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Swollen ankles and feet on a cruise?

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This sounds like a miracle cure so after reading through the posts, I got a bottle of capsules at GNC tonight but wondered later how far in advance I should take them (plus take enough on the cruise to last). Do you think taking them two weeks before leaving is enough or should I do a month? Also, do compression socks help that much? I don't usually wear those since only have problems flying. Many thanks to sharing this!

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After reading this thread I did some research on the Black Cherry Concentrate. I have horrible feet, to the point the Dr wants to do surgery. I suffer from plantar fasciitis. In reading, I saw they are a good anti inflammatory. Well low and be hold, they work for my feet!! It's only been a few days and I can tell a HUGE difference. I'm taking 2 pills twice a day for now until I build it up in my system. My feet aren't 100%, but I say a good 70% difference. I no longer crawl to the bathroom first thing in the am, I just hobble a little. Today I walked all day at the Flower Show, and to and from the train, and here I am not wanting to cry.



THANK YOU! To whoever on this thread suggested these for swelling and making me look more into it. (I do also suffer from swelling on cruises and hope this helps on my 12 day coming up!)

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After reading this thread I did some research on the Black Cherry Concentrate. I have horrible feet, to the point the Dr wants to do surgery. I suffer from plantar fasciitis. In reading, I saw they are a good anti inflammatory. Well low and be hold, they work for my feet!! It's only been a few days and I can tell a HUGE difference. I'm taking 2 pills twice a day for now until I build it up in my system. My feet aren't 100%, but I say a good 70% difference. I no longer crawl to the bathroom first thing in the am, I just hobble a little. Today I walked all day at the Flower Show, and to and from the train, and here I am not wanting to cry.



THANK YOU! To whoever on this thread suggested these for swelling and making me look more into it. (I do also suffer from swelling on cruises and hope this helps on my 12 day coming up!)


Hi,:) wow....glad your feet are doing so much better:)

mine never swell here at home but they do it when I cruise too.

I am going to the Med for 10 nights in May but will be away for

2 weeks.....think I will start taking them about 2 weeks before I

leave, which would be late April.


I really am happy to see your pain had lessened so much you didn't

want to cry:)

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After reading this thread I did some research on the Black Cherry Concentrate. I have horrible feet, to the point the Dr wants to do surgery. I suffer from plantar fasciitis. In reading, I saw they are a good anti inflammatory. Well low and be hold, they work for my feet!! It's only been a few days and I can tell a HUGE difference. I'm taking 2 pills twice a day for now until I build it up in my system. My feet aren't 100%, but I say a good 70% difference. I no longer crawl to the bathroom first thing in the am, I just hobble a little. Today I walked all day at the Flower Show, and to and from the train, and here I am not wanting to cry.



THANK YOU! To whoever on this thread suggested these for swelling and making me look more into it. (I do also suffer from swelling on cruises and hope this helps on my 12 day coming up!)

I know EXACTLY how you felt at the Flower Show. Before I tried the Cherry Concentrate, I had to be pushed off the ship in a wheelchair..the worst it had ever been.

I started taking them 2 weeks prior to my last cruise, and I walked down town in Key West with no problems. Like you, I stopped, and marveled, and almost broke into tears, I was so relieved. I have Sciatica, and hip arthritis, and didn't notice that, hurting, either.:eek::eek:

I also wore compression socks on my flight, and took water pills like candy, just in case.

I had registered on GNC, and and had received a sale for 3 items for $25.00, and free shipping. I had 3 more bottles delivered to me.

I am so HAPPY for you!!!:D:D:D



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Quick question and I'll look at all the responses...I have the capsules(Black Cherry) but I'm really worried about the swelling. I'm thinking bringing a pair of DH's socks, getting them wet and place in a ziploc bag and keep in the frig. Then putting them on in the evening when I am relaxing with my feet up. Anyone think this might work too??? I just hurt so bad once the swelling starts and the skin is so so taut and tight that I can't even depress the swollen areas with my finger.


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I went to Vitamin World and bought 1000 mg black cherry capsules. The gal recommended taking 1000 mg tumeric capsules as well, as tumeric also helps with inflamation. So I'll be taking 1 of each per day a week prior to my cruise and then during the cruise. Hoping for the best! Thanks for the advice!

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I went to Vitamin World and bought 1000 mg black cherry capsules. The gal recommended taking 1000 mg tumeric capsules as well, as tumeric also helps with inflamation. So I'll be taking 1 of each per day a week prior to my cruise and then during the cruise. Hoping for the best! Thanks for the advice!


I have the 1000mg black cherry capsules, maybe I'll get the turmeric capsules as well. The week before and all during our cruise was my plan of attack too. I also hope for the best!!


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I'm a size 2 and struggle with the swelling. In fact, it's worse since I lost 15 pounds!


Yup! I'm a size 4/6 and always hold water on a cruise. Within a couple days after my cruise is over, I'm usually down a couple pounds just from water.

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Quick question and I'll look at all the responses...I have the capsules(Black Cherry) but I'm really worried about the swelling. I'm thinking bringing a pair of DH's socks, getting them wet and place in a ziploc bag and keep in the frig. Then putting them on in the evening when I am relaxing with my feet up. Anyone think this might work too??? I just hurt so bad once the swelling starts and the skin is so so taut and tight that I can't even depress the swollen areas with my finger.



Hi, yes, it might work. But I think getting your feet up is the main

thing.....actually, ask your cabin attendant for some extra pillows

and while you are relaxing put your feet up on them.

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I did get mine at GNC....make sure you call ahead...some of the smaller ones don't carry them.

They cost $15.99 for 60 days. I am in Grand Caymen right now, using their free internet. I have even walked down the stairs on the ship.

I hate to admit this, but I had an old moment, and forgot my capsules at home. Tried to find a GNC in Key West, but would have cost a fortune to get here. So I am surviving on Aspirin, water pills, and compression socks. And I STILL can walk aroun the ports, etc.

They are a blessing.



Cherries have natural anti-inflammatory properties, and are also a natural source of melatonin as other posters have mentioned.


I don't know about how they help with swelling but I use tart cherry concentrate twice a day (versus pills) because it helps manage my pain from fibromyalgia. Its made a HUGE difference in my quality of life. There has been a few studies about the effects of the tart cherries but its not something a lot of medical professionals are aware of. This wouldn't help on a cruise, but if you enjoy the effects of the cherries and want to do it everyday most stores carry a concentrate in the refrigerated juice section/near the produce section where you would find juices like pom wonderful juice or health smoothies like bolthouse. Cherry concentrate is a really neat product and the pain relief has given me an excuse to have a cherry limeade (cherry concentrate, seltzer & wedge of lime) everyday with no guilt.


I never really thought about it until I saw this thread but it does make a difference in my swollen joints on a daily basis. I think I will have to pick up a bottle of the capsules for traveling.

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Originally Posted by neverthought viewpost.gif

Quick question and I'll look at all the responses...I have the capsules(Black Cherry) but I'm really worried about the swelling. I'm thinking bringing a pair of DH's socks, getting them wet and place in a ziploc bag and keep in the frig. Then putting them on in the evening when I am relaxing with my feet up. Anyone think this might work too??? I just hurt so bad once the swelling starts and the skin is so so taut and tight that I can't even depress the swollen areas with my finger.


It might just work. I was so desperate a few cruises ago that I filled a couple socks with ice, then tied them on my feet with the robe ties. During the day, they were kept in my cooler with ice in them. The Steward thought it was funny when I told him I would empty the cooler out so he could refill it as my socks were in there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was armed last cruise with water pills, wore compression socks daily, plus had taken the Black Cherry Concentrate pills before the cruise.

If you register on GNC, sometimes they have sales...I had gotten 3 bottles for around $25.00 with free shipping.

I also bought some Ear Planes (I think it's the name of them) for my flights. My ears used to hurt like MAD, now they don't. Walmart has them cheaper than the drug stores.


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Melanie, you've made a convert out of me. I too have some of the worst swolen ankles on ships that you can imagine. Looks like elephantitus. Awful and painful too. I've tried just about everything everyone on this thread has suggested. So........I went to GNC and bought 2 bottles of the 250 mg pills. The bottle says to take from 2 to 4 daily. Thought I'd start with 2. I surely do hope that this is the miracle pill for all of us suffering this edema. Fat feet in strappy sandals hurt!


Thanks for posting!



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I have the same issue with severe ankle swelling on cruises but it has happened twice when I was not on a cruise:


2 years ago I went from NYC to DC for a week. Drove there. The entire time I was in DC my ankles were like elephant ones. I come home and in one day they are back to normal.


I just came home from South Florida. I was there for 6 days. The day I got there my ankles ballooned. Every morning I woke up and they were back to normal but by the end of the day ballooned again. I drank loads of bottled water and watched my salt intake. I came home on Friday morning and the ankles are fine today not at all swollen and I was walking all over Manhattan before.


I really think it has to do with atmosphere. Call me crazy. Why when I travel south air, car, ship does it happen?

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  • 3 months later...

I was browsing through one of my magazines and found a product called Theraped. I thought someone might be interested in them. You can keep them cool (or warm, if needed) in the fridge or freezer or while cruising...in a bucket of ice ..they slip on your feet and wrap around, they actually look kind of stylish. There is a good picture of them on the at www dot healthenterprises dot com, click on products, then click on hot/cold therapies ..just under $10 Looks like a good idea to me. I also found them on the walmart... getontheshelf site but couldn't find them unless I used the link from the google search..so apparently they are sold also at Walmart but couldn't find them on the regular walmart site..

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I have the same issue with severe ankle swelling on cruises but it has happened twice when I was not on a cruise:


2 years ago I went from NYC to DC for a week. Drove there. The entire time I was in DC my ankles were like elephant ones. I come home and in one day they are back to normal.


I just came home from South Florida. I was there for 6 days. The day I got there my ankles ballooned. Every morning I woke up and they were back to normal but by the end of the day ballooned again. I drank loads of bottled water and watched my salt intake. I came home on Friday morning and the ankles are fine today not at all swollen and I was walking all over Manhattan before.


I really think it has to do with atmosphere. Call me crazy. Why when I travel south air, car, ship does it happen?


Pamrose, I think you hit it right on the button..years ago I was in Hawaii..and my ankles swelled till my toes looked like little sausages...I talked to my Dr about it & he said it's actually the salt in the air you breath when you are on or near the ocean. it makes sense..my feet and ankles swell ..not so much since menopause..whenever I visit my Mom who lives in FL.. I also take the cherry suppliment everday but I take the Cherry/tumeric complex one and it really helps with the swelling and pain in my back and knees.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was browsing through one of my magazines and found a product called Theraped. I thought someone might be interested in them. You can keep them cool (or warm, if needed) in the fridge or freezer or while cruising...in a bucket of ice ..they slip on your feet and wrap around, they actually look kind of stylish. There is a good picture of them on the at www dot healthenterprises dot com, click on products, then click on hot/cold therapies ..just under $10 Looks like a good idea to me. I also found them on the walmart... getontheshelf site but couldn't find them unless I used the link from the google search..so apparently they are sold also at Walmart but couldn't find them on the regular walmart site..

Thanks for posting...I think I might order a couple of those! My feet and ankles always swell when I travel...especially when I cruise. I think the therapeds will really help.

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Thanks for posting...I think I might order a couple of those! My feet and ankles always swell when I travel...especially when I cruise. I think the therapeds will really help.


I got the cherry capsules for my husband , but I think I will try to get a pair of these as well, can't hurt.


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I have had swollen feet and legs on the cruises I have been on. I am going to buy some of the cherry capsules to try for the next cruise. Also, I have a massage therapist who does a special lymphatic drainage massage. I wonder if I went for one of them a few days prior to the cruise if it would help minimize the swelling? Has anyone tried this? :confused:

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  • 8 months later...

I returned from The Independence transatlantic on Saturday the 20th April,two days prior to this I noticed my feet were swollen ,by Sunday I was in agony with what felt to me like cellulitis ,I ended up in hospital had all the tests for dvt etc, all ok .

I do have high blood pressure so they have presumed that this is what has caused it and promptly put me on water pills ......that has not worked ,the pain, shininess and heat are unbearable ,I found this thread and went and bought compression socks which helped for as long as I could keep them on !!which was not long .

I was nearly immobile ,so went back to the gp he has doubled my heart pills and also the water pills ,still no different :(,however in desperation I got the cherry capsules advised on here and I must say the pain has gone and I can at least walk around ,its been 3 weeks now and I still have fat feet !!


Whilst on the cruise I too drank water, not much alcohol, and always limited the ice in drinks ,I hope it goes soon ??

Edited by Icantthinkofone
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I returned from The Independence transatlantic on Saturday the 20th April,two days prior to this I noticed my feet were swollen ,by Sunday I was in agony with what felt to me like cellulitis ,I ended up in hospital had all the tests for dvt etc, all ok .

I do have high blood pressure so they have presumed that this is what has caused it and promptly put me on water pills ......that has not worked ,the pain, shininess and heat are unbearable ,I found this thread and went and bought compression socks which helped for as long as I could keep them on !!which was not long .

I was nearly imobile ,so went back to the gp he has doubled my heart pills and also the water pills ,still no different :(,however in desperation I got the cherry capsules advised on here and I must say the pain has gone and I can at least walk around ,its been 3 weeks now and I still have fat feet !!


Whilst on the cruise I too drank water, not much alcohol, and always limited the ice in drinks ,I hope it goes soon ??


Oh my goodness...I am so sorry to hear (read) about your experience:(

My feet have swollen over the years but I never had pain and never

needed to go to the hospital! Sounds like you really had it bad.


Hope you feel better soon!

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