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a skittledeedoo review for you, Miracle 5/30-6/7


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The morning we arrived in Grand Turk was simply scrumptious. The sun was shining on a glittering blue Caribbean sea. The birds were calling to each other in their own special language. The air itself was welcoming like a soft old quilt your Great-Grandma made.


This of course was the dream I was dragged from to answer the door for the room service guy.

The beautiful sunlight was in actuality the bedside lamp left on by DS when he laid his drunken head down fully clothed.

The birds were the horrific snores emitted by same drunken DS.

The warm welcoming air...you guessed it no air conditioning. Oh yeah the quilt was in reality the sweat soddened to the floor granny nightie I wear to preserve his highnesses sanity wrapped around me like a shroud. Thank goodness he was passed out cos the view of my bloomers would have tipped him over the edge for sure.


So I struggled to the door to admit the room service guy. Since the first morning when I force fed DS his drunk ordered dry pastries and unripe fruit he has refrained from repeating that mistake, so all we have is coffee.


I kicked the bed and shouted at my fallen angel to drag his stinking ass up and watch the beautiful arrival with me. God love him he managed to rise from the crypt and follow me to the balcony.

For those who have never been there, Grand Turk is lovely. I mean just that, lovely. Some of the other islands in the Caribbean are much more beautiful or dramatic especially on arrival. Tortola for instance, is stunning, the mountainside is so lush and green it looks painted, and Bermuda is almost unreal, with it's pastel houses and tourquise waters, you could believe you were in a dream.

Grand Turk is none of those things but it is something just as good, lovely, peaceful, and serene. There is no traffic sounds, chickens squawking, or other signs of population. Just a long white sandy beach with stunning blue water beckoning you to squiggle your toes and float away your troubles.

I couldn't wait to disembark.


This was the only port we had an excursion planned. Now I have been on many excursions both cruise run and private. I, by far, prefer private. They always seem to give more bang for the buck. I also prefer that all of my money go to the people who actually run the excursion rather than the cruise line.

DS wanted to snorkel and I love the sport so that is what we intended to do. You know what they say about intentions. :eek:

We booked reef and rays the first five minutes on board.

But first before anything I had to visit Vlad.


I decided that since the towel situation was grungy bordering on unhealthy I would leave the hand towels and blue towel for DS who heaven knows after the night he " enjoyed" he needed a full on shower more than I did.

So I told DS to hurry his sluggish behind along because it was already 7:30AM and we had to meet our group at 8:30 sharp.

Unfortunately I didn't realize DS had no idea what to wear to his snorkel performance. I told him to throw on a bathing suit and wear a tee shirt. and bring a change of clothes in a bag if he felt the need.

This opened up the which shirt which shorts which bathing suit which bag discussion. I tried to help. Lord knows I did, but after a good ten minute runway I finally slipped from the room while he was changing again with a shouted direction to meet me by Vlads station.


I wore my swim suit with a cotton cover-up dress DD insisted I buy ( I sooooo hate it when she is right ). I packed my neon pink beach bag with my kindle, glasses, sunglasses, old floppy hat, a change of clothes, a new blue towel I signed for, a digital camera, a cheap waterproof camera from the gift shop on board, my flip camera, our magic 90 spf sunscreen, and my wallet with ID. It weighed every bit of twenty pounds. But I needed all of it. I also figured since DS was a guy he would bring barely anything so he would be able to carry my bag.

I can be so silly.


I arrived at the buffet to find each and every passenger had arrived approximately 8 minutes before me. They were all seated, with a family representative on line gathering the grub.

I circled Vlad's station looking for a seat with a view of my honey. It took a few minutes of me giving some coffee dawdlers the stink-eye till I hooked a perfet perch. I could see him and each and every scowl perfectly. My day was getting even better.


I left my pink bag of tricks and sauntered cooly to the back of the line. I started practicing my lash batting and lip pursing as soon as I got on line. Sure people were looking but who cares I was going to face HIM in a moment and I needed to be prepared.

I finally reached the tray and silverware section, there were only two people ahead of me. All of a sudden he looked straight at me, deep into my eyes, I saw his lips moving, It was all in slow motion, I couldn't hear him because the music and birdies in my head were too loud but I knew He was asking my name and cabin number. He wanted to send me a gift or maybe, maybe show up himself to pick me up for a night at the disco where we would dance like Maks and Madonna and everyone would applaud as we twirled into each others arms... the next thing I knew the guy behind me was poking me and said " that guy ( pointing at Vlad ) said for you to get on the other line". I shook myself and stumbled away.

He rejected me.

He sent me away.

I was crestfallen. I tried not to, but I looked back and lo and behold Vlad was walking away from the station taking off his bandanna. He was leaving.


My Vlad didn't reject me, he was looking out for me. He wanted me served by the omlete maker he chose for me.

My Vlad, ever the protector.


So I get my usual breakfast and time is slipping away. No sign of DS and we had 1/2 and hour to finish up and disembark and meet the group.

Finally he saunters over with his beach bag stuffed with who knows what and his over the shoulder " messenger bag". also stuffed with electronics. I looked at his face and said not a word. Obviously the wardrobe issues proved to be more difficult than usual.

Finally we head off the ship. DS is asking questions, " do I need to show my ID now ?, how do we know where to meet the group? Do I look okay?

I mumbled some answers and got off as quickly as a fluffy older lady with a really bad back carrrying a twenty pound bag can move.

The group meet up was easy peasy, there were about thirty people. And we were not the last to arrive. BTW no one else was carrying as much baggage as we were, and some of them had snorkel equiptment.:eek:


We all walked a little way to the right looking forward from the ship. There was a really cool exibition devoted to the 1962 splashdown of the Mercury capsule piloted by astronaut John Glenn which occurred just a few miles off the coast of the island.

Located at the Grand Turk Cruise Center, the new, 3,500-square-foot exhibit, dubbed Splashdown Grand Turk, includes a scaled 20-foot-tall Atlas rocket and a full-size, three-dimensional replica of Mercury astronaut John Glenn in his spacesuit. There's also a replica of Glenn's Friendship 7 capsule. ( I obviously copied the preceding text but it is accurate and saved me a few minutes so who cares. heehee).


As we were hurrying to start our adventure there was no time for looking but I made a mental note to check it out later. We all boarded a decent sized ship to head to the first part of our excursion the reef section. Now Grand Turk does not have a reef on the scale of Belize but it does have coral and fish and even sharks so it certainly seemed worthwhile.


Now I do not own snorkel gear. I should. I cruise and snorkel enough to make it a good investment but I just haven't gotten around to buying any. After this trip I am already looking. I have never had a bad gear issue till this trip. The captain and crew ( all very nice fellows with a good sense of humor and a really nice piece of eye candy photographer/diver) started asking for shoe sizes and handing out flippers. Mine were fine but DS was not happy with his flippies. He started asking. " Ma these are tight should I ask for different ones, my toes hang off the top should I ask for different ones, are these the biggest, will they get annoyed, should my toes be IN the flippies, I think I can't feel my feet should I ask for different flippies." I answered each and every time. My answer was always the same. If you do not like your flippies ask the fipplie man and he will give you different flippies. This was the wrong answer because DS felt that perhaps the new flippes would be worse than the flippies he already had. I then told him to Keep the flippies and he said but " these flippes are too tight, my toes hang out, I can't feel my feet." I said " get new flippies". He answered " No what if the the new flippies are too loose etc, etc, etc, . this went on till it was time for vests and masks and goggles. Good times.


My mask and snorkel just wouldn't fit properly. I couldn't adjust he mask to make the seal. The snorkel just seemed wrong, like it was for a child, it wouldn't lay properly in my mouth. I put the vest on even though I never use a snorkel vest. A great feat as I am fluffy.The Captain said that it was required. I guess if it is a cruieline excursion they have different rules. I planned to ask for a different mask and snorkel but I never really got the chance. DS was in a tizzy about his equipment not fitting and whether his shirt matched and if he had his vest on right and he explained that he had three more shirts in his bag and maybe he should not wear a shirt and what did I think. Again I answered as well as possible. trying to be non-committal because I knew that there was no right answer. He looked fine and dear God we were going snorkling not visiting William and Kate at the palace. I guess after repeating the same answers over and over I finally snapped and answered the 27th flippie inquiry a little sharply. DS was not amused. I apologized but I don't think he bought it mainly because I was snickering and snortng under my breath. In the end it didn't matter we were at the "reef".


DS had decided to take off his shirt, keep the tight flippies, use the crappy mask, and have fun. well that was the plan anyway.

We all exited the boat via a ladder into one of the choppiest seas I have ever had the pleasure? of swimming in.

I knew the snorkeling would be okay at best for the most experienced people, meh for the mediocre people, and downright lousy for the newbies. Guess what group DS belonged to.

Ding ding ding you got it.

He snorkel experience consisted of one off the shore swim in West Palm beach Florida and a summer in his Uncles 5 foot deep backyard pool when he was twelve.

He also either had blown-up his vest or the vest already had air in it because he couldn't manuver very well as he was extra bouyant. All of this ( plus the unspoken possibility of maybe a throbbing reminder of last nights festivities ) added to DS not having the best of times in the ocean. I commiserated for a few, than did what any good mother would do, I swam away as quickly as possible so as not to drown his sorry behind.

The crew kept apologizing for the current and of course we knew it was not their fault. They really want the cruisers to enjoy the excursions so when the weather does not co-operate it makes their job harder. We all swam around for a little while, since I knew what I was doing I did get to see quite a few fish, some very large ones. The coral was sparse but still pretty. I very much enjoyed the sharks. I know they are wild but tame, they still they live in their natural habitat and even though they are "trained" to come out for tidbits from excursion staff it is thrilling just to see these majaestic creatures up close and personal.

Finally it was time to board and head to the stingrays.


We were able to turn in the garbage oops I mean gear and settle in for a very nice 20 minute ride to the stingray beach. DS now has to decide whether to wear the tee he had first selected or one of the other three shirts from his bag. As he opens his bag to look at the shirts he discovers that everything at the bottom of the bag is wet. I stupidly blurt out " but Son we are on a boat of course it is wet." Well I found out this is not the response a good mother makes. I have yet to discover the good mother response but I now know many of the not good mother responses.

So at this point DS is livid.

His much anticipated snorkel triumph turned into a ill fitting too bouncy swim in a very salty sea. Oh yeah DS was shocked at how different the water in the Caribbean feels compared to the US. I think it is the salinity but I am probably wrong but I agree with him the water feels very different in the islands.

We pull up to the little pier on the stingray island, from the boat we could see quite a few stingrays lazily floating under the water. Some of them were huge. It was beautiful. This sight cheered DS and the sun was shining for me again. We got off the boat and waded in to the warm water. The stingrays swam around us. At least three or four of them brushed right up against my leg. One was every bit of 4 feet across. I was amazed at the agility of these animals. The crew told us that there were actually very few stingrays at the beach because of the current being so strong. They set out to try and catch a few for us to pet and kiss and of course to take $10 photos with lol.

It took them over half an hour just to catch one ray. They said it would have to be enough. We were instructed to line up and approach the guy holding the stingray. Once you got there he handed it to you to hold for a moment then he lifted it so you could "kiss" it and finally he swooped it up over your head from behind for a cool picture.

This is a very time consuming project. Since there were at leastr thirty people in the group and each person got three "poses" with the rays we had plenty of time to wade about and look at the other stingrays and fish. It was a beautiful area, warm water, clean beach, nice shady palms. I could live there.


Now I never go to the front of a line. Never.

I have never had the first slice of anything. At every affair I have ever attended that had a buffet style meal I ate the crusties from the sides of the pans. I don't know why. I just always let everyone get ahead of me. This day was no different. It was finally my turn and the guy hands me the ray. This is one heavy fish. I expected it to be much lighter and to feel slick or slimy. No, it was smooth but textured and so very strong. I was very glad I did the excursion even with the wardrobe and gear and current malfunctions.

DS went after me and he also enjoyed the up close and personal with the stingray.

After everyone got ther turn it was time to head back to Grand Turk. We arrived and they explained where to got to look at your pics and buy them if you chose to. I went and waited and ordered two pics. DS waited and waited but the overworked girls kept skipping past him so he got frustrated and we decided to leave. We headed to the NASA exibit. DS was suprisingly not as interested as I was, althought he was very impressed with the beauty of the area.

I stopped and took a video while DS took some nice scenery pics.

We headed over to Margaritaville to look around and more importantly so DS could perform costume change #1.

While waiting outside the men's room I ran into one of our CC friends who was wasting away as he said.

Finally DS emerged looking dashing as ever. We headed off to Jack's Shack.

I do not eat at the Senor Frogs or Margaritavilles of the islands. I prefer to patronize the locals as they need my money more then the big guys do. I read here on CC that Jack's Shack was great so off we went.

Now I was under the impression this joint was a 5 minute walk from the cruise area. NOT!!!!

We walked and walked and walked and finally we exited the cruise area.

We kept going and found a hut or two but none of them Jack's shack.

Keep in mind I have that broken back and I am carrying a 20 pound neon pink beach bag walking through sand, and I am menopausally hot and flufly.

DS is carrying a huge beach bag filled with enough wet clothes to dress a small orchestra and a " messenger bag " over shoulder with who knows how many electronic devices.

There was obviously no way he could carry my bag also. Personally I think he was punishing me for my snarkiness during the flippie episode since he is a big strong man and surely could have carried my bag. I was also being stubborn, I would not ask and he sure as heck was not offering so we slogged along in the 90 degree sunshine looking for Jack's Shack.

Finally we came upon a different eatery. It is called the Local Village. We decided it looked pretty damn good and Jack's Shack could wait for another trip.

We ordered conch fritters and fish and chips. The fritters were delicious with a just spicy enough remoulade. The fish was so fresh it was unbelievable. The prices were very reasonable. and the service was great. I would highly recommend you try them.

Well lunch is over and we have to head back. DS still has to order his pics from the excursion and I know it is going to take me hours to drag my behind through the sands back to the Miracle.

So we stand up to head out. All of a sudden DS lets out a string of profanity that would make a rapper blush. I spun around to ask what was wrong and he said " I lost my favorite fossil watch." I said "no way, it's in one of your bags". He starts to dig about in the bags shuffling and re-shuffling, stuff in stuff out, poke, prod, dig dig dig ...no watch. He is now unapproachable. I again told him it is in his bag. He looked again, no watch. He told me to go on ahead cos he is unfit company. So I start off. I first suggest we try walking on the road behind the Local Village hut area. DS tell me this road is miles out of our way and will take years to walk back to the ship. I think he may be exagerating but I don't want to walk down the road alone so I head up the beach. I yelled over my shoulder for him to look in his bag for the watch because that is where it is, he mouthed something unintelligible, I think it was "thank you Mommy I love you, and waved me on. My back at this point is screaming in a foriegn langauge. But I am a determined woman so I trudge back. After a while DS catches up. He seems much calmer and actually pleasant.

I am so dumb sometimes cos I asked if he found his watch. This might have been the stupidest thing I have said since I said I Do to my first husband. He got this look in his eye like a man posessed. Luckily for me he decided to run on ahead to get his photos. I told him "fine dear I will meet you at the photo kiosk".


So after what felt like decades I arrive at the kiosk. DS is still having trouble getting anyone to pay attention to him, perhaps because at this point he very much resembles a madman. Finally a young lady brings up his pics. He chose two and while we waited he decided at my urging to go through his bag one more time for his watch.

He was snarling and muttering and snapping at the air like a rabid mastiff right up until he found his watch in the front pocket of his bag.

I did not say I told you so but it was certainly implied by the glare of superiority I sported the rest of the day.


So our day at Grand Turk was at and end and we headed back to the ship. DS decided to lag behind to shop a little. I desperately needed a shower and a pain pill so I left him, waved goodbye to The lovely Grand Turk and headed back to Vlad.

Next up feed your Cabin Saturday night fever.

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A view of the ship from The Local Village.



Yummy fish and chips. umm umm good.



One of the other diners at the Local Village.

I think he is tired of fish. and jerk chicken.



A balcony view of the cruise-ship area with Margaritville ( the pink building) in the background.



A view up the beach. I think The local village is about halfway up the beach, with the white roof and the bright blue front. I could be wrong. It felt much further but was probably much closer. I am sure some one knows better than I.

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Yay!!! This review was too good to let it end unfinished!!:)


Hoping for some relief for your bp issue. I've been there myself and what helped the most was weight loss and exercise. It's no fun dealing with it though and I hope you find some relief soon!


Thanks again for continuing the review!

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Love your review! I was sitting here reading this today and my mom is across from me on our deck. I am laughing and she is asking me what, I reply with "Mamaskittles, posted again!" She is now reading it and laughing I am asking what part she is at.


We love reading this review!! THANK YOU MAMASKITTLES!!!

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Hoping for some relief for your bp issue. I've been there myself and what helped the most was weight loss and exercise. It's no fun dealing with it though and I hope you find some relief soon!


How dare you imply that mama needs to lose weight..... she is perfect just the way she is..... please continue mama

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Hoping for some relief for your bp issue. I've been there myself and what helped the most was weight loss and exercise. It's no fun dealing with it though and I hope you find some relief soon!


How dare you imply that mama needs to lose weight..... she is perfect just the way she is..... please continue mama


The poster was stating what worked for HER.


Everybody's different. I'm 35, size 0, work out 6 times a week and have been on hypertension meds since I was 30. Weight loss and exercise isn't the answer for everyone!

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Thanks for all the good wishes and advice. I do know from experience that weight loss and a healthy diet contribute greatly to lowering BP.

I lost a large amount of weight for my DD's wedding 4 years ago and now every ounce is right back where it was. I have always been of a larger persuasion and losing is difficult at any time but is much more difficult when you get older. Unfortunately at this point I (for whatever reason) am unable to diet effectively.

It's a head game and when I put my mind to it I will be able to reduce a few for my own good.

Okay chubby rant OVER!!!!




So here I am slowly making my down the corridor toward my cabin. My steps lag as I realize I am sweaty, covered in brine, sand, bits of leaf matter, remoulade, and most likely STEWART just hung the funky towels and called it a day. I am positive the same dirty glasses are on the counter. Moe, Larry, Curly, and the kids are for sure doing the hokey pokey in the middle of the room. I did lay the duvets on the beds so they won't be on the sofa but I know they are still wrinkled in a heap.


Oh well I can't dwell on the state of the cabin. I have to press on, one foot in front of the other gets you where you want to go. Too soon I am outside the cabin door. I dig through my neon pink beach bag and find my S&S card right where it belongs at the bottom mired in muck.

I can't do it, I can't open the door. I feel desperate, I am beyond wanting a simple shower, I want a pressure wash with cleanser. I want my feet to stay shower fresh as I shuffle them across the carpet.

I want a nap.

I really want to lie on a unwrinkled clean duvet, fully showered, drinking a diet pepsi from a clean glass with a cube or three.

I want to turn on the TV from the clean duvet with pepsi in hand."


CURSE YOU STEWART", I cry with my fist raised in the air. " As God as my witness they're not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be smelly again".


With this new resolve I swipe my card and burst into....an almost perfectly clean cabin. The beds are made with what to my untrained eye look like freshly laundered duvet covers. The counters are gleaming and there are two new clean water glasses sitting there.

I stumble unbelievingly into the bathroom almost afraid to hope, but yes there they are, clean towels and hand towels and even wash cloths. They put new glasses in there, we hadn't had bathroom glasses for days.

It was like Christmas, Halloween, and my Birthday all rolled up in one. I couldn't stop smiling.

I haltingly re-approached the counter area, I really didn't think it could be true, I thought my mind was playing a trick on me, but no it was real, there was ice in the bucket, all cold and wet and icy.

My legs felt a little wobbly and I almost sat right there on the floor and that's when I saw them, Moe, Larry, Curly and all the little rug rats. I could almost see them waving and yelling " welcome home Mama." Thank goodness, I was afraid to hope things had completely changed. I always belived if you expect the worst and it happens you are not disappointed. When the best happens instead of the worst you are delighted. I was delighted and grounded enough to know tomorrow I would be using the same towels and the glasses would be dirty.

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After a lovely shower, I put on a muumuu and layed on the clean bed to watch a little Carnival TV. I personally enjoy the loop of the previous days entertainment that every cruise ship shows. I find it relaxing. I also need to be sure I have not been caught in the background haltingly performing the electric slide with my boobies falling from my swimsuit. So far so good. In all my cruises I have completely avoided the camera.

So I got all comfy ready with my kindle and diet pepsi settled in for an hour relaxation before dinner.

"Ma are you sleeping" are the next words I hear. I jerk my head, wipe the spittle from chin, and gaze upon the horrified face of DS. You got it, my muumuu is around my ears. Oh well he'll live. He raced to the balcony so I could " For the love of all that's good and holy get myself together" as he so sweetly put it and I dressed for dinner.

He showered, put on costume numer 3 and we set off for the dining room. Now I said earlier in the review I do not reallly remember all the different foods we ate, only that they were usually fine. I personally think the dinners on Carnival are no where near as good as hey were a few years ago. But again that is personal taste. I am a foodie who actually cooked for a living so I have a different palate than others and most people woulf very much enjoy Carnivals product.

I think this was the night DS ordered the vegetable lasagna as an extra. He loved it. One of our table mates also found this to be one of the best meals she had.



Okay pizza is here and I am starving so I will be back later.:D

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Mamaskittles! We've missed you! I got off the Miracle a few weeks ago and wrote a review myself! I'm definitely not as entertaining as you are, but I am excited to hear about your adventures...or misadventures as they sometimes may be! Your son sounds like a trip! Can't wait to read more!


Peace, Love & Cruising




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What a wonderful start to your review! You are a very good writer, extremely humourous and you certainly leave your reader wanting to hear the next part of your story.


I agree with you on the wasabi mashed potatoes (need more wasabi), I love Tony Ray (he was on our Miracle cruise last August and was wonderful), and I agree with others - your son is quite the cutie!


Anxiously awaiting the next chapter......


Love reading this review. Only on page 2 and there have been two comments regarding the wasabi potatoes not having enough wasabi. We were on the Glory two weeks ago and it was the same. The chef happened to come by the table and when we told him we would have liked more wasabi he said they had stopped using so much in the potatoes because so many Americans had complained that there was too much. He was very specific that it was Americans who complained. So I think everybody who wants to order the wasabi potatoes should tell the server they would like extra wasabi and they might get the message. The chef actually went and brought us out another dish with more wasabi and it was marvellous!

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My legs felt a little wobbly and I almost sat right there on the floor and that's when I saw them, Moe, Larry, Curly and all the little rug rats. I could almost see them waving and yelling " welcome home Mama." Thank goodness, I was afraid to hope things had completely changed.


I'm so glad your little (or by this time are they big) stowaways are still with you. I missed them for the time while you were recuperating.


Love reading this review. Only on page 2 and there have been two comments regarding the wasabi potatoes not having enough wasabi. We were on the Glory two weeks ago and it was the same. The chef happened to come by the table and when we told him we would have liked more wasabi he said they had stopped using so much in the potatoes because so many Americans had complained that there was too much. He was very specific that it was Americans who complained. So I think everybody who wants to order the wasabi potatoes should tell the server they would like extra wasabi and they might get the message. The chef actually went and brought us out another dish with more wasabi and it was marvellous!


That's good to know. I'll make sure to ask for extra wasabi in my mashed potatoes.

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After a lovely shower, I put on a muumuu and layed on the clean bed to watch a little Carnival TV. I personally enjoy the loop of the previous days entertainment that every cruise ship shows. I find it relaxing. I also need to be sure I have not been caught in the background haltingly performing the electric slide with my boobies falling from my swimsuit. So far so good. In all my cruises I have completely avoided the camera.

So I got all comfy ready with my kindle and diet pepsi settled in for an hour relaxation before dinner.

"Ma are you sleeping" are the next words I hear. I jerk my head, wipe the spittle from chin, and gaze upon the horrified face of DS. You got it, my muumuu is around my ears. Oh well he'll live. He raced to the balcony so I could " For the love of all that's good and holy get myself together" as he so sweetly put it and I dressed for dinner.

He showered, put on costume numer 3 and we set off for the dining room. Now I said earlier in the review I do not reallly remember all the different foods we ate, only that they were usually fine. I personally think the dinners on Carnival are no where near as good as hey were a few years ago. But again that is personal taste. I am a foodie who actually cooked for a living so I have a different palate than others and most people woulf very much enjoy Carnivals product.

I think this was the night DS ordered the vegetable lasagna as an extra. He loved it. One of our table mates also found this to be one of the best meals she had.



Okay pizza is here and I am starving so I will be back later.:D


Ok, I'm sorry but the visual I'm getting would have made me spit my coffee on my computer monitor :D. Mamaskittles you are too funny. This is a great review.


I was in Grand Turks in May on the Destiny and stopped at the Local Village and thought it was great. Arthur the owner was really friendly and you can see he enjoys the tourist.


Keep up the good work and I hope you continue to get well. You definately have more cruises & reviews to complete ;)

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