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Costa Concordia SINKING


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I think, and remember I say I THINK....The reason(s) they cannot secure the ship is


1. What in the world would they secure it to??

2. This is a resort area and the reefs there are being damaged enough (and no I am not an environmentalist, but even I can see they cannot ruin the underwater habitat even more than it is being damaged now)

3. It is literally a Natural Treasure and is considered The pearl of the Tuscan Archipelago


QUOTE: "Isola del Giglio - The pearl of the Tuscan Archipelago The Isola del Giglio is one of the most "beautiful children in Tuscany", as they are called in the popular language. Giglio's mild climate, unspoilt nature and crystal-clear waters...." UNQUOTE


How would we like it if someone, in order to save a $450.million US Dollar ship ruined one of our national treasures???


I will use the US Grand Canyon as one example. If a $5 Billion US Dollar Satellite crashed into the Grand Canyon and the only way to retrieve it and possibly reuse it was to damage in any way shape or form the beauty of one of our (US) most beloved national treasures... NO WAY Jose!! We as Americans would be up in arms faster than you can say "Shut Up Joanie!"


Hope that makes sense:)




I took the comment to save the ship from sinking to mean so that it doesn't cause any further damage to the area should it sink. It's unlikely if it goes to the sea bed it can be retrieved. The best chance to remove all further risk to the environment is to remove it from where it currently rests.

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The Costa Concordia does have Azipods.



Please cite your proof, with the name of the shipyard, contact information, pictures of the ship in drydock, before launching, builder of the Azipods etc.


You are fighting an uphill battle here, so I have been told.


I ASKED the question........pages ago, and have informed people give me that answer that it in fact DID NOT have Azipods.


So, please back up your claim that it does.





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Really Its Me Ma

I won't let you draw me into a public squabble.


But, the primary rule of all of these threads is that it is permissable to disagree with a posters presentations and state your counter position. But, launching personal attack on the poster is a no no.


In my opinion, you seem to have come right up to (if not crossed) the line.


Learning to "get along" would be great practice for us if any of us ever find ourselves in a scenario where we needed to depend on each other for our own safety.;)


It would go along with the great suggestions for what to take on a cruise in case of an emergency.

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Since this horrific accident happened, there have been lights shining onto the ship illuminating it for whatever reasons, rescue, recovery....


Just a few minutes ago, the ship went totally dark:eek: No lights are shining on the ship or that immediate vicinity. I have double checked it against 2 separate Giglio Web Cams:





Not going to speculate, but this has me greatly concerned....



That is very odd, I wonder why. Is there an approaching storm?

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Since this horrific accident happened, there have been lights shining onto the ship illuminating it for whatever reasons, rescue, recovery....


Just a few minutes ago, the ship went totally dark:eek: No lights are shining on the ship or that immediate vicinity. I have double checked it against 2 separate Giglio Web Cams:





Not going to speculate, but this has me greatly concerned....




I last looked at the Giglio webcam about 2 hours ago, it was already dark so I haven't been back. I do know you could see the ship then.

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Please cite your proof, with the name of the shipyard, contact information, pictures of the ship in drydock, before launching, builder of the Azipods etc.


You are fighting an uphill battle here, so I have been told.


I ASKED the question........pages ago, and have informed people give me that answer that it in fact DID NOT have Azipods.


So, please back up your claim that it does.





She's a design of Fincantieri, I assure you she has screws and rudders. ;)





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I last looked at the Giglio webcam about 2 hours ago, it was already dark so I haven't been back. I do know you could see the ship then.

I look at this webcam and it is dark now but it was like this last night too when I had looked a few times.




Were you able to use the live streaming webcam today? When I tried, it had some kind of login screen in a language I don't read so not actually sure what it was asking so I gave up.

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There seems to be alot of information on You tube on this for cruises. My husband and I (and the kids) want to cruise sometime this year but we are nervous now with this goings on.


I saw a post earlier that asked how many of you would cruis again, I'm wondering the same thing but somehow that post got lost.



Welcome to Cruise Critic. You have picked a wonderful thread to ask a serious question about cruising, especially if you are a new cruiser, and it appears that since you have 8 posts, and joined CC in January of 2012, we are happy to see you here.


To answer your question, there is nothing to be worried about in booking a wonderful cruise for your husband, children and you. Pick any major cruise line, you will be treated to and adventure (no sinking) and romance, as well as experiencing a whole new way of life.


In March, we will be embarking on our 179th cruise. I think this speaks volumes, and most here on Cruise Critic would consider us to be experienced cruises....as passengers. I'm also a retired pilot, with type ratings, and have an inland limited Master's license for Puget Sound waters, that I let go of many years ago.


What you are reading in this thread is very sad, as it's about an egotistical man that single handedly sank his own ship! The he abandoned the ship before everyone was off, which piled on to of egotistical, is also cowardly.


I will now go on to say the his superior, whomever he might be, also needs to be fired, as the Captain deviated from what Costa Cruises courses, set by the corporate office...many times between the time that he was elevated to Master, in 2006 and the final time........it was an accident, just waiting to happen for this man.


This will finally be put to rest, but be assured that 99.999999999% of all major cruise lines do follow the rules, and we all have wonderful cruises!



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Since this horrific accident happened, there have been lights shining onto the ship illuminating it for whatever reasons, rescue, recovery....


Just a few minutes ago, the ship went totally dark:eek: No lights are shining on the ship or that immediate vicinity. I have double checked it against 2 separate Giglio Web Cams:





Not going to speculate, but this has me greatly concerned....




It was dark when I looked at the webcam at roughly 4am EST this morning. I think it's perfectly normal. They don't really do much there during the overnight hours.


(Note: I am by no means an expert nor do I have any insider info. I am just stating my own experiences. ;))

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and I can't think of anyone who would be upset if they did, no matter which cruise line it is. ;)


They are exactly the people I want looking into this.


I look at this webcam and it is dark now but it was like this last night too when I had looked a few times.




Were you able to use the live streaming webcam today? When I tried, it had some kind of login screen in a language I don't read so not actually sure what it was asking so I gave up.


Even during their night time, I have been able to see the ship.

As to the live stream, I lost that late this morning (CST.) There is a "translate" on that site so I used it and they were having puter issues.


I took a frame from it, adjusted the levels way high and can see the bow, she's still there.






I went back and did some manipulation and could just about make out what I thought was the bow. You post helps me believe it was. Whew!

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I am getting so confused by what is being reported. I am genuinely asking if someone can help me understand the timeline of the vents...






Let me provide my summary. Captain Schettino is completely guilty. He also obviously prejured himself multiple times in front of the investigators; lies that were refuted by the other listed witnesses. Lines like this in the report

"It is a certified fact, notwithstanding the declarations to the contrary made at the time of interrogation, ... "


By the way he was not in a life boat when reached by the coastguard:

"he remained on the reef to watch the disaster caused, was reached by members of the Fire Brigade and was in touch by phone with Commander De Falco, who ordered him to go back aboard the ship."


So, when you thought Captain Tuna was in the lifeboat lying about being on the ship, he was on the shore lying about being in the lifeboat lying about being on the ship.


Man, if you made this stuff up, nobody would believe it.

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That is very odd, I wonder why. Is there an approaching storm?

This reply is also for somebeach and RZ3:)


I do not know and can only speculate as to why the only lights visible now are the Coast Guard and/or Police Boats..... Their lights are visible as are the lidghts on the pier and a few street lights in the town itself. Other than those, pitch black.



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Question: could the captain start the abandon ship AND continue the turn around / beach close to shore manuever? obviously this guy is guilty of creating this tragedy but I'm just wondering if he faced an either/or: start loading the lifeboats OR beach close shore.


I'm no apologist for Shettino but I'm wondering if he thought beaching was better option than trying to load the boats in deeper water with the chance of sinking. thnx.


DECKHAND -- can you comment?

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I look at this webcam and it is dark now but it was like this last night too when I had looked a few times.




Were you able to use the live streaming webcam today? When I tried, it had some kind of login screen in a language I don't read so not actually sure what it was asking so I gave up.


No the live stream from Aftonbladet is not on at night apparently. I keep it open though with my volume just loud enough that I will know when it comes back on: http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article14222867.ab This is the original link that was posted a few days ago. Someone posted a different link yesterday and I can no longer find it. Same URL just slightly different ending to the url link.



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So, as someone who has an upcoming Costa cruise currently booked (Atlantica/Caribbean/March), I've been waiting and watching my email inbox for some sort of communication. It came today:




I have a moral duty at this time to write to you, since you have placed your trust and confidence in us.


The terrible Costa Concordia accident has affected us all very deeply, involving our Guests, our employees and one of our splendid ships.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those impacted by this tragic incident and to their families. Around 1.100 Costa Cruises staff members worldwide have been working tirelessly since Friday night to deal with this emergency: providing support for the ongoing search and rescue operations, assisting Guests and crew, and making the necessary arrangements so they can return home safely.


This dramatic and exceptional event, which appears to have been caused by a human error, should never have occurred and no such incident must ever happen again.


At this time we are aware of acts of heroism on the part of crew members who saved other people's lives regardless of the risk to their own safety.

The crew of the Costa Concordia acted bravely and swiftly in an extremely difficult situation and succeeded - despite the terribly demanding conditions - in evacuating more than 4.000 people in the shortest possible time: we are proud of our commitment and dedication to your safety.


Anyone who knows us is aware that Costa Cruises operates in full compliance with all safety regulations and that our internal procedures are in line with - and in some cases even stricter than - those laid down in international standards.


All our crew members under go specific training on dealing with an emergency and assisting Guests in the event of an order to abandon ship. Each member of our crews holds a BST (Basic Safety Training) certificate and all perform fortnightly ship evacuation drills. Roles, responsibilities and duties are clearly defined and assigned to handle any such emergency. The level of preparedness of Costa Cruises' crews is also periodically verified by Coast Guard authorities and independent classification societies to ensure that it is in line with the requirements specified in the SMS (Safety Management System).


All our cruise Guests take part in a muster/lifeboat drill within 24 hours of sailing, as required by international law. Costa Cruises has a computerized system enabling us to check that all Guests participate in the safety drill.


Also, in order to guarantee maximum safety, the number of lifejackets, lifeboats and life rafts on each Costa ship is determined based on the maximum number of persons that can be carried on board plus an additional percentage as a safety margin. Lifeboats carry survival kits with food and water, first aid supplies and signaling and communication devices. Lifeboats are regularly inspected both by Costa personnel and by certification bodies. All Costa Cruises ships are certified by RINA (Italian Shipping Register), built to the highest standards and equipped with state-of-the-art technology. We are fully aware of our responsibility to those who place their trust in us; the many expressions of appreciation that we have received over the last few days from Guests who have sailed on our ships and know our people are a great encouragement to us at this time.


The maintenance of your trust and confidence in us will be the best reward for our efforts.



With thanks,


Pier Luigi Foschi

Chairman & CEO Costa Cruises

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No the live stream from Aftonbladet is not on at night apparently. I keep it open though with my volume just loud enough that I will know when it comes back on: http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article14222867.ab This is the original link that was posted a few days ago. Someone posted a different link yesterday and I can no longer find it. Same URL just slightly different ending to the url link.



Yes, I know it is not on at night, I was trying it earlier today a few times and gave up. I use the other link though so I will try your link tomorrow. Here is the one I use just in case it does work in the morning.


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Since this horrific accident happened, there have been lights shining onto the ship illuminating it for whatever reasons, rescue, recovery....


Just a few minutes ago, the ship went totally dark:eek: No lights are shining on the ship or that immediate vicinity. I have double checked it against 2 separate Giglio Web Cams:





Not going to speculate, but this has me greatly concerned....




I think I remember it going totally dark in the middle of the night the past few nights as well.

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I think I remember it going totally dark in the middle of the night the past few nights as well.


It'll do that. Last week was a full moon. Today the moon is waning (12%). Few more days and the ship will be visible at night again.

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Please cite your proof, with the name of the shipyard, contact information, pictures of the ship in drydock, before launching, builder of the Azipods etc.


You are fighting an uphill battle here, so I have been told.


I ASKED the question........pages ago, and have informed people give me that answer that it in fact DID NOT have Azipods.


So, please back up your claim that it does.






I took the information from the 2008 Complete Guide to Cruising & Cruise Ships by Douglas Ward.


However, the following article says it has a conventional rudder and propeller shaft ...




Here is another article that originally said (on Jan 14) that the ship had azipods and updated itself on Jan 15 saying the ship did not have azipods.




This ship is a sister to the Carnival Splendor which has a conventional rudder and propeller shaft (again per Douglas Ward's book).


So, there appears to be mixed information about this.

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Back to the other topic of interest:




I think we are about to get another statement to go with:


I was the last to leave the ship.”


“I tripped and fell into the life boat.”


“By my heroic actions I saved thousand of lives.”


“It was not me, it was an uncharted rock.”


And that is.


“I did not have dining relations with that woman”


And he may well be right:


From This


Strange how the dining photograph has been cut to just her.

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