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Carnival, please control your CREW!!!!!


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What their salary is is irrelevant. As employees, they should not disturb the paying passengers. Would you be tolerant of maids running the halls (in a hotel) in the middle of the night playing games on their supply cart? How about all the employess (in a restaurant) ignoring the customers while they catch their soaps on a tv in the back room?


Business is business. If you want to have repeat paying customrers, you can't have things like that going on.



Absolutely. I'm frankly astounded by the few people who seem to think that employees have a right to party like rock stars at the expense of paying customers. .


Goin, I'll tell my mom, but she for sure won't be sailing Carnival again...at least that's what she says now. Who knows, maybe she'll change her mind in a year or two;) .

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Absolutely. I'm frankly astounded by the few people who seem to think that employees have a right to party like rock stars at the expense of paying customers. .


It boggles the mind, doesn't it? I will say our cruise on the Triumph was wonderful. Our room steward was amazing, and every employee we passed either nodded to us, or said hello. We had a few issues in the dining room, but they were handled. I know things happen, but there's a huge difference between guests keeping you awake all night (and that's wrong), and employees hooping it up.

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Hotel maids and restaraunt employees don't live at their place of business. If they did, you probably would see them raise heck once in a while. I used to work in the restaurant business. Those people can party like no one else. Anyways, It's not a fair comparison. I only brought up the pay because the OP implied that the offending crew members should be taught a lesson. I think she said something like "I hope this sends a message to the crew that this kind of behavior is intolerabe". My question now is, what can Carnival do to punish these crew members? Make them work longer hours? There's only so many hours in the day. And I belive they already work most of those hours, which might explain why they were partying at 3 a.m. And as I stated, their daily pay would not buy a happy meal. So, even if Carnival wanted to do something about it, what do they do? Nothing. The crew may have gotten a "stern warning" and are probably still laughing about it and planning their party for next week. I hope I get an invite. I'd love to party with those CRAZEEE foreigners! We sail Saturday.

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These boards never make any sense,

My wife and i are young, party till its late (early) and understand everyone including the crew have the right to do the same if they choose. The problem is when your party causes others undue hardship you have crossed the line. Period. We all work hard and pay a ton of money to enjoy our vacations, not to "be happy" we are only disturbed for a period of four hours at 3 A.M. I love carnival and believe this is probably an isolated incident but the response was feeble. We had a balcony on the Destiny last year and the smell of pot drove us off our balcony twice!!! We brought it to the security and they contacted the offenders room a couple times but it did not stop. We didn't let it ruin our cruise but we did complain and recieve $300 worth of credits we are using this May on the Valor. In conclusion i hope you didn't let this ruin your cruise or taint you towards carnival, but if it does i understand. But, make sure you contact carnival and recieve the apology you deserve, it is your right as the paying customer.


happily hopping off my soapbox.

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I dunno, maybe it's just me. I just think that it's a bit silly to complain and expect satisfaction or compensation for every setback or disappointment in life. There's a line in a Van Halen song that goes, "you gotta roll with the punches to get to what's real". If nothing bad ever happenned in your life, you wouldn't appreciate the good things. I cruise in a few days and, without doubt, something bad will happen over those 5 days. I can come home and spend a bunch of time calling and writing letters to headquarters and force some bozo to apologize for something that someone else did, or, I can come home and take my kids and dog to the park. I will choose the latter. I will choose to enjoy my life. The 165 hours of enjoyment will more than make up for any 3 hour disappointment. As for Everlast, I don't see how Carnival is responsible or should owe you credit because a passenger illegally smuggled drugs on the ship. What do you think Carnival should have done in this situation? I can't beleive they gave you $300. Pretty soon, everyone will be calling for $$ and none of us will be able to afford cruising. Then we'll have nothing to talk about here.

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HEY - on our GLORY cruise last year we were in a 9A Aft corner. On THREE occasions we were bombarded by items from above.... I forget the first, but the others were a MARACA and then a smoldering ROACH (yes, that kind of roach..) Someone obviously thought that throwing it overboard would extinguish it (when it hit the water)... perhaps they were not thinking clearly :D ... At any rate, I poured some water on it, and tossed it into the water :) . I am in the National Guard, and you never know when a DRUG TEST will come your way - wait, that sounds like a WAY OUT!!!;)


Perhaps I should complain to CCL... I can use some CREDIT on my next cruise!!! WOO HOO.... BOB.... MICKY.....




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HEY - on our GLORY cruise last year we were in a 9A Aft corner. On THREE occasions we were bombarded by items from above.... I forget the first, but the others were a MARACA and then a smoldering ROACH (yes, that kind of roach..) Someone obviously thought that throwing it overboard would extinguish it (when it hit the water)... perhaps they were not thinking clearly :D ... At any rate, I poured some water on it, and tossed it into the water :) . I am in the National Guard, and you never know when a DRUG TEST will come your way - wait, that sounds like a WAY OUT!!!;)


Perhaps I should complain to CCL... I can use some CREDIT on my next cruise!!! WOO HOO.... BOB.... MICKY.....





A maraca and a roach. If you weren't in the military, you could have started your own party! Was the third item a bottle of Tortuga rum or maybe a Bob Marley CD?

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We had an 8C on the Miracle...on the 5th deck to be exact. Right next to Camp Carnival, so we got to hear the pitter patter of little feet running up and down the halls during various hours of the day. I often took a big nap during the day as I work nights, and I love to take naps.:D The Little Darlings would yell, tear down my door decorations (or just take them)...whatever.


We were also at the front of the ship, directly above the Phantom lounge. A night or two, we could hear (and feel) the loud thumping of the music...which meant no sleep for me until whatever show was over. My snoring kept my mother awake...so Carnival can't do anything about that (and earplugs wouldn't have helped either):D .


Needless to say, the "you get what you pay for" theory doesn't apply.


I like CCL, but was not at all impressed with the Miracle. I found the service lacking and the staff either ambivalent, or just downright rude (and many other cruisers I sailed with agreed). I'm pretty laidback, so I didn't complain about any of it. I've heard lots of great things about the Legend, so I will be sailing her next year.:D

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I emailed Carnival twice.........once in February, once about three weeks ago. The first time, I got an email response in 2 days. The second time, they called me on my cellphone the next day at about 1pm.

I figure that since so many are SO anxious to knock the customer service, I'd take the time to post my experience. A couple we know have sailed Carnival twice (Sensation and Conquest) and have also had great response from their customer service dept.

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My only response to a few of these posts is, if you bring your kids and give them permission to stay out at night dont complain if you get woken up by them running around the ship,, cause if it wasnt on your deck if would have been some ones elses and then you would say OH WELL right???

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I dunno, maybe it's just me. I just think that it's a bit silly to complain and expect satisfaction or compensation for every setback or disappointment in life. There's a line in a Van Halen song that goes, "you gotta roll with the punches to get to what's real". If nothing bad ever happenned in your life, you wouldn't appreciate the good things. I cruise in a few days and, without doubt, something bad will happen over those 5 days. I can come home and spend a bunch of time calling and writing letters to headquarters and force some bozo to apologize for something that someone else did, or, I can come home and take my kids and dog to the park. I will choose the latter. I will choose to enjoy my life. The 165 hours of enjoyment will more than make up for any 3 hour disappointment. As for Everlast, I don't see how Carnival is responsible or should owe you credit because a passenger illegally smuggled drugs on the ship. What do you think Carnival should have done in this situation? I can't beleive they gave you $300. Pretty soon, everyone will be calling for $$ and none of us will be able to afford cruising. Then we'll have nothing to talk about here.


Everyone is different and handle things in their own way. No way would I sit still and let someone smoking pot keep me off of my balcony and yes there is something that the officers of the ship can do if someone has brought illegal narcotics on board ship. Also I agree with the OP. That time of the night the stateroom areas should be quite and the passengers should not have had to put up with the crew or other passengers making that kind of noise.

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I have to admit, I have yet to be on a cruise that we had a real problem with children. But (at the risk of nuclear flaming), it would be nice to see adult only cruise ships.



I am a parent and I must say that I totally agree...I would LOVE to see some adult only cruises!!!


I love to cruise with my kids. I think it is the ultimate family vacation (well....I think a cruise is the ultimate vacation no matter what!). As a single mom it makes travel with my kids a nice vacation with something for everyone - including me ;)


However, I also like to cruise solo and when I am travelling without my children I would love to be on a ship that was adult only. Especially since I usually get to travel alone during the summer months which is a school break time and there are lots of families on board.

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Well, we ARE trying to fill up the Liberty with all adults on 4/29/06... so come join us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Would absolutely LOVE to!!!!! Actually have thought about it :D Am looking into when my kids school break is and if I can hire a sitter/grandparents. Kind of hard for me to arrange that so far in advance BUT I'm looking into it! Sounds just like the kind of crowd I would love to have on a cruise ;)

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Would absolutely LOVE to!!!!! Actually have thought about it :D Am looking into when my kids school break is and if I can hire a sitter/grandparents. Kind of hard for me to arrange that so far in advance BUT I'm looking into it! Sounds just like the kind of crowd I would love to have on a cruise ;)


Oh most definitely!!! We always have a great time on these group cruises!!!! Guaranteed a fun time fo sho!!!

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I dunno, maybe it's just me. I just think that it's a bit silly to complain and expect satisfaction or compensation for every setback or disappointment in life. ........ I can come home and spend a bunch of time calling and writing letters to headquarters and force some bozo to apologize for something that someone else did, or, I can come home and take my kids and dog to the park. I will choose the latter. I will choose to enjoy my life. The 165 hours of enjoyment will more than make up for any 3 hour disappointment. ........ I can't beleive they gave you $300. Pretty soon, everyone will be calling for $$ and none of us will be able to afford cruising. Then we'll have nothing to talk about here.


Yes, maybe it is just you. I spent approximately 20 minutes on the phone to get my point across, no writing letters, (Carnival had prior notice of my complaints documented by the purser I called that night), and if you can't believe Carnival gave $300 credit to Everlast, then I won't even begin to tell you what they gave us. Let's just say you'd be incredulous, but it was most certainly worth my 20 minute phone call.


If anyone here feels the crew is justified in harassing guests by virtue of living on premises, I wonder what they would do with a live-in nanny or housekeeper who kept them awake at night partying. I would fire them.

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Hotel maids and restaraunt employees don't live at their place of business. If they did, you probably would see them raise heck once in a while. I used to work in the restaurant business. Those people can party like no one else. Anyways, It's not a fair comparison. I only brought up the pay because the OP implied that the offending crew members should be taught a lesson. I think she said something like "I hope this sends a message to the crew that this kind of behavior is intolerabe". My question now is, what can Carnival do to punish these crew members? Make them work longer hours? There's only so many hours in the day. And I belive they already work most of those hours, which might explain why they were partying at 3 a.m. And as I stated, their daily pay would not buy a happy meal. So, even if Carnival wanted to do something about it, what do they do? Nothing. The crew may have gotten a "stern warning" and are probably still laughing about it and planning their party for next week. I hope I get an invite. I'd love to party with those CRAZEEE foreigners! We sail Saturday.


As another posted mentioned there are crew bars and areas for this. Remember We are paying the crew ! I know they work hard....and deserve to have their fun.....But not at the price of My Sleep.

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I can't imagine too many people with a live-in servant would be sailing on Carnival. And if they did, they probably wouldn't have a cabin on the Riviera deck. Congratulations on your windfall.


LOL....Maybe in your world you couldn't imagine it, but you have no clue what others have...or don't have.

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OK. So you're saying that you are someone, or know someone, that pays a full time salary and lodging for a personal servant, and that same person has cruised on Carnival on the very bottom deck without even a balcony? Whether that is true or not, it's hilarious. But, me thinks thou art pulling my chain.

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OK. So you're saying that you are someone, or know someone, that pays a full time salary and lodging for a personal servant, and that same person has cruised on Carnival on the very bottom deck without even a balcony? Whether that is true or not, it's hilarious. But, me thinks thou art pulling my chain.


Well, I hate to say it, but I do know people who do that. Many people that are fortunate enough to have a nanny, or an employee at home (I just hate the word "servant"), didn't get in that position by being careless with their money... they are frugal, which affords them the opportunity to travel more, to have a nanny to travel with them, etc.

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LOL....Maybe in your world you couldn't imagine it, but you have no clue what others have...or don't have.


I'm not sure what this means. I make no asumptions about other people. I just know that if I could afford to pay someone to change my kid's diapers, I'd shell out the extra $100 for the balcony.

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