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I will never cruise with Carnival again, and here's why...


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Hello? It's Carnival, what do you expect?


I love how people pick the bargain-fare cruise line and complain about the bargain-fare service.


Can you believe airlines charge for food, pillows AND blankets now? And the audacity to charge to even board the plane. When will it end??


What next, cruise lines charging more for a window?? Oh, they already do? Sorry.


Bingo!!!! Right on the money. Great comments.


Oh wait, I'm cruising Carnival in 3 days. YIKES!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

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Being bored on a cruise ship is like being bored as an HM3 on the Tarawa coming off liberty in the PI's:rolleyes:


Now that's dayum funny!!! I'll be on my first leisure cruise in two weeks... looking forward to comparing that experience to my 2 1/2 years on the Rushmore... WestPac vs. Western Caribbean - who shall win?! lol

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Now that I think about it, the bunch of little hairs on the bed had to be body hair from a really hairy guy. To have that much just from someone's nether region would be unlikely...still shouldn't be there, but I think the OP was making a bug assumption.

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Show me the way to go home.

I'm tired and I wanna go to bed.

I had a little drink about an hour ago

and it went straight to my head.

Ore land ore sea ore foam

where ever I do roam

You'll always find me singin' this song

Show me the way to go home.........:o

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I am curious as to how you know this for a fact. Did you ask somebody and they told you it was prepackaged? Did you see them pouring it out of bag or a jar? They could be, but you are stating this as fact, and I am not sure you know it for a fact.


Uuuh, have you actually SEEN the guacamole and salsa served on Carnival?? Freshly made onboard it is NOT.


The best way I would describe whatever it is they serve is: Chemicals mixed together with green food coloring, pureed, then watered down. It's absolutely disgusting.

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Uuuh, have you actually SEEN the guacamole and salsa served on Carnival?? Freshly made onboard it is NOT.


The best way I would describe whatever it is they serve is: Chemicals mixed together with green food coloring, pureed, then watered down. It's absolutely disgusting.


Carnival Qsine at its best, YUM!!!

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well I have read almost all the posts LOL...I agree with many that the OP really has what many of us consider to be very minor complaints. This has been established. Nothing I read would keep me away from CCL, but maybe this boat as others have stated the same. If we are able to cruise again this year I choose another ship for difft ports and a difft look. We research our trips to death and if the OP did he would have known little has changed on board...


That being said he did state right away he either rates things a 1 or a 5. There is no middle ground with him which he does not back down from, so he would have to give his experience a 1.


He wrote, he defended, he offended, he was flamed and he has come back for more. Bravo I say, but I would not abandon Carnival yet, I would try a difft ship (2.0, new ships) and see....

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Go here and scroll to the first food picture for the chips and salsa: http://www.zydecocruiser.net/menus/new/index.htm


That is how the OP knew it was bagged chips... I was appalled just at the picture. If I had been expecting the good stuff from the lido and that came out, I would complain too. But, it won't make me stop cruising Carnival for the simple fact it's the only line we can afford.

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I once said I probably wouldn't cruise Carnival again.


Then Carnival turned out to be the only cruise line going where I want to go when I want to go. So I'm going.


I use the ship as transportation to places I normally wouldn't get to.


I value others' opinions, and use them when planning a vacation so I know what I'm getting into.


Based on yours, I hope I don't have a hairy person in the room before me, and I'm thankful I don't eat guacamole.


Although, in my world, having someone serve me bad guacamole while I'm sipping wine is better than sitting at my desk eating last night's left overs out of tupperware. Just sayin'

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Last cruise we were on, we said we were doing an all inclusive next time and when it came time to start looking, it was back to cruising. My husband wasn't interested in getting up in the morning and going to the same beach, same bar, etc. I could just lie in the sun and read so it didn't matter to me, but cruising it is - in 3 1/2 weeks!! I am sure at the end of the week, we'll say " next time all inclusive" LOL I have had good and bad experiences with cruises and with A.I. I just go with the flow as long as I come back with good memories, relaxed and safe I am happy.


Hey b_bay_girl, we are just down the road in Kitchener and will be sailing the Glory on Feb 5th.

We are platinum cruisers with Carnival and have tried RCL. I truly did not find enough differences to say that one is better than the other. We are easy going people who are happy to relax and have someone else cook and clean and have never been disappointed in any of our cruises. Of course, some have been better than others but lets remember how fortunate we are to be able to cruise when so many can't and would love to be able to.

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i see the op's point when he says he was bored on this cruise, because like him, we've also had our share of boring moments on recent carnival cruises. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't go cruising. We love it, and will continue doing so. We just don't care about carnival's entertainment anymore because it has become repetitive, dumbed down, and imho, downright insulting to people's intelligence.


For those who consider hairy chest contests, bartending competitions, slot tournaments and free liquor tastings prime forms of entertainment, they are in luck! But for those with more discerning taste and looking for something that stimulates their brains just a bit more, they are out of luck on a carnival ship.


We still love to cruise on carnival because it allows us to enjoy the basic pleasures of crusing without spending too much, and that's entertainment enough for me...



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I just went on my 8th Carnival cruise, so I do love Carnival, but I couldn't agree more about the chips and guacamole. The guacamole was more like avocado sauce and I would agree about the salsa too. To top it off, the chips were stale! I didn't believe my husband, so I had to taste them for myself. It was awful. We didn't order that again. In all fairness, there were some great things on the menu too! :)

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Seriously?? Get over yourself! I'm glad you're never going to cruise with Carnival again....more room for me to enjoy my cruises!


These types of posts are absolutely asinine. Is this first grade?


I fail to understand what people don't get about a cruise CRITIC website. He stated what he didn't like, he didn't say everyone should hate it and never sail carnival again. Some cruisers actually like to read good and bad reviews.


Seriously people act like their mother was just insulted whenever someone posts anything negative. :rolleyes:

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I see the OP's point when he says he was bored on this cruise, because like him, we've also had our share of boring moments on recent Carnival cruises. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't go cruising. We love it, and will continue doing so. We just don't care about Carnival's entertainment anymore because it has become repetitive, dumbed down, and IMHO, downright insulting to people's intelligence.


For those who consider hairy chest contests, bartending competitions, slot tournaments and free liquor tastings prime forms of entertainment, they are in luck! But for those with more discerning taste and looking for something that stimulates their brains just a bit more, they are out of luck on a Carnival ship.


We still love to cruise on Carnival because it allows us to enjoy the basic pleasures of crusing without spending too much, and that's entertainment enough for me...


I'm not sure I've ever been "bored" on a cruise, which isn't to say I'm thrilled by the entertainment. It's just that I don't go on vacation to "be entertained". If I'm on a regular vacation for a week, it is unlikely I'll go to any entertainment. The only exception is if part of the point of the trip is to attend a sporting event, or if we decide to go to a movie one night.


On my last 17 nights of cruises, I think we went to exactly one show (one of those song and dance ones). I much prefer to either (a) sit in the sun and relax or (b) be doing things. Sitting and being passively entertained is not my idea of a great way to spend anything more than a couple hours per week of vacation time.


Perhaps that is why I don't consider myself the slightest bit "addicted" to cruises, because there are elements to cruises and cruise ships that I love and elements (like the entertainment) that I could live entirely without. Alternatively, maybe the reason I'm not bored on cruises is that I take them sufficiently regularly, but also sufficiently infrequently that the cruise itself is still an adventure.


Our last cruise (Magic in July) was so hectic that we scheduled a week in Nice, France afterward so we could wind down.


I do agree with you re the hairy chest competition, etc. I seem to recall that on our first cruise in '91 there was a lot more of that sophmoric stuff going on, so I think they've at least toned it down recently.

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These types of posts are absolutely asinine. Is this first grade?


I fail to understand what people don't get about a cruise CRITIC website. He stated what he didn't like, he didn't say everyone should hate it and never sail carnival again. Some cruisers actually like to read good and bad reviews.


Seriously people act like their mother was just insulted whenever someone posts anything negative. :rolleyes:


This is very true and just had to reply since everytime I do I get flammed I think the OP has every right to state his opinion what ever it might be. That is what a review is supposed to be. I think the Carnival cheerleaders who ever they may be will jump on ayone who makes any kind of negative remark and many of them would never darken another cruise line. This will be tattled on the JH blog and the very mean ladies there will take the OP to task. Too bad people don't have a right to state their opinion. We have always been satisfied with Carnival but always welcome other opinions. After reading some of the mean remarks by the cheerleaders maybe we have chosen the wrong line to travel on. Please let people express their honest reviews.

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Happy Sailing,

And including the OP...love the room service blt's...could live on fruit coffee, yogurt, the room sevice sandwiches and deli..LOl..if dining room comes up a total zero..oh hope the fruit soups and escargot are there could do that alone in dining room wuth some wine they hold for me..3 nites to a bottle usually...and free ice cream...I hear you op..folks just don't get the either or..but if they read you, you are giving many pros and cons..and i bet you can get a "deal" on a little more expensive step up and be very happy...Sarah

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Thanks for the honest review; I just don't understand the flaming you're receiving for posting YOUR opinions just because your opinions don't match with theirs.


It's obvious that Carnival is trying to attract a new group of cruisers that might not be able to afford another line. That, however, should not lower the company's standards of performance for their customers.


I enjoy reading a well written, well thought out review. Thanks.

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It is really unbelievable how one thread can cause such a stir.


I have been on Royal caribbean, Princess, Norwegian and Carnival....and you know what...we had a great time on all of them. A cruise is what you want it to be. We just returned from a New Years cruise on the Pride....and had a blast. Was everything perfect, no, but just think for a second or two about this.


We paid nearly $2400.00 for a balcony cabin which included tips, we only got to use it maybe 2 days because it was cold. We didn't do any tours, had some drinks and spent just an additional $260.00 total.


Where on the planet are you going to get lodging for 7 nights, all the food you can possibly eat, a show, no, nearly 2 shows every night and almost unlimited activities for $380 a couple. Not Disney World, Not Las Vegas, not any major city or any all inclusive resort for New Years Week. We could of went 2 weeks later and got the same for less, but we really didn't care.


Before you start to gripe about the quality, think about the quantity. You want quality, take a Crystal Cruise, you then have to take out a second mortgage to pay for that one!!!

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Thanks for the honest review; I just don't understand the flaming you're receiving for posting YOUR opinions just because your opinions don't match with theirs.


It's obvious that Carnival is trying to attract a new group of cruisers that might not be able to afford another line. That, however, should not lower the company's standards of performance for their customers.


I enjoy reading a well written, well thought out review. Thanks.


Well said. I think everyone should feel free to state their opinion. I enjoy reading all reviews... good and bad. OP... thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for the review. I really do like Carnival and keep going back to them, because it seems they have the price and itinerary I want...but if I could try a new RCI (which personally to me has about the same product CCL has overall) ship at a decent price, I probably would. I just haven't found that price point I'm looking for yet. I am going on the Elation next and am curious to see how it is, since it is an older ship. I do like to sail different ships each time, just because I think it is much of the same if you sail the same ship. (With one exception...loved the Pride and am sailing on her again this year, BUT different itinerary.)


As for the hair...I know this in NO way excuses the hair, but since I have spent a lot of my career traveling and in many hotels, I did find out that the big commercial machines they use do not easily remove hair...which definitely should have been noticed by the steward, but if he was in a hurry, he might have overlooked it. I have had many towels with hair in hotels, so I know now to look at my washcloth before rubbing it anywhere on my body:eek: Sorry...I know that's gross...I just hope that even though you found the hair...your steward took care of it for you.


Spending all that money for a disappointment would make me upset too...I do agree with a pp though to keep your letter short and sweet. Maybe even bullet points...easier on the eye and may get you somewhere. Hopefully you can try another ship or another cruise line next time.

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As a first time cruiser, I had no expectations of Carnival because all I knew about it was what I read here. My experience on the Conquest in December was excellent for me in some ways, not so good in others. I thought the food was good, the entertainment was good and the staff were very friendly to me. I cruised with my parents and their trip was not as good. I say it is what you make it. Was the food 5 star restaurant quality? No, but I didn't expect it to be either. When you feed 3000 people you have to expect some trouble with menus and staff. It in no way detracted from my experience though. What I enjoyed the most about the cruise was just relaxing. It was also wonderful to be able to wear shorts and go swimming when everybody back home was dealing with snow! I loved just watching the sea and other people. But that is me. Everybody is different. The only real disappointment was that they cancelled the Behind the Fun tour on the last sea day due to sickness on the ship. But I will try again on my next cruise. I would also like to try another cruise line so that I have something to compare the Conquest to.

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I read some where..... many years ago, that the only things that will survive a Nuclear Holocaust are cockroaches and Twinkies. Start hoarding! :D


Twinkies have a freshness date stamped on the box. Heed it! I was cleaning out a cupboard last month and found an old, sealed box of Twinkies. It had a 2010 freshness date stamped on it. However, I too thought that Twinkies would last forever and tried them. YUCK!:eek: Believe the freshness dates!

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