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No VIP boarding this time-I'm scared

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The OP must have a lot of drama in her life. Lets put things in perspective...unemployment at 8.2%, cities declaring bankruptcy, China's economy slowing down (they buy our debt), foreclosures up this month, all the stuff going on in the Middle East, etc. I could go on and on and you're worried about waiting to board a cruise ship. Really? There are people on this board who just can't afford a cruise right now because of circumstances beyond their control. I mean, really?

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As others have said, time your arrival for around 10am.

However, since you usually book suites

I'm guessing a hotel room the night before isn't out of the question. Best for peace of mind, and no worries about traffic SNAFUs.

Try The Harbor House. It is a 5 minute walk to the terminal.

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I have nothing to cover up...I really hate that this post is being made out to be anything other than a simple question...if I could delete it I would...it's not about 'peasant or peone' lines. We have been on only 2 cruises and I'm wondering what to expect with this upcoming check-in...and no, my kids are not bad, however, having a child w/ADHD at times can be extremely trying and somewhat of a challenge, that being said I'm just trying to be prepared and thought coming to this site would be helpful, which for the most part it has been...until some people try to turn a SIMPLE question into something it's not...it's like, what's the point in trying to get some guidance from experienced people who enjoy the same type of vacations as you when all they're going to do is attempt to turn a person into something completely opposite of who they really are??? Such a Huge Disappointment & Waste...There will be NO MORE replys from me on this.


Again, for those that have been helpful and kind-I appreciate it, Happy Travels!

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I have nothing to cover up...I really hate that this post is being made out to be anything other than a simple question...if I could delete it I would...it's not about 'peasant or peone' lines. We have been on only 2 cruises and I'm wondering what to expect with this upcoming check-in...and no' date=' my kids are not [i']bad,[/i] however, having a child w/ADHD at times can be extremely trying and somewhat of a challenge, that being said I'm just trying to be prepared and thought coming to this site would be helpful, which for the most part it has been...until some people try to turn a SIMPLE question into something it's not...it's like, what's the point in trying to get some guidance from experienced people who enjoy the same type of vacations as you when all they're going to do is attempt to turn a person into something completely opposite of who they really are??? Such a Huge Disappointment & Waste...There will be NO MORE replys from me on this.


Again, for those that have been helpful and kind-I appreciate it, Happy Travels!

The problem started with the title. Should ask something about how do people keep their children occupied while waiting in line;)

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Our 1st 2 cruises we had VIP check-in (was booked in a Suite) sailing out of Galveston was a breeze...no issues with long lines' date=' etc...this is our 3rd cruise and we're sailing on Triumph and we do NOT have VIP check-in because we didn't opt for a Suite and went with a Balcony (on Lido I might add:D). We live in Central Texas and will drive down the morning we set sail and I'm scared to death of getting stuck in long lines with our 2 kids...We're about 3.5 hrs from port and I've already planned to leave EARLY but wanted to see if anyone on CC has advise on the time we should [i']really[/i] arrive at the terminal to avoid the super long lines...OR, do you suggest us camping out in the terminal the night before?:eek: LOL HELP!


Pretty sure the negativity is a response to the part where you say you are scared to death of waiting in a line with your kids...

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My mother would have said "If you don't behave in this line I'll pinch a hunk out of you." She was a pretty good hunk pincher, so it always worked for us kids.


I think these days that type of threat (and then acting on it) would be seriously frowned upon. But I'm sure you can find a way to keep the kiddies entertained while you wait in line. If you get there early it shouldn't been too bad.

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I would just like to say that I am a single mom.. who busted her a$$ for 2 years to pay for this cruise with my 12 yr old...

and I am THRILLED to stand in any line..

I feel blessed to stand in any line..

and I hope I never get to a point where having to stand in line with regular people upsets me.


Hooray ! Come on September !!!

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I have read and reread the OP and I just don't see anything that sounds like she is adverse to standing in line with non-Platinum passengers. :confused:


As the step-mom to an Autistic boy I can understand her concerns about waiting for long periods of time with an ADHD child. It's very easy to say "give them a game" or "pinch a chunk out of them" but let me speak from experience that most traditional forms of distraction and/or punishment DO NOT work on these kids. If you have ever had to deal with an Autistic meltdown in public you'll know what I mean. ;)


To the OP, sorry that you were jumped on. Hope you have a great cruise! :)

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Our 1st 2 cruises we had VIP check-in (was booked in a Suite) sailing out of Galveston was a breeze...no issues with long lines' date=' etc...this is our 3rd cruise and we're sailing on Triumph and we do NOT have VIP check-in because we didn't opt for a Suite and went with a Balcony (on Lido I might add:D). We live in Central Texas and will drive down the morning we set sail and I'm scared to death of getting stuck in long lines with our 2 kids...We're about 3.5 hrs from port and I've already planned to leave EARLY but wanted to see if anyone on CC has advise on the time we should [i']really[/i] arrive at the terminal to avoid the super long lines...OR, do you suggest us camping out in the terminal the night before?:eek: LOL HELP!



Boo Hoo - Just stand in the line with all of us poor souls who do not have VIP checkin and start up a conversation. You might find that people who do not have VIP status might have something interesting to say.

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I would just like to say that I am a single mom.. who busted her a$$ for 2 years to pay for this cruise with my 12 yr old...

and I am THRILLED to stand in any line..

I feel blessed to stand in any line..

and I hope I never get to a point where having to stand in line with regular people upsets me.


Hooray ! Come on September !!!


im happy you are going on your cruise. it will so exciting and fun for you. :)

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I am worried about it...with 2 children and one w/ ADHD...it's been on my mind somewhat


Does the child run around kicking people? I deal with hundreds of ADHD kids all the time and parents generally hold on to them, hold their hand, give them charge of a task, etc. What are you going to do in the rest of the lines for week?


If standing in a line is scaring you, there are some very good books for parents of ADHD kids out there that will help you learn strategies to deal with your child's behavior. You cannot shelter him/her from the world so best to learn what works best starting with standing in a line. He will do this thousands of times in his life starting in kindergarten. Reading some good books on ADHD will give you the strategies you need to help him learn to cope successfully.

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We have a kid with autism and have walked on board plus been given a tour by an officer before any other passenger was allowed onboard - including suites, milestone, etc. Were we allowed VIP boarding? No. Were we on the ship before anyone? Yes. Did we get the stupid boarding photos that we love and collect? No.


Trust me. I would rather wait in a line any.damn.day than have a special needs kid. Not for my sanity (ok, some days it is LOL), but for him to be another regular kid. I only receive that "privilege" because we have a kid who will wig out and make life (line waiting) hell for anyone else. Enjoy your time in line with your typical children.

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Our 1st 2 cruises we had VIP check-in (was booked in a Suite) sailing out of Galveston was a breeze...no issues with long lines' date=' etc...this is our 3rd cruise and we're sailing on Triumph and we do NOT have VIP check-in because we didn't opt for a Suite and went with a Balcony (on Lido I might add:D). We live in Central Texas and will drive down the morning we set sail and I'm scared to death of getting stuck in long lines with our 2 kids...We're about 3.5 hrs from port and I've already planned to leave EARLY but wanted to see if anyone on CC has advise on the time we should [i']really[/i] arrive at the terminal to avoid the super long lines...OR, do you suggest us camping out in the terminal the night before?:eek: LOL HELP!

Oh please !!!!!!!

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My mother would have said "If you don't behave in this line I'll pinch a hunk out of you." She was a pretty good hunk pincher, so it always worked for us kids.


I think these days that type of threat (and then acting on it) would be seriously frowned upon. But I'm sure you can find a way to keep the kiddies entertained while you wait in line. If you get there early it shouldn't been too bad.

I rememeber the thumbnail from hell!!!! it worked for us to but being brats we never learned the lesson no more than a mil times lol

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I have read and reread the OP and I just don't see anything that sounds like she is adverse to standing in line with non-Platinum passengers. :confused:


As the step-mom to an Autistic boy I can understand her concerns about waiting for long periods of time with an ADHD child. It's very easy to say "give them a game" or "pinch a chunk out of them" but let me speak from experience that most traditional forms of distraction and/or punishment DO NOT work on these kids. If you have ever had to deal with an Autistic meltdown in public you'll know what I mean. ;)


To the OP, sorry that you were jumped on. Hope you have a great cruise! :)


I wasn't recommending she pinch a hunk out of her children. And believe me I DO KNOW what doesn't work when a child has a meltdown. I raised 7 kids, 2 of which had problems that I don't even care to explain. I didn't and wouldn't treat my kids like my mom did with us. First of all, what worked on me would not have worked on my two boys. Secondly, it wasn't in me to do that to them. I was just reminiscing, but I should know that people on this board will take things wrong sometimes.


My apologies to the OP if you took my post the same way as the one I have quoted above. I just meant that what seemed to work in the 1960's doesn't work anymore.

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I have nothing to cover up...I really hate that this post is being made out to be anything other than a simple question...if I could delete it I would...it's not about 'peasant or peone' lines. We have been on only 2 cruises and I'm wondering what to expect with this upcoming check-in...and no' date=' my kids are not [i']bad,[/i] however, having a child w/ADHD at times can be extremely trying and somewhat of a challenge, that being said I'm just trying to be prepared and thought coming to this site would be helpful, which for the most part it has been...until some people try to turn a SIMPLE question into something it's not...it's like, what's the point in trying to get some guidance from experienced people who enjoy the same type of vacations as you when all they're going to do is attempt to turn a person into something completely opposite of who they really are??? Such a Huge Disappointment & Waste...There will be NO MORE replys from me on this.


Again, for those that have been helpful and kind-I appreciate it, Happy Travels!


Hopefully you realize by now that the drama in your thread title is what brought all of the negativity.


I believe if you'd asked a simple question you would have gotten a simple answer.

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Our 1st 2 cruises we had VIP check-in (was booked in a Suite) sailing out of Galveston was a breeze...no issues with long lines' date=' etc...this is our 3rd cruise and we're sailing on Triumph and we do NOT have VIP check-in because we didn't opt for a Suite and went with a Balcony (on Lido I might add:D). We live in Central Texas and will drive down the morning we set sail and I'm scared to death of getting stuck in long lines with our 2 kids...We're about 3.5 hrs from port and I've already planned to leave EARLY but wanted to see if anyone on CC has advise on the time we should [i']really[/i] arrive at the terminal to avoid the super long lines...OR, do you suggest us camping out in the terminal the night before?:eek: LOL HELP!



I have read, re-read, and re-re-read this post in an attempt to figure out where this mom has hidden her words of malice and insult. I get that people are sick to death and tired of the drama that surrounds the "I'm better than you" syndrome of being Platinum or the whines from being 'downgraded,' however, this mom did none of that. Yeah, her title may not have been the best choice of words, but the words were not meant to be insulting, rather, to express uncertainty regarding an experience that will be new to her and her family and one which concerns her - a long car ride with her kids, then potentially long crowded lines, and their response to the combo. Since this will be a new experience, she asked suggestions as to when is the best time to get to the terminal - something MANY people do... she just unfortunately used the 'V' word when posing her question. I know we all have our touchy spots, especially when a horse has been beaten to a pulp, ressurected, then massacred, hijacked on the way to the glue factory, and beaten again, or when we feel someone is bragging or gloating, but sometimes we need to have a little perspective and not automatically assume the worst. And yes, my apologies, I know I just jumped on the "let's lecture" bandwagon...but I'm tired and all the horses are dead, so I needed a ride :D


OP...yeah, I've totally forgotten which port you said you were sailing from now, however, many terminals allow people to enter between 10-10:30, and I believe I saw where others have posted this information. My suggestion is to be there by that time, before the lines get long, so you can check in. Leave home earlier than you think you will need, in case of bad weather, traffic jams, road detours, etc. This will also allow you to board with a higher zone so there will be less waiting around. No matter how good anyone's kids are...kids get bored, tired, and grumpy (and so do adults!). As others have suggested, snacks and drinks to keep their blood sugar up and hunger grouchies down, as well as whatever activity completely absorbs them to the point you can say their name and they ignore you. Portable DVD player (with headphones), iPod, handheld video games, iPhone with new apps, etc. You know what will work best for your children, so just go with what you know to keep them absorbed until you can get them through the tedium of the pre & boarding process.


Best of luck, and enjoy your cruise!

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I am worried about it...with 2 children and one w/ ADHD...it's been on my mind somewhat


You should seriously consider arriving around 2:30; AFTER the herd has been processed. You'll virtually breeze through security and check-in and your cabin will be ready as well. No waiting, no time to kill penned up in the terminal. We would never do it any other way...and that's without special-needs kids to contend with.

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