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SPIRIT to ALASKA May 8 - 15 Review ... LOVED IT!!!


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We're on the port side, so I can't see our balcony, but soon enough! Being Platinum has an advantage -- our cabins are already ready for us! I can go there straightaway.






Got a ? for you, LambKnuckles


That is great that your rooms was ready that early. Do you know if that was a perk just for the Spirit platinum guest or something Carnival was doing as a trial? The reason that I ask is because on all of the ships that I have been on, 1:30 has been the time that rooms have been ready and I am platinum.


Great review and love those pictures and looking forward to the rest of the review.

Edited by mj
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We're on the port side, so I can't see our balcony, but soon enough! Being Platinum has an advantage -- our cabins are already ready for us! I can go there straightaway.






Got a ? for you, LambKnuckles


That is great that your rooms was ready that early. Do you know if that was a perk just for the Spirit platinum guest or something Carnival was doing as a trial? The reason that I ask is because on all of the ships that I have been on, 1:30 has been the time that rooms have been ready and I am platinum.


Great review and love those pictures and looking forward to the rest of the review.

Good question. I am curious also.

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Wednesday... Our FIRST day at Sea!!


I may be an oddball, but I cruise for the sake of cruising... The ports are just icing on the cake! I LOVE Sea Days!!!


Sea Days offer so much to do... some many ways to be pampered or relax, or enjoy or just be a hermit!! AND... so many places to eat and games to play and ships on a stick to earn and casinos to conquer...


So I'm ready and eager for this day!


The weather is good and it's bad and it's rocking and it's fine... I love all the ways the water can toss the ship or maintain it's smoothness... No, that's kind of not true! I LOVE ROUGH SEAS... I love the feeling in my tummy when I'm tossed to and fro. But I know not everyone does. Most of the cruise was smoother... But today, later today, they put out the 'barf bags' by the elevators and in the bathrooms!!


Waking today, I head down to the Internet Cafe and post to my Funville blog. I love to stay in touch this way. It's FREE and it's there for all to use! It's not private, but family and friends can read and ask questions and post comments for me to read. It's FREE for all of us... so it's my way to stay in touch and record my thoughts while "currently onboard"... the category I post in!!





I start the thread/blog before I leave, then it's already for me and family and friends before boarding!! Carnival gives us this!! THANK YOU CARNIVAL!!!


SO, while everyone in the cabin sleeps, I'm down writing. The ship is rocking and I'm smiling!!! because the ship is on Pacific time, it's open for business and already full of activity by 7:30. The side to side rocking is not as active as the forward and aft rocking... check out the horizon in these two shots taken consecutively and quickly to show the high and the low of the rock...





Then off to the MDR for a seated breakfast. I'm seated with a group of three gals, sharing a cabin and celebrating that they each turned 60 this year! The vibrating and rocking of the ship continues and the chandelier above us rattles like a snake!!!



The Excursion Talk: "Fun Ashore and Fun Aboard" is this morning. Stu, our cruise director, is dressed as a lumberjack to get us in the mood!



He's a HOOT!!! He does a wonderful job giving us information and tips on which excursion and what we'll do and how to decide. Then after the talk he's available for one on one questions! As he spoke we had a few BIG rocks... and one made my tummy go weightless!!! FANTASTIC!!! When it SMACKED down... Stu even stopped talking and said, "Oops, sorry about that, I think we just came down on a little boat." About five minutes later, another and BIGGER smack... "There's goes a bigger boat!"


Before I left, I had purchased the smaller boat ride of Tracy Arms. A small ship that will take you closer to the glacier and shore and cliffs and wildlife than the SPIRIT -- but from Stu's talk -- I learned it won't take us anywhere that the SPIRIT won't go. And with my confidence in my telephoto lens, I decided I would like to take the Train in Skagway more. I asked Stu after the talk, and he concurred. He also told me there was no problem in refunding the boat and booking the train! So I did!!! (And you'll find out, I loved the adventure we had... in the white out blizzard, starving, left abandoned... but that is two days in the future!!!)


After the Excursions Talk, I went to the Casino to see when the Slot Tournament would start... noon... good, I have time to go see the Mixologist Contest.

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When I went to Deck 9, Lido, they were still selecting finalists for the Mixologist contest, so "OK, may I enter?" And I did... The process is completing a sheet with your personal recipe and name for your cocktail, from the list of provided ingredients and amounts allowed. It's a LIMITED list of liquors and limited amounts to use. You get a liquor, a specialty liquor, and a mix. You can use two shots from the list and a base mix. I'm sorry, I don't remember all the choices... And you also decide if it's a blender drink or a long drink - on the rocks.


Spying another gal from our group, Kelli, from Florida, she and I, both, decided to enter. I created 'Loda Kisses. A shot of rum, a shot of triple sec, on the rocks, with Pina Colada mix... Shaken, not blended...


"OK, now come back at 12:45 and we'll tell you who will be our finalists." So off I went to eat...


ME ME ME!!! I was chosen to compete and so was Kelli!! The three gals from breakfast are there too! So I ask them to watch my camera and room key while i compete. (Yep, I trust them... I guess that's who I am!) And I'm so GLAD!!! Without knowing, they figure out my camera and take photos for me!!! BLESS THEM and THANK YOU!!! I didn't know at all, till I downloaded it and saw the photos!!!







I didn't win, but had a blast competing!!! We made the drink with the help of the bartender, then the Bar Manager, and Stu, and 'Waldo' judged our dancing to shake the cocktail shaker and the flavor of the beverage, to find the winner!


I got an A+ for my dance -- but Stu graded my drink as a bit too sweet. He did say, that if I won, I would appear and do my dance... and pole dance... for anyone ordering it!!







For competing, we got a drink coupon, and our completed drink and glass! ...And the whole thing was recorded on the Voyage Video -- which played the rest of the cruise on the cabin TVs. I was recognized by strangers from that point on!!! But, I LOVED it!!!


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The Steakhouse:




In this shot, notice the graceful stairs leading into the Steakhouse.




These are those same stairs from the Lobby Bar on Deck 2. They are GLASS, see through glass... I couldn't walk on them... YIKES!!!!


THE EYE... Big Brother...



... and off to the Casino to enter the Slot Tournament. I didn't make it into the finals here -- but two of our group did!! They each got a Tshirt and Jenn, one of my roomies, came out in second place and also won a gimme hat. The entry is $20, the prize is $500 and a ship on a stick. But, being a Platinum cruiser... I earned a free entry.

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Next is getting ready for dinner... It's elegant evening and meet the Captain and crew. Little Lambie and I get ready and off we go to Deck 2 to get our photos taken with our ship celebrities. Little Lambie and I had photos with all our Captains and CDs.


Here's Stu, our Cruise Director:



Captain Roberto Volpi is WONDERFUL! He is a HOOT!!!



We talk for a bit and I tell him how much I've enjoyed the cruise, and we got to chatting about other Captains I've sailed with. He had Massimo Marino as a Second. We both talk about how GREAT he is!!! And my other favorite Captain, Pier Paulo Scala, also sailed under him! WOW!!!



Our conversation digressed about futures and career changes and it was then time for early seating!

Off I went to the Empire Room for dinner! YUM YUM... LOBSTER...







Caramelized apples, puffed pastry, and caramel sauce...




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And off to the Family Comedy Show -- OUTSTANDING -- at Punchliners... in the Versailles ... Here's some of its decor:





and then to JAZZ HOT, the evening's big production show. But I sneak in and out of the show, because I want to capture the sunset!!!








Sunset is 9:59PM -- sunrise was 5:56AM. I know as the cruise progress, the night will grow even shorter!!!


..and our towel animal... and Platinum gifts...



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As I walked back to the cabin, after sunset and the rest of the Jazz show... I headed to the Deli for my nightly Reuben Sandwich... (The Deli closes at 11PM, so you must plan this trip!)


But something was strange...


It's dark outside, and I guess it's REALLY stormy... We're listing... REALLY LISTING... But it's not a list and right up or a rocking... hummm... Once it stops, the Captain comes on the announces that there is a Medical Emergency. We had to turn around, a 180, and head to Juneau for an evacuation.


The Coast Guard would meet us, with a water ambulance, in Juneau's harbor. It won't delay us too much and everything tomorrow is still on schedule. We should be entering Tracy Arm Fjord between 11AM and noon.


The evacuation was right below our balcony. The ship is not docked and we're rocking... it's DARK and the photos aren't wonderful... but here's the Coast Guard ship... She's moving a bit too!





...and here's the Ambulance.



Once the patient was evacuated, we waited for the return of the ship's equipment, then we were off again... About a two hour delay, but easy to make up!


There's a channel on the cabin TV that gives you the location of the ship all the time... You can see how we turned and understand about the listing...





We learned later that the patient was able to return when we docked in Juneau, and continue on the cruise. Prayers work!!!!

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Lambie, Thank you for your quick reply. We are looking forward to an August sailing, and your perspective is very helpful! Greenagave


You're quite welcome!!!


By August the sunrises and sets should be about the same, I think! And the weather might be a touch warmer???

Loving your review! Happy belated birthday!


THANKS!!! I'm enjoying it too... Oops, maybe I shouldn't say that!


They cruise the Alaskan part of the inside passage... But they sail around Vancouver island and only cruise the British Columbia inside portion if they are either coming into Vancouver or leaving from it. (the BC portions are not true sea days as you can see land from either side of the ship, while sailing around Vancouver Island the ocean is pretty much all you see)


Hope this helps :)


THANK YOU!!! You're a "local" and I think you understood the question better than I.

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Loving your review....did they have blankets out on the serenity area? Did they serve hot chocolate at all? Not that we watch a lot of TV but it looks like there is no big screen, is that correct?


Blankets were available from day one, in Seattle! I loved that!!!


Hot Cocoa, 24/7 at the beverage stations on the Lido -- or from Room Service. On Lido Deck they also have iced tea, lemonade and coffee and hot tea 24/7!

LOL, Just couldn't help laughing from the safety video, they always seem to make it in the embarkation day cabin pics :p


Yep... The "safety briefing" plays over and over and over and over again on Sail Away day... till Muster... I've seen it in many a photo, too!!! HEE HEE HEE!!!


Just saving my place! :p


Bookmarks are good!!! THANKS!!!

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Loving your review, thanks Lambie!


Thanks!!! You and I cruised together many years ago and I still treasure that experience!!!


Oh Lambie, fantastic review, you had me at lighthouse! That camera you have is a perfect fit for you. Excellent detailed sharp pictures.:)


Looking forward to the next installment. Makes me want to cruise Alaska now.


:D THANKS!!! I hope you keep reading... But I can't say I have more lighthouses... I knew how much you'd like them... But just didn't see that many...


I do have LOTS more FUN FUN FUN!!! Stay tuned!!!


Great review so far! Don't you love these new cameras? Mine only had a 18X zoom. There were many times I wished for more.


Isn't it amazing and just mind blowing to see the quiet, serenity, and vastness of Alaska compared to the fast and furious life styles we live?

Honestly.....pictures and words can't capture the intense beauty. But, I know if anyone can, you will!


You too!!! We've cruised together... way long ago... My third cruise ever!!!


The cams are really easier to use and so good!! My little pocket camera is only 3x -- and I still got some good shots on it! They are inter-mixed with some of these shots in the review!


I know what you mean... I'd wake up early, or be on the balcony late... and I'd be there alone, just staring... and think, "I'm in Alaska... ALASKA..." I'd see snow or snow capped mountains... or the sheer cliffs right off the ship, or the vastness and wilderness untouched by modernization... It's truly LOVELY!!!


I don't have words for all I saw while in Alaska... and tomorrow's photos, Tracy Arm Fjords... the glacier... everything... I may just post photos and let y'all just day dream and enjoy!!



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As I walked back to the cabin, after sunset and the rest of the Jazz show... I headed to the Deli for my nightly Reuben Sandwich... (The Deli closes at 11PM, so you must plan this trip!)


But something was strange...


It's dark outside, and I guess it's REALLY stormy... We're listing... REALLY LISTING... But it's not a list and right up or a rocking... hummm... Once it stops, the Captain comes on the announces that there is a Medical Emergency. We had to turn around, a 180, and head to Juneau for an evacuation.


The Coast Guard would meet us, with a water ambulance, in Juneau's harbor. It won't delay us too much and everything tomorrow is still on schedule. We should be entering Tracy Arm Fjord between 11AM and noon.


The evacuation was right below our balcony. The ship is not docked and we're rocking... it's DARK and the photos aren't wonderful... but here's the Coast Guard ship... She's moving a bit too!





...and here's the Ambulance.



Once the patient was evacuated, we waited for the return of the ship's equipment, then we were off again... About a two hour delay, but easy to make up!


There's a channel on the cabin TV that gives you the location of the ship all the time... You can see how we turned and understand about the listing...





We learned later that the patient was able to return when we docked in Juneau, and continue on the cruise. Prayers work!!!!

Wow that happen rescue??

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Great stuff! Loved all of it.




ChipQ http://luv2cruise.blogspot.com


THANK YOU!!! I'm leaving out a lot, I'm sure... But I hope I capture enough in words and photos!!! I have about 200+ photos for each day... So I'm narrowing them down for the review.


Great review , read your dailys on Carnivals forum pages :)


I am on the Spirit tomorrow and cant wait, guess I will compare our cruises when I get back !


THANKS!!! I love the Funville postings... I use them for family and friends and co-workers to hear from me. But I try to keep everyone abreast of what I did. There's no way I've found to add photos there, so the review is still the way I incorporate the images!!!


Lambie you made me think about the naturalist and she mentioned starboard a lot on our cruise too!


Can't wait to read more.


THANKS!!! I think maybe her seat on the bridge was to the Starboard. Makes sense. It didn't make me upset or enjoy the cruise less... just something to note.


I'm gonna keep going and writing till everyone is bored!!! I'm shameless!!!! :o

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The Napolean Room:




Believe it or not, that is the exact table (the round one) my wife and I sat at on our previous Alaskan cruise!!! Awesome! (Hey, I'm excited by the upcoming cruise... so sue me. :p )

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Got a ? for you, LambKnuckles


That is great that your rooms was ready that early. Do you know if that was a perk just for the Spirit platinum guest or something Carnival was doing as a trial? The reason that I ask is because on all of the ships that I have been on, 1:30 has been the time that rooms have been ready and I am platinum.


Great review and love those pictures and looking forward to the rest of the review.


THANK YOU!!! I'm enjoying writing it!


My understanding is that they are trying to have cabins ready for Platinum guests upon boarding on many if not all ships... This is very recent if I remember correctly. So it might be being tested on certain ships. It was not announced, but I asked when I boarded. I asked the first crew member I saw.


I know they're trying to have cabins ready for everyone by 12:30... but I think that got a bit hard to do... So they're aiming for Platinum cruisers to get this as a perk!

Good question. I am curious also.


.................... :)


Great! Keep going!! :D

Bought sea bands today to go with the bonine...can't wait! Bring it on!!! ;)



I love the Sea Bands. They sold them on board for $15... You'll be happy you got them!!! I remeber them being a lot less in Walgreens and WalMart!!!


Glad you're enjoying my rough seas and barf bags... Hummm... maybe that can be a new Country Songs... "The night you left, was the night I saw Barf Bags and Rough Seas..."


Sorry... I digress... :o



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Wow that happen rescue??


I don't know all the details... But I saw a stretcher and person being evacuated. I wouldn't post photos with the person in them... But it was important and critical enough to have us U turn and head up to Juneau.


I'm just grateful they were OK and able to return to the ship!!!

Believe it or not, that is the exact table (the round one) my wife and I sat at on our previous Alaskan cruise!!! Awesome! (Hey, I'm excited by the upcoming cruise... so sue me. :p )


KEWL!!! And no suing here... no need to apologize!!! I get so EXCITED TOO!!!


It's exciting to see something so familiar!!!

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I don't know all the details... But I saw a stretcher and person being evacuated. I wouldn't post photos with the person in them... But it was important and critical enough to have us U turn and head up to Juneau.


I'm just grateful they were OK and able to return to the ship!!!



KEWL!!! And no suing here... no need to apologize!!! I get so EXCITED TOO!!!


It's exciting to see something so familiar!!!


Oh that great your photos!

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Blankets were available from day one, in Seattle! I loved that!!!


Hot Cocoa, 24/7 at the beverage stations on the Lido -- or from Room Service. On Lido Deck they also have iced tea, lemonade and coffee and hot tea 24/7!



Thanks for the review!


I cant wait to get on deck with my bubbakeg full of hot chocolate and just take in the scenary.

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