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Just One Thing To Say


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I would like to remind all that the introduction of Queen Mary 2 brought about many reports of very dissatisfied passengers and crew "jumping ship" at various ports. Clearly, something was amiss. Cunard did not have the depth to adequately staff such a large new ship and apparently the Hotel Department management was not able to resolve hotel service issues. (I have been told by a Hotel Manager with another Line that whoever is the first Hotel Manager for the first of a new class of ships has a hapless, thankless job.) So, what to do? Princess has the experience in operating large vessels. And, whether you like it or not, they do so successfully. By bringing in some experienced Princess staff, service issues have been resolved on QM2. I have not seen a negative review in some time and my own experience on QM2 in November ranks with one of the finest cruises I have enjoyed.


For those who fear that the "Britishness" of the Cunard experience will be lost by being under Princess' wing, may I make a suggestion. If you are a Carnival Corporation shareholder, one of the members of the Board of Directors is designated as the Lead Director. Shareholders may write to this person and comments can be shared with other Board members, if that person so deems it necessary. There are British citizens on the Board of Directors: Baroness Hogg is one that comes to my mind. I would think a letter written to her or to any of the other Board members would not be out of the question. This would be more productive, I think, than just spilling out your frustration here.


I agree with Host Doug. We don't have all the facts and we do not know for certain that non-British Masters will be at the helm of QM2 or QE2. When Holland America began using British captains on some of their vessels, I was not at all pleased. But, there were very good reasons why that change had to be made and, you know what, (just as an example), Captain Jonathan Peter Harris did just as good of a job and was just as personable and passenger-friendly, if not more so, as Captain A. H. Laagay!

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You can save money by ordering the same generic US brand of toiletries for both lines rather than Bronley just for Cunard. Cruise executives think no one will notice and they save a bundle in the process. People do notice ... especially Cunard passengers who tend to be frequent repeaters and notice EVERYTHING that is different.


Someday the cruise execs might get a clue!






The (excellent) toiletries on QM2 are Canyon Ranch - so synergy with the onboard spa, though one could hardly think of a name less British than one that uses 'Canyon' or 'Ranch' - are they used anywhere else on Carnival/Prncess?


As for repeat crossers, the World Club gathering I attended on the QM2 was TINY compared with the ones I've been at on the QE2 - we barely filled half the Winter Garden, let alone packing out the Queen's Room, as on the QE2. I was also surprised at the numbers of World Club members on board - one hundred and something each for Silver (one trip +) or Gold (three +) - so in total around 300 out of 2100 onboard. Now in some senses this represents success, as obviously lots of new people are tryimg Cunard - but you loose your loyal (and in general) most profitable loyal consumers at your peril.


On the re-assignment of Captains, I do thinkit makes sense for people's experience to be broadened - and P&O has a maritime operation every bit as good as Cunard....but the day I hear from the bridge at Noon 'Howday folks, Wayne your Cap'n calling, hope y'all enjoying yer transatlantic cruise.....' I for one am making for the lifeboats.....




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I would like to remind all that the introduction of Queen Mary 2 brought about many reports of very dissatisfied passengers and crew "jumping ship" at various ports. Clearly, something was amiss. Cunard did not have the depth to adequately staff such a large new ship and apparently the Hotel Department management was not able to resolve hotel service issues. (I have been told by a Hotel Manager with another Line that whoever is the first Hotel Manager for the first of a new class of ships has a hapless, thankless job.) So, what to do? Princess has the experience in operating large vessels. And, whether you like it or not, they do so successfully. By bringing in some experienced Princess staff, service issues have been resolved on QM2. I have not seen a negative review in some time and my own experience on QM2 in November ranks with one of the finest cruises I have enjoyed.


For those who fear that the "Britishness" of the Cunard experience will be lost by being under Princess' wing, may I make a suggestion. If you are a Carnival Corporation shareholder, one of the members of the Board of Directors is designated as the Lead Director. Shareholders may write to this person and comments can be shared with other Board members, if that person so deems it necessary. There are British citizens on the Board of Directors: Baroness Hogg is one that comes to my mind. I would think a letter written to her or to any of the other Board members would not be out of the question. This would be more productive, I think, than just spilling out your frustration here.


I agree with Host Doug. We don't have all the facts and we do not know for certain that non-British Masters will be at the helm of QM2 or QE2. When Holland America began using British captains on some of their vessels, I was not at all pleased. But, there were very good reasons why that change had to be made and, you know what, (just as an example), Captain Jonathan Peter Harris did just as good of a job and was just as personable and passenger-friendly, if not more so, as Captain A. H. Laagay!



Regarding QM2's introduction ... all things considered I think Cunard did a damn good job. Any cruise line, including Princess would have had their share of difficulties bringing QM2 online. She is a one-off design with many new innovations never before tried on a passenger ship. She was not #6 in a series of identical ships where best practices were easily learned during the first five "try-outs". Cunard had not ordered and built a new ship since (correct me if I am wrong) CUNARD COUNTESS and CUNARD PRINCESS back in the 70's. If anyone is to blame for mishaps during QM2's introduction, it's Carnival Corp. They have the knowledge, experience, and resources at their disposal to have lent a hand to Cunard if need be. As it is, they decided to turn the entire operation over to Princess Cruises. Given time, I have no doubt the early issues with QM2 would have worked themselves out even without the aid of Princess Cruises. During my QM2 sailing last May, I experienced no food or service issues, and this being well before Princess took over operations.


I do agree with rkacruiser that it's probably too early to crucify Princess Cruises just yet. I'm hoping that Cunard is finding it's place within Princess and in the long run things will turn out just fine. There have been some initial decisions made by the Princess organization for Cunard that I do find disturbing. I hope the trend does not continue.




ps - I just came off the OOSTERDAM which was commanded by a British Captain. He did a fine job. Maybe he should be transferred over to Cunard? ;)

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The (excellent) toiletries on QM2 are Canyon Ranch - so synergy with the onboard spa, though one could hardly think of a name less British than one that uses 'Canyon' or 'Ranch' - are they used anywhere else on Carnival/Prncess?


As for repeat crossers, the World Club gathering I attended on the QM2 was TINY compared with the ones I've been at on the QE2 - we barely filled half the Winter Garden, let alone packing out the Queen's Room, as on the QE2. I was also surprised at the numbers of World Club members on board - one hundred and something each for Silver (one trip +) or Gold (three +) - so in total around 300 out of 2100 onboard. Now in some senses this represents success, as obviously lots of new people are tryimg Cunard - but you loose your loyal (and in general) most profitable loyal consumers at your peril.







Sounds like the Princess price points are attracting new Cunard customers! The question is, are they the type of customer that will continue to sail with Cunard in the future ... or a one-off aberration that was attracted by price alone?


I don't recall having Canyon Ranch Spa toiletries in my obstructed view outside cabin? To be honest I don't remember what they were. Possibly different products are also used in the suites? Canyon Ranch is not used on any other Carnival Corp. brand as the spa only exists on Cunard. Of course once the partnership with Cunard and Canyon Ranch has expired (and Canyon Ranch is looking at building it's own ships), and Steiner takes over the spa, then no doubt the toiletries will change to something more generic or in line with what other Carnival Corp. ships use.


Princess uses two types of toiletries, one for suites and another for standard cabins. I believe it's a generic brand for standard cabins and something like "Elemis" for the suites. Can't remember exactly.


I've really enjoyed your day by day play of your recent crossing. Very entertaining! ;)



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I just remembered something that may be ominous. A few months ago, I had a dream that I was on the Cunard website, and went to look at the fleet. There were something like 25 ships on it. About half of them began with "Queen" and the other half with "Princess". Most of them were not the names of British monarchs.


I remember, in this dream, clicking on the name of one of the "Princess..." ships and seeing, for all intensive purposes, a cruise barge with a black hull and Cunard funnel.


This was before the Princess takeover. I tend to predict things in my dreams, even if they are minor things. But I'm wondering (fearing) that some other elements of that dream could be true.


I don't think that this is good. However, I feel that we have some great points going on this board here. The problem? They're on this board here.


Our comments aren't going to help one bit sitting on the Cruise Critic server. What we have to do is get out to Carnival, Princess, and Cunard. Write letters to everyone who might make a difference. The Board. Peter Radcliffe. Mickey Arison. Anyone who could maybe make a difference.


We can start here with the forum members. Then, we need to spread out to all the other Cunard fans we know who are not connected to these boards. Maybe, just maybe, if we take action, we can make a difference. Right now, the powers that be have no idea about our feelings. If we don't tell them, then what is going on now will continue until that 25-ship Princess/Cunard fleet is a reality.

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Here's one e-mail address to start with. Jackie Matthews is the Public Relations Manager for Cunard and her address is jmatthews@cunard.com . I sent an e-mail to her on Friday regarding the shakeup of captains. No response yet, but maybe she can pass the word along if she gets e-mails from this board's members and other Cunard loyalists. Would like to get e-mail addresses for Ratcliffe and the others, however. If anybody has that information, please do share.



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I cannot escape the feeling that he and the folks at Princess will be happier when QE 2 is beached in Indonesia waiting to be scrapped.

They scrap ships in India, not Indonesia.


And I rather doubt that Peter Ratcliffe has the sort of vendetta against QE2 that many people seem to suggest. She may not be his favorite ship, but my guess is that he's not going to be in a hurry to get rid of the old girl so long as she turns a healthy profit.


Then there will be no tangible reminder of what an ocean liner should look like, or what "White Star Service" was actually about.

I doubt that many of us on this thread can know what "White Star Service" was actually about seeing as White Star Line has not existed for decades.


Actually, I have always been puzzled by the "White Star Service" tagline, which as I recall was dreamed up when Cunard was owned by Kvaerner and being run by a bunch of executives from the old Dolphin/Premier.


There are British citizens on the Board of Directors: Baroness Hogg is one that comes to my mind.

Actually, come to think of it, it is rather amusing that people are blaming Peter Ratcliffe for diminising the "Britishness" of Cunard - Mr. Ratcliffe is British!


We don't have all the facts and we do not know for certain that non-British Masters will be at the helm of QM2 or QE2.

Actually, anything suggesting that non-British Masters will be in charge of Cunarders is at this point sheer speculation. All that we know about the subject is that Captains Wright and McNaught will be transferring to Princess. And that's it.


There are a lot of British captains and officers at P&O Princess. I believe the P&O-branded ships still maintain their British officers and I would be very surprised if the Cunard-branded ships didn't do the same. (Princess uses an international mix of officers, predominantly British and Italian. The Italians are mostly holdovers from Sitmar, a very distinguished company with a fine history, I might add.)


When Holland America began using British captains on some of their vessels, I was not at all pleased. But, there were very good reasons why that change had to be made

Mainly the fact that they couldn't get enough Dutch ones ;) .


the day I hear from the bridge at Noon 'Howday folks, Wayne your Cap'n calling, hope y'all enjoying yer transatlantic cruise.....' I for one am making for the lifeboats.....

Fortunately for you, as I understand it NCL is having a hard enough trouble getting American officers where they're required by law, so you probably won't wind up meeting too many on Cunard where they aren't ;) . (Though I know of one American deck officer on QM2, a friend of a friend who as I recall is the second American deck officer in all of Cunard history.)

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ps - I just came off the OOSTERDAM which was commanded by a British Captain. He did a fine job. Maybe he should be transferred over to Cunard? ;)







You mean Captain Jonathan Mercer? He came to Holland America from..........


P&O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He was former P&O Cross Channel ferries before join HAL on the VEENDAM in 1994. His Staff Captain back on VEENDAM was John Scott... who is now captain standing by the newbuilding NOORDAM. John is ex






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You mean Captain Jonathan Mercer? He came to Holland America from..........


P&O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He was former P&O Cross Channel ferries before join HAL on the VEENDAM in 1994. His Staff Captain back on VEENDAM was John Scott... who is now captain standing by the newbuilding NOORDAM. John is ex








Hi Stephen,

That's the one! Seemed like a nice guy. Interesting, his bio on the daily program makes no mention of P&O, although a "European ferry company" is mentioned. It states he took command of VEENDAM in 1995 and was HAL's first ever British Captain. It also states he has served on many of HAL's vessels.



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Hi Stephen,

That's the one! Seemed like a nice guy. Interesting, his bio on the daily program makes no mention of P&O, although a "European ferry company" is mentioned. It states he took command of VEENDAM in 1995 and was HAL's first ever British Captain. It also states he has served on many of HAL's vessels.







Small slip of the memory. Jonathan was captain on VEENDAM on her maiden voyage... which was May 1996 not 1994, although as I said, he stood by the ship while building.


VEENDAM is the only ship in HAL's fleet that has remained Bahamian flag. Initially this was so they could use British officers. In the past few years the regulations have changes and British officers can now sail on the Dutch flagged ships.



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Captains McNaught and Wright are I believe only being transferred on a temporary basis. I suspect this will give them both broader experience and will benifit both them and the Cunard in the future.



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Captains McNaught and Wright are I believe only being transferred on a temporary basis. I suspect this will give them both broader experience and will benifit both them and the Cunard in the future.






Earlier this year Captain Perkins from CARONIA (which had been sold to Saga) was put in command of ROYAL PRINCESS. I understand that he enjoyed the experience immensely. The alternative was to slip back to Staff Captain and wait another ten years for promotion back up to master. Much better for the Cunard officers to gain promotion and wider experience than waiting to fill 'dead men's shoes'. Transfer to a Princess ship is NOT a demotion. A demotion would be a move from QE2 to s**t barge on the Thames!!!!


Years ago I sailed with a Captain John Houghton who went from Staff Captain on CANBERRA to a small dredger as Mate. His wife and daughters came down to visit on the new ship and all left in tears!


The captains and officers which Princess might put on the QM2 & QE2 are not idiots. They hold the same qualifications as the Cunard captains and I'm certain are thoroughly professional and completely competent to carry out their duties in the same manner as the Cunard staff.


I have a good friend who is a captain with Princess. I'd be very happy to come and sail with him on QM2 or QE2 and likewise, I'd sure be happy to join a Princess ship with Ian Mc Naught in command. Likewise, PACIFIC PRINCESS would be a good ship to sail in right now. A good ship anyway, but now Jacqui Hodgson (ex QM2) is Hotel Manager.


So, I wouldn't worry about these moves. I'm sure Princess are only going to put their very senior people on the two Cunard ships and I'm sure we will see the old faces back on board again.



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So, I wouldn't worry about these moves. I'm sure Princess are only going to put their very senior people on the two Cunard ships and I'm sure we will see the old faces back on board again.




Well, for a Captain who had realized his dream of becoming Captain of the QE2, to be suddenly removed must have been devastating. No matter what you or others may say about it being good experience to move around, etc., there is something wrong here.

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Well, for a Captain who had realized his dream of becoming Captain of the QE2, to be suddenly removed must have been devastating. No matter what you or others may say about it being good experience to move around, etc., there is something wrong here.





Devastating? I hardly think so. To be shifted off QE2 after twenty years would be more challenging than devastating.


What exactly do you think is 'wrong'?



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Devastating? I hardly think so. To be shifted off QE2 after twenty years would be more challenging than devastating.


What exactly do you think is 'wrong'?




Precisely. Captain McNaught, for one, has only been Captain of QE2 for about TWO years, NOT twenty. He loved his job. Wrong? Because of that and because he was a very good Captain.


I have been told (by someone who knows firsthand) that what is happening is because of personal prejudice against British tradition, and a determination to remove it from Cunard. Since it has been said that Radcliffe did not like QE2, that just adds to the liklihood of it. This is the belief of many traditional Cunard crew and staff, anyway.


That's what is wrong, along with poor management. Did anyone not notice that the California office do not have a clue about anything? And when they moved Cunard from Miami (even thought that office could be confusing as well, to a lesser degree), they just dumped all the Miami employees.

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Precisely. Captain McNaught, for one, has only been Captain of QE2 for about TWO years, NOT twenty. He loved his job. Wrong? Because of that and because he was a very good Captain.


I have been told (by someone who knows firsthand) that what is happening is because of personal prejudice against British tradition, and a determination to remove it from Cunard. Since it has been said that Radcliffe did not like QE2, that just adds to the liklihood of it. This is the belief of many traditional Cunard crew and staff, anyway.



That's what is wrong, along with poor management. Did anyone not notice that the California office do not have a clue about anything? And when they moved Cunard from Miami (even thought that office could be confusing as well, to a lesser degree), they just dumped all the Miami employees.





I didn't say that Ian has been captain on QE2 for twenty years, but he has SERVED in the ship for around twenty years. I've known him since he was Second Officer and junior watchkeeper. I don't doubt that he loves his job or that he is an excellent shipmaster. I'm sure every shipmaster in the Princess fleet loves their job and are good at it too. If he is a good master then he will also be a good master on a Princess ship and I'm equally certain that whoever Princess sends to the QE2 will also be a good master.


I find it rather doubtful that the team of Brits in management at Princess have a 'personal prejudice' against British tradition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes, Princess did move the office to California and sure they did let a lot of people go. Absolutely no difference from a few years ago when the new President/CEO of Cunard suddenly closed the New York office, moved to Miami and dumped all the New York employees. Well, there is one little difference. Cunard has been moved to California because it is a waste of money to run a full office for the operation of TWO ships. It makes perfect sense to absorb Cunard operations into the Princess office. When the President of Cunard moved everything to Miami it was simply because HE didn't fancy working in New York.


No I have not noticed that Princess do not have a clue about anything. What I do know is that last year I had a totally bad experience with Cunard over a booking. They made a complete mess of it. When I tried to contact one of the former Cunard employees asking for assistance, she still being employed within the Carnival group, I was told bluntly, " I'm not interested and I don't work for Cunard any more." I then went to Princess with the problem and over the course of about three days the matter was professionally and competently resolved.



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It makes perfect sense to absorb Cunard operations into the Princess office.


Maybe if you just look at synergy and where you can save some money. As does shifting Princess Captains to Cunard and vice versa.

And hotel managers.

And waiters and stewards....

And buying the same products...


It does NOT make sense if you want to keep the identity of a line with great heritage. In this case you keep and gather people who identify with the company, who love it.

In this case you have a dedicated CEO or president or how ever you call him or her.

And a dedicated management team.

And a dedicated sales team.

And you reward crew's and staff's loyalty with loyalty.


If you want a cruise line with a soul you do not want a captain or even a steward who just has this weeks performance on Cunadian, next week on Princess and than maybe on Carnival or, worse, in the opposite direction.

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And buying the same products...

If you want a cruise line with a soul you do not want a captain or even a steward who just has this weeks performance on Cunadian, next week on Princess and than maybe on Carnival or, worse, in the opposite direction.


Carlmm, I presume we don't mind if Cunard use the same Marine Deisel as Carnival or Princess - and as a result can get it cheaper? I DO think there are areas where 'global corporate purchasing' can go too far and start to erode the distinctivity of a line - for example, on my recent crossing I was not too impressed with the Californian marmalade or red gloop they served up as strawberry jam at afternoon tea....but on the other hand, the tea they used was Twinings, (iirc)....so not all is lost.


From the brief glance I had of the '12 Point White Star Service' card all the crew get, while most would apply to any line that had an international crew - only one point 'we will address passengers formally' struck me as being a Cunard (and possibly P&O) attribute, but not something I would expect to see on Carnival or Princess. So I thnk the case that they are 'ruining' Cunard is very far from proven....and without them we would have no QM2 and no Cunard. The officer I spoke to was only concerned about 'three stripes and up' being shufled through the fleet - those below are not being affected.


For me the big test case will be Queen Victoria - for the QM2 they built a liner and when comprises came between liner & cruise ship the liner won - compare her pools with MV Caribbean Condo - but can she mantain a timetable across they Atlantic - yes, comfortably. Lets see how Queen Victoria does - for me the watch outs are forward facing cabins (cruise ship) and speed capability (liner). And please....drop the tacky fake wood - only use the good stuff!



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Maybe if you just look at synergy and where you can save some money. As does shifting Princess Captains to Cunard and vice versa.

And hotel managers.

And waiters and stewards....

And buying the same products...


It does NOT make sense if you want to keep the identity of a line with great heritage. In this case you keep and gather people who identify with the company, who love it.

In this case you have a dedicated CEO or president or how ever you call him or her.

And a dedicated management team.

And a dedicated sales team.

And you reward crew's and staff's loyalty with loyalty.


If you want a cruise line with a soul you do not want a captain or even a steward who just has this weeks performance on Cunadian, next week on Princess and than maybe on Carnival or, worse, in the opposite direction.




Why pay a CEO $300,000 a year, a management team earning $1 to $2 million combined, a sales team earning a similar amount, just to operate TWO ships? It just doesn't make sense.


Surely you don't think the top management of any cruise line start off in that line and work their way up? No way! Managment of todays cruise lines, including old Cunard switch jobs around the industry faster than a King's Cross hooooker changes clients!


Talk to some of the officers on any ship and they will tell you of all different companies they have worked for. Commodore Warwick and Ian Mc Naught certainly did not serve their time in Cunard, they came from other companies.


Talk to your stewards. They will tell you that they have worked for this or that cruise line.... switching jobs was their own choice. Where do you think all the extra crew came from to man the Queen Mary 2 last year? They were not all ex Cunard people. There are more than a few guys on QE2 who used to do the hip hop around dining rooms on NCL and RCI ships!


As far as loyalty is concerned , I wonder where it was when some crewmembers on QE2 threw the tapestry overboard?



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Thanks for the quick education on the tapestry debacle.



Regarding this dispicable destruction of one of QE2's most precious artifacts, I do not wish to imply that this has anything to do with loyalty of Cunard staff. Sorry, I should not have used this unfortunate incident to illustrate my point about loyalty.


It was an unnecessary and thoughtless act by a few crewmembers who should be, quite simply, flogged around the fleet. Not just QE2 and QM2... around the entire combined Carnival fleet... all 70 ships. And that would be too good for them!



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I didn't say that Ian has been captain on QE2 for twenty years, but he has SERVED in the ship for around twenty years. I've known him since he was Second Officer and junior watchkeeper. I don't doubt that he loves his job or that he is an excellent shipmaster. I'm sure every shipmaster in the Princess fleet loves their job and are good at it too. If he is a good master then he will also be a good master on a Princess ship and I'm equally certain that whoever Princess sends to the QE2 will also be a good master.


I find it rather doubtful that the team of Brits in management at Princess have a 'personal prejudice' against British tradition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes, Princess did move the office to California and sure they did let a lot of people go. Absolutely no difference from a few years ago when the new President/CEO of Cunard suddenly closed the New York office, moved to Miami and dumped all the New York employees. Well, there is one little difference. Cunard has been moved to California because it is a waste of money to run a full office for the operation of TWO ships. It makes perfect sense to absorb Cunard operations into the Princess office. When the President of Cunard moved everything to Miami it was simply because HE didn't fancy working in New York.


No I have not noticed that Princess do not have a clue about anything. What I do know is that last year I had a totally bad experience with Cunard over a booking. They made a complete mess of it. When I tried to contact one of the former Cunard employees asking for assistance, she still being employed within the Carnival group, I was told bluntly, " I'm not interested and I don't work for Cunard any more." I then went to Princess with the problem and over the course of about three days the matter was professionally and competently resolved.





Well, I am merely a humble passenger relying on my own observations and things I have been told by others (Brits). Of course, what I have been told may only be subjective viewpoints, and may not be accurate.


It is natural, in my experience, for Brits and the French, for example, to suspect Americans, particularly Americans with power, to want to bulldoze their traditions, and turn the whole world into one big copy of the US. It is a common fear among Europeans, and has been for a long time.

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Well, I am merely a humble passenger relying on my own observations and things I have been told by others (Brits). Of course, what I have been told may only be subjective viewpoints, and may not be accurate.


It is natural, in my experience, for Brits and the French, for example, to suspect Americans, particularly Americans with power, to want to bulldoze their traditions, and turn the whole world into one big copy of the US. It is a common fear among Europeans, and has been for a long time.





I'll wager that a lot of the negative comments re Princess are coming from people who don't know Princess and have never set foot on board one of their ships. You know the old story, if it is being changed then the changes must be bad.


We need to wait and see what they do with the Cunard ships. The small changes that we see and don't like are changes that would probably be made by Cunard's own people anyway.


The only people we need to fear about ruining the ships is the accountants!!!!!!!!!!!!



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