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Not So "LIVE" Allure of the Seas: TAKE 2


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Priceless :)

What a cutie pie. You have such a beautiful family. I wanna see more!

This is why we bring our DDs on most, if not all, our vacations. Moments like these are memories that last forever. The kids may not remember everything, but we as parents do, and we get to capture them on video and pictures.

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OMG! That picture of your son diving into the Oreo sundae might be my favorite picture I have ever seen on cruise critic! What a fantastic expression! I think he's outwardly showing what we all feel inside when presented with such a glorious treat!

Loving the review and getting so excited for our August Allure trip. Can't wait to hear more about Adventure Ocean since it will be our first trip with our kids (ages 6 and 8). Thanks for such a great review!!


My son has some of the greatest expressions ever - I laugh *at* him every day! I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures, and I love your description of it - so true!


I'll be posting about AO SOON! :)


I've seen your pics elsewhere (the site that shall not be named!), but I still love seeing them. Plus the narrative really brings them to life. So...




The "Social Network" site that shall not be named is a great place to host my pictures for posting on CC. :D Glad you're enjoying them. Twice.


Great Review with some terrific pictures!! I especially appreciate the pictures because I have valiantly attempted to take good pictures when I cruise and have continuously failed miserably.


We are doing our second Allure cruise this April 22nd and reading your review just increases the excitement.


I didn't see anyone at the dog house though:confused:. Since I love sausages that is one of my favorite spots.


Thanks so much! I'm not sure I would agree that I have some terrific pictures, but I like including them in my reviews. :) I wish I had the "eye," the camera, and the photoshopping skills and patience to really wow everyone with awesome pictures.


Have a fabulous Allure cruise! I hope you write a review upon your return. I'll be waiting...


OH... there were people at the Dog House. If you didn't see anyone there, then it was probably closed? Maybe? Or maybe everyone was at the Belly Flop or something?

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I have a similar story. We were in New Orleans for my cousin's wedding several years ago. My girls were 1 and 3 (now 13 and 15). Since it was our first and only time in New Orleans (so far), we wanted to experience all of the fabulous restaurants. One night we went to Commander's Palace and 2 nights later to Antoine's. At Antoine's a couple came over to us to comment that we had the most well behaved children they had ever seen. They had been at Commander's palace the same night we were, and when we came in with the girls they thought- oh no- we're spending all this money on a beautiful dinner and now it will be ruined. They were pleasantly surprised when they didn't hear a peep from our table. After seeing us at dinner at Antoine's they felt the need to come over and compliment us- it was one of my proudest moments as a Mom. And Mande30- I agree- you must expect them to behave at home and out and expose them to different experiences.


And QTMichele- we had another experience similar to yours only opposite. We took our girls on a cruise to Asia (China, Japan and Korea) when they were 3 and 5. When we were in Tiannamen Square dozens of Chinese women asked to have their picture taken with our girls. They were fascinated by their curly hair!! It was so adorable.:D


Love stories like this!!! Thanks for sharing. :)


Priceless :)

What a cutie pie. You have such a beautiful family. I wanna see more!

This is why we bring our DDs on most, if not all, our vacations. Moments like these are memories that last forever. The kids may not remember everything, but we as parents do, and we get to capture them on video and pictures.


Thank you very much!


A lot of people have the attitude "they won't remember it, so why bring them"? However, kids won't remember a lot of things, including the hugs, kisses, playtimes, etc. Although our kids may not remember a lot of the things we've done with them, they will remember how we made them feel, AND I'll remember that my "babies" were with us. Just our philosophy, and it's working pretty well for us. :)

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Before our cruise, our group decided to go to Chankanaab during our stop in Cozumel. By this morning, only a handful of us went. I took my girls while my DH and DS stayed on the ship, the newlyweds, their kids, and my BIL's brothers went, and a couple uncles and one aunt went with us. It was a good size group.


We met at the Promenade Cafe for a quick pastry breakfast, then made our way off the ship. I was pleased to see my very first cruise ship docked next to us: The Mariner of the Seas.




My uncle found a point of interest:




The last time I was in Cozumel, the taxi situation was a cluster you-know-what. This time is was well ran, and we didn't have to wait for a cab. We grabbed a cab that held the 6 of us (the newlyweds went separately). I find it amusing that we could've split up, taken two cabs instead of one, and paid a few dollars less than taking the one cab. I'm not cheap, and we wanted to ride together, so this wasn't a big deal, but I find it comical.


We made it to Chankanaab, paid our admission fee, and made our way to our spot for the day.


On our way, we found a few points of interest.


A park map (excuse the cut off edges).





As we walked towards the "snorkeling beach," we found a small beach with walk in access to the water.



And then there was the wild life:


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There's a pretty lagoon (no swimming allowed) with paths around it for multiple views. If you're not into snorkeling, and are patient, you can find some beautiful fish in this water.






When we arrived at our "final resting place," the beach was empty. I was a little concerned that Chankanaab would be busy with all the ships in port that day, but it wasn't. I'm guessing that the $21 entrance fee (or $19 if you have a coupon like we did) deters many people from going. Whatever the reason, it was wonderful that we didn't have to experience the "cruise ship beach" (you know what I mean, right?).


Here's a view from our chairs.




Now, this isn't a typical beach. Apparently they powers that be built a wall, then added tons of sand over the rocky coast line to create a beach. Access to the beach is by stairs into water that is generally over-one's-head.




There are several access points as not well demonstrated in the following picture.



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I was pleased to see my very first cruise ship docked next to us: The Mariner of the Seas.


That would be a neat experience and it made for a good picture. My first, Voyager, seems to be avoiding me. ;) I thought we had a good time, maybe she is mad I didn't call again?

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There was a restaurant a few hundred feet away from our chairs, but there was no reason to go there. We have a crew of staff waiting to bring our guacamole and chips ($10), hamburgers ($8), fries ($7 fries?!), and drinks ($2/bottle of soda). The food was good.




Our day was very nice. The snorkeling was fine and the fish were plentiful, especially if people were feeding the fish. We were swamped by fish on numerous occasions - a freaky experience, but a lot of fun. I took pictures with our underwater camera (the disposable type), but I don't have them developed yet. (Procrastinators: The Leaders of Tomorrow)


Before I forget, vests are required to swim/snorkel; although, we saw quite a few people without them. There is no charge for the vest. We didn't rent snorkels and fins (we brought our own), but they were around $12-$14, I think.


Also included in the admission fee are the dolphin show, a sea lion show, and a manatee show. We didn't take the time to attend, but on our way out, we did see this:






We had a fantastic day, and were so glad we went to Chankanaab! I wish my DH and DS had gone with us, but we'll save it for another time. I really loved how nice everything was and how uncrowded the park stayed during our time there.


By late afternoon, we made our wayback to the ship. I couldn't resist a little tunnel vision shot.



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Back on the ship, we made a quick stop to the Cafe Promenade for a snack. I love that place for a light meal or snack! Then the girls and I went to the H2O Zone in hopes of finding our other half. We found them! My DH and DS had been there the entire time we had been at Chankanaab - and were still going strong!


The Mariner was getting ready to pull out, and had quite the sail away party at our expense. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but it was obvious they were trashing Allure. Oh, what they don't know...




Not too long after Mariner left, the Allure went on her marry way in the opposite direction I had hoped for. We were heading back home.


Because today was such a busy day at the beach and poolside, we skipped the dining room in favor of the more relaxed Windjammer. It was quick and easy, and, best yet, we were able to make it to the 7:30 showing of How to Train Your Dragon On Ice show.










My kids and I loved the show! In fact, I thought it was better than the regular ice show. The props and costumes were great and made up for the lack of technical skating. I've seen the movie, and could easily follow the show. The show also includes some narration and video screens with clips of the movie to help guests follow along.

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That would be a neat experience and it made for a good picture. My first, Voyager, seems to be avoiding me. ;) I thought we had a good time, maybe she is mad I didn't call again?


LOL - I'm sure she isn't mad at you... just creating and building anticipation before you reunite. ;)


You do a great job with your reviews Michelle, thanks so much!! Your sons pics crack me up..too cute!


Thanks! :)

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Immediately after the ice show, we made our way to the Amber Theater for our Blue Planet reservation. There was a pretty good line, and we were there an hour before show time! The word is getting out!




Same location as the above picture, but looking up.



On our previous Allure cruise, we sat in the center of the lower section on the advice of one of the staff members. It wasn't a bad seat, but it just isn't a great seat for THIS show. This time we knew what seats we wanted, and we were bound and determined to get them. (We did!) We sat in the upper section of the lower level, one row back from "front row" to avoid the rail from obstructing our view. This was a wonderful place to sit, and probably one of the best seats in the house.




The show itself was fantastic, and included enhancements from the first time we saw it on our last Allure cruise. My family was impressed and really enjoyed the show.







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You are absolutely one of my favorite reviewers. This one is no exception. I am so glad the wedding went off without a hitch. Your sis was so beautiful, and I loved her gown. I loved the shot of the kids on formal night, they all looked so cute Your son is priceless and the pix with his death grip on the sundae dish is the best. Holy cow....your BIL's brother had a major winning streak. Did he win all of that on the Keno machine??? Did customs give him a hard time? I am asking in case I ever win that much. Haha!!! The pix at Labadee cabanas were great and satisfied a lot of curious minds. Keep up the hard work on the best review ever, as I not so patiently wait for our cruise in 57 DAYS, complete with cabana. Yahoo! Feel better!!!

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After the show, the kids were ready to go to the room and go to bed. My DS was already out (yes, we took him to the shows - he LOVED them!), and we knew the girls wouldn't be too far behind him. They weren't.




The 70s dance party was held in the Royal Promenade. I love 70's music, especially disco music they played, and had a great time "dancing." (If one could call what I do dancing! LOL) The CD staff threw T-shirts and light-up rings to the herd of cattle below - my sister got a t-shirt, and I got a ring. You would've thought we won a jackpot or something.




We closed the party down (not that it lasted long), then made our way to Central Park.




Central Park is just beautiful at night. I've yet to see pictures that do it justice, and mine certainly don't.


The Trellis Bar was empty, so we changed that by grabbing chairs and ordering a few drinks. A few very strong drinks.




Some of us needed a little snack - to the Cafe Promenade we went. Others wanted to check out the Solarium's party. By the time we arrived in the Solarium, it was packed, loud, and hopping! More strong drinks (I ordered a margarita, without the mix, I think, because all I tasted was cheap tequila.) Good times.


The casino was calling our name, so we made our way there. I had never played a table game in a casino, so I tried my hand at Black Jack. I was doing pretty well for a while, but then I felt bad for the casino and made a donation. Nice of me, right?


We stayed up until 4am - first time ever on a cruise! I was so proud of my husband! But it was definitely time for bed. We didn't want to sleep away our, sniffle, last day on the ship.

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You are absolutely one of my favorite reviewers. This one is no exception. I am so glad the wedding went off without a hitch. Your sis was so beautiful, and I loved her gown. I loved the shot of the kids on formal night, they all looked so cute Your son is priceless and the pix with his death grip on the sundae dish is the best. Holy cow....your BIL's brother had a major winning streak. Did he win all of that on the Keno machine??? Did customs give him a hard time? I am asking in case I ever win that much. Haha!!! The pix at Labadee cabanas were great and satisfied a lot of curious minds. Keep up the hard work on the best review ever, as I not so patiently wait for our cruise in 57 DAYS, complete with cabana. Yahoo! Feel better!!!


Oh my gosh - you're my new BFF. LOL Thanks for all the really nice things you wrote, you're very generous with your compliments, but I appreciate them.


I'm not sure what happened to Eric (the big winner at the casino) - I'll have to ask. I know they record the winnings in a book when they're over a certain amount. And, yes, he won all that on the Keno machine. He had a "method" that worked for him, but took all my money when I tried. Go figure.


I'm really glad I could get the cabana info out there... I was so curious too! I'm anxious to learn how many they will ultimately add in addition to what was there when I was there. Also, want to know if they will ultimately close the beach to cabana renters only (I've heard no) because there will be quite a few extra people on Barefoot Beach, which could be a problem in the long run. Having said that, it's not very convenient to use BB when you have a cabana on Nellie's Beach so it probably won't be a problem.


Your 57 days will fly by, especially now that spring is coming! I hope you post a review when you get back. Please!

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I have had so much fun reading your reviews! Your children are adorable, and you are right build memories now while they still are young they will be gone before you know what happened. Tell your sister that she was beautiful on her wedding, and many blessing for them. Keep posting the wonderful pics and stories! I enjoy them so much. Thank You!

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This is a fabulous review! Your family is so handsome! The kids are so cute! And your son, how adorable with the oreo cookie shake! All of your pictures are so nice and you really captured the emotion in quite a few of them. Just beautiful. You just made my day happy. Looking forward to your conclusion. :D


P.S. I only have one kid..a DS, and he's been cruising and traveling since he was 4 (now 13). What everyone has said is so true...manners and exposure definitely contributes to their behavior habits in a positive way.

A fellow cruise mom!

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Thanks so much! I'm not sure I would agree that I have some terrific pictures, but I like including them in my reviews. :) I wish I had the "eye," the camera, and the photoshopping skills and patience to really wow everyone with awesome pictures.


Have a fabulous Allure cruise! I hope you write a review upon your return. I'll be waiting...


OH... there were people at the Dog House. If you didn't see anyone there, then it was probably closed? Maybe? Or maybe everyone was at the Belly Flop or something?


You are way too modest. I think you've got some of the best pics I've seen on a review. It's interesting that Mariner was your first cruise (or is it first RCCL cruise?) since that is the ship I have cruised on the most - actually 10 times out of Canaveral - all but one with Cap Johnny:). I haven't been back on her though since she left us for the west coast (she's slowly making her way back of course).

To date myself, my first RCCL cruise was on Song of America - talk about a diifference between her and the Allure.:eek:

I'll echo everyone else and tell you that you have a wonderful looking family, congratulations.

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I'm late on this review train! I have a question about Labadee. Where is the location of these new cabanas on a map? Both times when I was there last year, I was able to go out on a rock in between the "normal" people beach and the suite beach, and get awesome views of the water and the ship. I was called Old Bell Tower, I think...vHere are some pictures from out on the rock:






I'm not sure if you know what I'm talking about, but is this area now closed? I will be sad if it is! :mad:

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I have had so much fun reading your reviews! Your children are adorable, and you are right build memories now while they still are young they will be gone before you know what happened. Tell your sister that she was beautiful on her wedding, and many blessing for them. Keep posting the wonderful pics and stories! I enjoy them so much. Thank You!


Thank you! I'll keep posting - although I'm almost done. :( Time to book another cruise even though I have another planned this year! LOL


This is a fabulous review! Your family is so handsome! The kids are so cute! And your son, how adorable with the oreo cookie shake! All of your pictures are so nice and you really captured the emotion in quite a few of them. Just beautiful. You just made my day happy. Looking forward to your conclusion. :D


P.S. I only have one kid..a DS, and he's been cruising and traveling since he was 4 (now 13). What everyone has said is so true...manners and exposure definitely contributes to their behavior habits in a positive way.

A fellow cruise mom!


The Oreo sundae moment was pretty funny - I'm so glad my camera was ready! Thanks for your nice comments. :)


You are way too modest. I think you've got some of the best pics I've seen on a review. It's interesting that Mariner was your first cruise (or is it first RCCL cruise?) since that is the ship I have cruised on the most - actually 10 times out of Canaveral - all but one with Cap Johnny:). I haven't been back on her though since she left us for the west coast (she's slowly making her way back of course).

To date myself, my first RCCL cruise was on Song of America - talk about a diifference between her and the Allure.:eek:

I'll echo everyone else and tell you that you have a wonderful looking family, congratulations.


Mariner was our first ever cruise - she did us in. ;) We loved Captain Johnny, and were lucky enough to have him on Allure last March. I missed him this time around, but Captain Zini was pretty nice eye candy. Thanks again for the nice comments.

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Thanks so much for your review. Really enjoying it!!! We are leaving oin Allure in NINE DAYS!!!! One question: What restaurants are open when you embark? Seems like a good idea to avoid the Windjammer and Park Cafe even seems crowded. Any other options?




NINE days?!!! You're almost there!!!


I believe most, if not all, of the included (free) restaurants are open on embarkation day. Assuming this is true, you could try the Solarium Bistro, Cafe Promenade, Sorrento's Pizzeria, or the Dog House. The crowds aren't all that bad, but we had a large family and wanted to eat somewhat near each other.


I'm late on this review train! I have a question about Labadee. Where is the location of these new cabanas on a map? Both times when I was there last year, I was able to go out on a rock in between the "normal" people beach and the suite beach, and get awesome views of the water and the ship. I was called Old Bell Tower, I think...vHere are some pictures from out on the rock:








I'm not sure if you know what I'm talking about, but is this area now closed? I will be sad if it is! :mad:




I think I know what rock you're talking about, but I'm not certain so I won't try to guess and confuse the situation. I do have a map that I borrowed from fellow CC'er, Radio.




You'll notice the Barefoot Beach Club. This is the private, suites only guests' beach. If you look to the right of Barefoot beach, you'll see the next cove. This is Nellie's Beach. The 'peninsula' between the two beaches hosts the cabanas and is accessible by those who have cabana access. This "in-between" area is a rocky hillside that Royal has built steps and added pavers as a walkway. There ARE great views of the ship from this point, so I assume this is the area you are speaking of. Your photos are very similar to photos my dad took from his hillside cabana that was located at the top of the "rock."

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You'll notice the Barefoot Beach Club. This is the private, suites only guests' beach. If you look to the right of Barefoot beach, you'll see the next cove. This is Nellie's Beach. The 'peninsula' between the two beaches hosts the cabanas and is accessible by those who have cabana access. This "in-between" area is a rocky hillside that Royal has built steps and added pavers as a walkway. There ARE great views of the ship from this point, so I assume this is the area you are speaking of. Your photos are very similar to photos my dad took from his hillside cabana that was located at the top of the "rock."


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:


I'm not booing you! Yes, that's what I was talking about, and thanks for letting me know! I actually went through some of the trees and out on to the rock to take those pictures. It was so great to be able to just sit out there with no one around you. Oh well, guess I won't be doing that ever again... :rolleyes: :mad:

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:


I'm not booing you! Yes, that's what I was talking about, and thanks for letting me know! I actually went through some of the trees and out on to the rock to take those pictures. It was so great to be able to just sit out there with no one around you. Oh well, guess I won't be doing that ever again... :rolleyes: :mad:


You can do it again for $175 for a hillside cabana ;-)


Great review Michele!

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