go out of my way to be pleasant and courteous, and I have never had bad service. Whether or not my attitude plays a role ... well, I think it does. :D

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He is entitled to his opinion and, if we disagree, we should be civil.


I agree, however I think we are seeing a reoccurring issue.


People take the first cruise and everything is fine. It is all new and wonderful. However going back to the same ship and hoping it will still be all New and exciting might not work for everyone.


From the OP:

Mind you, 51 weeks ago I was on board this same ship, out of Galveston, on it’s usual itinerary.




When we were on Conquest a year ago, we made it a point to see the comedians, the shows, and go to as many “events” as possible.


I see this sort of thing all the time here. I think it is something that some people experience. I suspect if some people went to Disneyland one year, and then again the next year, the second trip would be disappointing.


Again, form the OP:

Now, a year has passed since our last voyage, and I hate to say it but all the shows are EXACTLY THE SAME, just different people in them.


Maybe if people go to the same restaurant, 7 days in a row. Then stay away for a year, when they go back it probably will seem..... familiar, less than as exciting as the first time.


I call it "Familiar Feature Fatigue". For some, they can adapt. In fact for some "Familiar" is an asset. I, for one LIKE not to be surprised.


However for many it seems, they want to be Shocked and Awed.

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You can request tables with ATD? How do you do it? Does it mean you will likely wait longer?


Ask the hostess when you check in. Yes, it can be a little longer at times. They were going to seat us near a kitchen door one night but my wife, who isn't afraid to speak up, insisted that won't do. In five minutes our party of 5 were sitting by a window.


I have found ATD to be much like a land based restaurant, sometimes you wait, sometimes you don't. Peak times always seemed to be about 7-8PM.

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Oh I would just continue on with your review and not continue to respond to the boneheads that feel you should be satisfied even though you weren't!

Fair enough, I will leave this here for now, as i'm about to leave for the day and I have to go to a satellite office to do some work.










Roomservice is the lazy man’s heaven, and it was no exception on our cruise. My wife and I ordered a boatload of items(to be shared between 2 rooms, of course) because we were having a lazy stay-in and watch a movie night on the ship. Coincidentally, Rise of the Planet of the Apes is an excellent movie, but I digress… We ordered the New York Cheesecake, the New york Strip sandwich, the Chicken Fajita wrap, and the BLT. I will start with the steak sandwich, as it was perfect in every way, shape, and form. I loved it. I can’t sing enough praises of it. The steak was perfectly rare, the cheese and bread was wonderful. Positively one of the best meals I had on the cruise. Now the chicken fajita wrap(NOTE: STRONG OPINION FOLLOWS!!!) was not up to my liking. Not that there was anything wrong, per se, but it happened ot have a LOT of grilled bell peppers on it. The menu stated nothing about bell peppers. I don’t like bell peppers, they make me queasy. I can’t overly fault them for this, but it would be nice if Carnival made it known that the wrap comes with grilled bell peppers and onions on it. The new york cheesecake was succulent and lovely. I didn’t get a chance to try the BLT, but with the quickness it disappeared from my wife’s plate, I think she was plenty happy. Overall, the promptness and quality of food from room service earns that particular department an A+.



Breakfast on the ship was one of the things I was looking forward to the most, and it had both it’s positives and negatives. Last year they had baked beans available for breakfast on occasion. Since I had never indulged, I gave it a shot. This time, they had them available as well. I’m more than happy to say I was not disappointed in the slightest. It was wonderful going and grabbing a big plate of breakfast and taking it down to my room to enjoy on the balcony.


The lido buffet was our dinner choice nights 3-6 on the cruise. One of the things I noticed in the lido dining area on the conquest is that there are bloody fruit flies EVERYWHERE. I was constantly shooing some winged bastard away from my goodies, both at lunch and dinner. I highly recommend carnival look into the source of the flies as they are downright annoying. I tired to make it a point to try everything available to me, but most of the food on the Lido was bland. Even on the “chocolate lunch” day, the chocolate fountain was bland, as was nearly every sweet I tried that day. It seemed it was all sugar, no flavor. As I stated earlier, my personal favorites were the sushi, the fried rice, and the pizza. I had a hard time finding anything else I really liked, as did the rest of the people in our group. I will note, the deli made me a wonderful pastrami and corned beef sandwich, with mustard and swiss.


This was our first time we decided to take advantage of the seaside theater. My wife and I decided to head out to the lido deck one night and enjoy the cool breeze, some tasty popcorn, and a good movie under the stars. It was fairly close to when we go to the drive in theater in Hockley, Texas on the outskirts of Houston. Carnival provided us a warm set of blankets and free popcorn, it was definitely a relaxing experience, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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KingpinJK, please continue your review. I commend you on braving the flames here. I admit, that some of your complaints would not have bothered me, and others would have bothered me just as much or more. You are entitled to your opinion. I especially enjoy the photos, thanks for posting them.:)

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SOOOOO I should cancel my cruise on the Victory in April???? IT'S NOT going to happen.


I will go and have a good time!


I will go and not let the food destroy my vacation.


I will go knowing Carnival has made cuts. ( What corporation hasn't?)


I will go with an open mind!


And if there are problems I will remind myself that there are MILLIONS and MILLIONS of people who will never be able to Cruise.

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Thankfully us cruise addicts have a number of companies to choose from - each that has different strengths.


CCL is affordable and has homeports in many places making cruising accessible to the general public. In order to do this in the current economy with ridiculous fuel costs, they have had to cut corners in order to keep prices affordable for their customers. Unfortunately by doing this their customers are getting less than what they used to. Their cuts seem to be across the board with fewer musicians, fewer servers, fewer cooks, etc. With these fewer cooks and servers, they are trying to do anytime dining, which really would require more staffing to accommodate the randomness of people ordering food at all different times. Much simpler to fill the chef's line with all appetizers, main courses and desserts one at a time twice per evening than to have to have all courses available the entire evening.


NCL (while by far my least favorite line) is great at the anytime dining concept. They have many more dining venues to choose from so they can handle the 'freestyle' concept much better than a ship with most passengers in 2 dining rooms.


RCI is having many of the same issues of Carnival with staffing in my opinion. I have noticed the same thing with delays in service because staffing seems thin - but not quite as bad.


Step up in price to Princess - more staffing, quicker meal service, generally more attentive service shipwide. Of course the cost is higher. I love Princess, but their anytime dining service was absolutely terrible for me - I switched to assigned mid-cruise and the difference was night and day.


Different lines offer different strengths. Carnival simply isn't lining up with OP's preferences now. For plenty of others it will be fine.


I will pick a line depending on my needs for a particular cruise. If I am solo, I will be on a line whose ships have observation lounges like Viking Crown/Skywalkers/Crow's Next/Spinnaker's because that is where I will spend my time during the day. Carnival ships don't have this feature so I wont be on Carnival. With kids, I am on Carnival or RCI's bigger ships because they are great for families. With adults-only, it will be RCI's smaller ships or Princess because we like less crowding.


Thank goodness we have plenty of choices.

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SOOOOO I should cancel my cruise on the Victory in April???? IT'S NOT going to happen.


I will go and have a good time!


I will go and not let the food destroy my vacation.


I will go knowing Carnival has made cuts. ( What corporation hasn't?)


I will go with an open mind!


And if there are problems I will remind myself that there are MILLIONS and MILLIONS of people who will never be able to Cruise.


I do not like this particular class of ship, but Victory has the absolute best itinerary out there in my opinion. Despite not particularly liking the ship, I would definitely sail on her solely for the great itinerary - like you I would have a blast with an open mind. Don't miss the views on the starboard side when you sail away in the evening. Fort Morro is an impressive sight lit up at night as you sail by.

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That was the first thing on this thread that made me LOL.:D What causes it?

No clue, but all the 'dog' people I know experience the same thing.


'dog people' meaning people who love their dog enough to allow their paws close enough to their face to smell them :p

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