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WARNING!!! Montreal visitors will be harassed by daily protesters

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Students have been blocking streets, and being violent now for weeks and show no sign of stopping any time soon.


DO NOT go into down town unless prepared to get stranded away from your ship and possibly even attacked, tear gassed or worse.


This is no joke...

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Their grades must be suffering terribly!


How many tourists have been affected by this? I see news reports of demonstrations, but in reading 4 articles, don't see any mention of tourists being attacked or tear gassed.

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You posted this on the U.S. not Canada branch, and although your subject line says cruise passengers will be harassed by "daily protesters," it appears you really mean that anyone who goes into the certain parts of the city might be affected by daily protests, but other than that you seem to have most facts correct. Attacked by who? I assume only police are using tear gas (not the protesters, as you imply), but what areas of downtown are involved? Areas near the port? Can cruise passengers avoid them? Has anyone been attacked by anyone else so far?

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You posted this on the U.S. not Canada branch, and although your subject line says cruise passengers will be harassed by "daily protesters," it appears you really mean that anyone who goes into the certain parts of the city might be affected by daily protests, but other than that you seem to have most facts correct. Attacked by who? I assume only police are using tear gas (not the protesters, as you imply), but what areas of downtown are involved? Areas near the port? Can cruise passengers avoid them? Has anyone been attacked by anyone else so far?


Moderator: can you move to Canada branch?

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You posted this on the U.S. not Canada branch, and although your subject line says cruise passengers will be harassed by "daily protesters," it appears you really mean that anyone who goes into the certain parts of the city might be affected by daily protests, but other than that you seem to have most facts correct. Attacked by who? I assume only police are using tear gas (not the protesters, as you imply), but what areas of downtown are involved? Areas near the port? Can cruise passengers avoid them? Has anyone been attacked by anyone else so far?



Look at the top of this "East Coast Departures" page

East Coast Departures


Baltimore, Boston, Cape Liberty, Charleston, Montreal, New York, Norfolk, & Philadelphia


People visiting as a port of call would be warned by the cruise ship when they berth here, this is a departures area and those arriving to begin their cruise may not know about what a mess things are. Likely many would arrive a day or more before their cruise and be staying downtown at ground zero for the riots. Why you think thia is not an appropriate place to post is beyond me..., BTW Quebec City has been a center of protests but no where near at the violent levels we're seeing here.


The areas include as far as the port area. ALL of the downtown core has been effected. Getting around downtown is often impossible. Twice the Metro system came to a hault because of attacks against the system (Booby trapping tracks with bags of bricks and gas bombs)


The rioters are in the thousands, and if you are unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time your day will go very poorly...


The students are tossing Molotov cocktails, rocks, paint you name it. Police are arresting hundreds, and using noise grenades and tear gas.


Yesterday students were dropping large bricks and rocks onto the freeway from an over pass bridge, thankfully no one was hurt


Student leaders say the protests will continue until the government meets all of their demands... (nearly free tuition, no more development to the North, and a separation from Canada)


All I want is for my fellow travelers to be aware that this situation doesn't look like it's going away, and to stay safe.

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Thanks for posting this ... I actually was debating on a land trip into Montreal/Quebec City this summer but decided to try my hand at Cruising instead. I'm so grateful that I've opted to cruise and will not be anywhere near Montreal. *Sigh* I never heard anything about this in our media and this serves as a reminder that I need to research the political climate of an area before booking a trip and to not assume that all is peaceful just because it is first-world.

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Thanks for posting this ... I actually was debating on a land trip into Montreal/Quebec City this summer but decided to try my hand at Cruising instead. I'm so grateful that I've opted to cruise and will not be anywhere near Montreal. *Sigh* I never heard anything about this in our media and this serves as a reminder that I need to research the political climate of an area before booking a trip and to not assume that all is peaceful just because it is first-world.


It's going to be a problem for a while for sure, but in general, when the students are going to classes things are great here.


I'll try to keep everyone up to date as the protests and riots eventually die down


Grand Prix is coming up and it'll be interesting to see if it's targeted.

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Dear moderator


Thanks for reminding me why I don't post reviews anymore here on CC.


This thread has little value where you moved it to.


As my last update on this protest subject, the government invited students to a truce, which the student unions agreed to and the downtown core has been crippled every day none the less.


The riots and protests are in the hands of those who will continue them until the provincial government falls, as it has little to do with students and student tuition.


Visitors, you have been warned.

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Students have been blocking streets, and being violent now for weeks and show no sign of stopping any time soon.


DO NOT go into down town unless prepared to get stranded away from your ship and possibly even attacked, tear gassed or worse.


This is no joke...


Your post is ridiculous! I can't believe you are spreading lies like this! Telling people they are going to get "attacked" or "worse" if they go to Montreal. I don't usually post here much anymore, but I had to say something.


To people reading this person's garbage please do not listen to it! My best friend lives 5 minutes from where this is happening. She has NOT once been attacked, threatened, or felt in danger in any way! She is very angry about this poster's statements. The downtown core is not "crippled."


It is true there are protests going on in Montreal and as long as you are not a protester you are safe...stay away from the crowds. You probably have more of a chance being pickpocketed...sheesh. Go to Montreal...it is a beautiful city!


I do not understand why someone would come on here and make these sensationalistic remarks. It is absurd. Please stop!

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Your post is ridiculous! I can't believe you are spreading lies like this! Telling people they are going to get "attacked" or "worse" if they go to Montreal. I don't usually post here much anymore, but I had to say something.


To people reading this person's garbage please do not listen to it! My best friend lives 5 minutes from where this is happening. She has NOT once been attacked, threatened, or felt in danger in any way! She is very angry about this poster's statements. The downtown core is not "crippled."


It is true there are protests going on in Montreal and as long as you are not a protester you are safe...stay away from the crowds. You probably have more of a chance being pickpocketed...sheesh. Go to Montreal...it is a beautiful city!


I do not understand why someone would come on here and make these sensationalistic remarks. It is absurd. Please stop!



The metro was attacked today twice. Shut down by a smoke bomb and a intentionally set fire.


The protests are completely disrupting the areas where they occur.


Sorry but that's the fact.


My co-worker was almost two hours late coming to work today because of the metrio shut down


To those reading islandgirls claim, here are some scenes of the past few days.


If you are unfortunate enough to have these4 violent protester between you and where you want to be.... you're stuck









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As someone heading to Montreal in just over a week, staying downtown and fully expecting to have to deal with ongoing protests I have to say my view sits somewhere in between the rather extreme brackets above.


Background: my hotel was inside the protest zone in London during the 2010 student riots; I gave a walking tour of downtown Toronto during the G20 riots; we had to run away from a sea of protesters hurling bricks & bottles when the Frankfurt student protests burst through the police lines back in '05 or '06; we traveled through rebel-held territory in Egypt in '96 when mass tourist attacks occurred; I've lost count of how many times we were in and around active combat zones in the middle east. In all of these situations I've taken sensible precautions and have more scars from driving scooters around Greek islands than all of the above combined...


Don't cancel your vacation unless you're extremely risk-averse, just be aware if this is still going on when your cruise-ship is in town that excursions will be delayed as they get re-routed around any troublespots. Personally if I were cruising to Montreal in the near future I'd be inclined to take cruise line excursions rather than private ones as a reasonable precaution.


Pay attention to the news, be aware of where any designated protest zones/routes of marches are planned and avoid those areas, ask any riot cops you see standing in groups which direction you should *not* walk in - basically don't be like those dumbasses who were hanging around the hockey riots last year 'just to see what was going on.'


This is currently far from the degree of troubles Quebec had back in the 70s; nobody is targeting tourists, foreigners, or anglophones - it's students protesting about fees.


Even CLASSE, the student group which refuses to officially state they will not use violence, has not issued any threats against locals or visitors anywhere in Quebec - even the most idiotic among the protesters can't fail to see that if they have no support from the general public they can't possibly win their argument.


Is it more dangerous to be in Montreal right now than last year? Yes - but if you look at the actual reported stats (do your own research on CBC.ca or some other reputable Canadian news source) you'll find that so far all of the injuries have been to either protesters or police, i.e. those directly involved. Stay away from the crowds, you'll stay away from the trouble.


I would never tell anyone "Go visit a war zone/riot scene!" but I for one am making no changes to my plan to be in Montreal at the beginning of May, except to ensure I up my phone data-plan temporarily so I can double-check what's happening immediately before I travel between sites.


Moderators - a (valid) warning has been given that there is 'a situation' so anyone potentially impacted can make their own decision about what to do. Perhaps locking this thread soon will fend off any further descent into flaming?

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As someone heading to Montreal in just over a week, staying downtown and fully expecting to have to deal with ongoing protests I have to say my view sits somewhere in between the rather extreme brackets above.


Background: my hotel was inside the protest zone in London during the 2010 student riots; I gave a walking tour of downtown Toronto during the G20 riots; we had to run away from a sea of protesters hurling bricks & bottles when the Frankfurt student protests burst through the police lines back in '05 or '06; we traveled through rebel-held territory in Egypt in '96 when mass tourist attacks occurred; I've lost count of how many times we were in and around active combat zones in the middle east. In all of these situations I've taken sensible precautions and have more scars from driving scooters around Greek islands than all of the above combined...


Don't cancel your vacation unless you're extremely risk-averse, just be aware if this is still going on when your cruise-ship is in town that excursions will be delayed as they get re-routed around any troublespots. Personally if I were cruising to Montreal in the near future I'd be inclined to take cruise line excursions rather than private ones as a reasonable precaution.


Pay attention to the news, be aware of where any designated protest zones/routes of marches are planned and avoid those areas, ask any riot cops you see standing in groups which direction you should *not* walk in - basically don't be like those dumbasses who were hanging around the hockey riots last year 'just to see what was going on.'


This is currently far from the degree of troubles Quebec had back in the 70s; nobody is targeting tourists, foreigners, or anglophones - it's students protesting about fees.


Even CLASSE, the student group which refuses to officially state they will not use violence, has not issued any threats against locals or visitors anywhere in Quebec - even the most idiotic among the protesters can't fail to see that if they have no support from the general public they can't possibly win their argument.


Is it more dangerous to be in Montreal right now than last year? Yes - but if you look at the actual reported stats (do your own research on CBC.ca or some other reputable Canadian news source) you'll find that so far all of the injuries have been to either protesters or police, i.e. those directly involved. Stay away from the crowds, you'll stay away from the trouble.


I would never tell anyone "Go visit a war zone/riot scene!" but I for one am making no changes to my plan to be in Montreal at the beginning of May, except to ensure I up my phone data-plan temporarily so I can double-check what's happening immediately before I travel between sites.


Moderators - a (valid) warning has been given that there is 'a situation' so anyone potentially impacted can make their own decision about what to do. Perhaps locking this thread soon will fend off any further descent into flaming?


As a port of call I would expect that the ship would warn passengers of any trouble areas and where to avoid.


I originally posted on the Eastern Departure ports as Montreal is listed there as well as here.


My worry is that arriving by car or air people may have no idea that there is daily unrest in the downtown core.

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Goodness Martin are you a war corespondent? If not, maybe you should look into it. Any normal law abiding citizen would look at what you just said -with your background - and immediately decide NOT to go. I know you were trying to calm people but I hope never again to see a "riot" cop... much less be close enough to ask a question!

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Nope, just someone who enjoys traveling and seems to carry a curse where every time I go anywhere 'interesting' things happen. My wife and I did wonder at one point about contacting embassies to ask how much they would pay us *not* to visit their country;) Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Floods, Sandstorms & Avalanches on the natural side, and everything from armed robberies to car crashes to hostage takings to bombings on the human-caused issues - we always just seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time...


If the tone came across as too scary, it wasn't meant to be - quite the opposite actually. Despite stumbling into all kinds of potentially terrifying situations we've always come through unscathed just by being basically sensible - one pickpocketed wallet in Madrid by an incredibly-well-organized gang (I spotted the guy going for mine but while distracted taking care of that problem someone got into my wife's bag - fortunately we always use separate wallets with minimal local currency so it wasn't a big loss) and a scar on my knee from a scooter crash have been our only incidents in 20 years of frequent travel.

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Nope, just someone who enjoys traveling and seems to carry a curse where every time I go anywhere 'interesting' things happen. My wife and I did wonder at one point about contacting embassies to ask how much they would pay us *not* to visit their country;) Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Floods, Sandstorms & Avalanches on the natural side, and everything from armed robberies to car crashes to hostage takings to bombings on the human-caused issues - we always just seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time...


If the tone came across as too scary, it wasn't meant to be - quite the opposite actually. Despite stumbling into all kinds of potentially terrifying situations we've always come through unscathed just by being basically sensible - one pickpocketed wallet in Madrid by an incredibly-well-organized gang (I spotted the guy going for mine but while distracted taking care of that problem someone got into my wife's bag - fortunately we always use separate wallets with minimal local currency so it wasn't a big loss) and a scar on my knee from a scooter crash have been our only incidents in 20 years of frequent travel.

Well congrats, earlier in my life I was all over the world, saw all kinds of incidents and came away basically OK... But as I was saying if I showed your post to any of my daughters friends or a co-worker they would say "I'm not going there"! Just human nature.

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I live in Montreal. I run a business that is in the hospitality industry. This is exaggeration. For the most part, these protests are in limited areas and have disturbed tourists only slightly. The protests are during the week. The disruptions to the metro have been in the early morning. This is like screaming fire in a crowded theatre.


Yes, there are disruptions, but minor. Just stay away from them. The police move people away from the area. They aren't in the most touristic areas, but in the downtown core near the universities. Just like anywhere, if you see a protest, walk in the opposite direction and enjoy your visit.

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Just like anywhere, if you see a protest, walk in the opposite direction and enjoy your visit.

In the past 25 years I have never seen a protest, as most Americans... Many would have no idea a protest was going on, would think it was some sort of parade or circus come to town. That's what I am trying to get you to understand. Your thoughts are from a place where you see this every day and have come to consider it normal. It is not normal and people on vacation do not need to "walk in the opposite direction", they don't need to be anywhere near it.

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In the past 25 years I have never seen a protest, as most Americans... Many would have no idea a protest was going on, would think it was some sort of parade or circus come to town. That's what I am trying to get you to understand. Your thoughts are from a place where you see this every day and have come to consider it normal. It is not normal and people on vacation do not need to "walk in the opposite direction", they don't need to be anywhere near it.


All I want is for people to understand what's what.


Montrealers are divided on the reasons for all this unrest (separate Quebec, free tuition, what's violence and whats protest... ) I have my views.


For those who say it's nothing, this is what is going on right now... it's from a recommended source by one of the respondents to this thread.


I happened to respect Ephraim's posts very much, I I personally can say that where his establishment and is in a safe historical area. Ephraim, I can understand your worry that this thread will discourage people from visiting Montreal but please don't shoot the messenger. I am not setting fires in the Metro.


Many need to know that the really big hotels in Montreal are dead center downtown.


Students attacked a popular shopping/bussiness complex today with chemical smoke bombs....




more on the CBC about tonights riot







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